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Posts posted by Raguel.9402

  1. > @Susy.7529 said:

    > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > > @Zunki.3916 said:

    > > > This makes no sense at all. OP is talking about needing KP B1 for B2 in the new wing. If he would not be dedicated into prog runs, he would never ever run W5 in the first week...

    > > And yet he has no KP for the first boss. If he was really dedicated, he wouldn't skip the hard part to do the events behind it.


    > Why not? Maybe he want to try different parts of the new wing, I kinda feel that way too, after struggling to beat boss 1 many times without success it's just normal to move on and try different encounters.


    Because it’s everyone’s right to require what they want and the OP just does not care about that, because he has soooo many Li...


    By that logic I could be a pro raider with 200li just because i’ve cleared W1 over and over.

  2. > @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

    > It's not called wing 5. Technically it is the 3rd raid and it's the Underworld. Wings ended with the first raid with wing three. I absolutely hate this nomenclature and just shows the unimaginative way many people think.


    Ooh, so you kill the boss by boring him to death? ;) /s


    On a serious note. Keep em coming. The new raid (wing 5 /jk) is quite fun :)


  3. If I make a LFG saying „W5 pink haired asura only” and you join as whatever else, I have every right to kick you. Will it upset you? Probably. Will I care? No.


    The argument about making your own LFG is given, because people can’t be bothered to read LFGs or just plain refuse to adhere to the requirements.


    If I want to raid with pink haired asura and I make the LFG, it’s my right to kick whoever does not adhere to this. Plain and simple.


    Don’t ask for an explanation for why people want to x y or z.


    What’s more. People with leggy armor, 9000 Li and whatever quit regular runs after one or two attempts, so i’d rather have someone who is new to raiding but has killed the new boss after release, rather than a „pro” who might be looking for an easy kill/carry

  4. > @hardy.7469 said:

    > I think, to a degree, having raids be for a small playset is fine.

    > What I DON'T like, or never did in any MMO, is no easy way for other players to explore that area, especially in a game like GW2 where the raids are full of lore even post clear.

    > We're 3 raids in (5 if you count wings)... The developers really should give players an easy way to access a clear state of the older raids. Let the new one be exclusive for those who like raiding for x amount of months, but let the older stuff be easier to access. Like stupid easy. Go talk to NPC, get your own clear state to run around and explore.


    > Heck I would pay for that access even, like those tickets like Mistlock Santuary.


    > There's no reason to lock old lore like that out of the game for players, especially as older raids become less and less played. I'd say the same for dungeons and fractals too, though to a lesser extent since they aren't as full of lore or as explorable as the raids.


    I guess you never came up with the idea of joining one of the „cleared raid, chests marked” lfgs, which are populating the LFG ever since raids came out? All of the raid „lore” is easily and mostly only available after a raid is cleared.

  5. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > @Turin.6921 said:

    > > > Fractals in t4 are challenging 5-man content. They are supposed to be tough....If you do not want to do then just run t3. Which are much easier and relaxed. Plus i find it especially interesting to complain about this now that they actually added Twilight Oasis which is a miles more relaxed fractal than most other new ones.

    > >

    > > Exactly. People forget that fractal tiers mean difficulty scaling, not just AR scaling. Essentially if you beat a fractal at T1 and want to up the challenge, you go T2 and so on. If you're satisfied with running T1, you can continue running T1.

    > >

    > > To quote - With great risks, come great rewards :)


    > Not in GW2, no. It's objectively more efficient to run SW (0 risk) for profit, than fractals :)


    Yeah well, we're not exactly speaking about grinding gold strategies here :) If you want gold just afk metas or SW :)

  6. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > > > > UW, FoW, DoA, Urgoz, these are all perfect material for raid content in GW2. However, the current way of making raids in this game is a slap to the face to all fans of GW1 original content. There is no exploration or chainquests, this is just Boss > Event > Boss. At this point I only feel reinforced in my opinion they should stop making raids "immersive" and just deliver platforms with bosses and mechanics.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Also, Dhuum looks stupid.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > These devs didn't earn the right to use such a great place like GW1 UW and turn it into such a joke like this new wing.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > If you don't want to raid in gw2, don't, but don't blame the community.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > **Community is the reason I stopped raiding so in my case they are to blame :)**

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > > > > > > > > > @Wicked.5479 said:

    > > > > > > > > > even in prophecies you could still clear UW with like 4 man easy. whereas this raidsystem is purely time/damagegated so doin it with just a few friends is near impossible

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I heard people clear GW2 raids (at least the old ones) with like 5 people. So, as long you have competent friends, I guess you can do that too.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > This is a non-argument here. The intended design for this content is 10-man. Some people can drive cars on 2 wheels but it doesn't mean everyone should.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > you are part of the community,so blame yourself

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I don't identify myself as a raider anymore, so no :)

    > > > >

    > > > > But you was when you did.

