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Posts posted by Leonidrex.5649

  1. > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    > As others have said, they already do balance "discussions" in a private discord with some gizmo winners.


    > I'm sure they are extremely biased and not very helpful, since somehow they convinced cmc that nades holo wasn't a problem for a full year.


    yes, ranger main send document wanting ranger buffs, nobody saw that one coming lol.

    for all its worth in general discussions everyone agreed that holo was OP as fuck and I believe that cmc just wanted to go slow and not over-do it.

    And with how things ended up, slowly, steadily nerfing turned out OK-ish, too bad it took so fucking long.

  2. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"Crackers.9628" said:

    > > Why do you always feel the need to make everyone wait? Strangely enough, you instantly pressed ready when there was a penalty for not doing so. We're already waiting for the queue time (5 minutes every game), map decide, screen load, and the looong ready up.



    > I have to manually check if the game correctly charged my loadout, because despite the templates, the Revenant is bugged and keeps swapping my utilities around. Then I have to check who's on each team, not only due composition, but also how many bots and blocks fills each one. Sometimes just taking a look gives a good insight of how the match will be going. Finally, I don't see the reason to hurry: despite the petitions, ANet never changed the huge queue screen which blocks your vision in every game mode when you are waiting to join, or never implemented a "give up botton" for when a team is being snowballed, etc. Is blatant that the game is being neglected in terms of support (and not only PvP), so if the developers don't have hurry, why should I?


    the fact that developers dont respect your time doesnt mean that YOU should disrespect the time of your fellow players

  3. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > > > Its literally 1 min n 30 seconds, its not a large issue. Its there to allow people to swap builds/characters and to give people time to prepare (whether its in game or irl). The arguments you stated arent valid and are just bias anger.

    > >

    > > I have 2,5k games.

    > > If each took 30s less time this would save over 20hours of my time.

    > > think about that, and think about the fact that there are people that played 10x this. legit hundreds of hours wasted.

    > > but hey 30s doesnt seem like much am I rite ?


    > As someone with 10k+ games across 2 accounts, waiting 1:30 min is really not an issue. You think this is wasted time? How about 1.5 hours queue just to lose twice as many points as you gain for win - yeah that was waste of time. Honestly waiting hours for some map events you need to repeat for some collection is actually worse. Gaming itself is waste of time badumms. I think 1 min 30 sec is fine, it allows people with toaster to load and, for those who want, to switch build/class. One of the best part of GW2 pvp is that matches are actually short. Your typical LoL match would go for 30-40 min >.<


    this is why nothing ever gets fixed or changed for the better.

    mentality of " this thing is worse so this less bad thing shouldnt be fixed " they cant fix matchmaking since its issue is lack of players, but they CAN save us time by having ready timer reduced, map take timer reduced, maybe queue accept button reduced. Heck, they did something like this in r6 siege and I love it, only time I miss pick/ban is when im alt-tabbed and thats on me. In the end I and most others play games for fun, and waiting is one of the most boring thing in the entire world.

    I used to play on a laptop and I can tell you that I never had an issue with connecting and switching a build, and people that switch classes do it either at the start or at the very end and the actual time has nothing to do with it.

  4. > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > Its literally 1 min n 30 seconds, its not a large issue. Its there to allow people to swap builds/characters and to give people time to prepare (whether its in game or irl). The arguments you stated arent valid and are just bias anger.


    I have 2,5k games.

    If each took 30s less time this would save over 20hours of my time.

    think about that, and think about the fact that there are people that played 10x this. legit hundreds of hours wasted.

    but hey 30s doesnt seem like much am I rite ?

  5. yep, its like this in every game. in league every single person waits untill the last moment to lock in, even when they only play 1 champion.

    same thing here, and with 10 players needed to ready at least 1 is bound to forget, not care or be alt-tabbed. Shrug.

    IMO they could reduce the timer by good 10-20s, and reduce time it takes to choose map, save us some waiting.



    some people have shit PC so they are loading to the game, and some are just waiting for last moment to change class/build

  6. > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

    > > @"Yoci.2481" said:

    > > They haven't even addressed the most basic problems of Mesmer and you people talk about the next elite. I don't understand this.


    > Core mesmer is a completely different topic. There will 100% be a new elite specialization so why not theorize about it? Just because core mesmer and the current elite specs are in a bad spot, doesn't mean we can't have fun and create a new and engaging elite specialization.


    > Also, we don't need another "mesmer is so bad pls fix" post on this forum if there is already 293814848 threats about it.


    elite will only create more problems, it will need to be overpowered as fuck to be viable and thus make other specs impossible to buff.

