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Posts posted by Avatar.3568

  1. > @"Math.5123" said:

    > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > DH f1 is a rly fast spear, I would Consider to make it not unblock able or reduce the projectile speed, it's pretty unfun mechanic but maybe I am just to slow


    > First off, the only dh build that's the least bit problematic doesn't even use f1. (See permeating wrath)

    > Secondly, it's a .75s cast time + travel time. You can't make it slower.




    You can decrease the cast time by 0.25 and increase the travel time. By 0.25,idk I. Would not change much but the spear travels rly fast and at least I can't tell the animation outside of the spear itself. As I said it can also by a problem With my self

  2. I am not sure how far cmc's plan goes and how many changes he will numericaly make but I believe that you can't make some proper balance with the elitespecs in this game, since they showed up the game went down in build diversity (curious if you can imagine that we got more to choose), utility's are more overloaded and generally dumbed down because the new utilitys where just way stronger.


    I rarely see people actively using blast fields to remove conditions or get some healing thx to overloaded utilitys.

    Also the boon duration and generation went really really high.


    I would like to ask if we can get maybe another type of special tournaments but instead of making 2vs2 4vs4 etc... Banning especs and let it be conquest.


    And here are things that I also want to adress:

    DH f1 is a rly fast spear, I would Consider to make it not unblock able or reduce the projectile speed, it's pretty unfun mechanic but maybe I am just to slow (what I would accept as a not to change thing)

    Bring back old staff 5 on ele

  3. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > I don't get your reasoning.


    > Power Burst meta would suck the life out of this game. Conditions as much as people complain is not meta and it's damage overtime justifies all the reasons why they are allowed to be tankier.


    > If one condition build overperforms in every way, there'a a lot more to consider than just it being condition.


    > Knight Power Rangers were the best example of that, the amulet allowed all their REALLY good tools to cover even more while the pet could do the work, this is still kind of a problem and they have hit Paladins in the past for it.


    > Also there's other factors such as player understanding over all the modifiers this game has, at peak gameplay some classes are extremely impervious during a set amount of time that needs to be deciphered by typically waiting it out which is a viable strategy given the game is cooldown based, tools come into play at that time.


    I agree but condi shouldn't also be that bursti as burn dh and condi Thief (it's not as extreme as dh is) are.


    PS knight Amulett wasn't that big of a thing as cavalier was on Ranger

  4. > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > Always been against CC not dealing damage. There is some middle ground between boulders being heatseeking 7k nukes and what we have now... which is what balance should be about. If CCs become too oppressive just make them unable to crit, but skills like prime light beam or became useless.

    > Well there was going to be a patch that would have given back damage to skills that deserved it per case basis, like there was going to be 300 second cd traits rework, both never came so yeah.


    There skills that where reworked, for example the berserker 300 icd trait gives now 2 seconds 100% dmg reduction when you enter berserker


    > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > > > > > I was in the camp before that CC was its own reward and CC skills should not be a major source of damage.

    > > > > > While CC is definitely its own reward, the past year has shown that a removing damage from said skills just resulted in players being ping-ponged for much longer before death. **This loss of player agency is unacceptable.**

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Some ways to address the CC issue:

    > > > > > 1. Rework some CC skills so they are non-CC skills

    > > > > > 2. Increase the CD of CC skills by a drastic amount

    > > > > > 3. Reduce the duration of CC skills

    > > > > > 4. Increase the damage of CC skills so it is HIGHER than normal skills (even bursts).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I think any of these could work, though I think the only way to maintain parody of PvP balance with that of other game modes is to go with the #4 option. I realize it's a drastic 180 from the current philosophy, but I'd personally rather spend the 10s of time I would have been CC'd watching the respawn timer tick down and getting another shot at the fight that much sooner.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > On a completely and utterly unrelated note, remember when the respawn timer was 20s? I sure do. It was sooooo easy to carry your team because you could keep the enemies dead. Remember being camped when the timer was 20? I do. I would have enough time to come to grips with my defeat, figure out what I did wrong, decide how next to approach the fight, check the score, how my team is doing, and what to do on respawn. Then I look at the respawn timer because there is still 5+sec to wait.

