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Posts posted by Avatar.3568

  1. > @"UN Owen.2794" said:

    > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > After mat.


    > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > After mat.

    > thats waht they said last time lol



    Because when a balance patch is coming its after the mat.

    It was expected already in early January from a few sources.

    The only good thing is, when the patch comes later it addresses more things

  2. > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > I mean it was a very small patch that could be done in less than 1 minute, and the Q was lasting 5 minutes. I dont see how it would get in the way of anyone unless you have absolutely trash internet, not defending the fact the timing was bad its no where near as bad as "ridiculous" xd


    3 years ago I loaded with 7 kilobytes, idk if this would be enaugh

  3. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > Guardian beats mesmer, engi, thief

    > > > Guardian is 50/50 with necro, warrior, these matchups really come down to skill or 1 lucky hit turning everything around.

    > > > Guardian loses to rev/ren, ranger, weaver

    > > >

    > > > So, no, guardian is not "the strongest". If you're a mesmer or thief I can imagine you'd think that. But if you're a renegade guardians are free food. Guardian actually has a fairly balanced mix of matchups, with some being easy and some being very hard.

    > > >

    > > > I'm assuming this is a troll post; the above is just an FYI for anyone else reading this. If it isn't a troll post...... yikes. Just try asking anyone in the top 100 what the strongest 1v1 class is. It'll be a looooong time before anyone says "guardian".

    > >

    > > > Guardian is 50/50 with necro, warrior, these matchups really come down to skill or 1 lucky hit turning everything around.

    > > > Guardian loses to rev/ren, ranger, weaver

    > > Depends on build right?

    > >

    > > Again war, FB can win quite easily? Core bunker can not loose to it and can win the node, same for rev?

    > > ranger, at least it is super easy to kill the pet for a burn guard?

    > >


    > Well, yes it depends on build. The above is a general guide, not true for every possible combination of builds. FB from a year ago would beat warrior easily.... but you must have missed like 10 balance patches to think that's still true.


    > Ranger pet will only die in a 1v1 with guard if the ranger isn't paying attention and doesn't make use of pet swap/recall. Obviously if the ranger is bad, the guardian will win. That's not really a valid comparison.


    It's possible to pay attention, but if you sawp your pet because it has 100hp and your full pet comes without cd increase, it's possible that it can survive the 15 seconds or it survives 3 seconds because it gets hit by 1 spirit sword



  4. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > I think a lot of the sets are simply in the game for completeness, to have as many possible combinations as possible. There are some combinations that make no sense, on all tiers of play.


    > 1-stat gear with Toughness provides no meaningful boost to effective health at low levels.

    > 2-stat gear with Power and Ferocity is worthless as critical damage without critical chance is useless

    > 3-stat gear like Nomad which are only for the memes


    > Just some quick examples of gear combinations that are absolutely terrible for new or old players, there are many more bad choices out there.

    > To be honest though, multiple stat combinations (at least in the core game) exist to make good gear more rare. If all the gear drops you ever got where the 2-3 good core sets, then it would make gear even easier/faster (for new players) to acquire than it already is. Or alternatively they'd need to lower the chances of anything good dropping.


    Power and ferocity are pretty strong on Ranger for example, where you can trait 100% krits, combined with toughness you get a tanky boy

  5. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > why are you booing, hes right. pistol stealth attack should have 20% proj finisher and not 100%. legit every skill of its kind has 20%. No reason for thief to be a special snowflake in that regard


    Ranger lb3 and 4 are also 100%

    Pistol 5 costs a lot initiative so it's fine

  6. > @"VICBEAR.1529" said:

    > PvP in this game is made to give you headache not fun.


    > I'm serious.

    > Have you ever left your computer feeling satisfying after PvP?

    > Have you ever felt a sense of joy in the lead up to PvP?


    > Probably not, you just need farm reward track.


    If you don't have fun why playing it?

  7. > @"Shieldbash.5304" said:

    > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > @"Shieldbash.5304" said:

    > > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > > Without seeing a build, it's hard to say what's going wrong for you.

    > > > >

    > > > > Ranger, if built correctly, is one of the hardest classes to kill. Alot of that survivability doesn't come from directly taking hits to the face and tanking through them, but rather from using mobility to mean you don't get hit in the first place, keeping them away from you with cripple/immob, or stopping them from attacking with CC.

    > > > >

    > > > > You don't need to use burning in order to do damage, ranger has plenty of other sources of damage. If you're trying to use Torch and flame-trap, that's probably where you're going wrong, as neither of these are very good.

    > > >

    > > > This is pretty much what I am running. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAMdflZwyYasQ2JO0PaL/Sk6cA-e

    > >

    > > I'm not a ranger main, so maybe someone else can add more, but some comments on this build:

    > >

    > > - Longbow and Axe/Axe are both damage-focused ranged sets. I'd swap out one or the other for either greatsword or sword/dagger to give you some melee options and also some more defense.

