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  1. > @"snoow.1694" said: > Thing is - if a big balance patch would be coming, they would/should announce it a few weeks earlier and we haven‘t gotten anything in the past weeks. > I still hope a balance patch is coming next update, but I think you are right and Anet won‘t deliver, despite all the frustration right now They did annouce at end of oct the gw2 roadmap, according to that there should be a patch in march
  2. Ofcourse wvw roaming is full with toxic thiefs, what do you expect in a gamemode where thiefs are the superior roaming class. There is a reason why thiefs gets toxic since the class is designed to not die and when they die they get salty and make it their mission to "hunt" or "try to hunt ;)" ppl that killed them. You gotta remember that thief players in wvw roaming feel the need to bm when they kill someone because they think their class is garbage, but that's wvw. The only problem here is that the thiefs that were toxic to you make roaming vids even for MRGA so you would think they want to make the wvw (roaming) community better when in reality they are the ones that destroys it for many ppl (not for me).
  3. > @"saerni.2584" said: > > @"appelflap.8310" said: > > So basically what you're saying is that infiltrator's arrow is underwhelming now after the patch? A 900 range teleport on a weapon that can be spammed 2 times in a row when full ini, even when no ini you regen 8 ini in 8 secs without the use of other initiative sources. So that's a 900 range teleport with an 8 sec cd in the worst scenario, how is that underwhelming? If this is a problem for thieves then it is a l2p issue, it means you relied on overperforming mechanics in the past. > > It's one use, then waiting for initiative, then using it a second time. Your pool is 15, so you need to wait a second for the initiative and then you can cast it a second time. You might also use a combo with IA + SA/Signet but that might not be 100% reliable. > > You misunderstand with the idea that this is an 8 second cool down. That is a shared resource pool with all other weapon skills. So when you reduce that pool by 8 points you can more accurately say you add a cooldown equal to every skills individual point value equal to or below its point value. Of course, that's an oversimplification too because initiative is not a traditional cooldown. > > But, let's get into the weeds as it were. A player has 15 initiative traited. Every time you use a skill you should think about this calculation: > > (15 - Initiative Currently Expended + Available Raw Initiative) - Cost of Weapon Skill > > If the above number is negative you need to wait for initiative. This means, effectively, your weapon skill is on cooldown. Now, because all your skills have different costs some skills will be on cooldown, while others won't. The disadvantage is that, while you can use other less optimal weapon skills, using those skills will serve to increase the cooldown of more optimal skills also. > > The larger the "Cost of Weapon Skill" is the more likely you will be to find subsequent uses of higher cost skills locked out. Thief doesn't have cool downs so much as thief sometimes has cool downs when initiative is lower than skills require. > > So when you add 2 initiative to a 6 point skill it isn't the same as adding 2 to a 4 point skill. That's because the higher the cost the greater chance of it locking out a greater number of skills. Not all use cases involve full initiative with lots of available initiative regeneration. If you have 10 initiative and use an 8 initiative skill you are now limited to a 2 initiative skill (meaning practically all skills are on cooldown). > > Which brings me to the "Effective Universal Cooldown" balancing test. That is: > > (Cost of Desired Skill - (Available Initiative + Initiative Boosts) < or > (Opportunity Cost of Waiting) > > In plain language, the time to regenerate initiative to use the skill that is optimal for the situation NOW is weighed against the choice between waiting and spending initiative on another skill. However, that choice is difficult because it means the skill you can't cast NOW also won't be available for both the original time period AND the time period of whatever substitute skill. So the choice is really the question of "how badly do I need to use this skill in the immediate future?" > > The more you need to use a skill (which for a teleport may be critical because you need to decap or +1 ASAP) the more you effectively can't use other skills because you can't afford to cut into your pool. So "wait for initiative" unlike waiting for cool downs on other professions means auto attacking while you wait. > > Which is all to say that you can't speak of this as an 8 second cool down unless you ignore the unique initiative system on a fundamental level. My point still is that IA was overperforming and the nerf on it was deserved. Thieves can still stealth on the fly(to disengage, engage or regen initiave safely), they still have the best mobility, they still have the most evades of any class so yeah they shouldn't spam IA 3 times in 4 secs like before patch traveling 2700 range without any utilities, only weapon. After the patch thieves still have sb and shadowstep to travel around the map, the only difference now is that you have to use utilities too like other classes instead of weapon only to travel that fast and that's how it should be. As long as people can't understand how broken this was, they will never be satisfied when something gets nerfed.
  4. > I personally think the problem is rather that every other nerf was justfied with IA existing as it was. Now they nerf IA + Signet, what does it mean for other nerfs that have been implemented in the past? I mean, they can nerf all they want, i just wonder, what does Anet want for thief in general? If decap/+1 is now allowed, what is? Dueling? People hate it. Condi? People hate it. Support? There is no support build for thief beside BT in raids in some encounters. Tank thief? Healer? Not really possible. Which is it? Thief (daredevil) is still a +1/decap after patch, you just need a bit more skill now
  5. So basically what you're saying is that infiltrator's arrow is underwhelming now after the patch? A 900 range teleport on a weapon that can be spammed 2 times in a row when full ini, even when no ini you regen 8 ini in 8 secs without the use of other initiative sources. So that's a 900 range teleport with an 8 sec cd in the worst scenario, how is that underwhelming? If this is a problem for thieves then it is a l2p issue, it means you relied on overperforming mechanics in the past.
  6. I would like to see a nerf on daredevil dodges from 3 to 2 or SA traitline needs to be nerfed. I'd rather see daredevil dodge nerf so core and deadeye can still make use of SA traitline. Daredevils still have access to endurance thief, channeled vigor, bountiful theft and signet of agility that boost your endurance gain wich basically all daredevils use. It's just the combination of SA traitline and 3 dodges with all the endurance gaining traits/utilities that makes this spec unkillable.
  7. Good changes overall, plasma nerf finally came after 8 years. Sadly thief SA traitline hasnt got touched yet again wich means they are still unkillable, just remove a dodge from daredevil since they dont need 3 dodges when they still have so many access to stealth because of SA traitline. A daredevil can literally choose if he dies or not because of this even if they have no cooldowns left.
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