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Posts posted by dusanyu.4057

  1. Asura spell breaker works very well, Lore states that Spell breakers Cut the currents of magic around a enemy to disrupt there skills That calm meditative feneess withs well with the whole Asuran "I am smarter than you and i am going to prove it by toying with you" attitude they have (same reason Mesmer were a common thing amongs Asura in GW1) and sb feels very GW1 Mesmer.


    you can find lore ways to make all of the professions to work with any of the races.

  2. reason why you will probably never see another playable race is money. y they would have to retro go back and add the voice acting to all the other expansions, and living world content. this would be very expensive all in one shot. unless the voice of these new characters is Bob the bag-boy from the local supermarket.

  3. also there used to be some dialog in GW1 that hinted at that necromancers were looked at as bing somewhat looked down for being taboo at what they do. I think Anet cut that sort of thing out but it would have added flavor. if for example your a magic user in the Black citadel or a martial user in Rata sum. or a Necromancer in Divinity's reach. If some NPC's would actually be rude to you

  4. The issue when Abbadon was killed was not that he needed to be replaced as a god but his power was running wild (foreshadowing why dragon killing was bad) someone has to suck up all that power before it could do damage Kormir acted as a magical roll of paper towels.


    In the case of Balthazar ole Krackletows and Aurine were there to take the magic in no new god just two more powerful dragons.

  5. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:


    > Agreed with all of that, just 1 nitpick: Party A weren't on private twitter accounts. They were public. I think the word you meant to use was "personal" instead of "private".


    Legally I used the right term as in "privately held" I am assuming you are looking at "private" as in confidential? if someone were to try to argue that a twitter account was confidential in court it would be thrown out as it does not pass the "Expectation of privacy" legal test. see Katz v. United States (No. 35)

  6. While I hate Drama, I thought i would chime in on someone who works with the law. (note I am not an attorney ) but, my job of the past 20 years does require a understanding of the law. lets break down the parties in the initial incident


    Party A: two persons who on there private twitter accounts were speaking as employees of arena net.

    Party B: We had one person who is a Streaming Partner of Arena Net (Basically a business partner)


    Party B asks party A a question it was not rudely worded and attempts to have a conversation about said contents of said question.


    Party A gets upset and resorts to using a **gender based Pejorative against a business partner.** ((I am making this bold this for a reason))


    I am not a Arena net employee so i do not have access to there employee handbook but its a modern company so it is safe to guess that it would have a _Zero Tolerance policy for Racism and Sexism._


    This would put Anet in a situation that the persons involved, broke that policy and had to be disciplined in a way outlined in the manual.


    Stupidity on Antisocial media claims yet another casualty Someday people will learn that Twitter and Facebook are a place to share photos of your dinner.

  7. To be honest the state of Ascalon does not bother mat all and i was a GW1 player. Lets look at this idea that the current State of the charr is a Retcon.

    Back in GW1 we were only exposed to one side of the story, Ascalons. We are told the Charr ate "Beasts" mention of early history is never mentioned because it is simply convenient for the war effort. It would be difficult to win a war if your warriors thing that the enemy might have a shred of "Humanity" or even worse might actually have a rightful claim to the land.


    We see this dehumanization of the enemy in Real life as well in WW2 propaganda which painted Japan as backwards and less than human (it was so bad when japan reliced there advanced for the time Ki-61 Hien fighter the allies thought it was a Italian design and gave it the reporting name "Tony")


    so it is not unbelievable at all that the "beast" char were capable of building great things and we never got a look at iron in GW1 at all although it would have been fun in missions like "The great northern wall" to walk into a row of Iron Legion War machines.


    As far as humanity ever retaking ascalon. it will never happen lore paints humanity as a dieing species pushed to one corner and locked in a battle with centaurs determend on their extermination and barely holding there own. Id they tried to reconquer Ascalon they would be mowed over by the char in a matter of days.


    And before you scream "But Ebonhawk" that was a siege upon a fortification and good fortifications can make all the difference in that kind of fighting (ebonhawk does not as far as a fortress goes it stinks on ice but let us pretend that it is as awesome as the game portrays it as" for example Corfe Castle (a masterpiece of fortification engineering) in 1643 a group of Parliamentarians about **two to three hundred men** tried to take the castle from Lady Mary Bankes, her daughters and Servants and a force of **Five men ** and they held the castle. Eventually Lady Bankes' ranks swelled to about 80 men ant the parliamentarians to 600. eventually the castle fell only because she was betrayed by someone from the inside.






  8. She also seems to be our most dependable Follower When the commander needs things done we delegate it to rox (if she is with us) in HoT she served as our advance scout. ("Rox were on you") Rox is everything a Charr should be, a Soldier who calmly executes her orders and is loyal to the unit.

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