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Leo G.4501

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Posts posted by Leo G.4501

  1. > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > As a Charr enthusiast, I have to say "Kikanchou Byakko" hurts me. It's real-world referential and *really* Japanese. Or in the least, really *Canthan*.

    > Charr extend from Roman/Latin roots, and their warband names are hints of their personality. Chosen well, they're pretty unique among the usual fantasy tropes, even if they might not look like it on the surface (ie, another "adjective-noun" combo like Moonbrooke or Greysummer). The names are a tiny story unto themselves.



    I would agree with you but never think in absolutes. I usually approach stuff like this as a challenge in how one can spin a piece of information into a story and then bridge off of that into other variations and stories.


    Although it's hard to work in a language that doesn't exist in Tyria (I dunno GW lore that deeply, maybe Cantha has a language based off Japanese?) you could perhaps use Byakko as an actual creature or demon that a warband was formed to hunt or capture for some reason. That or after going gladium (or never being part of a warband), they named themselves after researching something or another.


    What I'm saying is, it's not impossible although I don't have any investment in trying lol

  2. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > Economy working as intended.

    > >

    > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > >Solution anet remove gems for gold and gem store in favor of a less abusive system wich can turn gambling like sub fee if you cant use real money to get gold you cant ecto gamble can you.

    > >

    > > Absolutely not. Gem/Gold exchanges is one of the things that prevents GW2 from being too p2w. Myself along with many others, like being able to buy cash shop items with in game gold and then transfer gems back in case we need it. Locking up the gem store because a small minority of people have mental health problems is ludicrous.

    > >

    > > Being a Baizuo is bad. Do not be a Baizuo.

    > >


    > Gambling addiction and/or mental health is no small issue that is simply being dumb ignorant. If the issue was so insignificant why then are governments beginning to take a serious look at the gaming industry with these issues in mind.

    > Ignorance is bliss though I guess


    Meh, there are government movements to inhibit your privacy online and arrest/fine you for "hate speech" as well.


    Ignorance is bliss though I guess.

  3. > @"Madjoh.6054" said:

    > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > Economy working as intended.

    > > Absolutely not. Gem/Gold exchanges is one of the things that prevents GW2 from being too p2w. Myself along with many others, like being able to buy cash shop items with in game gold and then transfer gems back in case we need it. Locking up the gem store because a small minority of people have mental health problems is ludicrous.


    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > >

    > > You gain the same thing that you get from logging into GW2: entertainment.

    > >

    > > Since it's not a tangible good, it (gambling) and logging into GW2 are exposed to subjective moral judgement on if it is a positive or negative that should or shouldn't be banned.


    > Very interesting..... Some of you is acting, that I try to steal shiny from them. Actually I try to rethink myself and maybe yourself und push a discusion forward, which helps the "minority" of the players (and my friend).




    I'm trying to present a center view as I tend to with a lot of subjects.


    That is to say, I'd be lying if I said I hold empathy for your friend. In reality, I don't know that person and is no closer or further to me than anyone else posting here. If this were my friend, I'd appeal to their situation. If my bud complained about not having money for drinks or their wallet being tight because of their kids' needs or they were exhibiting crises in the home due to finances, I'd instruct them to not waste money on games and put in more hours at work. I'd tell them this because I have empathy for my friend and want to genuinely help them fix their problem (wasting money). If my bud wasn't having any money issues and still gambled, then there is no problem.

  4. > @"Madjoh.6054" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > @"Madjoh.6054" said:

    > > > _What about personal accountability_

    > > I'm wondering how many players will be lost if Ecto gambling is removed. Or, how about the slippery slope that removing such content leads to? I mean, there's always something in-game that 1 or a few players object to.

    > > I'm also wondering about all the other gambling games/apps/etc. available on the internet/through games/etc. Does the friend abstain from them? If so, there must be some kind of self-control in play; perhaps said self-control could be applied to Guild Wars 2, as well. And, if the friend gambles elsewhere online, it won't make any difference if it is removed from Guild Wars 2; the friend should seek some professional help.