    > > > >

    > > > > Wait what?! Uhmm the reason ppl are ping pong is because of the stability nerfs and stun breakers not the dmg hahaha

    > > >

    > > > Is it too much to ask to have a fighting chance with builds that use 0 stunbreaks or stab?

    > >

    > > yes? its like taking no damaging traits and whining on having no damage, taking no cleanse and complining conditions are OP, or taking no mobility and whining you are slow.

    > > The reason you are ping-ponged before death is due to most builds having no damage to kill you, the fact that you CAN get CC chained for 5s+ as necro and LIVE is stupid on its own, and its not a fault of CC lasting too long but dmg being too low and being unable to kill people that dont even move.

    > > You wanna nerf CC? bruh, most builds cant even CC eachother when fighting 1v1, like you have 2-4 real CC skills and people have 2 ways to remove it, and sometimes even if you land every CC you have its removed anyways.


    > Stunbreaks are for people who aren't yet knowledgeable about all the classes capabilities or are playing a build that is designed specifically to not die or to heal. At least that's how it used to be.


    This is completely bullshit, there is literally no one playing in higher tiers without stunbreaks, it's just impossible to survive without



  5. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > I am not a big fan of removing amulets but Cele did multiple time rise the most broken builds (Cele ele)

    > > It was time to say goodbye again


    > What build besides Renegade used it?


    Every bunker can run Celestial or meder, but since they nerfed decap scrapper only Rene and I think decap warrior

    Decap druid can use it too.

    It's not that there where that many builds out but everytime a build was busted it was because it could abuse all stats in once, renegade hits like a truck with Cele and is incredibly tanky, same was Cele ele


  6. > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > > > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > > > > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > > > > > This was... highly questionable to read, the nerf thief got was good but wasnt enough. If they left shortbow 5 as it is you can get 2.7k range from spamming it in 2 seconds which isnt remotely fine.

    > > > > this is concept question .. We talk not about value, we talk about mobility, stealth, and damage domination vs another .. Thats should be present. Why ? Because this is thief.

    > > > > By that concept necro should have conditions and minions, guard - powerful traps, and etc ..

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > yeah but having literally 5k range from mobility and able to get to the other side of the map in less than 10 seconds while having stealth for about a min permanently AND gatekeeping squishy sidenoders... thats too much. Its a hit and run class which should be easy to kill but it has damage reduction traits which contradicts it, both its mobility AND damage reduction shouldve been nerfed so they done 50% of it.

    > >

    > > Thief was not only gatekeeping many sidenoders it did in general gatekeeping many more squisher builds

    > > The high mobility with the stealth and still. Decent dmg on SA you had always the chance to pick up some squishy in a fight.

    > > It was not rly punishable thx to its high survivalability, but punished most other roamer builds


    > Yeah thats why im not entirely happy with the thief nerfs, they took some mobility away which is really good but they didnt touch SA or the damage reduction traits in DD which were the main source of it surviving. Hopefully something will be done about it soon


    Yeah but that Thief isn't that mobile anymore is already a big thing for sidenoders, on many maps you can't rly leave close when the Thief is in mid or not visible.

    This should give already way more room to do some Stuff

  7. > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > > > This was... highly questionable to read, the nerf thief got was good but wasnt enough. If they left shortbow 5 as it is you can get 2.7k range from spamming it in 2 seconds which isnt remotely fine.

    > > this is concept question .. We talk not about value, we talk about mobility, stealth, and damage domination vs another .. Thats should be present. Why ? Because this is thief.

    > > By that concept necro should have conditions and minions, guard - powerful traps, and etc ..

    > >


    > yeah but having literally 5k range from mobility and able to get to the other side of the map in less than 10 seconds while having stealth for about a min permanently AND gatekeeping squishy sidenoders... thats too much. Its a hit and run class which should be easy to kill but it has damage reduction traits which contradicts it, both its mobility AND damage reduction shouldve been nerfed so they done 50% of it.


    Thief was not only gatekeeping many sidenoders it did in general gatekeeping many more squisher builds

    The high mobility with the stealth and still. Decent dmg on SA you had always the chance to pick up some squishy in a fight.

    It was not rly punishable thx to its high survivalability, but punished most other roamer builds

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