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Posts posted by Sarrs.4831

  1. Issue with this is that whenever ANet put rewards behind winning the week (that aren't trivial) everybody transfers to one server to stack it with good players to try to get the best rewards. This is really unhealthy for the game mode.


    I'd like it if they at least brought back bonus rank-up chests for placement in the week. It needs *something* rather than just earning pips and reward track progress.


    Maybe once the Alliances feature is complete Anet will have the option to put in some real rewards for winning the week.

  2. > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > Now everyone's gonna have a way to just speed past players and skip encounters altogether. Because the less PvP there is in a PvP gamemode, the better, right?


    > Thank you Anet for absolutely destroying a part of your game many of us enjoyed since 2012 <3



    Mount doesn't even move that much faster and might not even have evade frames. Not convinced it'll be better at ignoring encounters than Nike Warrior, Thieves or sword Mirage. Blessing of Elements is probably more of an issue than Warclaw.

  3. I like that the legendaries really give you a breadth of opportunity on how to acquire them. You can get the new Longbow by completing Auric Basin a lot! That's great!


    I hope that they consider keeping those legendary 'storylines' especially as they've seemingly gotten far more efficient at offering them. Looking at things like the Requiem armor questline. Maybe not put the legendary weapons behind them - but legendary accessories like Aurora, which are supposed to be seasonal capstones? Sounds like a great idea to me.

  4. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > I'd like to get rid of the greedy boring quaggan and bring back x-o-Tron as our comic relief character for festivals.


    New holiday event which has both Ho-ho-tron and Drooburt which ask for the same item. ANet tracks which of the two gets more donations.


    No reward based on who wins, not like the election in season 1. Just a competition.


    Go team Drooburt

  5. I think I'd quite like it if the next expansion were to come sooner rather than later. I'd like a new espec as Scourge just really doesn't tickle my pickle and Reaper, while fun, is getting a bit stale.


    Been seriously considering changing to some kind of DD Soulbeast for my main but I'm so so used to playing Necromancer. Necromancer gives me so much leeway when it comes to latency, though. Maybe a Trailblazer's Soulbeast?

  6. CM mode seems like it'd take less time to develop than an easy mode.


    Easy mode actually has to hit a specific target; it needs to be able to be completed by ...% of people. I would figure this would add a fair amount of time that needs to be done in QA. Possibly they would even need to take on new QA members because the QA team plays at a certain skill level; I remember there being a mild kerfuffle over in WoW with Kil'jaeden being quite hard, caused by new members of their QA team being better at the game than who they were replacing.


    CM mode doesn't. It's basically "hey what would this fight be like if we changed this mechanic" and because it's a CM and considered an optional element of the raid, there really aren't any targets on it which QA needs to deal with beyond "does it work".


    It makes me think they would need to fundamentally rethink how difficulty works in raids to be able to actually deliver an effective easy mode. Maybe that's worth it. Honestly, I'd say its not, but I don't doubt that would be expected of me.

  7. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > curses/sr/scourge terrormancer builds have 0 sustain as well. even with parasitic contagion you just get trained into the ground too quickly for it to be viable. one stunlock and you're dead


    Honestly I was thinking core Terrormancer.

  8. Spectral Ring change is deceptively powerful. It'll strip more stacks of Stability and be a better keep-away skill. Actually locking someone inside the ring is a waste of time, but sitting inside the ring yourself is possibly not horrible.


    Last Gasp is a painful loss, but a necessary one. I always thought this trait was way overbudget as a Master Minor.


    Dark Defiance seems like a very, very good effect. It is a big shame that Soul Comprehension was not touched, though.


    Fear of Death seems like a sleeper hit for Terror builds.


    Removing the chance to critically strike for Spiteful Spirit and Weakening Shroud seems very painful. I have not read the entire list of notes, though, and I think that these passive damage sources being unable to crit may be a gamewide change.

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