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Posts posted by Raguel.9402

  1. > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

    > If you hint at the 6 guides Kitty's written on her site, 4/6 of them are outdated. If you point at videos, they only show what rotation and stuff Kitty used for her benchmarks. If she intended to make them into guide vids, she'd have included written rotation and stuff.


    You do realise, that a new player won't benefit much from a video where all you do is show a rotation, build and gear? Try understanding an engie's rotation without having the written "priority" based list somewhere.


    If you really want to help new players. Make written guides for your builds. Copy pasting a build, whatever the source, won't teach anyone anything. That's why so many ppl suck at pvp, they just go to metabattle, copy paste what's meta and die and then qq the class is trash...

  2. > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

    > > @skarpak.8594 said:

    > > edit: to finally answer your question related to the builds which are not shown. they are tested. just not published. see the difference?


    > And when Kitty asked them that for ex. qT would publish them, Subi said something like publishing the test results of "trash builds" isn't worth it. But we still have lots of peoples who would actually like to see the difference between trash builds and metabuilds, for curiosity if not for anything else. Makes Kitty wonder why they don't want to publish the results of such? Because they want people to stick to metabuilds?


    > Tbh, if they did publish the test results for such, Kitty wouldn't need to re-invent the wheel worse by testing and posting her own. And Kitty actually even asked better people to test those builds out a bit to get some better relevant results in Reddit...but all she got was so massive wave of toxicity that GW2-sub mods had to calm it down a bit. And certain qT-members were quite vocal in that thread.


    As per qT disclaimer. They only publish what they, as a speed running guild, feel is worthy of publishing. Writing and posting guides on their webpage does take time you know? But if they deem it not worth the effort. They don’t.


    If I start writing a book, but halfway through decide it just reads badly, should I spend time and money on publishing it, because “some” people might like it?


    It all comes down to: run whatever cele-bunker-whatever build you want. As long as you’re “contributing”, this is key, no one will care.


    If someone takes your 20k dps build. Runs it to perfection and can consistently carry his weight. It’ll be their choice whether they want to stick to a safer/easier build, or buy that porshe and see if they like going a bit faster, at the risk of crashing and burning every now and then.


    For example, I’m trying to improve on weaver in instanced content. I know ele quite well in general as I play and like to experiment with builds myself, however, whenever I feel like it’s better to take that hp trait, to stay alive longer, or even go tempest if I’m having a bad day or the pugs suck. I will. But only because I know the class, the traits and how I can build my ele to go full dps or play safe.


    Class and encounter knowledge always comes up on top.

  3. > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > > @Yreal.6937 said:

    > > So I am there in T4 fractals or raid praying that the boss will not break my long casting meteor spell that has a useless massive hitbox and dealing with the complexities of my class, so that I can hopefully pull some damage, while the rest are just slamming their fingers on their keyboards playing their simplistic classes pulling in many cases SEVERAL THOUSANDs more DPS than our Eles! This is far too unbalanced, Ele as a DPS class is already not viable in PvP and now is becoming rather useless in PvE too. Then have warriors go "AHAHAHA I do more damage than Ele!!!" Thank you ANET for messing this so badly, it has sucked the fun out of playing Ele and if this is not fixed I am personally out.

    > >

    > > All I can say these days is that unfortunately our DPS has become massively based on the game mechanics or if there are adds or what the hitbox size is. We play a rather squishy and complex class while others just slam the keys on their keyboard and rub their DPS in our faces as if it is a JOKE. What else do I bring to the group? Well nothing.


    > ah the dps meter wars mentality again. My tip, stop worrying about what other people are doing and just focus on improving what you do and what you enjoy doing. Balance is only required in PVP.


    Pretty much this. Stay alive, enjoy the content and just don’t be a burden more than anything.


  4. > @"Ildrid Ildhjertet.2489" said:

    > > @Lunaire.9741 said:

    > > It's not wrong to post criticism of the builds or point out there flaws. That doesn't make one elitist.