    > > > > Or did you stop because you read mean comments from them in the forum?

    > > > > Seriously, please stop your personal vendetta against raids. We already got it.

    > > > >

    > > > > This is NOT gw1 either. So stop comparing to that old game.

    > > >

    > > > I can compare and will do so because GW2 is a sequel and reintroduces things we know from GW1, as I paid for both games I am entitled to do so :)

    > > >

    > > > You don't know why I stopped raiding but thank you for your comment proving exactly what is wrong with this community :)

    > >

    > > So please tell us the Story of Keldorn, i would love to hear that.

    > > There must be a big reason why someone is not playing a super fun part of this game.

    > >

    > > How does my comment proof anything?

    > > That i am i annoyed by you? Yes. (Sorry for not suggarcoating it)

    > > You can´t spread so much negativity without receiving some. But apperenty thats a community issue.


    > Thank you for your response :) I don't see a reason why should I share anything with you :) If you are annoyed then maybe think about taking a break from forums or game, give yourself some time, chill, drink your favourite fruit tea and relax :) There is no reason to spread negativity :)


    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > > > What if I want to experience the story in the new fractal but can't actually be bothered to run it?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > what story lol

    > > > >

    > > > > exactly. There is next to 0 story in raids.

    > > >

    > > > My comment was about new fractal, you probably got confused :)

    > >

    > > I was using fractals/dungeons/etc as an example as to how incredibly unavailable the "lore" therein is. Exactly what people have been crying about since raids were launched.

    > >

    > > The argument is basically, I want something, but can't be bothered to play it.


    > Except I agree that UW should be raid. Thing is I find this raid lame in comparison to GW1 UW, which is a disappointment :)


    GW2 is lame in some aspects as compared to GW1 and I agree. UW from GW1 was much prettier.

  7. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > What if I want to experience the story in the new fractal but can't actually be bothered to run it?

    > > >

    > > > what story lol

    > >

    > > exactly. There is next to 0 story in raids.


    > My comment was about new fractal, you probably got confused :)


    I was using fractals/dungeons/etc as an example as to how incredibly unavailable the "lore" therein is. Exactly what people have been crying about since raids were launched.


    The argument is basically, I want something, but can't be bothered to play it.

  8. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > I don't see why the F40 farm should have any sort of protected status. Sure, I like having a few easy/easier fractals, but when it's so easy that people literally can do it in 3 minutes, it's time for a change.

    > > >

    > > > I also am not too worried about how people feel about the changes today, whether positive or negative. It takes a while for humans to get used to changes and only after that can we do a fair job of evaluating whether the old way or the new way was better.

    > > >

    > > > Swampland 2.0 got some bad reactions it's first 48 hours, but I think most people who fractal regularly like it better. It can't be cheezed as easily and yet a good group can do it more quickly (while a bad group can still fail it).

    > >

    > > The new swamp makes perfect sense now. Previously everyone would just keep re rolling until you get the one you wanted. Now it's a mini boss, followed by a big boss. The changes are going the right way and it's good to see.


    > Swamp has too much artificial gating with boss invuln phases which is lame by design. Other than this I like how swamp was revamped :)


    Probably to avoid bloomie being melted in the first CC phase :)

  9. > @Turin.6921 said:

    > Fractals in t4 are challenging 5-man content. They are supposed to be tough....If you do not want to do then just run t3. Which are much easier and relaxed. Plus i find it especially interesting to complain about this now that they actually added Twilight Oasis which is a miles more relaxed fractal than most other new ones.


    Exactly. People forget that fractal tiers mean difficulty scaling, not just AR scaling. Essentially if you beat a fractal at T1 and want to up the challenge, you go T2 and so on. If you're satisfied with running T1, you can continue running T1.


    To quote - With great risks, come great rewards :)

  10. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > I don't see why the F40 farm should have any sort of protected status. Sure, I like having a few easy/easier fractals, but when it's so easy that people literally can do it in 3 minutes, it's time for a change.


