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Posts posted by dusanyu.4057

  1. > @Torolan.5816 said:

    > I main a norn, none of your points is of any concern to me. My trusted weapons clear my path, my boots are sturdy, the art of armor crafting is unaffected your puny tech gimmicks. Charr can´t be trusted as the ragtag legions of warbands they are, but at least they are not interested in suffering for it´s own sake.


    > I understand that the Asura need war and invasion and want to advance it as it´s the father of inventions. But if that is an argument in their favor is at least debatable.


    You are aware that the sura only allow the use of there gate system for peaceful endeavors Like transporting food to cities that are under siege this policy keps armies using the gates to easily sack cities


    ", the asura have extended their network of gates, powered by different means, and waypoints across Tyria over the years, zealously guarding their advancements and demanding significant compensation for use of their devices, as well as enforcing their use for peaceful activities only (e.g. tolerating the building of a gate in Ebonhawke to transport supplies and troops there but not allowing any opposing group, such as charr, to stage an assault by using those gates). As such, they play a prominent role in most interracial dealings and travel." Source https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Asura


    PS love how you ignored the whole rallying at waypoints thing.

  2. > @Torolan.5816 said:

    > Dear OP,


    > I fully support your campaign to stop the abuse of the adorable ratpeople known as Skritt.


    > I would rather say we should start as soon as possible with the abuse of the villanous relatives of the skritt, the Asura. Not only are these creatures annoying, know it alls and all in all a pesky bunch of habitual offenders to as good as any other creature, they are responsible for the continual sealing of the dominion of the winds. I say send them back to the smurf village where they belong, or put them on display at market places to be pelted with apples and tomatoes by the children and elder citizens of the races they have done so much ill.


    Remember this next time you need to rally at a waypoint. or visit Ebonhawke which would have fallen ages ago without the logistics provided by an Asura Gate. How long would have neen before the Charr turned their war machine to Kryta? One could argue guite easly infact that the Human invasive species still exists on Tyria due to Asura tech.

  3. > @Tewii.5063 said:

    > Reminder that you can dump dying/stranded skritt in lava at Ember Bay and hear their screams. This also takes away progress from the renown heart of that area. This is intentionally programmed in.


    I did not know this was a thing! Now I know where to go when I am in a skritt punching mood

  4. > @RyuDragnier.9476 said:

    > > @dusanyu.4057 said:

    > > i figure Braham will eventually step in something that will bite his foot we will have to jump in before he looses it completely


    > Most likely. That or he'll end up causing something he can't fix and get somebody he cares about (ie Rox) killed and will spend the rest of the story from then on atoning for it, being unable to blame anybody but himself. Bonus points if he admits he loved her.


    i hope they don't Kill Rox of all of the Dragons Watch NPCs she is one of more Reliable and down to earth.

  5. > @Palador.2170 said:

    > > @dusanyu.4057 said:

    > > As a Asura only player wholly support skritt abuse.

    > > In fact i am going to go kill some now


    > The more skritt you lead to a violent end, the more skritt ghosts there are following you. And the more skritt ghosts there are, the smarter they get.


    > You're creating your own doom, here.


    good thing i know where to find the Charr Ghostbusters

  6. My thought in the Gem store is i tend to forget it is there until something cool comes out (like the exosuit that came out a couple months ago) than i am splerging a little with paypal to get it. As far as RNG skins i have the Elemental sword, Jackal pup pack, and hydra staff i got from lucky rolls of keys from map completion. they sit in my inventory waiting for me to roll something that uses a staff :P

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