    > > It's not wrong to want people to aim high rather than for mediorce.

    > >

    > > Whats with people these days? cant criticise even legit criticisms cause feelings might get hurt :-1:

    > Just gonna leave what Kitty stated on the first page here:

    > > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

    > > And like usual: don't be a build kitten. If the squad isn't speedrunning or doing No Updrafts-Gors, **pretty much any build with over 20k DPS** works for basic DPS role if played properly.

    > >

    > > Note: these aren't "the best of 50 tries"-type benchmarks, **but what Kitty could pull off within 8 tries** (or less if Kitty felt like she did the best she could). Kitty's a kitten player with high ping, slow mind and reaction time and these benchmarks were done with a normal mouse and keyboard, so any player with full ascended gears (including poor multi-classers) should be able to do about as well at least. And speedrunners should do way moar <.< >.>

    > *Emphasis added

    > There are plenty of people who, for whatever reason, can't hit qT benchmarks. Having (lower) benchmarks that are more doable (and imo more realistic) is great, so people can go "I like to use power-mesmer, oh, there's a 20k+ dps build that can do that!" Or do anyone expect people to

    > -realistically- hit 38k DPS on DH-guardian during a VG fight?


    > I also see people complaining about her rotations, as she's using a cc skill "that should only be used when needed, as it drops DPS!" Well, fun fact, the Golem does never require you to cc it, so not using a cc skill against it is absolutely not realistic for an encounter that do require the use of cc skills.


    Just going to quote you on the mesmer part cause it just proves how little knowledge people have of a class.


    You say, you like to play core power mesmer or even power chrono. Well guess what. Power mesmer is EASILY capable of doing 30+ dps by pressing, what is it, 3 buttons? I've tried it, ran it in raids, and it works. It's not OPTIMAL, cause other classes can do more, but it works and it brings reflects, pulls, great CC etc.


    DH has one of the easiest rotations of all classes and you bring great utility with you. No one expects you to pull 35k dps on VG, however for DH is actually kind of easy, given that VG has low armor value and DH actually does very well there.


    From what I've seen Kitty is using GS/Hammer is her DH benchmark, which is supposed to do what exactly? Does ok damage, has good burst in the form of traps and GS but the hammer is there for what? CC? maybe, protection? Nope, she's swapping to GS every now and again.


    Someone here mentioned that Qtfy's builds drop dps the moment you have to go ranged od deimos for example. Well you're not going to pull top dps ranging on hammer or GS now will you?


    This is why, the same thing keeps coming back, over and over. Class knowledge and skill at playing it plus knowing the boss encounter matters the most.


    You're saying, a DPS golem doesn't need to be cced, well you're not ccing a raid boss 100% of the time either, BUT, when you get a burst phase on KC for example, you have to know what you're doing. If you keep spamming your skills off cooldown and CC comes up on samarog, someone's gonna die, because all of you CC skills are unavailable.

    And then you're going to complain at Kitty for telling you that you should use CC skills off cooldown?


    Benchmarks are supposed to be potential maximal dps output of a build. BUT you need to know the fight more than anything.


    Also, how can you guarantee, that if someone decides to copy kitty's build and run it, they will actually give the effort to learn to try and meet her benchmarks.


    I pugged samarog some time ago on my chrono. Samarog is one of the easiest bosses and omg it was not only one of the slowest kills in my life (we almost hit enrage), I also died on the CC phase halfway through and someone from the group whispered my afterwards saying that my quickness and alacrity uptime was "higher" than the other chrono's who actually stayed alive the whole fight...not to mention a 6k dps DH.


    How about a condi tempet camping air attunement on KC doing less damage than our chronos? Too complicated a build? Nope, 0 class knowledge? 100%.