    > Thanks for the advice, but she is old enough and she knows about her addiction.


    > To the rest, prove me wrong or answer my question: What do you gain from ekto gambling at all as an user?


    You gain the same thing that you get from logging into GW2: entertainment.


    Since it's not a tangible good, it (gambling) and logging into GW2 are exposed to subjective moral judgement on if it is a positive or negative that should or shouldn't be banned.

  5. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"Shala.8352" said:

    > > and if she didnt bankrupt, the gamgling in this game would be okay? Doesnt matter if it's a 12+ game, a child is not gambling real money in this game, only gold. And how is a child able to buy gold for real money? Do his parents give him a real credit card? In italy you can have a credit card and do transaction with it only if you are 18+.

    > > If you consider ecto gamling as a real money gamble, then also any flipper in any video game room is a money gamble game.

    > >

    > > Your friend has to learn that in the real world, and in videogames too, no one gives away anything for nothing. And this is coming from someone who lost 4k gold in ecto gamble.

    > >


    > Your missing the point.. the child might only be gambling in game gold but it implants the desire to gamble and that then bleeds outside of the game.. that is the issue surrounding gambling activities within games and why some countries are beginning to take it very seriously.

    > Gambling addiction does not just happen all of a sudden it starts from the smallest seed and grows.

    > If this child is left to undertake such activities then parents must shoulder the blame for sure, but implementing the ability to gamble lies firmly at the feet of ANET and other companies that are keen to profit from it. Business is business, but when such in game systems are expose those underage and at risk then there is a problem and it seems countries like Belgium have taken a stand to out such activities that promote the risk, it won't be too long before others take the same decisions imo. The UK is already looking at it, gambling companies are now being pushed to do away with all forms of in event advertising whilst events are active and rightly so.

    > Loot boxes, especially in the way ANET implements them, does however offer some half way house solution, same as the random mount boxes by offering other ways to obtain some of shinnies without the need to gamble.. it's not perfect imo, but it's a step in the right direction.


    I'd argue the opposite.


    A child exposed to probability that is truly random is more likely experience the "losing" side of the gamble and understand that this is the most likely outcome. There's also the possibility they will ONLY experience the "winning" side of the gamble and get a skewed impression of gambling, but it's unlikely.


    It's the same thing with certain religious sects that prohibit all forms of sexual contact until after marriage and you end up with repressed people that resort to deviant behavior that ends up causing more harm to others. These individuals are so unprepared to deal with these situations, unintended results happen and you end up with religious leaders taking advantage of kids or mature adults selling their entire properties trying to win back stuff they gambled away.

  6. What lead your friend to be addicted to gambling?


    Rather than ban something, I'd prefer to just educate people on probability. Some people know the odds and just enjoy playing them. Losing isn't technically harmful as it is part of the concept of gambling (it's what makes winning feel good). It's pointless banning everything people deem as bad as that just leads to more limitations and less freedom.


    What's stopping the banning or limitation on MMORPGs? It can be seen as addicting and harmful to people's social life. Why not limit all players to only 3 hours a day? How about internet addiction? Should IPSs start throttling your bandwidth after a certain threshold of data so as to limit the harmful effects of over exposure to the internet?

  7. From a realist's PoV: No one is going to know anything about or care about even half those name, only if it's difficult to spell or remember or if it's of topical relevance.


    From a personal PoV: I hope more people utilize the naming system to make the usage of titles in names less scoffed at and allow people to use more common names (because common names are common for a reason) rather than feeling obligated to drag as much obscurity from the dredges of the internet to feign depth in naming conventions.


    For transparency: I'm actually quite terrible at naming characters (in games and past created works). It's fine. Some people have a nack for making even non-names into cool usage too which is less of a talent for naming but a product of ingenuity and charisma.


    EDIT: I'd applaud you for your capable names (as they certainly are very creative) but you seemed to have done that enough yourself. I personally have less patience in trying to create names and likely will come up with better names long after initial creation.

