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Miles Smiles.8951

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Posts posted by Miles Smiles.8951

  1. > @"Honor.1982" said:

    > > @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

    > > The Op is obviously a necro main and is absolutely unbiased.


    > i stand in red circles and die qq please nerf every class but rev


    exactly :'( :'(

    > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

    > > @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

    > > The Op is obviously a necro main and is absolutely unbiased.


    > Nope, i am guardian main. But nice try.


    Woops, looks like I failed. But on a serious note in regard to necros it looks like scourge is fine atm and doesn't need any further nerfs. Well, the barriers are busted, still kinda fine tho.

  2. > @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

    > > @"suffish.4150" said:

    > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > 10. You play Renegade, at all.

    > > > >

    > > >


    > > 3. People thinking that capping nodes is more important than chasing a player off node that it would be very possible to kill. You are not going to win the game purely by standing on node.



    > 100% this.




    This is my favourite kind of player I call Heimdall: the guy who's glued to the very center of a mid node not helping you when you fight 2 meters away from the node, then proceeds to die within 5 seconds after he's engaged on node.

  3. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

    > > If they were to go with the third solution then they might actually have to increase all "values across the board"


    > Yeah. As I said, buffs would have to come with to compensate for these changes, as any of these options would be a very large nerf. However, such a nerf would significantly reduce the problematic aspects of the class while still allowing skilled play.


    Yeah, I mean I did vote for that, not that I was clamoring against it.

  4. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


    > We changed the control scheme to be ground targeted and we now pull the camera WAY up when you're using it. We want to see how changing the usability of the treb works before deciding on if the mechanic needs additional work.


    Basically the old skyhammer? Btw, about skyhammer, can you finally get rid of those nasty triggering pads; they are disgusting to deal with on a melee spec, cuz every side node monkey insta jumps up there when being plused, with no jumping puzzle skills required.

  5. I would also propose the following:


    * reduce the cast time on Renewing Wave (staff 4) to at lesat 3/4 of a second.

    * reduce the cast time on Punishing Sweep (staff 2 first hit) to 1/2 of a second or rework the whole chain so it works just like spellbreaker's Disrupting Stab (dagger 3)

    * increase the range on Burst of Strength to at least 450 (sword 4 range basically) and reduce the cast time to 3/4 sec from 1 sec. Might also make it apply poison on first hit and vuln on second, which wouldn't make much sense, but would give it some advantage over the afore mentioned Shackling Wave and somewhat make up for the loss of cleave potential on downstate. Change the boon type the facet grants on passive upkeep from might to retaliation or vigor.

    * maybe also rework Impossible Odds so it's actually not an upkeep anymore, but gives you the stance effect akin to soulbeast's One Wolf Pack on activation: 4 seconds duration of bonus strikes and superspeed, insta casted with energy cost of 10 and cooldown of 20 seconds.

    * reduce the Facet of Light energy upkeep cost back to 1 energy from 2 in sPvP

  6. > @"Legatus.3608" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

    > > > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > > > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

    > > > > > The build isn't top tier meta because it's an amazing op build, it was meta because it had a couple tools to counter bunker meta.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Bunker meta is obviously dead with these changes so even if they didn't nerf thief at all sd thief would still be gone, but it still did get nerfs

    > > > > >

    > > > > > i get that you don't like thief but the build isn't op and it's not going to be op after the meta shifts away from it and it receives nerfs on top of that.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Btw, are you aware you can actually avoid damage from sd 3 by simply walking sideways? I can't think of another skill that behaves this way in all of gw2 where simply WALKING (not dodging) to the side avoids the hit.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > No, sd is not going to dominate anything after the meta, I'm surprised there is enough lack of knowledge that people even consider sd meta at all

    > > > >

    > > > > Are you bronze?

    > > >

    > > > Plat every season I've played in. Care to make any actual point?

    > >

    > > I just explained in my post that a well played s/d beats in 1v1 anything that isn’t druid or engie, with scourge counts as bad because he’s gonna have the cap for quite long so it’s not worth. With druid and engi nerfed, and rune of surging which made the matchup more manageable for rev/sb gone, what exactly does thief lose to? Add to that highest mobility in the game and best +1 unblockable spike?

    > > Idk if you maybe play NA where yall do wierd kitten but EU is flooded with mostly s/d.

    > > Right now its meta af but still not god tier, but it will be because it got soft nerfs while all else is nerfed hard.

    > >


    > So I guess in eu players haven't learned how to walk sideways? Such skill required to nullify the spec


    side walking sword 3 + steal (smth every single thief from low to high tier does these days)? sounds ez

  7. Yeah, but how about introducing some other runes that "involve a decent amount of skill"? The problem with surging is that it's absolute best for at least 3 power specs right now (rev, holo, SB) and it doesn't allow any alternatives. If you not going for surging you're handicapping yourself. That's not very good, is it? Involving skill or not.