    > I also am not too worried about how people feel about the changes today, whether positive or negative. It takes a while for humans to get used to changes and only after that can we do a fair job of evaluating whether the old way or the new way was better.


    > Swampland 2.0 got some bad reactions it's first 48 hours, but I think most people who fractal regularly like it better. It can't be cheezed as easily and yet a good group can do it more quickly (while a bad group can still fail it).


    The new swamp makes perfect sense now. Previously everyone would just keep re rolling until you get the one you wanted. Now it's a mini boss, followed by a big boss. The changes are going the right way and it's good to see.

  11. Was just waiting for this post to come up xD You literally expect everything to be handed to you for 0 effort?


    I mean, by this logic, every content/story/whatever is gated behind something. What if I'm a pvp player and want to experience the story behind Arah, but I suck at pve and can't be bothered to kill the mobs? Anet should introduce a baby mode of all Arah/dungeon/Fractals now?


    What if I want to experience the story in the new fractal but can't actually be bothered to run it?


    > @syntohras.1064 said:

    > That is sad....so i won't see the uw because i do not play Raids. =(


    You do realise you can "walk in" and explore a bit etc without even starting the first boss, right?


    As far as the other wings. Some of the "lore" in them, wing 2 for example, had journals specifically saying "I should return to this once the area is clear" There is 0 verbal lore in raids, apart from a few lines being said, over and over again. Everything else is readily available after the wing is cleared, and people have been offering open instances to explore to your hearts content since forever.


    Don't cry about something you haven't actually tried to explore.

  12. If you're failing at the post HoT fractals, you would have loved the old scale 50 ones, one shots for everyone :-) No fractal, nor raid is hard if you give it a few tries and learn it.


    Any content with Pugs is a pain to run. Which is why open world events are sometimes easier to complete with under 5 players (who are decent) rather than 50 pveers 1-1-1-1ing the boss whilist failing basic dodging and cc mechanics.

  13. > @"Swimsasa Stoon.8936" said:

    > When a guardian can kill a heavy golem for example with the press of two buttons... Elementalist just can't seem to do it.


    Ele can kill a golem with downstate lavafont, hell some ele players use it in their rotation as a dps increase... (sarcasm mode off)


    Ele does the same amount of dps on small hitboxes as most other classes. However they pull ahead by a huge margin on large hitboxes. Diffence being ele rotation is harder and requires more practice.


    Before PoF condi engie used to be higher dps than power but had a much harder rotation, meaning only good engie players were able to pull top notch dps.

  14. Some bosses have been killed with as few as three or four people, cairn can be soloed. Wing 4 in it’s entirety is a joke and you want raids to be „easier”?


    No class should only focus on their rotation as this leads to wipes. Had too many pugs this week tunneling on the boss, ignoring mechanics which caused us to wipe. And these were „experienced” pugs.


    No one in their right mind demands golem lvl dps or performance in raids, some people still do greens at VG.


    The gear and dps requirements in gw2 are as low as can be. I played a bit of wow when I took a break in between wing3 and 4, and that game has „requirements”. You need to constantly grind not only for „gear” but the correct stats for your specific build etc. And that’s just so people don’t cry about you in LF Raids or dungeons.


    If you want easy content, 90% of the game is there for you. But let us, who don’t like to afk at metas, to have some fun as well.

  15. Well elite spec are about introducing a new gamplay style for a class. See mirage, for example. You can’t dodge in the normal sense of it.


    Chrono adds an F5 to mesmers and is entirely built around it.


    Now with engie, the whole spec is built around entering forge. Also, I don’t think I’d like to have forge added as an F6 xD


    You gain some, you lose some. True that it makes the non holo elite skills redundant in some way, but not entirely.

  16. > @Lunateric.3708 said:

    > About to finish my predator so I hope sword gets outperformed anyway!, and yeah their web is pretty good and more "noob" friendly overall. I still use qT's and dT's resources but I found this new release the most polished for current balance.


    No worries, seeing how toolkit scaling works, rifle will be our go to weapon forever xD


    I actually like that engie got a competetive dps spec which doesn’t make you want to kill yourself when playing it - see condi engie.


    As far as healing goes, in an organised group, which is what these builds are for, you don’t have to worry about the overheating. The benchmarks were done with an ele healing the engie as well.


