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Posts posted by Leonidrex.5649

  1. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > Every class is balanced around by some form of resource mechanic. On Necromancer, Thief, or Revenant, their resource is obvious. But on classes like Ele or Ranger, it's a bit harder to immediately notice until you understand the class.


    > In the case of Ranger, **your pet** is your resource. You have a companion that beats people up for you, regardless of what you are doing, and provides a small secondary set of skills. This is why Ranger is balanced to have slightly longer cooldowns, because if they didn't then they would effectively have a free DPS companion with no downside. Imagine if Ranger had the same cooldowns as Revenant, despite having no energy system. That of course would be completely broken and there would be zero reason to play any class other than Ranger. This is actually the very reason pre-nerf GS4 was considered an overpowered skill between oct 2019 and feb 2020 - it came with a CC attached to it, on only a 15s CD making it objectively the best block skill in the game, and as an added bonus you could have your pet smack people while you kited around with it.


    I disagree, pet is the main reason you are wrong.

    Other classes have reliable class mechanics, ranger doesnt, I have noticed it after trying the ranged pet. When I tell it to start its " rapid fire "

    It doesnt give a fuck that he has no LOS or is not in range, he will hit air, tiger doesnt care that you are about walk off ledge it will waste its leap etc.

    THIS is why ranger skills have LOW cds and are STILL lacking. maul has freaking 6,75s cd traited, rapid fire is like what, 10s ? Those are not long cooldowns at all.

    Big part of ranger issue is that its power budget is lodged in a pet that sometimes will do its job too well and sometimes just... not.

    And it feels bad both ways, it sucks to get hit for 7k by fucking puncing pet, and it equally sucks to have 1min duel and realize that top damage is fucking jarakanda call lightning cuz all your skills are easy to dodge/mitigate. Pets cut both ways.

    Soulbeast was a way to try and make ranger good without reliance on pets but they fucked it up, IMO slb should have 2 pets, and have pet stats HEAVILY nerfed, and only rely on them for utility, and spend most of its time merged. but thats just me.

    Ranger issue will persist as always.

  2. > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

    > > > > @"Yoci.2481" said:

    > > > > They haven't even addressed the most basic problems of Mesmer and you people talk about the next elite. I don't understand this.

    > > >

    > > > Core mesmer is a completely different topic. There will 100% be a new elite specialization so why not theorize about it? Just because core mesmer and the current elite specs are in a bad spot, doesn't mean we can't have fun and create a new and engaging elite specialization.

    > > >

    > > > Also, we don't need another "mesmer is so bad pls fix" post on this forum if there is already 293814848 threats about it.

    > >

    > > elite will only create more problems, it will need to be overpowered as kitten to be viable and thus make other specs impossible to buff.


    > There WILL 100% be new elite specs. It's one of the best selling arguments of an expansions. And don't act like they break everything, the devs got better with balancing in the last year and I'm sure the new elite specs will be very fun to play.


    Im sure there will be new e-spec and im sure it will be fun as fuck to play for couple of months.

    And Im sure it will have abilities similar to c-split and chronophantasma that can quadruple effect off phantasms and force balance team to keep them trash since you know, that mesmers espec will get 4x their value so it HAS to be balanced with that in mind.

    There is a reason why disenchanter and defender are perpetually garbage in pvp and it has nothing to do with them being toxic or easy to use on core/mirage and everything to do with chrono being able to 2x cast them, and even chronosplit with phantasma for quadruple taunt/disenchant.

    This is why the taunt has 50s cd for 1s taunt while other classes can get 3s stun on 30s cd. THIS is why, chrono.

    And elite spec will introduce other, bloated mechanics to carry the corpse of a core mesmer and thus make it even more of a impossibility to balance it.

    It CAN be done but it wont, I seriously doubt it.

  3. OP plays mesmer, big mistake. grab another class and dont shoot yourself in the foot.

    silver is a pit of bots and human beings that are bot like anyways, and those like playing braindead bunker builds, mesmer doesnt do well into those.

    even something stupid as minion mancer bot can shit on you if you let him hit you with zoo, and having to run from a fucking bunker bot is a sad affair,

    grab a dh, pot a sword on the middle of the node, deal 50k dmg grab that free +15 and go next, quick trip to gold.

