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The Fear.3865

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Everything posted by The Fear.3865

  1. Still no snowflakes with the wintersday sickle, and the event ends soon. :(
  2. No bug, only convenience. ![](https://i.imgur.com/F32NPLo.jpg "")
  3. > @"Aesir.3192" said: > Hello, > > What's happening to the account's total playtime when a character is deleted? Since it says "Across all characters" and not "Across the account", do you lose playtime as well? Nope nope.
  4. Elementalist (core or weaver btw) is the only class you can fight on a node with, die, wait for respawn, go back to the same node, and still have all your utilities on cd for half a min+ Once I experienced this, I just stopped ele in pvp, and this is my favorite class by far.
  5. Do we need moar effects ? <3 ![](https://i.imgur.com/cctTnox.jpg "")
  6. Gw2 experience is about the dynamic gameplay and the diversity of every class/builds. If you're just playin a single class, you're missing >75% of gw2 content, what's the matter of missing a bit of endgame if you don't give a kitten about fully playing the game ?
  7. I don't really like it but it's fun, i'll try to drop it from BL chests, for the meme :)
  8. > @"lummuss.6850" said: > Do you know what is hilarious ?! I tried in many ways to complete at least the three daily achievements, but I gave up because I found those achievements very confusing and difficult to understand ... Maybe you should try to read cause there are nothing confusing about "throw 3 snowballs on peeps" or "finish the jumping puzzle once". And maybe do the same for the rest of the event. Wintersday is about classic content with Christmas sauce : strikes, dungeons, race, jumping puzzle, pvp, open world and original activities. There is nothing to understand if you have already play gw2, you just click, enter activities and play.
  9. They should delete all the skills since they are useless and switch them to PvE skills, every class has access to these skills, with the same use, but different animations according to the race. Ex: Transformation as an elite skill, same skills 1-5 but different animations, Norn got bear transformation, human goes avatars, asura in da golem, charr got some kind of tank and no idea for Sylvari but we could easily imagine something. Same goes for utility skills. This would assure balance between races, keep differences in a fashion wars game and we could use these skills for once.
  10. They should stop thinking about e-sport or pseudo balance and add some fun. Gw2 is so dynamic we could have every game modes any fps/quake like could have, capture the flag, deathmatch/team deathmatch, theme arenas with ban skill/spec (like codex in gw1). And please, RANDOM ARENAS without matchmaking and something like title/achievements on winstreak. Why all gw2 is about punishing winstreak ? New game modes, new rewards, some titles, achievements, special pvp items. Gw2 is a mmorpg, and pvp has nothing to give. It's actually easy to add some fun on pvp, and reasons for players to come back. They don't even try.
  11. Abyss stalker outfit is the best you can do with medium charr. No coat, no buttcapes, fits really good, special effect or not if black dye. <3
  12. This is all about fake kp. More kp you will ask <1 stack, more fake kp peeps you will get. It's so easy to fake one stack of kp with a simple macro "enter up enter", fake kper tends to join high req groups to get carried, so if you ask a single stack of old kps not avalaible, of course you'll get these guys on your team. Ask for 100 kp, or use kp.me, you'll get better groups.
  13. Random arenas, Team arenas and the end of matchmaking. This is all I want <3
  14. Agree, really anoying, my solution is to put glyphs on the first slots of my inventory, then it swaps correctly, but ye, cant use shared slots for that.
  15. Fun fact, the engi probably runnin zerk build
  16. I mainly wear armor, I like to mix. I sometimes use outfits too, cause medium armor are complete garbage.
  17. 100% agree. I like to grind collections (especially black lion and festival ones) to get the biggest collection page, and I usually complete the meta achiv from living story dodgin anoying achievements. This is probably why I never started any of the living story collection. Imo collections should be removed from the meta achiv reqs. They belong to collection pages.
  18. They put special items 2 updates after the release in BL chests, you missed the watchwork wings last year. You'll probably wait more cause this is not going to happen during wintersday.
  19. I vote Griffon cause it looks really cool and it's fun to play with, but I use every mounts. Skyscale is the most versatile one, you can do everything, really fast and acurately. Godmod of exploration and harvest. Griffon is the fastest mount, really useful to cross an entire map in 2 seconds. But you need to climb before, if you cant, use roller beetle (on PoF basically). Raptor on short and flat distance (between 2 tarir chest for example). Jackal needed to cross areas with a lots of ennemies, without taking a single hit. Skimmer for underwater content, really helpful on orr exploration. Springer... To cc world bosses lel.
  20. Verdant Brink is the best map in the game imo, aesthetically, terrain, large spreading meta, but the only thing lacks this map to be a silverwastes like is the rewards...
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