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Everything posted by CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617

  1. The Legendary Risen High Wizard appears at the Defense event as well, allowing you to complete the collection without the Gates of Arah falling to the Risen.
  2. Skyscale is definitely the better mount to get first. I have all the mounts, and I use the skyscale more than any other mount. It's the most versatile mount available. There is nothing wrong with the Griffon, but it is not as useful and versatile.
  3. Chef Laraib is the most annoying of all the HoT mastery points. There are plenty of other masteries easier to get. There are also a LOT of players who will help you get the masteries if you ask. Some players/guilds run regular event trains to collect mastery points. The best times to seek help for alternate mastery points are weekends and days when Crystal Oasis or Desert Highlands are on the Daily Achievement rotation (either events daily or bounty daily will work). There are more veteran players on the maps then, and vet players are the most likely to help out. Another alternative is to find mastery insights in LWS4 (if you have the episodes unlocked). There are often helpful players who will port you to out of reach mastery points if you ask. Don't worry about running out of Mastery Points, there are far more available than you can spend. Finally, if you are dead-set on beating Chef Lariab, here's a bit of advice from when I beat the SOB. Learn where the ingredients are. Make sure the chef is targeted (so you don't lose track of him). Be patient. Sometimes he will ask for stuff that is too far apart and you can't keep up, other times he'll ask for the same ingredient 3 times in a row while standing right next to it. His requests and movement are random, so you can get eventually get a lucky run. If you have it, a Speed Booster will help you move faster and keep up with his running around (all other boosts you can give yourself are disabled during the challenge). If you have a friend player a Herald Revenant, ask him to park his character in the area with the Facet of Elements active- this will give you constant Swiftness. But above all, be patient and don't stress out. If you are getting stressed, take a break.
  4. I've bought a couple of home nodes, a few skins that I didn't already have, and a couple of gold BL keys. Now I'm slowly chipping away at the Immortal Weapon skin set, while keeping enough in reserve for new stuff that is added.
  5. What a lot of people don't realize/remember is that when you use a boost, your character is TEMPORARILY boosted to level 80, given level 80 gear, and sent to the Silverwastes for a chance to preview it's play. You must then choose to permanently consume the boost to make it permanent. This temporary period will give you a chance to try out the character and decide if it's the right choice for you. So you can try out the boost, see how the character handles in the Silverwastes (a good level 80 map that is not too easy or too punishing), and decide whether or not you want to use the boost. There is no limit to how many times you can use the temp boost and reset back to the actual level, nor is there a limit to haw many different characters you can try it out on. See full details here [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Level-80_Boost](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Level-80_Boost)
  6. I have to agree with OP, these mastery flasks are virtually worthless. There are many easy ways to fill the xp bars for mastery, including map dailies and just playing the game. The mastery flasks are probably the worst guaranteed item to ever be in a Black Lion Chest. As stated above, they wouldn't be bad as a mob drop, or even as a cheap Gem Shop item for those that want it. Heck, put them in the Black Lion Statuette shop and give us an extra Statuette per chest (at least that's an item EVERYONE can get some use out of!)
  7. Bowl of Spiced Red Lentil Stew https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bowl_of_Spiced_Red_Lentil_Stew
  8. Ignoring the question of which build can do what, I'll address your question about the classes in general: Which one is better at healing and dps? The elementalist **if you are good**. Eles can be the strongest class in the hands of a highly skilled player. But they are extra squishy and awful if you aren't good at them. Eles have the lowest health of all classes, so one mistake can kill you. Necromancer, on the other hand, is a very forgiving class. They have the the highest health in the game (equal to Warrior), so they're tanky even in full berserk or viper gear. They can do fairly high dps with an good build. But their ability to heal others is almost nonexistent. As a casual player, I highly favor Necro over Ele. For me, it's too easy to mis-click or hit a wrong key on an ele and die, while doing the same with my necro is usually survivable.
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