  7. > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > > > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > > > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > **IL is not a problem, it's a punishing mechanic for mindless button smashing**....the same people who keep claiming that IL is unbalanced are also the same people who claim **Full Counter** is balanced by comparison.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This is pretty much it. If anything, there should be more mechanics to punish spam, not less. The people whining about these things are usually the people who can be found playing some rotation-based build, like Vanilla condi nec, and then they get upset when their aoe condi spam suddenly starts healing the enemy for some reason leading to ZOMG NERF NOW PLEEZ PLO0X!!

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I stop attacking rev when he uses IL, but my teammates (in rank/unrank, not ats) dont stop. How to deal with that?

    > > > >

    > > > > This is a very weak argument. Your team fed and you can't do anything about that, just like you can't do anything about bad teammates not rotating properly or running into teamfights one at a time and dying on their own. Bad teammates are bad teammates and will always make the game a nightmare.

    > > >

    > > > They cant nerf rotations but they can nerf skills, am i right?

    > > >

    > >

    > > Nerfing a skill because you have bad teammates that can't stop isn't the skills fault.


    > Then return back grenades on holo, its not nades’s fault that u and ur teammates cant misstep or dodge them.


    its nades problem that it could deal 16k+ aoe dmg on 0,5s cast time on a bruiser class with access to quickness.

  8. I dont think rifle has anything to offer to ranger honestly.

    If I was to guess ranger will get scepter or focus and be a "shaman" kind of thing, pet replaced with totems. Or spirits.

    Most weapons that are left over just dont feel right for the class, hammer, mace, shield, pistol, rifle.... they just dont fit IMO

  9. I wish I could take 99k power damage and only die then and there.

    Problem with condition stems from couple of factors,

    1 it doesnt reset how its supposed to, what Ragnar mentioned.

    2 Several skills apply same condition, this 99k burning is not guard using one or 2 skills but everything they have.

    If you fight 1v1 for a node and die, it wont show 99k power damage, but it will show you skills split over with 5k-10k each that if you were to add up would come to said 99k anyways.

    ALSO condi death recap includes down-state

  10. > @"Mintyfreshsmell.1568" said:

    > I haven't played GW2 in about a year and I was wondering if the game is worth coming back to. I've only ever played WvW and a little Pvp, because PvE is juswt boring to me. I've always loved the story to GW2 but it seems to have taken a dive last time I've played. So my question to the active players is "Is it worth coming to back to play Mesmer in WvW again?" I don't really want to get back into the game where the developer mentality is to just kitten over classes that are OP instead of bringing them into balance.


    no, mesmer sucks in both wvw and pvp

    moreover developers seem to be trying really hard to make mesmer unenjoyable on top of being really bad

    but some people like a challenge, up to you.

    tldr mesmer sucks for a while and devs dont care.

  11. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"Swagg.9236" said:


    > > I never said that such a thing was good for any class. In fact, I've said nothing but the opposite. GW2 is a silly game, and anybody who takes it seriously or defends its merits as a skill-based environment are deluded.


    > Skill based to some extent I feel.

    > More of a knowledge based game.


    > Which is one of the reason why I detest Stealth Spam D/P, because there is literally nothing to see to apply game knowledge to, so yu rely entirely on instict and feeling which is just a silly way to play a game.


    > But back to Staff Sword/Sword : Sword/Sword does overexpose the Herald, specifically when used in conjuction with Shiro, burning a load of Energy in the process.

    > This leaves them vulnerable to counterattack due to their now depleted resource bar, which makes even swapping to Staff useless for at least 3 seconds.


    > Only Revenant has this issue though, due to their utilites and weapon skills all costing Energy.

    > Herald however bypasses this with Glint.


    > Maybe that's the issue most players have against Herald.



    I always found it weird that glint has virtually 0 energy costs

    but its too late to do anything about it IMO

  12. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Yoci.2481" said:

    > > > Mirage Cloak's Speed of Sand does not cover more ground than a dodge. A dodge covers 300 units. Speed of Sand grants 66% movement speed for 0.75 seconds. Base movement speed in combat is 210 units per second.

    > > > 210u/s * 1.66 * 0.75s = 261.45 units. That's a lot less than the 300 units from a normal dodge. Speed of Sand is also affected by movement impairing conditions like chill or cripple. In that case it covers even less ground. And it only works in the forward direction, not sideways or backwards.

    > > >

    > > > All of that combines into a pretty reasonable trade-off.

    > > >

    > > > edit: And you can't dodge jump.

    > >

    > > and to top it off speed of sand is a TRAIT.