    If you actually wanna learn how to fight people take something viable but more sturdy, like power rev, power warrior for sides, holo/scrapper or ranger, that can teach you game mechanics without being " 1 got hit by 2 minions for 5k dmg total so I have to run for the next 1min " that mesmer provides for new peeps.

  4. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > @"UN Owen.2794" said:

    > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > > Anet made it clear when they caved into the cries to nerf nades. If it's overperforming on the elite spec, it's overperforming on **all** specs. *shrug*

    > >

    > > Nades were broken because they forgot to do anything to them when they nerfed eveyrthing across the line by 33%. Somehow we still have specs running people down with raw damage pve like renegade that have nothing to do with good pvp gameplay though. Which shows arenanet doesn't know what they're doing.


    > The fact that they were untouched is completely irrelevant to the point I'm making. The point I'm making is that if any aspect of a class's core kit overperforms on an Elite, it's warranted to get nerfed. It doesn't matter if it's perfectly balanced on Core. That's simply the way Anet chooses to do things.


    > Nades are over the top on Holo but fine on Core Engi. Solution: Nerf nades


    > Ifiltrator's Arrow is over the top when paired with Dash and 3 dodges, but fine on core thief? Solution: Nerf IA.


    > This change is consistent with Anet's balance philosophy thus far. I don't agree with it, but it is what it is.



    nade barrage was broken on core too, on scrapper too.

    its just that rest of the core kit could not be carried by nade kit alone, but its no excuse to have skill this utterly fucking broken.

    rangers rapid fire has less dmg then pre-nerf barrage, fuck when you add in entrance + barrage ( all pre nerfed )

    that alone deals as much damage then entire 3s combos on other classes

    for example on ranger maul->WI->swoop has less damage then fucking barrage alone.

    it was playing with fire, this skill alone made playing light armor classes with less then 18k hp UNPLAYABLE

    since you died to 1 fucking skill with almost no cast time.

    If I remember right my record was getting hit for about 17k dmg by barrage+EE, jolly good, engi focuses someone else, stealths. boom barrage and you are dead from 100%. Core could do the same shit btw.

  5. > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > No they aren't.

    > > > > > > > > > > They have had their power level severely neutered, that much is true, but so did most of the Professions.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Only few builds (not professions, builds) are left largely untouched and are truly thriving.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I'd argue that ranger is truly the only profession I don't see spammed left and right anylonger, I'd say that at best you can reach gold 3 on ranger with good luck on yourside and playing just +1 zerk core hit and run. Not enough sustain for anything else really atm on ranger, they gutted any possibility for a competitive duellist.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > With all the buffs to mobility, pretty much any class can keep up with a ranger trying to kite away and that was the main source of sustain for ranger with the other being the GS block which has been severely nerfed to uselness, it's the only source of blocking on the class and now the long CD made it that much worst.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I really don't see nearly as many rangers as before...actually I see many more eles than rangers now and it's a first, the best PvP build for the class is rated as good for max Gold rank so...I don't think my thread is that wrong

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I dont know man, when Im on ranger I get 3x to 4x the healing I get usually on mesmer, often even get most healing in team.

    > > > > > > > > as for ranger block, its still one of the best if not the best in the entire game. You are just used to old block which was so kitten broken it was better then the best defensive skills of other classes, and in fact it was so kitten OP, it was usually better then 2 to 3 other defensive skills combined.

    > > > > > > > > Like yes, ranger is not the hot stuff meta OP like other kitten builds going around but its not bad either. Proj hate going around and bunker healer kitten really hurts the ranger RN but it might change any moment.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Well I have said that you can reach gold 3 with the class so yeah...it's playable but definitely not META, in the last couple of months they were like 0 ranger both in NA and EU mats semi and finals that must mean something. And yeah the projectile hate really hurts , I hope next elite will offers a different playstyle

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > my ranger is not even 30 days old and im gold 3 while duo - queueing with another friend that also plays class that he doesnt know how to play.

    > > > > > > ranger can definitely reach higher ranks, wont be too hard to push past p1/p2

    > > > > > > in the end it will boil down to meta being bad for ranger, from renegade and guards proj hate, inability to stop support warrior from bannering reliably and getting kitten on by random DH trap and DH in general doing better. Cant cleave or stomp right hurts the ranger, why not play dh, throw a spinny sword and get 20k dmg.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Ranger is a low skill ceiling class as such it will do good at average and below skill level. Most nerfs were on point...(...)