  8. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > What if GMs and devs had the capabilities of just doing crazy stuff for the fun of it? Like invading a quiet map with saurians and raptors or summoning a dragon boss in a starting zone or turning off gravity in an odd place? It wouldn't be announced or planned and would require players spreading the word for more players to join in. Not an every day thing, just a community fun thing.

    > >

    > > ...or is this thread about rewards?


    > I agree that would be fun, and I'd love to see that happen when I'm on the map, but I'm not convinced it would help with this problem. For it to work you're relying on the few people who are on that map recognising that these enemies are not normally there and that it's something unusual enough to be worth mentioning so they tell their guild/s about it (since that's the only way to get the word out without leaving the map), and the people they tell being interested enough that they'll drop what they're already doing to come and see.


    > Imagine you're in Iron Marches and you suddenly see loads of Inquest golems, or pocket raptors or something else which obviously does not belong there. Would you tell everyone you know to come and see? Now imagine you're on the other end - you're in the middle of doing your dailies or completing a story instance or doing a meta-event or whatever you typically do in-game and someone in your guild says "Hey guys, there's loads of pocket raptors all over Iron Marches!" Would you stop what you were doing to go and see? Or say "ha, cool, that's so random!" and carry on?



    But that's the thing. It shouldn't be something that is seen as an obligation to participate in but it should be something people would likely go peek at and possibly chat about in map/guild chat.


    It could also be a kind-of testing ground to just try stuff out like giving mobs that have generic attacks, skills that players have or enemies that only show up in some story instance and pop them around the map. Or just some generic lore they want to get people talking.


    Then there's also the resource investment. Would such a thing shake the server causing everyone to flock to it? Probably not...but how many resources would it take? In my idea, it'd be like 3-4 GMs/devs for a couple hours. Any other idea in this thread likely would require a team of devs dozens of man-hours.


    I'm just saying, people want blanket fixes to problems that have deep systematic issues that likely have no solution except acceptance. If so many maps aren't being used, then let the individuals who can make playgrounds out of them.



    > As much as I genuinely think this would be a fun surprise I have to admit my reaction would vary, and lean more towards thinking that's interesting and carrying on with what I'm doing. Because what would happen if you did go? You see there are indeed pocket raptors all over Iron Marches. You kill some, maybe help someone else survive them, maybe spot the dev who spawned them somewhere on the map appearing to be afk because they're busy spawning raptors and answering whispers. Then you...go back to what you were doing. (Not to mention the inevitable player who just wanted to get in, get map completion done as fast as possible and get out again who is now absolutely furious that someone from Anet is deliberately trolling them by making it '10,000x harder' than it should be just because they're bored and want to show off their dev powers.)


    Very likely.


    But how is this different from people playing instruments and showing off their fashionwars?


    An invasion of pocket raptors in Iron Marches? Maybe I'd check it out. How about pocket raptors who all have the Burning Speed and Drake's Breath skill? Hmm, That seems rather insane. I'd think I'd HAVE to see that.


  9. What if GMs and devs had the capabilities of just doing crazy stuff for the fun of it? Like invading a quiet map with saurians and raptors or summoning a dragon boss in a starting zone or turning off gravity in an odd place? It wouldn't be announced or planned and would require players spreading the word for more players to join in. Not an every day thing, just a community fun thing.


    ...or is this thread about rewards?

  10. > @"Kovac.4372" said:

    > I could skip humans and sylvari as the first are quite generic anyway and the latter are new in Tyria and still shaping.


    > However the others:


    > - The norn used to be solitary hunters, seekers of fame and glory, each hunter a one-man army basically as seen at the end of GW1 when only a couple join you to fight the Great Destroyer. What we have though is a pretty large population of them, scattered about Kryta mostly, evenly spread out in the three orders and in the Pact ... completely domesticated compared to their ancestors, wearing uniforms and following orders as part of a hierarchy ... if we went into it too much we could even imagine norn dishwashers, because hey someone has to do that job in the Pact as well.


