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Miles Smiles.8951

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Posts posted by Miles Smiles.8951

  1. > @Les.4872 said:

    > Look up bryvanant on twitch. Dude's a sick rev. Rev isn't dead. It's a matter of l2p since performing well as a rev requires a high skill ceiling. More so in these dark times where scourge and mirage run rampant. Also have you seen the new build will 25 might 100% uptime? You take that trait that gives might on fury instead of the new equilibrium. It's pretty insane.


    > @NagiZauth.4502 said:

    > Yup i know him ingame and im apart of the same guild i suggest you watch his twitch for real he is a talented revenant and truly shows what the class is capable of


    well, in OP's defense wanna say that he can perform just as good at the very least in my opinion, so it's probably not a l2p issue.

  2. > @Les.4872 said:

    > > @Halikus.1406 said:

    > >

    > > Sigh... there's always one. Ok dude, here we go

    > > 1) First of all bryvanant had a support FB babysitting him all the time and he could barely hold his kitten alone agaist any class because any kind of pressure and he was in danger.

    > > 2) Revs already had easy 25 might stack with easy Nefarious Momentum which makes the change to insensed response pointless.

    > > 3) Revs lost a kitten ton of burst potential without equilibrium. The "new equilibrium" aka "Song of the mists" can barely hit for 1k WITH CRIT.

    > > 4) The changes to sword off hand were necessary yes, but the "new style" they gave to "fix" what they called an identity crisis is the same role that axe off hand performs, but axe has greater range, better CC and is unblockable.

    > > 5) Without the block on sword off hand core rev has now ONLY staff to save his kitten which pretty much killed build diversity to revs, that was almost non existant already.

    > >

    > > So, do you want me to continue or thats enough? Because I can go on for days here.


    > Yea sure why don't you keep qq-ing for days to come.




    > 2) Yea but it's never been as fast as it is now. 5 stacks of might per fury stack which means you can swap out sigil of courage to give room for something else.


    sounds like an overkill to me, especially when it converts to weakness no matter how fast you build it, so I went Incensed Response and swapped Nefarious Momentum to Assassin's Presence for now, mb I'm just being dumb tho


  3. > @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

    > > @narcx.3570 said:

    > > Equilibrium in sPvP had a base damage of 425(1.6) and cost you 55 energy.

    > >

    > > I'm sure all of you high-skill-ceiling-yolo-revs will find a way to turn that 55 energy into much more damage than that... Especially when you have 25 stacks of might three seconds into any fight from IR.


    > not exactly that simple...removing Equilibrium


    > 1) destroyed existing invocation power revenant playstyle, idk about any other revs here but I have had to alter my rotations a lot since equilibrium got removed, relying more and more on autos for damage


    yes, and we already had to adjust the playstyle not so long ago, when they removed hydro leeching procs.



  4. > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

    > 1. Increase damamge by a further 800%

    > 2. Make torment explode pet

    > 3. Poison now causes burning, fear and immolation

    > 4. Shortbow skills inflict poison on crit

    > 5. All shortbow skills crit all of the time

    > 6. When a character is downed by a shortbow attack they die immediately

    > 7. All Holosmiths are deleted

    > 8. Introduce a sixth skill - galactic smash. When fired, the galaxy is cleaved in two. This replaces Sevenshot.


    not much, but at least a step in the right direction

  5. > @Bossun.2046 said:

    > My builds are top sekrit, nobody can view them. Those are the ones that allow me to consistently stay in Bronze after all.


    That was 9/10. Don't actually know why only 9, just feelt like you could maybe do it a bit more subtle.

  6. I think power with Valk is closest to being viable. Tho the fact that you have to keep your endurance full to have a good crit chance is really awkward (couldn't think of the right word). Would rather have bonus crit chance when endurance is not full.

  7. Looks really cool, dude! Tho I would increase **Mist Portal** range to 900 at least, so it wouldn't end up like necro punishment portal; for the **Mist Armor** maybe protection boon (3s) instead of swiftness (6s) would make more sense cuz it's an armor after all; and maybe reduce the cast time of **Banish** from 1s to 3/4 or 1/2 even.


    But it's just numbers, the overall design you've made for the legend is really on point, thank you for sharing. Now you only need to apply at arenanet's, cause you did like 10 times better job than the renegade dev.

  8. Well if you look at herald trait line and Glint legendary stance you see that it's kinda versatile and can be successfully used for different purposes and different specs: power and condi damage specs, good for bunkering, support via boon share, rez, aoe stun break and superspeed... When you look at Kalla and renegade traits it really feels like you're pigeonholed into some certain things.

    Like, for example, you don't get the full potential of Kalla's Fervor if you either don't go for condi damage or critical hits. Or you don't get much use from Razorclaw's Rage and Citadel Bombardment on a power build, and you cannot unspec from those.

    So does renegade feel like an elite spec at all for you guys? Any thoughts on redesign? Or is 2017 just a really bad time to be a revenant?

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