    > > > >

    > > > > Apart from mATs, where it struggles in coordinated bursts, and apart from druid: Core ranger is played incredibly often in high plat. Druids too, some soulbeasts with memes as well.

    > > > >

    > > > > No idea where you got your numbers. I will take statistics for a few days and post them here.

    > > >

    > > > I never considered ranked as any indication of balance and class distribution, I repeat that ranger is a low skill ceiling class that will do good at average and below skill level and **nobody ever said that Platinum is free from average and below skill level**.

    > > > (...)

    > >

    > > What do you mean here? There is plenty of ranger players in Top100. It suffers in coordinated team games - not talking about druid -, but it needs no buffs. Adjustments, maybe.

    > >


    > In simpler terms : Ranger is a noob stomper class


    since when plat 2 + are noobs? aka new players ?

  6. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > The problem with daredevil is, that dash is a ridiculously strong gm trait. It should have been nerfed in the first place years ago. A good start would either have been a range decrease from 450 to 300 or if it in this case would be too similar to a normal dodge, then it should not remove soft cc instead and just be a dodge with an increased range - but not increased range AND soft cc removal.


    > Regarding core: in theory (!) a core traitline should be as strong as an elite traitline. The latter should just give us an alternative playstyle. So nerfs to core skills should have an equal impact to core and elite specs. This can actually work, if you don't fail at game design (e.g. dash or mirage cloak).


    > ANet is pretty inconsistent. If mirage cloak justifies losing a dodge, then dash should too. If anet followed their own nerf logic and balanced overperforming dodges with a reduced number of dodges, then dash daredevils should actually have one dodge, but kept their 1200 range steal and their 6 ini cost on shortbow and a few other things like more damage on autoattacks.


    dash has longer range, removes soft cc, give swiftness AND reduces damage taken.

    IMO it should get reduced swiftness duration, that alongside nerf to 2 dodges could mean reducing INI cost on sb 5.

    I honestly dont even get why dd has 3 dodges but whatever

  7. > @"Math.5123" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > There is not a single spec on ranger considered even Great as far as meta goes, the highest ranger spec is rated at Good ...lol

    > >


    > Decap druid is basically played on every monthly and daily at winning team right now. But I guess that doesn't count.


    im fairly sure every ranger would rather decap druid died, fuck. I tried it once and I felt like I died on the inside, after 1 game.

    Ill take legit any other build over this shit, its peak of poor gameplay design.

  8. > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > > > No they aren't.

    > > > > They have had their power level severely neutered, that much is true, but so did most of the Professions.

    > > > >

    > > > > Only few builds (not professions, builds) are left largely untouched and are truly thriving.

    > > >

    > > > I'd argue that ranger is truly the only profession I don't see spammed left and right anylonger, I'd say that at best you can reach gold 3 on ranger with good luck on yourside and playing just +1 zerk core hit and run. Not enough sustain for anything else really atm on ranger, they gutted any possibility for a competitive duellist.

    > > >

    > > > With all the buffs to mobility, pretty much any class can keep up with a ranger trying to kite away and that was the main source of sustain for ranger with the other being the GS block which has been severely nerfed to uselness, it's the only source of blocking on the class and now the long CD made it that much worst.

    > > >

    > > > I really don't see nearly as many rangers as before...actually I see many more eles than rangers now and it's a first, the best PvP build for the class is rated as good for max Gold rank so...I don't think my thread is that wrong

    > >

    > > I dont know man, when Im on ranger I get 3x to 4x the healing I get usually on mesmer, often even get most healing in team.

    > > as for ranger block, its still one of the best if not the best in the entire game. You are just used to old block which was so kitten broken it was better then the best defensive skills of other classes, and in fact it was so kitten OP, it was usually better then 2 to 3 other defensive skills combined.

    > > Like yes, ranger is not the hot stuff meta OP like other kitten builds going around but its not bad either. Proj hate going around and bunker healer kitten really hurts the ranger RN but it might change any moment.