    Quick Edit:


    you're using full raid buffs in your benchmarks, meaning you expect your support classes (6/10 players) to do a super optimal job, cause let's be honest 100% quickness, alacrity and gotl uptime in pug runs is impossible. So what happens when I bring my chrono to your pug run and say I'm playing my own build but it does very good in open world. I mean, you're not pulling your weight on a DH so why should I bother doing to the same on druid or chrono right?


    Just how much will your benchmarks drop if your druid, chrono or ps decides to have a "casual" day?



  5. To be honest I'd rather have a full cele ele pulling consistent 20k dps than a wannabe player who just copy pasted a build and does 6k on a guardian at Samarog.


    Qtfy's or SC's benchmarks and builds are for players who want to improve their game. Who want to learn and improve. If I were to take Kitty's benchmarks as a given I might as well stop practicing on my guardian because I easily pull higher dps than what you benchmark (given I use optimal food, gear, not always though, and build).


    The most important factor is always player skill, however, there is only so much you can do with skill alone, which is why you should always aim at improving Skill -> Build -> Gear.

  6. > @shippage.1983 said:

    > You didn't carry. Any build can get kills, doesn't mean it's useful in a team comp.


    Didn't manage to watch the video, but if all he got is "kills" then how is this carrying? unless you kill like 80 ppl = 400 points you can lose the game just by having the other team cap points whereas you cannot deal damage while fighting on point.

  7. > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

    > Meh, the raiders in general have been unfriendly. I'd like to raid , just to be able to say I'd done it. I have full asc gear and weapons ( and 3 legendaries ) and I still get hassles. Maybe like dungeons in a couple of years people will chill and raiding will be an option.


    Full ascended Nomad's gear doesn't count you know :) /joke


    If you want to raid, join training runs and make sure you know the boss/your class and can fill your role competently. Apart from random pugs I've never met this "unfriendly" raiding community ppl quote all the time. Then again, no one likes to carry a full ascended all legendary 5k dps ele :-)


    If you're on EU - The Crossroads Inn is where you want to be - among a few others.

  8. You don't need full ascended "anything" to kill a boss - there was a video of KING i think who did a kill in greens or something. They literally spent 3g on their gear.


    What's the point here? DPS =/= gear and Skill > gear.


    We had to got carried by two magi druids from our group once on cairn. Everyone else died around 10% of hp left. They did it by playing well, they were doing like 2k dps each? So yeah, you don't need sick deeps to raid.


    You need to however know your class and the boss mechanics. You can practice rotations on a golem. You don't even need to use the super expensive food for that. Just know which buttons to press when.


    I for one, do not play ele in raids, cause I suck at it and would probably hug the floor more often than not. I do however know how to play my guard on engie and do enough to not be carried per se.


    How do you find ppl to play with? Well there's the LFG tool with plenty of training runs going on. The only requirement is that you are actually willing to learn and don't suck at your class.

  9. > @Kidel.2057 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > > @Kidel.2057 said:

    > > > All "meteor-like" skills can't hit the same target more than X times.

    > > >

    > > > Done.

    > >

    > > If you're talking PVE you're too late ;)

    > >

    > > "February 22, 2017

    > > This skill now has a 0.5-second cooldown when hitting nonplayer targets."


    > But it's not. Pve weaver is basically the onlu dps in the game, dealing 10k more dps than any other condi class


    Do you seriously think that staff power weaver is that good of a dps class? Do you even know what conditions need to be met for a power weaver to pull of that kind of dps "on a large and stationary" target? Not even to mention how crazy that rotation is to begin with. Now imagine if you'd have to dodge mid meteor shower cast.


    Staff weaver or tempest sucks on small hitbox targets, it's below every possible dps class in that field.


    Please do take a weaver into raids or hell, even easier, fractals, and try to pull of 50k dps on bloomhunger and post a video of that :)


    Ele is already fightning for a dps spot with DH, but DHcan actually do so much more just by using their F2-3 skills. What utility does staff weaver bring?


    It's a build designed purely to deal dps on a large hitbox within unrealistic conditions. You can do that on KC sure.

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