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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

    > > Sorry about this, everyone. :( We're working on it as fast as we can.


    > To be fair, I don't think it was expected today anyway unless I missed an earlier communication. Tech difficulties happen so don't worry about it


    I had checked this URL ( https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/february-02-2021/ ) about 4 hours ago and the page said could not be found.. sometimes before a release they create the page, but there was nothing there up until a few mins before the notes.


    Last year they at least put a message on twitter.

  2. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > ***buys Crystal Desert stock***


    As someone in my guild pointed out.. BG getting high population link instead of medium doesn't matter because people are going to bandwagon over to it anyway. Might as well get more money per transfer :trollface:

  3. > @"Shroud.2307" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > You can right-click each weapon and select "Customize", then pick the Sigil from either the Equipment Storage or from your inventory (the former is preferable as you might save some Sigils that way).


    > Weird... That worked, so problem solved. But I never had to do this before, so I'd still consider it a bug. I can double click the Sigils and apply them to two handed weapons, but not one handed.

    > Right clicking then doing "Customize", as you've said, does work though.


    > Thank you.


    Afaik, at least for legendary sigils it has always been like this. For exotic grade sigils you can drop on top of them though. Maybe you are thinking of that?


    Also your gif link is SD video direct link.. here is the original for those that want to watch in higher quality..



  4. I had to help someone with this exact problem, for them it turned out their https certificate wasn't installed so when they visited https://tradingpost-dfw-live.ncplatform.net/humans.txt When you check Inspect mode and go to Security tab .. if it doesn't say "Certificate - trusted and valid"


    This is the issue. They too were on Windows 7.. you will need to install the official certificate from https://certs.godaddy.com/repository/gdroot-g2.crt

  5. When I try to change my legendary runes and use checkbox to apply to all legendary runes equipped, my game crashes immediately.


    *--> Crash <--*

    Assertion: equipSlot < arrsize(m_equipmentSlots)

    File: ..\..\..\Game\Char\Cli\ChCliItemStorageEquipment.cpp(790)

    App: Gw2-64.exe

    Pid: 2740

    BaseAddr: 000000013F8B0000

    ProgramId: 101

    Build: 109519

    When: 2020-12-16T10:44:14Z 2020-12-16T04:44:14-06:00

    Uptime: 0 days 0:02:28

    Flags: 0

    DumpFile: Crash.dmp


    **Edit:** It does not occur when I change a single rune though.

  6. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > Also being caused by certain gathering glyphs.. which I will not say for obvious reasons.


    > It was fixed with the latest patch, though, wasn't it?


    Yep, and they patched it 30 mins after my comment.. so my comment was still valid being it wasn't yet released.

  7. > @"Kurowolfe.7396" said:

    > Ah sorry for late reply. I use Exitlag, they had a ping chart among other things to track performance. Between all the VPNs I tried, including brand names like NordVPN and ExpressVPN, Exitlag's the best in performance. It's only for gaming though, but it does reduce my average ping from 500-800 to my baseline of 300


    Try exitlag's different choices for server. Sometimes it can make a difference.

  8. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Sm92wRx.png "")


    Different things that have triggered a network error for me, but not consistently.


    1. Right click item > sell on trading post > click list / sell button > bam, network error.

    2. Right click salvage kit > Choose Salvage type > Click Accept > bam, network error.

    3. Press F12 > Click Character Select > bam, network error (even though I was going back to character select anyway??)


    To put this clearly, this is not an internet problem because I can immediately go back into the same character, and it always happens when dealing with the inventory.

  9. > @"Coldmail.9672" said:

    > Yes ALL chests.

    > No I'm not in the same instance and it doesn't matter.




    From my extensive knowledge of how AB works. In the past I've landed on 2 different instances that shared the same IP. I could loot from 1 but not the other because I had looted from it 2 hours previously, but on the 3rd time around when I landed on a completely different IP I couldn't loot it. Depending on how many times it was already done, there could quite possibly a hard cap on chests per day no matter big or small (I never ran it enough to find out). Even though you can sometimes loot the big chests more than once a day. After a certain number of chests have been gathered, it could quite possibly cap the rest of them out.

  10. > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > The golems walk through walls and attack people inside structures. CC'ing them.

    > They can be given barriers so they live longer. Sure, it takes from players, but the golem itself is a 50k barrier, so /shrug.

    > It's totally broken in it's current iteration.


    Pets and also mesmer clones take up those slots as well, and also go through walls.

    And chances of golems actually getting barrier is small because the radius (at least with the heal), is only 240.. if attacked just once that golem is off on its own away from barrier.


    The idea behind golems is to mess with targeting. In order to beat the group running them, you have to single target focus down squishy players (revs, necros, core guards), and try to kill them before they can signet rez.

  11. > @"Heibi.4251" said:

    > Please take a serious look at either banning its use in WvW or changing it's stats massively. 3-4 minute cooldown, 30 second lifespan, 5000 to10,000 health, and no CC(in WvW). Thank you for your time.


    So what you are asking is, extend the respawn by almost 3-4 times longer, and cut the health down by almost 5 to 10x the HP amount. Basically making it 1 shotable, and worthless. No I don't agree with this at all. At the very most the only thing I agree with is the damage reduction from the CC ability. The only other rune that can compare to this is Eagle, which is 10% more damage to targets under 50%. If golem CC is an issue, maybe support classes aren't properly rotating skills? Does anyone ever record their WvW footage for everyone to go through to see how well they played? Any arcdps logs to check stability and aegis uptime?


    Personally I would rather not have it get nerfed based on someone's ability to play properly. And no I am not pointing fingers directly at you, but it could be a handful of people that were playing with you that weren't performing optimal.


    **Edit:** Also tested. The golems also absorb nearby boons and cleanses. So if people are running them and someone has a 10 target ability (like warrior warhorn). It will first prioritize the 5 people in that warrior's party, and then it spreads randomly.. so golems might get them as well, making is so the people that need them the most might not get them. So at least for 10 target abilities it's hurting those.


    My suggestion: That same guild you were talking about running golemancer runes. You should try fighting against them and ask them to not use the runes and see how things go.

  12. > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

    > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > Maybe related to WvW crashes ? Or is that a completely different crash inducer ? Cause it looks like using any tactic in WvW causes a crash


    > That's part of what we're looking into. I'm sorry it's still causing problems :(, but everyone is working on it as quickly as they can.


    Related to Tactivators.

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