    > Well I have said that you can reach gold 3 with the class so yeah...it's playable but definitely not META, in the last couple of months they were like 0 ranger both in NA and EU mats semi and finals that must mean something. And yeah the projectile hate really hurts , I hope next elite will offers a different playstyle


    my ranger is not even 30 days old and im gold 3 while duo - queueing with another friend that also plays class that he doesnt know how to play.

    ranger can definitely reach higher ranks, wont be too hard to push past p1/p2

    in the end it will boil down to meta being bad for ranger, from renegade and guards proj hate, inability to stop support warrior from bannering reliably and getting shit on by random DH trap and DH in general doing better. Cant cleave or stomp right hurts the ranger, why not play dh, throw a spinny sword and get 20k dmg.

  9. > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > No they aren't.

    > > They have had their power level severely neutered, that much is true, but so did most of the Professions.

    > >

    > > Only few builds (not professions, builds) are left largely untouched and are truly thriving.


    > I'd argue that ranger is truly the only profession I don't see spammed left and right anylonger, I'd say that at best you can reach gold 3 on ranger with good luck on yourside and playing just +1 zerk core hit and run. Not enough sustain for anything else really atm on ranger, they gutted any possibility for a competitive duellist.


    > With all the buffs to mobility, pretty much any class can keep up with a ranger trying to kite away and that was the main source of sustain for ranger with the other being the GS block which has been severely nerfed to uselness, it's the only source of blocking on the class and now the long CD made it that much worst.


    > I really don't see nearly as many rangers as before...actually I see many more eles than rangers now and it's a first, the best PvP build for the class is rated as good for max Gold rank so...I don't think my thread is that wrong


    I dont know man, when Im on ranger I get 3x to 4x the healing I get usually on mesmer, often even get most healing in team.

    as for ranger block, its still one of the best if not the best in the entire game. You are just used to old block which was so fucking broken it was better then the best defensive skills of other classes, and in fact it was so fucking OP, it was usually better then 2 to 3 other defensive skills combined.

    Like yes, ranger is not the hot stuff meta OP like other bullshit builds going around but its not bad either. Proj hate going around and bunker healer bullshit really hurts the ranger RN but it might change any moment.

  10. > @"Math.5123" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Brokensunday.4098" said:

    > > > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > > > > I'd rather they add a little more...What to call it, variety? Depth? To the setup. Traps as a concept are all well and good, but maybe it isn't a good idea to have a trap with such narrow counters.

    > > >

    > > > Stability, blocks, ports out, invul. Does not seem narrow at all to counter it .. just saying if you get stuck on it with 0 cooldows yes i see how you can die to it but thats not dm fault.

    > >

    > > stability works.

    > > invuln works

    > > block does not work, you get cced back into the trap

    > > teleports kind of work, you do teleport but when teleport ends you still get knocked down.

    > > As a mesmer I never really gave a kitten cuz I had jaunt/blink and F4, but when I started playing ranger its kitten awfull.

    > > god forbids you dont have 100% cooldowns else you dead from full hp, no counterplay.

    > > like the only thing you can do is dodge out, and use stun-break during knockdown animation, and hope to gods that the trap bugs and lets you out, otherwise you die from full hp


    > On ranger you have 3/4 cleanse utilities. Meaning you can cleanse the stacks whenever they get out of hand if you don't have the stability to get out. How is this any different from the old holo that could 100 to zero you in a prime light beam you didn't dodge?


    difference is that holo cant do that anymore and DH can.

  11. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > why are you booing, hes right. pistol stealth attack should have 20% proj finisher and not 100%. legit every skill of its kind has 20%. No reason for thief to be a special snowflake in that regard


    > Ranger lb3 and 4 are also 100%

    > Pistol 5 costs a lot initiative so it's fine


    lb3 and lb4 fire ONE projectile, thiefs pistol stealthed skill fires 5, thats 5 blinds that fire repeatedly.

  12. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Brokensunday.4098" said:

    > > > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > > > > I'd rather they add a little more...What to call it, variety? Depth? To the setup. Traps as a concept are all well and good, but maybe it isn't a good idea to have a trap with such narrow counters.

    > > >

    > > > Stability, blocks, ports out, invul. Does not seem narrow at all to counter it .. just saying if you get stuck on it with 0 cooldows yes i see how you can die to it but thats not dm fault.

    > >

    > > stability works.

    > > invuln works

    > > block does not work, you get cced back into the trap

    > > teleports kind of work, you do teleport but when teleport ends you still get knocked down.

