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Posts posted by Sarrs.4831

  1. I think it would be neat if you could optionally scale yourself down just a little, like to level 77 at most, to make the game harder for you and make your rewards better. I don't know how this wouldn't fall into the MF leech problem though since it's basically the same thing. I like the idea of finding an organic and rewarding way to make the game harder, though.

  2. >Think of how awesome a "cave of wonders" style dungeon hidden in the Crystal Desert somewhere with its own armor/weapon set would have been. Huge missed opportunity for PoF (just like not getting land spears.)


    We do have one, it's the dwarf city.


    Actual merits of adding a new dungeon aside... The whole issue is that you've asked for 34 skins when you would, for this feature, get 5. Dungeons would be fantastic but we're not going to see them because hey you need to make an armor set per weight for each dungeon and 16 weapon skins when an expansion probably has 4 armor sets per weight and 4 weapon sets.


    Honestly, easy dungeons are completely opposite to where GW2 shines. Raids and high-end fractals make sense because it lets ANet introduce mechanics that punish the group for an individual's performance. Open world is, oftentimes, the draw of the game, especially as an MMO. What does a relatively easy dungeon bring that an open world event chain doesn't, and vice versa?

  3. The game seems to be very much the opposite of dead. The only thing that might imply that the game is dead or dying is that LS episodes are taking longer than they did in S3 to produce, but considering the scope of these episodes I'm honestly not surprised that the 2-3 month target is being missed. The new maps are really, really big, and they're adding a new mount as well- seems like tons of content to me. With the game going from strength to strength, I don't see any reason to expect it to downturn at any point in the next few years.


    > @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

    > ANet has hinted that some of their team may currently be working on the next expansion for GW2. They also have teams working on Living Story content for GW2 which is likely to last for several more years. Thus, it seems likely that GW2 will continue to get updates for many years to come.


    I am pretty sure they've outright said that at any point in time, a third or half of their team are actively working on the expansion.

  4. For what it's worth, 'open world mode' would be far preferable to an easy mode 10-man instance.


    Again, it comes down to what the issue is behind raids

    Are they inaccessible, or less accessible than other content? If that's the main concern, then solo mode, then open world mode, are the most effective solutions.


    I don't think the problem should even be solved. Raids *should* be inaccessible; that's what makes them a rewarding experience. But if you're going to try to solve the problem don't try to solve it in a bad way.

  5. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > I repeated the *exact* words you said. It's not a strawman just because you regret saying what you did. I guess I'll have to take this as an apology.


    I mean, if we're allowed to repeat the exact words someone says and create a new context for them, I'd like a turn.


    >@"Ohoni.6057" said:

    >want to be lazy and just grind easy mode


    Exact words you said. Do you still stand by this position?


    > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > TIL stopping at the point where it suits you and inventing an arbitrary position for yourself to attack with arguments that are addressed in the very next sentence is called "talking it point by point". Yeah, right.


    If he didn't take what people said out of context he'd have nothing to respond to.

  6. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > You posed your statement as if it was self evident, it shouldn't be difficult for you to explain it. Why do *you* believe that a solo experience should *never* be worthy of anything more than "two champion bags, five loot bags and 25 volatile magic as a reward, not legendary armor?"


    That's not what I said. You can't win an argument with strawmen, and you won't win your legendary armor by arguing on the forums. Stop lying to yourself.

  7. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > > @"Sarrs.4831" said:

    > > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > > > > @"Sarrs.4831" said:

    > > > >Of course, you're not interested in a solo experience, because that means that would come with two champion bags, five loot bags and 25 volatile magic as a reward, not legendary armor.

    > > >

    > > > Why?

    > >

    > > Why should anyone take your opinion seriously, when all you quote is the line about the loot, with a joke response? We get that you're only here because you've gotten the idea that you can argue your way to legendary armor, but can you at least keep pretending otherwise?


    > I'm serious. Why do you believe that a solo experience could only ever come with "come with two champion bags, five loot bags and 25 volatile magic as a reward, not legendary armor?" What is it about being carried by nine other people that you believe makes you more deserving of a reward than someone who manages it himself?


    Pretty simple: I don't get carried.

  8. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > > @"Sarrs.4831" said:

    > >Of course, you're not interested in a solo experience, because that means that would come with two champion bags, five loot bags and 25 volatile magic as a reward, not legendary armor.