    > - the charr basically united into a great military machine, finally liberated Ascalon, an unstoppable force that was only stopped by the waking of the dragons. However NOW, as the threat doesn't seem that much serious anymore, where's the renewed drive to continue the campaign that was halted because of the Mursaat and that whole thing? Charr are predators, not some tame kittens. If not on the official front, there should at least be widespread discontent and conservative factions rising up among the charr, calling for war. Plus the same about the orders as with the norn.


    > - the asura were forced to the surface by the Destroyers and basically Primordus. They immediately took control of their surroundings and assumed an intellectually superior position towards the other races. The others were inferior and not equal. Did that change? Their cultural stance should be supremacist, distrustful to the other races. Maybe they're not inclined for conquest but there should be a more defensive approach to dealing with bookahs. Maybe building a wall? Like the tengu did? Also it wouldn't be farfetched to picture the asura dreaming of being the masters of Tyria, as they are superior to everyone else.




    You should figure if you're going to use that little political jab there toward the end.


    A lot of your points have obvious political events covered in the game that help explain the shifts. Are they organic shifts? Perhaps not, but I can suspend my disbelief when the concept of forces of nature seeking the destruction of all civilization is the driving force of the story plot.

  11. > @"Gorzagorz.3291" said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > Well, there's the 'Dev (actually President) statement' that the studio feels that working on old content isn't as studio/player-satisfactory as working on (creating) new content.

    > > > But, you never know when a Dev might post in a thread.

    > > >

    > > > Good luck.

    > >

    > > I understand that, which is why I suggested creating (new) features in addition to re-doing the old content.

    > >

    > > Aiming for an action-game feel to the pacing is only a goal. What new features they could add could be the part you're mentioning.

    > >

    > > Imagine if they added a "score" to the instance that took certain criteria into account, you could then make boards for instances just like adventures with rankings like gold, silver, bronze, etc. What if you also expanded this scoring system so that you could use those "points" to purchase power-ups in those instances? Some players do complain about troubles with certain instances, imagine if an Acrade Mode gave those players the option to spend their points (lowering their score) to make those instances easier?


    > I wasn't aware of a statement like that but I was guessing that the devs wouldn't be too keen to revisit old content to completely rework it. That's why I was trying to keep the proposed changes to the minimum that would be required to make the episodes engaging. But if it's better to pitch something more new and complex then I kinda want to start up video editing software and make a rough edit of a playthrough with a bunch of arcadey things added. I didn't play SAB in a few years but I enjoyed just playing that clunky thing repeatedly trying to get as many baubles as I can in a single run.


    I wasn't aware of the statement but I understood the mentality. It's why they stopped poking at certain zones or dungeons and focused instead on new fractals and new zones and the permanent living world chapter set-up.


    I think one healthy angle to aim for is content replayability when we're talking about the longevity of an MMO. At some point, either in the near or less-near future, GW2 is not going to be as popular and there will be less (or no) budget to make all these shiny maps and mounts and skins and living world chapters and you're going to want to lean on your backlog of old content. Why not start rolling the ball on what that polish should look like now?

  12. I always wondered if the devs or anyone else came up with some of the ideas I have for stuff like this. I can only assume, those that spend so much more time on this game than I do likely already came up with such ideas and scrapped them.


    Just an off the wall idea: Remove stacking auras. That is, elemental auras will replace an aura of another element (and Chaos/Light will replace each other). You could create a mechanic similar to transmute that either auto-desctructs the replaced aura before applying the new one to allies or add in some unique element like a Fire+Frost Aura creates a "Fog/Steam Aura" (depending on which replaces what) that grants evade frames or a Fire+Air Aura creates a "Caustic/Backdraft Aura" that immobilizes and reduces damage.


  13. I like the idea....BUT....


    One thing I do not like is changing something within the game that isn't inherently destructive or harmful that ultimately removes a playstyle from the playerbase that likely someone somewhere enjoyed. They did this with Phantasms and Spirit Weapons (and technically, with Nature Spirits) and it always rubs me the wrong way that a player who had fun with the game can take a break and come back to the game only to find out the have to not only relearn the game but simply cannot do something they once did purely because someone wanted something different.


