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Posts posted by dusanyu.4057

  1. Wait, current event will happen so content will be filtering in. This expansion exploration was touted as a big feature and their is a lot of cool places in these maps that are off the beaten path. Giant map wide. Meta events just get in the way of exploration. Some world bosses would have been cool but giving how the story ends those might be coming in current events.

  2. I hope a Anet staff reads this.

    I hearche the point where i have to get the springer to continue in the story, but to so this i have to master the level 3 jump. mastery i am currently one point away from this however, the only mastery points i can reach without the springer require memory game type play which posed a isse for some like me whom suffered a drain injury due to a I.E.D. plese concider adding more "ground level" masteries that don't require memory game play.


    Thank you a Long time fan



    > @sorudo.9054 said:

    > Both mac and windows are official products, there are way to many linux versions and none of them official.


    all they have to do is aim at Ubuntu as it has the highest user share for gamers Steam did this others figured out to get the Ubuntu aimed binary to work on there distribution of choice. given the fact to port to mac OS the POSIX base compatibility is done, as is the porting to OGL at this point al lit would take is some very small tweaks and recompiling i do however think anet worries about in the process the client being exposed to GPL code and as a result be forced to share the source of the client.

  4. good rundown of what Joko was up to here https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Movement_of_the_World



    "The monster's name was Palawa Joko. Within sixty years of Kormir's rise to godhood, Palawa Joko mustered his former power and marched a new army of mummies, zombies, and other undead out of the Crystal Desert into war with Vabbi. To ensure his dominance, Palawa dammed and diverted the river Elon, causing drought and famine amid the northern provinces of Elona and creating a green and growing area within the Crystal Desert. In this area, Palawa Joko established the seat of his new kingdom.


    The horrible famine caused by the diverted river caused widespread rebellion among the people of Vabbi and northern Kourna. Palawa Joko then found it all too easy to break the backs of Elonian resistance. Vabbi bowed to his strength simply to survive, and Kourna and Istan both became vassal states.


    Palawa's price for benevolence was tribute, forced loyalty, and all those who bore the name Ossa delivered unto his care. Periodically, a few more descendants were found hiding in the hills of Elona—and all were delivered unto the undead ruler of Elona. From the descendants of his ancient enemy, Palawa created a living army to match his undead one, reveling in the irony that Ossa's children owed their lives—and their loyalty—to him.


    Palawa also took great pride in the destruction of his greatest enemies: the Sunspears. Broken, their strongholds destroyed, their members scattered to the winds, they stood as a force no longer in Elona. Eventually, most of the populace forgot about the Order and their heroic deeds. Those few Sunspears who survived passed on the teachings of the Order over the course of more than a hundred years, holding onto the tenets of a barely-remembered vision. They became wandering mystics, philosophers, and lone warriors in a world that chose to forget their presence.


    All but a few. Some Sunspears, taken in by Palawa Joko's offers of power and rank, abandoned their vows. These traitors to the Order were given command of Palawa's armies or allowed to work alone against those in Elona who once scorned them. Each one, converted personally by Palawa, was given power over death and sent out to hunt down and destroy their fellow Sunspears—or bring them before their lord to be drawn into their unholy cause. These knights, called the Mordant Crescent, became a dark presence in the sunlit southern lands of Tyria. "


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