    > Why?


    Why should anyone take your opinion seriously, when all you quote is the line about the loot, with a joke response? We get that you're only here because you've gotten the idea that you can argue your way to legendary armor, but can you at least keep pretending otherwise?

  9. I mean if we're talking about instanced content we may as well point out that personal story and living story steps are also instanced content and they're pretty comfortable solo, and trivially easy in a group.


    A 'solo mode' for raids is actually one of the only good solutions that I can see to providing access to an easier mode for people. It means that more people have access to the content and that the community isn't split, which is the best argument from a player standpoint against an easy mode.


    Of course, you're not interested in a solo experience, because that means that would come with two champion bags, five loot bags and 25 volatile magic as a reward, not legendary armor.


    > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > Just because someone is willing to throw chaff at a topic doesn't mean that they are somehow more worthwhile than someone who just sticks to the truth.


    Aren't you literally just here to throw chaff?

  10. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > Ok, I'm open to suggestions. I'm honestly just doing my best here to field people's questions and comments on the topic. I'm trying to effect positive changes to the game, and I'm trying to explain my position as best I can. How do you believe I should be doing that differently to have better results?


    I keep bringing up the "why is this argument about loot and not about the content" for a reason. Start there; drop the loot as an argument entirely and just talk about what you'd want to see out of an easy mode.


    > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > It never has been. It's always been "I believe that a *lot* of players would want, therefore it *should* be." I think there's no reason to believe that isn't true.


    "I like to believe there is an invisible unicorn behind me. I have no reason to believe that isn't true."

    I'm coming straight from r/atheism and I've got all these burden of proof anecdotes ready to go.


    Speaking of burden of proof, didn't we just have a big discussion about that like two seconds ago? It's almost like nothing actually sticks in this discussion.

  11. Honestly I think Unholy Sanctuary is fine-ish and could just use some numbers tweaking. The rest of Death Magic is the problem. I genuinely don't know how anyone could make a reasonable statement to the balance of any individual traits in Death Magic without addressing the fact that the tree doesn't even have a Minor Master's trait.

  12. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > Normal mode raiders who want to be lazy and just grind easy mode instead?


    Okay so I'm not sure how to really cut this one up.


    On the one hand, this would be a genuine compromise between each position. It would get you drastically closer to what you want. You can grind up the gold you'd need to pay a group to carry you through the content once, which would be a one-time deal, and cost much much less than it would cost to do currently. You'd then be able to progress towards your goal in easy mode.

    Alternatively, if you're actually just interested in *the content* in an easy mode, you could just do *the easy mode* and not care about the rewards.


    On the second hand, do you think there's a genuine problem with 'normal mode raiders who want to be lazy and just grind easy mode instead'? Do you think that normal mode raiders *wouldn't* go down to easy mode and grind extra LI? If the modes aren't exclusionary then there's no reason they shouldn't if the rewards are actually worth doing (and if they aren't worth doing you'll just be back here to whinge anyway).


    On the third hand

    > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    >want to be lazy and just grind easy mode

    Your words, not mine.

  13. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > I think you missed the point. No, you would never *have* to go into normal mode, there is no good reason for that. It would be that you could get the "Perfected Envoy" out of either mode, but the method of earning it through easy mode would not unlock the Experimental skins along the way. *Those* would remain exclusive to normal mode players.


    I like my version better tho

  14. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > Ok, so how about this then, in the spirit of what you just said. Put Perfected Envoy Armor in easy mode, but given normal mode *exclusive* access to Expirimental Envoy Armor. That way, they get something *exclusive,* but not "better."


    Needing to clear Normal mode to complete the achievement chain, and then being able to do the rest on Easy mode, would be halfway interesting.


    Though you can already do it, get your cheevos done once and then pick an easy encounter and just clear that every week

  15. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > Why do you assume those people Vince wiped the floor with were incapable of learning those patterns? For all we know, they could have been fantastic raid players. It's just this kind of skill gives you no help in WvW, when you not only do not know the patterns of your opponents (because they can change those patterns and adjust them to your reactions), but can't even know what opponents you will get.


    Not really, this is learning your matchups, and learning your matchups is almost directly analogous to learning a raid encounter.

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