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Posts posted by Doggie.3184

  1. They gave me my old Shadow Trap back finally and polished it up. I used to use it a lot before they broke it and threw it in dumpster for years. It's just like Mesmer portal now which fixes all the mechanics they broke when they cursed us with "no valid path to target." The long uptime is really nice. 60 seconds plus the CD ticks down while it's placed on ground instead of beginning after activating. I still expect bugs though for now cuz it's the life of a teef but it's certainly an exciting actual change for once.


  2. I'm just sad that wardrobe unlocks are marked common but I only recall getting one out of the 73 statues I have currently. By my luck they are marked rare and continue to punish me for buying/collecting all the cheap skins. I been getting a lot of dye kits lately with dyes I already own that are worth 1 silver, which is funny cuz wardrobe unlocks can unfortunately give dyes too, except it'd skip the ones you own already. Can you just stop.

  3. Unending Ocean xpan where all weapons and utilities are finally being usable in both land and underwater... Lotsa boats, islands, wet places, underwater mount and saving the Quaggan homeland from the water dragon; which also clears a path to Cantha Living Story...

  4. I just like how it makes you look like you have a tail, kinda. Opens possibilities for more tails. :)

    The only problem it has is the problem all back pieces have which is it's undyeable: Like I woulda bought the Wyvern Wings if I could dye them gray to match my Sylvari's skin color. I don't wanna spend tons of money on something that doesn't match.

    but isn't it black lion chest only? that means I'll probably never have it.

  5. It took a month to finish mine but I wasn't in much hurry because it simply wasn't entertaining to do. The vast amount of collections were a huge mental drain on me to even look at so I did some and then played something else. I also started with 0 charged quartz. I wish they didn't branch the collections across 500 different ones and kept it in one place.


    Dragonfall sells 5 of each currency.

    Kralk Ore was finished instantly since hearts sell 25 at once.

    Difuorite took me the longest. I just did the hearts on alts except for the anti-gravity one cuz I didn't feel like running there. Did the meta if it happened during progress.

    Inscribed Shards 2nd longest, basically did same thing as Sandswept.

    Mistonium I did full map completion (which gives 25) on a handful of alts + buying from hearts. Which can be done pretty fast since the map is tiny. You can scrape a door on south side for fortress poi. Probably the only PoF map to me that is easy/relaxing to farm as well, I went back there to level Skyscale mastery.

    Branded Masses is a no go on map completion since last poi requires mesmer porting or some crap I can't be bothered with. I did the entire farm through the first heart alone on every character I have then waited for reset. The Heart where you rally the NPC's morale. It takes about 30 seconds to complete and is the best heart in all of PoF. You just travel in a C rallying the solo biscuits and then loop back halfway for the large squads when bar is full and completes quickly.

    Mistborn Motes I just followed commanders around...

  6. -Getting all the King Toad weapons and the Infusion from Speedrunning SAB Tribulation Mode back to back with eventually no deaths once I memorized it. Haven't had the energy though to finish all the Storm ones. Also; finishing Tribulation mode entirely during first week before any guides were made. Took me all day, tons of deaths and spike trap PTSD.


    -Liadri 8 orbs during it's opening year and again when they added new chivo for it.


    Those are some of the few solo accomplishments that are unrelated to farming gold that you have to do yourself so they mean more to me than the legendaries I've made.

    I do however have extra love for HOPE and HMS Divinity cuz they feel like they were designed for me. (too bad they broke my heart by deleting the Thief ricochet trait)


    Bonus: Being able to experience Ancient Karka without crashing; it may of had terrible server stability but I thought it was an epic fight concept. It'd probably run a lot better today than back then. It gave me my 1st precursor as it seemingly was the only creature in all of GW2 to ever have a uniquely higher than normal drop rate for them which caused the great but short lived precursor price collapse of 2012.


  7. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > The game, since it became free there was no reason to buy it. And all the good stuff happened when it went free to play; I mean honestly though if I knew what I knew now about this game, the community and its direction Id probably of done a hard pass even though Im a Gw1 lover and Tyria lover.

    > >

    > > Throwing a tantrum isn't going to help you.


    > Im not im being 100% the game isn't as good as we thought it was going to be, I was disgruntled when they made it free to play and I had bought the core version of the game. Just because you feel it's a tantrum doesn't mean none of us really needed to buy the base game, HoT was what made the game fun or at least better than it had been. But think what you want~ Not like it matters.


    Heh, as a GW1 Assassin player I still certainly feel that way. They're never gonna give me my class back, both look and feel. We're all forced to be squishy stealth pirates now instead of brawlers/martial artists/weapon masters. Daredevil at least tried though but eh. Still squishy and have non-assassin armor and lack of weapons.

  8. Hmm, so Pistol/Dagger Thief has been useless in both PvP and PvE since launch so lets focus on the skill that requires a Pistol with an empty offhand. Cool beanz.

    Lets make Melee Daredevil spec harder to get into Melee range. Neat I guess. Does Swipe do anything else? I don't get it.

    Lets continue to not add Ricochet back to the game to make dual pistols and rifle not the same exact weapon set just with different ranges.

    Nothing really interesting about the rest of the Thief stuff I read so whatever butters your muffins I guess.

  9. because DJ needed to be even more telegraphed and counterable apparently because it's the ruling god in all pvp. I guess people constantly demand even more future sight of it. Eventually people will be able to predict the exact time a Thief will use it 5 hours ahead of time as well as have their own personal "The World" that automatically stops time before it hits them.

  10. I don't like renting virtual content so a subscription of any sort would be offputting. I don't even like ESO's 'optional' sub model. Games are either a psuedo subscription because it annoys you intentionally to encourage/force buying it which reduces the overall enjoyment of the game or it's a required subscription which I never touch because time/money is wasted on people like me who don't play the same one single game 24/7~ I can't just hop in when I want to randomly without buying an overabundance of game time I can't use.


    It's been a pretty long time though since they've catered to me personally with gem store releases. I like normal town-clothes style skins and stuff that doesn't have skirts and buttcapes or look bad and suffocating on males. Anet tends to not only buttcape everything but go full blown bizarre/abstract runway model with most things. Weapon skins have become pointless since I'm a Thief where most of my sets are pointless and/or have legendary weapons already. ;o They never stepped into player housing territory either really, despite having Guild Halls you can edit.

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