    > > As a mesmer I never really gave a kitten cuz I had jaunt/blink and F4, but when I started playing ranger its kitten awfull.

    > > god forbids you dont have 100% cooldowns else you dead from full hp, no counterplay.

    > > like the only thing you can do is dodge out, and use stun-break during knockdown animation, and hope to gods that the trap bugs and lets you out, otherwise you die from full hp


    > By blocking they mean to just stand and block during the duration of the trap instead of trying to escape it. Only thing that will hurt you if you're blocking is crossing ToF and F1, which the DH shouldn't do anyway, especially if you're caught in the trap already.


    F1 removes GS block or whatever other channeled blocks you might have, to survive you gotta do cute shit like dodge F1 and dodge spam through the crap and then escape with sliver of health or abuse the stun-break bug. DH doesnt need F1 damage to kill you if he can actually land sword-spin hits.

  13. > @"Brokensunday.4098" said:

    > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > > I'd rather they add a little more...What to call it, variety? Depth? To the setup. Traps as a concept are all well and good, but maybe it isn't a good idea to have a trap with such narrow counters.


    > Stability, blocks, ports out, invul. Does not seem narrow at all to counter it .. just saying if you get stuck on it with 0 cooldows yes i see how you can die to it but thats not dm fault.


    stability works.

    invuln works

    block does not work, you get cced back into the trap

    teleports kind of work, you do teleport but when teleport ends you still get knocked down.

    As a mesmer I never really gave a fuck cuz I had jaunt/blink and F4, but when I started playing ranger its fucking awfull.

    god forbids you dont have 100% cooldowns else you dead from full hp, no counterplay.

    like the only thing you can do is dodge out, and use stun-break during knockdown animation, and hope to gods that the trap bugs and lets you out, otherwise you die from full hp

  14. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > > > > > I know warrior was always your protege, but at least let us have a chance.

    > > > > > https://imgur.com/a/LQoWEDz

    > > > >

    > > > > quick google showed me that "wrath" is guardians downed skill.

    > > > > you are complaining that BERSERKER did good damage against downed enemy, amazing

    > > > > also, since you got hit by decapitate twice, and it has 5s cooldown ( and since he started on axe, went to sword then back to axe )

    > > > > I know for a fact that this " fight " took MORE then 5sec.

    > > > > so you lie. dont be silly, dont lie.

    > > >

    > > > Decapitate recharges instantly if it hits fwiw:

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Decapitate

    > > >

    > > > The time it took to down OP was most likely 2s since he ate Decapitate and a full Arc Divider. The berserker did 16,023 damage in that time which is a great deal for any guardian to eat, and seeing as there are no strikes back in the combat log prior to the downed skill the OP was down and the berserker was kitting before swapping back to axe to finish the downed guardian.

    > > >

    > > > You can split hairs and consider the downed time for the total amount, but the time to down OP looks less than 5s to me considering Berserk Mode gives quickness, but what do I know I right?

    > >

    > > he hit him with decapitate, then arc divider, then decapitate again, which means he used axe -> gs -> axe again.

    > > thats at LEAST 5s weapon switch cd, add in cast time of decapitates, arc dividers and other kitten and it took closer to ~8s at least


    > Yes, but it took ~two seconds to down him is what I am saying. The time to go berserk, hit F1, swap, Blood Reckoning, F1, AA is less than 5s as OP said. There is a lull of attacks in the log after the GS swing post Arc Divider which says to me the Berserker was kitting outside of Wrath's range (who knows maybe fighting some other person) prior to hitting the guardian with Axe 2 and Decapitate to finish them off. For all intents and purposes that fight ended when the guardian went into downstate.


    > Time to finish? Sure, 5-6s I can believe, he did swap back to axe after all. Time to downstate is certainly 2-3s, which in many player's minds is what finishes the fight.


    he got healed from shelter during arc divider, 4555 heal, add in regeneration and he didnt die to arc divider or even greatsword swing.

    he either died to cyclone axe or next decapitate which is an axe skill, so yes. he died after MORE then 5s.

    He also used judges intervention so he clearly wasnt dead yet.

    My best guess iss.

    1 enemy goes berserk.

    2 enemy lands decapitate.

    3 guard panic -> shelter

    4 berserker does arc divider ( he has unblockable signet so it goes through shelter and booms him anways )

    5 guard gets the heal off, gets hit by greatsword auto.