    > > so not only it covers less ground but also occupies a trait slot that other classes get some of their OP kitten.

    > > holo gets lasers edge for example in that slot.


    > It's a TRAIT, but it's a MINOR one, so it's not like you need to pick it IN PLACE OF SOMETHING ELSE and instead it's just ALWAYS THERE when you pick the spec and it's not different from many other minor traits like this which are meant to actually refine the PLAYSTYLE of especs and their mechanics. Not sure why you're trying to pretend it being "a [minor] trait" is something that actually matters here.

    > Not sure how "can't dodge jump" is such a huge deal in most cases. And it can be used while immobilized. And it doesn't break your actions. \


    > > @"Salt Mode.3780" said:

    > > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > > > @"Yoci.2481" said:

    > > > > Mirage Cloak's Speed of Sand does not cover more ground than a dodge. A dodge covers 300 units. Speed of Sand grants 66% movement speed for 0.75 seconds. Base movement speed in combat is 210 units per second.

    > > > > 210u/s * 1.66 * 0.75s = 261.45 units. That's a lot less than the 300 units from a normal dodge. Speed of Sand is also affected by movement impairing conditions like chill or cripple. In that case it covers even less ground. And it only works in the forward direction, not sideways or backwards.

    > > > >

    > > > > All of that combines into a pretty reasonable trade-off.

    > > > >

    > > > > edit: And you can't dodge jump.

    > > >

    > > > Keeping it 100%

    > >

    > > on top of tht the actual dodge itself is lower then a normal dodge just the visual effects dont line up so people think its longer then it actually is


    > And pretty sure this is wrong. Maybe you're confused, because before it got nerfed, it actually had longer evade than the regular dodge and now that it's the same, you somehow think it's lower?


    some minor traits boost damage by 10%, some by 15%, some by more, some remove boons or whatever.

    not mirage. Mirage cloak removes your movement from dodge and gives it back as a trait. its like having spb lose access to F1 skill and implement another minor trait that gives it back, its jut a ruse to make mesmer have 1 less trait then other classes nothing else.

    Its not about being a huge deal or not. what you get from elite should be fucking good. OFC mirage cloak dodging when stuned,casting,immob is good but its supposed to be good. You dont see me complaining that SPB gets OP full-counter and loses nothing in return. He takes entire traitline to make it work and its supposed to be fucking good. Gimping the base mechanic is no way to balance things.


    BTW I looked what some of the other elites get in its slot.

    DRD gets 0,5 dodge every time they land steal ( drd steal has what, 16s cd ? ) following your logic we should remove this trait from the game, make swipe BLOCKABLE and introduce MINOR trait that makes steal unblockable **ItS meant to actually refine the PLAYSTYLE of especs and their mechanics after all**

    same logic, but drd loses a trait, awesome idea.

    Lets do another one! remove daze from full counter, remove attackers insight from the game and make another trait that makes full-counter daze.

    who gives a shit right? those are just MINOR traits RIGHT?

    cough cough

    extra 0,5 dodge every 16s -> drd

    extra 450 offensive stats -> spb

    extra boon duration and dmg per boon -> herald

    extra chill duration and 10% dmg to chilled targets -> reaper

    but hey those are just MINOR traits so they are not strong right

  13. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > Mirage Mirrors are a kitten mechanic. Forcing people to pickup things everyone can see (super predictable when its getting picked up) makes them basically a joke. THe opponent can stop u from reaching them or just wait for you to be done picking them up before they burst. Either way, the Mirage is at a disadvantage trying to get more evade frames. Stop trying to say Mesmer doesn't need 2nd dodge cause it has a kitten mirror no body (should) want.


    following their " mirror " logic spb should lose dodge since it has fullcounter.


  14. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > Laggy Necro? Pfff, weak.

    > >

    > > Let me tell you about the true god. Laggy Warrior.


    > Laggy desync Bulls Charge is something to behold.


    dash is where its at, he runs into a wall and you never know if he gonna teleport to you for 7k crit or teleport 1200 units away from you since it bugs and goes the wrong way. A bug within a bug!

  15. > @"Alabastrum.9361" said:

    > @"Moradorin.6217"

    > You can either stow weapons right before you use cloak or you could deactivate the automatic usage of skill one by using contol + right mouse on skill 1.


