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Posts posted by dusanyu.4057

  1. we don't need any more classes 3 per armor type is plenty Also Anet has had problems in the past with add on classes The Rev, is in a bad place and in GW1 The assassin and Rit bounced from being too over powered to Nerfed to oblivion repeatedly Than the nightfall professions the Paragone (From the game) was removed from play very quickly save for a PvE build that required pve only warrior skills the Dervish Started out Over powered Was slapped to oblivion than later buffed to the point that it removed other melee classes from the meta game (the dervish still sits in this spot) SO adding any more classes is a very bad idea

  2. As far as the way the commander acts the same only rubbed me the wrong way in HOT in Rata Novice when cannoch made the comment "That this is clearly no place for an Asura" and here was My Asuran commander Who the Leaf puppet was taking orders from not saying a thing about the green ones comments

  3. > @Sublimatio.6981 said:

    > Males are statistically known to be more often aggressive and generally evil, and we live in times where patriarchy still dominates our societies/cultures. I don't think it's inaccurate that it's reflected in gods/semigods in our game. ANet is trying to stay realisitic in that regard I guess.


    > Though I like female villains way more. Preferably, they win. Too bad this game has to be cliche for the mass ;_;


    you may want to look up some of the maticentered cultures that exist on earth they are just as corrupt and warlike as Paricentered ones, a examination of anthropology throws the popular narrative out of the window and takes a big dump on it so, lets not let boring old facts get in the way. The fact is Human beings are grunting apes no matter what gender they are and are prone to Kick each others buts as a result of that fact.


  4. the tatastrophy is if Gods fight you know UNLIMITED COSMIC POWER! vs the same Nukes start flying Seas evaporate lots of fire and brimstone the PC went in as not a god and was able fight without resorting to useing godly powers not as much ugly huge swath of the world stay intact.

  5. It's on your guild to stay active. To use as an example my guildcwe have event s every night like shattered Saturday when we host a guild spawn shattered guild missions three times a week to get people commendations pof bounty train on Mondays relaxed (training) raid nights. Map completion zergs for example. Threir is plenty for guilds in this game you just need to be creative.

    Only thing we are missing is guild battles.


  6. > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

    > > @dusanyu.4057 said:

    > > My niece used to watch me play GW1, she later started drawing some of the things she seen while i was in game. She now does fan art for cartoons and they are displayed at a booth that travels to different camic-con events. Quite a talented artist, I could see her applying to arena net someday.


    > Does she share her artwork online? On deviantArt or another site? I would like to see her pictures :)


    She is only 12 and I dont't think she is on devient art

  7. > @Susy.7529 said:

    > I didn't understand the final cutscene, someone care to explain me why in the midst of Kralkatorrik destruction we see a shot of a smiling Aurene?


    the big question is it looked like that was Amnoon that was being branded, was Crackletoes Going after the commander deliberately to make Him/Her into a minion?

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