    My only suggestion is, perhaps link this functionality change to the Conjurer trait. Yes, you'd have to take a trait line to utilize such a cool feature which is limiting to those that might want to weave this into a tight build, but that's what balance is...it's give and take and sacrifices to get a desired property. In fact, if such limits were imposed, that'd be more reason to make these ideas more attractive.


    Also, one might point out that "It'd just be more complicated having to balance both old and new conjure skills simultaneously" to which I'd simply answer: THEN DON'T! Just leave regular current conjure skills alone (don't ever touch them again) and aim all attempts to make conjures more competitive to this traited functionality. Not everything has to directly compete with everything else always in a game meant to be fun. Stop ripping people's characters, themes, backstories and styles away from them for the sake of balance lol

  14. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Well, there's the 'Dev (actually President) statement' that the studio feels that working on old content isn't as studio/player-satisfactory as working on (creating) new content.

    > But, you never know when a Dev might post in a thread.


    > Good luck.


    I understand that, which is why I suggested creating (new) features in addition to re-doing the old content.


    Aiming for an action-game feel to the pacing is only a goal. What new features they could add could be the part you're mentioning.


    Imagine if they added a "score" to the instance that took certain criteria into account, you could then make boards for instances just like adventures with rankings like gold, silver, bronze, etc. What if you also expanded this scoring system so that you could use those "points" to purchase power-ups in those instances? Some players do complain about troubles with certain instances, imagine if an Acrade Mode gave those players the option to spend their points (lowering their score) to make those instances easier?

  15. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Unfortunately for this suggestion, the reason we don't already have cut-scenes that can be skipped/shortened is the technical limitation. Much goes on behind the (cut)scenes.

    > A search would bring up the Dev statements on the topic (either in this forum, or the archived one).


    > Good luck.


    I'm pretty sure this suggestion would require them to basically remake all those instances as their own unique instances...but I think it's likely much easier to start with a full instance and then remove aspects of it. The portion that would be tough is the testing.


    Still, even if it is more work, it is something worthwhile. Think about it: it's only adding even greater QoL features to a game people complain is dry on content. Repurposing already made content for achievements gave players a need to replay old content but it didn't iron out the annoying QoL issues such a repurposing caused. Rebranding their living story instances with an Acrade Mode with new options (likely unlocked through that same achievement system, so after completing a set of instances in "Story Mode") seems like a brilliant proposition, one that I think deserves an actual dev statement.

  16. I like it.


    As a fan of old skool arcade beat em ups, I'd add an arrow that pops up and points you in the right direction after you defeat all the mobs in an area. Heck, maybe even a score keeping mechanic when you play with friends.


    I'm just adding my two cents, not really high jacking your idea. Just thought it would be neat and stream lined is it felt like a pure action game for those trying to get through missions for the achievements.

  17. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > We just got two new full sets of armor the last episode. ANet tells us it takes around 8-9 months per set, with only modest savings by using similar skins (since the bulk of the work isn't the original design or the initial rendering; it's in getting all the details right).


    > According to ANet, even the devs would love to see more armor skins in the game; it's just not a realistic goal, as long as the skins are as rich & complex as the ones we've seen so far.


    Not being very thorough with your response considering how you'd usually post links to other similar threads or Dev posts links. At least reply to the op's actual comment.


    But the idea to separate an outfit into armor parts can only be done if the outfit was designed like the armor to begin with. Think of outfits as a different armor weight (light, medium, heavy and outfit) and most parts cannot be mixed across those weights. I've always heard it was the anchor points and clipping being what limits mixing across armor weights but I've heard other convincing arguments to the contrary.


    That being said, I think outfits are great and hope they not only make more but improve on outfits so there are more ways to wear them (such as being able to disable the gloves or other parts and possibly even allow your armor helm to show while wearing the outfit). There's a lot of improvements and QoL changes they could add.

  18. > @"Chasind.3128" said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > @"Chasind.3128" said:

    > > > If a woman REALLY went into combat, she did not have a breast plate for each breast.

    > >

    > > But, for the most part, a woman wouldn't go into combat. So what she would actually wear is an assumption on an exaggerated exception.