    > also when you faced away and want to activate ambush make sure to face your target before pressing the button (especually on GS ambush otherwise it will go on a short cd aka wont be usable anymore)


    if you deactivate auto-usage on skill 1 some of mesmer skills become bugged and dont overwrite other skills.

    dont ask me why, it just happens. but personally I dont have issues with using ambush when I dont want to, its not an autoattack so it doesnt cast itself

  16. IMO killing support 1v1 shouldnt be a thing unless they suck, but side-noders should be able to force the supports to kite away within reasonable time.

    to top it off such " supports " cant do anything when they get decapped. they sure as hell are not going to kill YOU.

    if its their node, pressure enought to decap them, or get +1 and fully cap. if the node is yours just sit 1v1 and get a free point advantage for your team since you cant die to support and most if not all roamers at best will be able to push you off. there is a reason why supports dont play sides, and inability to do anything to capped enemy node is mainly the reason.

    Shit like decap druid/scrapper on the other hand...

  17. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > As someone who started ranger recently I will give you some of my thoughts on the matter, maybe there are work-arounds maybe not.

    > > > But loads of ranger skills feel sluggish to use.

    > > > LB 3 in theory doesnt have a cast time but in practice its not instant, if you use it with your back it doesnt fire and goes on FULL cooldown, this needs fixing.

    > > > GS 5, locks you in place and does that small dash thingy, just let us move during cast and remove the dash, Give the hit itself 160 range and call it a day. ( it lets us land it more consistently, makes it get bugged on terrain less and makes it easier for ranger to position for the stun instead of giving the enemy or the dice gods the choice.

    > > > Sword 2/3 evades feel kitten. I Feel like im spamming evades and HOPING I evade something instead off actually evading what I need, sword 2 has problems with landing hits, and the skills themselves leave you open for attack.

    > > > Axe mainhand looks like it tries to be hybrid between power and condi, but fails at both. It has no defensive capabilities whatsoever, and the damage is not good enough to justify it. Give axe 1 some condi damage, and axe 2 damage buff and it might be usable.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Fantastic Ideas all of them. Feels like a shame anet doesn't read this forums. Axe mainhand wouldn't need defensive if offhand weapons would provide something.


    > And it's good it doesn't


    > 1- Axe main hand applies : weakness-chill-bleed and good might stacking, a set up I used several times against power build with great success, the weapon needs no improvements if anything Axe off hand 4 ( path of scars ) needs a little more - for Axe mainhand the **defense is in the weakness/chill application**


    > 2- LB3...dunno why it would make sense for a skill to work when you give your back to the target...when many skills before had that same aspect removed


    > 3- The trick with sword is the camera flipping...a really common strategy, it offers great mobility and evasion especially when paired with dagger off hand, a staple of condi builds


    > 4- Ranger GS is an amazing weapon overall...there should be zero complaints about it


    > All weapons on this class range from decent to very good, **there is nothing underpowered on this class except 2-3 pet families and some aspects of the druid** ; people should really play more than a couple professions and for more than a few thousand hours, it would help understand what each profession get for how much and in what quantity


    1 axe main-hand offers less damage and less survivability then LB, this is why lb is used and axe is not, extra range and actual hard CC combined with stealth offers more then axe + X can do. Axe 2 is a dead skill, and ranger cant afford to have dead skills due to unreliability of pets.

    When you think about axe vs lb, you will quickly realize that winters bite offers slightly over 1/3 the dmg off rapid fire, no hard CC. and auto from axe has half the range from LB while retaining the same damage, and that 1 stack off might wont carry half the range and 1/3 the dmg from main damage source AND a dead skill.


    2 lb 3 is bugged, Im not proposing to making it shoot behind me through my back. If I do the same thing with lb 4 it goes on stow-cancel cd off ~4s. but lb 3 goes on full cd without activating which is just bizarre. It also has a cast time, doesnt state that it does and is impossible to stow-cancel. Which just feels weird to use.


    3 I know that I can position myself to dash where I need to go, doesnt change the fact that evades are delayed, dont cover entire animation and sword itself has problem with even connecting the hits.


    4 rangers GS is a very good all around weapon and I agree, but there is always room for improvement, it will make the weapon more pleasant and skillfull to use. being able to actually position the skill should be a given


    all in all has PLENTY of things that need improving. from basics like pets being stupid as one hell, to condi builds dealing all its damage SLOWLY with 1 condition and thus being easy to cleans, to weapons that try to do 2 things and fail at both.

    ranger right now is OK but IMO OK is not good enough. Every class should be good and solid

  18. are thiefs still pretending they go trickery for preparedness?

    totally not for 15% and 20% steal cd reductions? nor is it the daze that is unblockable due to swipe that hard counters half the classes?

    totally not for unblockable theft that will remove all important boons first nor is it for lead attacks massive 15% dmg boost.

    its definitely taken for that 3 fucking ini increase.

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