    6 berserker disengages ( ran out of damage or whatever )

    7 ~3-5s later berserker goes back in and lands cyclone axe for the kill, then decapitate ( decapitate could be the killing blow here )

  15. > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > > > I know warrior was always your protege, but at least let us have a chance.

    > > > https://imgur.com/a/LQoWEDz

    > >

    > > quick google showed me that "wrath" is guardians downed skill.

    > > you are complaining that BERSERKER did good damage against downed enemy, amazing

    > > also, since you got hit by decapitate twice, and it has 5s cooldown ( and since he started on axe, went to sword then back to axe )

    > > I know for a fact that this " fight " took MORE then 5sec.

    > > so you lie. dont be silly, dont lie.


    > It did not took more than 5 sec, I wouldn know cos I dont play warr. If you think I'm lying open a ticket, maybe they can explain. Took 2 sec


    he hit you with axe skills, then greatsword skills then axe skills again. swapping weapons has cooldown. On warrior due to traits its 5s.

    Add in cast time of all the skills and it took closer to 10s then it took to 5s.

  16. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > > > I know warrior was always your protege, but at least let us have a chance.

    > > > https://imgur.com/a/LQoWEDz

    > >

    > > quick google showed me that "wrath" is guardians downed skill.

    > > you are complaining that BERSERKER did good damage against downed enemy, amazing

    > > also, since you got hit by decapitate twice, and it has 5s cooldown ( and since he started on axe, went to sword then back to axe )

    > > I know for a fact that this " fight " took MORE then 5sec.

    > > so you lie. dont be silly, dont lie.


    > Decapitate recharges instantly if it hits fwiw:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Decapitate


    > The time it took to down OP was most likely 2s since he ate Decapitate and a full Arc Divider. The berserker did 16,023 damage in that time which is a great deal for any guardian to eat, and seeing as there are no strikes back in the combat log prior to the downed skill the OP was down and the berserker was kitting before swapping back to axe to finish the downed guardian.


    > You can split hairs and consider the downed time for the total amount, but the time to down OP looks less than 5s to me considering Berserk Mode gives quickness, but what do I know I right?


    he hit him with decapitate, then arc divider, then decapitate again, which means he used axe -> gs -> axe again.

    thats at LEAST 5s weapon switch cd, add in cast time of decapitates, arc dividers and other shit and it took closer to ~8s at least

  17. > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > I know warrior was always your protege, but at least let us have a chance.

    > https://imgur.com/a/LQoWEDz


    quick google showed me that "wrath" is guardians downed skill.

    you are complaining that BERSERKER did good damage against downed enemy, amazing

    also, since you got hit by decapitate twice, and it has 5s cooldown ( and since he started on axe, went to sword then back to axe )

    I know for a fact that this " fight " took MORE then 5sec.

    so you lie. dont be silly, dont lie.

  18. to fix IH they could have easily make all clones dodge, but have only 1 clone do the ambush attack, whoosh suddenly its "50% dmg nerf" and you can still both shatter and ambush play to have interesting builds. but we cant have nice things.

  19. > @"Tridentuk.1625" said:

    > I'm trying to think of a 2nd main to have because thief tends to be quite niche at times and I want to enjoy as much of GW2 as possible (I also just have to get around to using all of the classes eventually to learn for PVP purposes). The two playstyles I liked the look of most when deciding were thief and mesmer, however I want to make sure that mesmer can fill in the gaps where thief can't so I don't have too many overlaps where I'm just going to decide to run thief anyway (both in terms of content type and role).


    > I mean ideally if I wanted to play something very different that could fill most of the gaps I'd pick Guardian but I just don't find it satisfying to play. My main priorities are evasiveness for outplays and mobility, and I don't think I've ever played a paladin type in any game ever. Even when I used to play melee carries in Dota it used to be guys like Sven or PA.


    > So my central question is: does mesmer fill in the gaps for thief? To give an example, can it play meta roles in fractals and such that thief cannot offer, or meta roles in WvW zergs, and then also more teamfight oriented roles in PVP? Does it offer these things in a way that thief can't?


    I would recommend ranger, amazing fractals, amazing raids both condi, hybrid, power and support. and in pvp its not too bad not too good.

    different playstyle from thief. might struggle in wvw large-scale ( I dont play large scale ) but heard druid is OK there too, so its good all around with some amazing things.

