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Posts posted by Sarrs.4831

  1. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    >That is not a good place to be as a game developer when you have a huge jaded population. Just saying. And while.. hell you might be right.. if you wanted this game to keep going, you would want to be wrong.


    Honestly, it really wouldn't. If 10% of people who play this game are actively engaged with raids, that's a massive success.


    Really, they're not jaded or alienated or anything. Most people just aren't into raids.

  2. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > Not true. The reasons that people dislike raiding in its current state have nothing to do with easy mode, because easy mode eliminates them. It's like asking someone

    > A:"Do you like ghost pepper buffalo wings?"

    > B:"No, they are way too spicy."

    > A:"So you can't possibly like mild buffalo wings either."

    > B:". . .That's not how any of this works."


    But you can try the mild buffalo wings and you can see if you actually like them instead of just looking at them and thinking that you'd like them.


    Nevermind that these are just the reasons that *you* don't like raiding, not the reasons that *people* don't like raiding. 90% of people who don't currently raid won't raid no matter what you do.

  3. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > **2. Trainings:** what fun is it to have to _train_ for certain content in order to qualify for the real experience?? No other game mode does that. Sure, the more often you play a certain content, the more routine you show. But to assume a player cannot get it right (with some directions from the "pros") the first time around is offending one's intellect and skill.


    Progression raiding is an insane amount of fun.

  4. If a new legendary armor set for 'easy-mode raiding' were on the table I'd really just be thinking they should release a set of wings as relatively easy raids which has it as a reward all its own. Rehashing now-old content with an easy mode is not what the game needs. You may as well make a case for adding a hard mode for dungeons with a legendary armor set behind that. (Though now that I think about it...)


    Never mind that we'd be putting *two* legendary armor sets behind raiding, even 'easy mode' raiding. It somewhat boggles me that making a new legendary armor set, putting it behind easy mode raiding, and then saying that's a solution to PvEers needing to raid for legendary armor has not triggered anyone else.

  5. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > and all you gain from doing that padding your post count and keeping the topic alive, as such, you are just as much responsible for this topic being 60+ pages as anyone. Don't go blaming anyone else for what is your doing.


    Considering you've said yourself that you think these threads are pointless and won't accomplish anything, don't you think that's the pot calling the kettle black?

  6. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > No.. the reason why this topic is 60 pages long, is because you are trying to tell them they are wrong for feeling the way they feel. Maybe if you backed off, let them say their peace without the need to interject some snarky commentary , this topic would have died on page 1.


    I'm not telling them that they're wrong for feeling the way they feel. They are free to feel however they like.

    I disagree with their suggestions for reasons, and I state those reasons.

    More often than not I'm just picking out argumentative sleight of hand.


    > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > So do they actually make it take longer to beat the *same* bosses in these games, or do they just add *new* bosses that take as long to kill as the old ones did before you'd geared up? If the latter, that is not resetting, that's just raiding the bar. Basically [*reducing* what you *already have*], and [*increasing* what new content requires of you] are two completely distinct concepts.


    Dungeon bosses in Heroic and Mythic difficulty have their stats increased on a per-patch basis to scale against growths in player character power, to match the new gear level that you can earn from world quests.

    Open world mobs have their stats scaled dynamically against the player to counteract individual growths in power level.

    Raids on an individual level do not get their stats improved in either way; the requirements are raised as described. You can call it 'resetting' or 'raising the bar', it's a distinction without a difference as it's something WoW does that GW2 does not.


    > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > Seriously? You guys are boggling my mind. How can you play GW2 and not have a griffon?


    I mostly WvW when I'm 'seriously playing' or doing HoT metas for which the Raptor is the only mount worth a damn.

  7. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > That's not "resetting," that's just them adding new stuff


    No, it's resetting. They've explicitly stated that they design fights around target times; bosses' health is a direct product of the increase in power, effectively resetting them whenever a new tier of raid is released. They reduce conversion rates of crit, haste, mastery and versatility as you level, explicitly to reduce the player's power level. They've *directly changed* items in previous expansions to reduce their stats before, and they plan to do it again with the next expansion. If it was a direct chain of progression with no regression as you suggest, then it *wouldn't be a treadmill*.


    Even if we were to take the "WoW has a stat treadmill, GW2 has an appearance treadmill" argument as correct, it's still a falsehood because under this argument as *WoW also has an appearance treadmill* which is *worse than GW2's* because there are many items in the game that become either extremely difficult or impossible to obtain as expansions roll over.


    If this is the model that you prefer - content being made easier as time passes - then GW2 is not for you. GW2 is 100% built around evergreen content. You should play WoW instead; it already has everything you want, and it seems like you haven't played it before so it'll be a fun new experience for you.




    Also I don't have the Griffon. The other mounts do everything I need.

  8. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > Not sure what you're asking here.


    In a game like WoW, you progress by earning higher item level, and the game pulls you back in relative power by buffing the monsters with each raid cycle, or by knocking your stats down at the beginning of the new expansion. This is why it is a treadmill; you progress and then your progress is reset.


    Where, exactly, does GW2 pull you back?


    > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > There are other paths to Legendary Armor.. like WvW and sPvP.. and I encourage anyone that is disenchanted or frustrated with raids to give those other paths a try.


    Most of the reason this thread is so long is because one person in particular isn't interested in 'legendary armor', they're interested in Envoy skins, and that one person doesn't like WvW or sPvP either. We'd be at something like page 20 if that weren't the case.

  9. I think the only way to revisit LS1 would be to rewrite LS1 to such a degree that it's completely unrecognizable.


    If you were to release LS1 as a modern living story season you'd need to completely cut the Battle for Lion's Arch. You'd probably need to cut or entirely reimagine the Tower of Nightmare as well. Many of the Molten Alliance and Aetherblade chapters are gutted by being Fractals, as well.


    Why put so much work into reimagining LS1 when you could just make new story?


    The only thing that I would actually like to see that's from LS1 would be Labyrinthine Cliffs, but again, I'd rather see a modern reimagining of Labyrinthine Cliffs. It'd even work really well as a map with mounts as well. Instead of using the crystals, you use your mounts to navigate the map.

  10. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > No, that wouldn't help. It's not a skill issue, it's a matter of interest. I *could* "git gud," I *could* train on the raids and commit to a static, or hatever, but I have no interest in these, things, that's why I play GW2 rather than WoW. So no, that's not an answer to my question, I don't want to adapt myself to the existing content, I want them to *add* an easy mode and an alternate path to Envoy armor to the game, so I repeat my question, how should I frame that pursuit?


    No, it would; there's a reason there are a lot of people saying "why do raids need an easy mode, they're already easy", it's because they're good at the game. If you become good at the game, it will become easy mode for you. It's a straightforward and practical solution to your problem that requires no developer time.


    This is how you reframe the pursuit if you actually want a realistic chance to get what you want. I see no realistic chance that ANet will add an easier mode to raids, and even if they did, there is not a chance in Hell that they would give you Envoy's skins for it.


    > @"Teamkiller.4315" said:

    > "How do I develop an interest in raids?"


    > Keep in mind you claimed you aren't a quitter, so demonstrate that to us.


    He's been making & posting in these threads for years; he certainly hasn't quit, despite no evidence that ANet will or would move their position. Genuinely, if Ohoni put a fraction of the effort he puts towards arguing on the internet into raiding or any of the other content in the game, he would likely have anything he wanted quite quickly.

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