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Posts posted by FrownyClown.8402

  1. I also recommend you look at the meta pvp builds for other classes and learn how they work. A big part is muscle memory and another is learning counterplay. I recommend watching videos of great players as that is the quickest way to learn new things

  2. Arcane shield is cool in theory the way it is now, but it can be popped in less than a second by a lot of classes.

    I won't really comment on anything else since I haven't really played since the expansion came out, but this seems pretty spot on from over 6 months ago. GG anet up to your old tricks again

  3. It depends for pvp you are going to want to go sages or vipers depending on your playstyle. If you look at sword 3, almost all of them when dual attuned to fire have a burn so while weaver will have some type of rotation, in general you should be switching into fire every 3 attunements >>fire>>air>>earth>>fire>>water>>air>>fire. Along the lines of that.


    For pve and wvw the damage output with a staff build is going to be very good. Fire/Air/Weaver with a staff will probably be meta in some areas of the game, purely power.


    My advice to you is don't limit yourself to just condition damage

  4. Ride the lightning was intended to be a gap closer. The fact that an opponent dodging it and making the cooldown longer is bad design and will never be reverted. 20seconds base on it is fair.


    Funnily enough, Rune of the DeadEye is going to give 2 stacks of might every time a cantrip is used. You can run a might build again, though I don't believe you would get increased might duration.


    Blinding Ashes seems really good on Weaver since burns will be split instead of just in fire attunement. I agree that 6-7 seconds would make it a must.

  5. Yup, condi burst has always been a problem. In anet's mind condi removal comes from allies in the same way condi application comes from all enemies. Our condi removal as a weaver is fine in 1v1 situations tbh, but its the constant reapplication from multiple sources where its becomes inbalanced.




    A build such as this has pretty good condi removal potential with unravel hexes actually removing 3 condis every time its used (assuming it works properly).


    The only thing I would change is for sword 2 in water to pulse regen , giving 5 condi clears instead of 1. Its a simple fix that requires sword to be used and is not going to create an imbalance with traits and condi removal.

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