    > > - Signets aren't great, most ranger builds take Survival skills (things like lightning reflexes)

    > > - Survival skills combine really well with the trait Wilderness Knowledge for condition cleanses

    > > - Wilderness Knowledge also works with the other traits Child of Earth and Zephyr Speed for even more cleanse

    > > - Troll Unguent, with the benefits of Wilderness Knowledge, is a much more powerful heal than We Heal As One, which is only really beneficial if you're playing a more bunkery Nature Magic build.

    > > - Smokescale is pretty much the best pet, you need a really good reason to not take it

    > >

    > > So I'd recommend something more like: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAMFlFw6YesQ2JO2Ppr1SOXaA-z5IeIZKF6VEUyCwxDA

    > >

    > > And the way you'd want to play it is to try and stay at a safe distance as much as possible and let your bow and your pet do as much damage as possible. That doesn't just mean finding a place and standing still to pewpew, you need to be constantly moving, use the stealth from longbow #3 to relocate, etc. Then, if you get jumped up close, swap to greatsword, especially the block on #4 can really save you, and the leap on #3 to move out of harms way and then swap back to bow.


    > Decent, thanks... I used to play LB GS way back, but I thought using the Axes during weapon swaps waiting on LB cds it would be great to add more Conditions and the Whirlwind helps me against Theives as it does damage and reflects damage they do to me.


    > I'll check out GS again and see how it feels


    This build he made is way better tho I would run in marksmanship from the last traits that in the middle.


    Often use your pet swap and try not to engage a 2vs1, more to kite/escape 2vs1, Ranger is not in a great state but below p2 you should have no trouble

  8. Yo we played now a year 2vs2 and 3vs3.

    Not the best game modes, but a good alternation from solo/duo conquest.

    But what about other game modes that where mentioned.

    I heard there where plans for capture the flag, stronghold and iirc King of the hill.

    I would like to see something different than 2vs2 or 3vs3.

    Take one of those:

    1vs1,4vs4, 5vs5 conquest/stronghold/capture the flag/courtyard (all solo and teamque merged)


    Edit: maybe even a offseason with all amuletts enabled that we can do some theory craft (tho bunker bunker enabled)

  9. > @"Orih.5210" said:

    > On wich Server would u play then? On the New Microsoft Deep Sea, yeah why that is a good idea to drive up the player count over all queues it would lead to a ping fairness problem. Greate Idea then but it would not be fair overall.

    > PS: Rocket League has a system like that but quickly learned that player would just select there nearest Server and play there even that would mean longer queue times.


    When you activate the button you need to accept that you can land on either server.


    When I play on na I have a 180 ping, but it's still good playable

  10. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > As a Ranger main, here are the 1v1s that are good fun balanced match ups that could go either way:


    > * vs. Spellbreakers

    > * vs. Power Heralds

    > * vs. Holosmith

    > * vs. GOOD Thieves. Less skilled Thieves are easily countered by Ranger

    > * vs. Power based Mesmer specs


    > Vs. anything else, you're either countering or getting countered. But the aforementioned 1v1s allow for the type of play to happen that your OP post mentions, and yes, the game is so so much more fun when the dynamic is skill based and less rock/paper/scissors based.


    Looks like you have problems with condi

  11. I need that time mostly to prepare for enemy's, when you look at their comp you can try to imagine what there are playing, condi heavy, power burst heavy, beeing sponges or stuff like that,

    Having 1 and half minutes to check that out is not to long and not to short, I really would not like to cut it.

    The preparation time is fine in my opinion

  12. The meta made with this few patches still a big step, I wouldn't say it's that enjoyable, like pre Feb was, but we are still in the right direction. I tested out many builds since them and there are not that bad, but some classes (Rev, scrapper) and maybe the spirit sword from burn guard, are still opressiv, and some stuff is still questionable for Ranger amd warrior (probably I am just biased)

    But compared to beginning, where necros where unkillable super sponges, guards covered the whole nodes with symbols while being tanky af, condi revs pressed just all buttons and where effective and don't forget the beginning of chief, they made slight changes to them bet markable.


    Would anet give pvp a higher priority we may already have a decent meta, but it's slow and we maybe get some good stuff this year

  13. > @"RedAvenged.5217" said:

    > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > A 'support' sitting alone on a node is a waste of slot. A smart 'support' will be in group fights where it can be easily focused.

    > > Also, a smart dps player will not be engaging in a 1v1 with a support. L2p issue here.


    > I call bs. Support holding a node by itself is insanely common and it can often even 1v2 forever by its self bringing huge value.


    My experience are when support is solo it has no value, if support is 2vs1 it dies


    Tho if the player knows how To Kill it dies in 1vs1 too, just takes a bit

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