  8. It's cool to have a condi that works like that on paper, but weakness is insanely powerful in practice, maybe it shouldn't affect the crit chance at all. Like I threw Bladetrail (warri GS4) at a nec yesterday for 2.4k crit damage and the return projectile glanced for 400 damage...

  9. > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > > @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

    > > Equi was insta cast and 360 degree and I still believe that offensive insta cast abilities are not that healthy for a competitive game mode. Doesn't it feel dumb random dodging in an attempt to predict steal or FA burst/knock?


    > And If anet has a problem because ppl like you "Feel dumb" to random dodge to insta cast skills, again why ONLY REVs has to suffer for it? Did you see steal being reworked to put a cast time for example, like you yourself mentioned?

    That's what I said on December the 5th almost right after the change:

    "But yeah maybe then they should focus on getting rid of every insta hit/cast mechanic like afore mentioned FA's Electric Discharge (which far more frequent than equi and much greater range, tho not aoe) or insta stealth like Blinding Powder or Decoy and Prestige"



    I never said that "ONLY REVs has to suffer for it". Don't you think I mentioned steal and other stuff because in my opinion it probably deserves a similar treatment?




    > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > > > @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

    > > > Equi was insta cast and 360 degree and I still believe that offensive insta cast abilities are not that healthy for a competitive game mode. Doesn't it feel dumb random dodging in an attempt to predict steal or FA burst/knock?

    > >

    > > Equilibrium was a **Passive** skill, being a passive is quite different from being an active skill which are the ones that have a cast time. Passives obviously don't have a cast time because they have certain conditions to be activated and there was no way someone could even spam it, so your argument about equilibrium being insta cast is invalid. And If anet has a problem because ppl like you "Feel dumb" to random dodge to insta cast skills, again why ONLY REVs has to suffer for it? Did you see steal being reworked to put a cast time for example, like you yourself mentioned?

    > >

    > > You people don't even TRY to put more thought into it lol


    > You are confusing instant cast with passive. Passive is something you have no control over, Equilibrium needed a setup and went off after the rev pressed a specific button under specific circumstances. If that's passive then so is Blink or Shadowstep or Mantras.


    Yeah, you controlled it by swapping legends, it wasn't a random passive proc, it was rather a modification to your legend swap which is active (you press a button to do so, right?)

    > @"Miles Smiles.8951" it already had its damage nerfed in the past, Equ was perfectly fine and on its own it didn't do much, you had to combo it. It's something that needed planning, resource management, other CDs for the combo and a 10 second wait at the very least after a legend swap. It was way more healthy gameplay than the easymode 25 Might stacking that took its place that even a monkey could do, or the 10k AoE damage soft-CC new sword4.

    I know, I never said it was broken or OP or imbalanced (even less so for the reason it was usually only when Glint into Shiro), I just assumed that a mechanic like that is probably not the healthy one for a competitive game mode, and I'm more than willing to let it go if other classes are also deprived of some of the insta cast mechanics. And stacking 25 Might is easy now, I agree, but it's also easy to strip, steal or corrupt it these days, so there are lots of counter play to it and counter play is healthy, isn't it?



  10. > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > Rev is skillful now


    > Don't make me laugh...

    > What is so skillful about porting and pressing sword 4 for the so called burst dmg in comparison to all the preparations we had to do to proc equilibrium for example?


    Equi was insta cast and 360 degree and I still believe that offensive insta cast abilities are not that healthy for a competitive game mode. Doesn't it feel dumb random dodging in an attempt to predict steal or FA burst/knock?

  11. > @"KRUSSIDULL.6845" said:


    > By removing quickness from Impossible Odds they removed revenants downstate cleave and burst damage. It not only slower attacks that are more easily interrupted and less damage that were affected, but also the passive might regen from trait Shared Empowerment is affected.


    And the 2% bonus damage from Elder's Force as well :) and also the 5% damage modifier from the skill itself; but hey, you can use it for superspeed more cause the upkeep is lower and quickness from Phase Traversal is good!



  12. > @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

    > Revenant is pretty close to being an S tier meta spec I'm honestly surprised the balance team didn't go that extra bit last balance patch to make it happen. A couple sustain changes here and there and revenant would have been a very healthy replacement for the old explosives dodge roll holo spec especially since that spec got nerfed and replaced with a more side node oriented role.

    Yeah, I think rev can be picked in a 5v5 non class stacking scenario even now and could compete for slot with holo, tho not for the "side node oriented role" ofc.

  13. > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > only nerf to druid i think they should do is make signet of stone the same as endure pain for warrior in PvP, make it 2 sec and 30 sec cd or whatever it is then im happy


    > I agree this is probably the best change, but I’d also cut the stealth to 2s, keeping super speed at 3.


    Would be great change for druid, yeah, but then most core ranger and soulbeast players will rightfully complain about the change. Maybe they'd better address druid healing scale numbers by making small tweaks (which never actually happen, but still)

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