  17. It’s not about how many times you’ve tried the rotation per se.


    First of all read the written rotation they have. Fennec also has a nice video explaining the tempest staff rotation (it’s similar). The rotation requires a ton of skill and class knowledge as well as being proficient at playing the piano, think condi engie.


    Btw. You can run the videos in slow motion so that you can remember which skills go in which priority.


    And just practice practice :)

  18. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

    > > > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > > > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

    > > > > > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.

    > > > >

    > > > > I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.

    > > > >

    > > > > Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.

    > > > >

    > > > > So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.

    > > >

    > > > I can assure you your meta speedrun mentality is actually a minority even amongst experienced players.

    > >

    > > If you read any of my posts thoroughly you'd see I'm far from "meta speedrunning mentality" but anyhow. As long as it works, it's not broken right? :)


    > exactly, she progresses through raids with her builds which is the only justification ever needed


    Correct :)

  19. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

    > > > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

    > > >

    > > > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?

    > > >

    > > > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

    > > > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)

    > > >

    > > > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.

    > >

    > > I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.

    > >

    > > Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.

    > >

    > > So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.

    > >

    > > If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.


    > I can assure you your meta speedrun mentality is actually a minority even amongst experienced players.


    If you read any of my posts thoroughly you'd see I'm far from "meta speedrunning mentality" but anyhow. As long as it works, it's not broken right? :)

  20. > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.

    > >

    > > If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...


    > Like Kitty's already said way too many times, those benchmark videos are NOT guides. They NO guides. Tu comprehendos?


    > If Kitty had aimed making those videos as guides by themselves, she'd have included written rotations, helpful tips and stuffs already as text within the video. But sadly, Kitty doesn't have time for that in this phase of her project. Until she starts writing her build guides (which will include how to play also unusual weapon combos and where they work, where they don't etc. etc.), those benchmarking videos will be nothing more than a proof that Kitty's not throwing random paper pieces with numbers in a hat and pulling one from the hat for each build. And they are NOT absolutely highest DPS the build can do nor it aims to be such. Those only show what people at Kitty's level can do with various builds with some practise (and what Kitty can pull off somewhat reliably). And once again, Kitty's practised every metabuild she's recorded for at least 1,5-2 hours each and she's played each of them in T4 fractals and raids. But, being bad at executing long combos properly and swapping kits quick, she still fails to reliably pull them off and what's even worse, she only gives her own builds and rotations like max. 15 mins of thinking/practising time per weapon-combo, even less if the rotations and traits are somewhat similar. Kitty indeed does favor her own builds a lot at that, right?

    > Yush, if someone of Kitty's failing combo execution skills honed one rotation for hours, hours and more hours, then that someone might actually start reaching rather high numbers. But if Kitty started doing that, she'd grow so frustrated with the build that she'd not play it again in a long time (which was part of the reason why Kitty avoided playing power DH for months.)


    > And no, no, Kitty's not alone like that.


    I do know you are not posting guides, which is my point. You're trying to cater to newer players, without providing easy to understand information - i.e. written rotations.


    Experienced players don't have a use for your builds, as they know their class and can theorycraft on their own.


    So who are you aiming your guides at? At some point I dislike qtfy's website as they just posted rotation videos without much of an explanation and I was 100% lost as to they why, when and what.


    If you're just posting random builds for it's own sake, then kudoz to you.

  21. > @CrustyBot.3564 said:

    > I think people dont care much about off meta. I brought up condi holosmith in my last post, and I have top dps'd several w4 bosses with it including Deimos. So it's not impossible to use off meta builds and still contribute. The problem I see here is that judging by kitty's videos, it's a combination of an off meta build along with _selfish_ play that facetanks and ignores mechanics in order to reach reasonable dps numbers.


    > What exp raiders realise is that more you understand your class and encounters, the more room you have to experiment and run off meta builds without sacrificing overall group performance. While Kitty may be able to play these builds and clear raids, it relies on other people to run meta builds and play team oriented styles in order to compensate. If everyone in the group ran with similar builds and especially a similar mindset, then that group would not be able to complete the content. That's why even though on the surface level, Kitty does fine, that people are claiming she is getting carried.


    > That's why it's kind of bad to push these builds onto prospective raiders as is. At least IMO.


    All of her dps builds require 6/10 ppl to run optimised meta builds and running them at a high proficiency level. 2 competent ps wars, 2 chronos and 2 druids can easily carry 4 wannabe dps players.

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