    Next would be guard.

    Broken as fuck in every game-mode. Anets chosen.

  20. > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

    > > > I mean, sure, compared to Mesmer, Soulbeast is easy. If you really want an easy DPS build for Fractal pugs though, then play Power Reaper. The rotation is super simple, and you aren't reliant on receiving buffs from the group.

    > >

    > > slb has more damage while also buffing the team, if I was to recc a dps it would be slb or banner warrior for that exact reason.

    > > The only 2 bad things against slb are weak CC and being forced to stand still from time to time. if you can get past these its the best class by far


    > It has more potential DPS in a fully buffed and organized group, sure. However, OP seemed to be asking for a class/build with a simple DPS rotation (OP stated Soulbeast looked too complicated) that does great DPS and that they are wanting to use it to pug Fractals (non CM). This is exactly the type of environment that Reapers excel in. Reapers have a simple rotation, put out great DPS, and will often out-DPS others due to not being so reliant on buffs from the group.


    > Now if OP was looking to complete T4 dailies and CM with an organized group and wanted the best DPS for the group, then that would be a different story, though you could still play Reaper just fine there as well.


    slb is not complicated and doesnt rely on teammates for buffs, you have your own quickness through F3 and dagger 3, might is less impactfull due to extra might gained through merge and you easy have 100% crit chance without banner warrior.

    to top it off you have your own sustaint through regeneration, low cd healing skill and leech through poison.

    the only easier thing would be afk auto-attacking

  21. > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

    > I mean, sure, compared to Mesmer, Soulbeast is easy. If you really want an easy DPS build for Fractal pugs though, then play Power Reaper. The rotation is super simple, and you aren't reliant on receiving buffs from the group.


    slb has more damage while also buffing the team, if I was to recc a dps it would be slb or banner warrior for that exact reason.

    The only 2 bad things against slb are weak CC and being forced to stand still from time to time. if you can get past these its the best class by far

  22. > @"zethra.8491" said:

    > Hey all,

    > I’m trying to make a dps toon for for T4 pugs ( no CM ) with easy rotation with good enough dps output.


    > some other forum threads mentioned some Soulbeast build rotation is one of easiest,..but when I read on both metabattle and discretize, it doesn’t seem easy/ simple.


    > Any suggestions ? build/gear you can share ?


    > Thanks !


    as someone who used to play over thousand hours off mesmer and then made ranger I can tell you with absolute certainty that soulbeast is a walk in the park in comparison. just go skirmishing/beastmastery/soulbeast, merge with gazelle, never unmerge. if you spam random shit off cooldown on berserker you will get 25k+ dps, if you are smart about what you are doing you will reach 30-35k and when you get good its 40k+

    dagger/axe+longbow is what I use.

    main tips for the build

    1 axe 5 is absolute obliterator, I have hit upwards of 270k with this skill alone, try to use it with sic em, on the side ( damage from skirm ) and during stun ( stunned bosses after the blue bar take 50% more damage )

    2 you can start casting lb 5 before the boss spawns ( this is your next hard hitter )

    3 use elite when you can guarantee multi-hits, AND sic em ( lb5,lb2, frost trap if you use it )


    For bosses frost spirit + sic em + signet for ferocity


    for trash I use protect me, frost trap + signet ( its good to have a way to remove stun, and slb gets loads off damage for being at high HP so the barrier itself will translate to more damage often enough and other utilities dont help with clearing trash much ) -> scholar ( 5% above 90% ) ( beastmode 10% above 90% ) ( savage superiority 10% when more then enemy )


    Advantages ?

    good at trash clear, good at bosses, easy to play

    the only downside I have seen is that hard hitters ( lb 5 and axe 5 ) are stationary so in some fights you get fucked over by aoe ( siren, jojo, cough joko )


    with this build you will be reaching top dps easy peasy all the while buffing with spotter ( 100 precision ) and frost spirit ( 5% dmg buff )

    in weaker groups you get self quickness through dagger 3 and beast F3, dont use F3 when you already have quickness provided, animation remains slow and dmg is bad.

    lb autos suck, while dagger autos are good, with slb poison leech trait applying poison heals so dagger 2 and dagger autos heal you.

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