    > >


    > Viking Women and Japanese women would go into combat- not quite like the men but they had female warriors- they did not wear the unrealistic boob plates either. Even Ancient Rome had their women train for combat.


    Those are exceptions. Since exceptions are not the norm, Crafters and blacksmiths rarely, if ever, created armor for those exceptions thus those exceptions would not be catered to (and likely wore men's armor).


    But the game takes place in a fantasy where women on the battlefield is a norm and so aesthetics will be different.

  19. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Or...they want the Devs to understand that a portion of the playerbase would prefer they work on something other than those 2 choices, however unlikely the choices are.


    Not everything has to be an affront to appeal for developer attention.


    If anything, I'd have hoped posters that want a race change (the obvious unpopular option in the poll) would explain some reasons why they'd prefer it over a new race and maybe a discussion about problems with work-arounds could be had.

  20. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > The problem with racials is that they are race exclusive and depending on balance


    > Just block them for use in PvP, WvW, and raids. Problem solved.


    > There really is no need to make them so bad that _no one_ wants to use them, even in open world PvE.


    They are already blocked in PvP (or maybe it's just ranked?) but I could see some people complaining about not being able to use them in WvW. I honestly don't care about raids so yeah, block them in raids (I doubt anyone would complain). I figure, just have a split between WvW/Dungeon/Fractal and Open World for racial skills.


    I think a lot of people would argue that it'd be too difficult to balance and blahblahblah, but I feel they should be focused on making the racial skills cool and fun. For starters, Norn transformations and Asura Golems need to be toggles.

  21. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > > > > I think the high skill players are rewarded by prestige. They get a lot more props and attention if they duel or upload a soloing video than someone showing their guild taking on a map event or zerging in WvW.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > They also have more knowledge to strut with regards to build viability, counters and advice.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Is it just me or are there not that many rewarding rewards either way? When I play GW2, it's because I'm having fun, not for the rewards.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Id rather be handed legendaries for possessing 10x the amount of skill then the average player, thanks. Especially if they are legendaries that you can only get with said personal skill and by no other means, especially not being able to mooch off of others abilities or get carried or pay your way to victory.

    > > > >

    > > > > So you want external validation for yourself on top of the external validation other players will give you?

    > > > >

    > > > > Fair enough. So long as you yourself accept that hollow justification as well. They are just skins, after all. No harm in throwing out more bones.

    > > >

    > > > Yup that's all I'm asking for, a legendary that cant be obtained by opening your wallet, which you can with 99% of the legendaries in the game. I dont see those people walking around with any less prestige or sense of accomplishment that have obtained those.

    > > >

    > > > Tons of raiders walking around with full legendary and they paid for the clears same with those in spvp who paid for carries to legend or wvw where you simply get them by showing up and pressing one, much more efficiently then actually playing wvw with technical skill and prowess.

    > > >

    > > > Might as well have some legendary equipment thats actually based on something besides pay to win, or show up and chat to win.

    > >

    > > Just so you know, this is a request made out of envy. It wouldn't be the first (so many things have been begged to make more accessible in the game) and likely won't be the last.

    > >

    > > But from my perspective, I give no more prestige to those walking around with legendaries and raid armor than any other player. Heck, most of the time I look down on those types because they tend to be stuck in their ways and would sooner tell a player to go respawn than bother rezzing or using utilities to help out struggling players.


    > Envy? I'm asking for legendaries and content that allows for players to display their advanced skill and earn a corresponding reward that is reflective of that skill. What am I envious of, all the other legendaries? Or people who have them? Lol. My entire post is showcasing that the other legendaries are a joke to earn, they are too easily obtained and require no skill.


    Because those people with the legendaries, to you, get as much prestige as a skilled player that doesn't have those legendaries. If we're talking about prestige solely, a skin is merely a trophy and an individual that must constantly prove their skill by flagging their trophy around isn't really prestigious at all. It's usually those that have legions of fans and peers acknowledging their credentials that have true prestige.


    Again, I'm not trying to subtract from your suggestion (I actually support it). I'm just describing how hollow it is.

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