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Posts posted by Rodzynald.5897

  1. > @Genesis.5169 said:

    > The community refuses to pvp because the community isn't into difficult content and pvp is as hard as it gets, this why people don't raid or do high level fotms the reasons why spvp,wvw,and raiders are the minority here is because they are willing to get rekted and learn, where as the rest of the community will come to the forums and complain to nerf things like the eater of souls quest and countless other things that aren't hard.


    > People need to understand the death of spvp after the second year of gw2 was because GW2 officially established itself as a casual MMO and a ton of people who considered them selves hardcore or a serious quit including myself left. Now before you guys say well your here now why don't you quit, i play this and ff14 and i play both for different reasons Gw2 has the combat i like for fun, and ff14 has the progression and feeling of accomplishment that i don't get in gw2.


    > No amount of tweaking is going to fix this the issue is with the playbase not the game mode.




    The only balance we will see are minor percentage tweaks here and there, nothing shocking. If you want real pvp just look for other games. This is a shame though, because I left WoW pvp for GW2 pvp and before HoT I was really into it, pvp was really good for me back then. Now it just gets worse and worse and when I see how exploiters are not punished despite reports, it is hard for me to even farm transmutation charges or shards because my inner try hard tries its 100% to win and it is still not enough.

    I had my hopes for two years that it might get better and most of the time it went downhill and gradually I saw myself playing less with every season. Now I don't even care about decay and who is bronze or legendary, it's all pretty much the same. I just show up every once in a while when I am in need of trans charges for some fresh looks.

    The only thing that keeps me in this game is the community and roleplay.

  2. Aye, I found firebrand to be annoying at times but it's definitely not a problem of being OP, but just that they were better or just as good. FB is the most balanced support I can say. It has the healing , boons and overall support, but it won't outsustain you in a fight because it doesn't have enough damage to do so (like druid). You won't see any butt saving passive procs or sudden mobility outbursts to escape from a thick fight once it goes down. No, I do not play mantra bunker, I am core hammer but I like this avatar. Still, I hope they won't change anything if it comes to firebrand, it's really stable the way it is.

  3. > @Derps.7421 said:

    > > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

    > > Fighting mirage is not about how good you are, but when a mirage makes a mistake. If you can take advantage of it, it's good. But high-end mirage players won't leave you any openings, if they do, they will fill it with invulnerabilities or teleports/invisibility. The ammount of effort to kill a mirage is too much compared to how easy it is for them to pressure safely behind a wall of being invincible/untouchable. Is there any relevant downside to mirages to begin with?

    > > The only counter I found for them is a quick, well landed burst when they are rotating between points/caught off guard. For example a hammer guard burst will insta down them.

    > >

    > > P.S.

    > > I wish there was a % of damage going back at mesmers for every illusion that is destroyed before it is shattered :D


    > That doesn't even really work though because they just dodge for the stunbreak and GG their gone.


    > The only thing that beats mirage is guess what a better mirage or a mesmer with moa from stealth


    Trust me, hammer burst combo does wonders. I've already taken down a bunch of mirages, one shot. Even though its hard to land the burst so right, that the damage registers in less than 0.5 second, it is doable. The one thing that needs to be made sure of is that a mirage has to be completely unaware of hammer burst being landed at him.

    If someone dodges randomly while in a teamfight, then that is just a stream of luck (given that they didn't know the burst was coming).

    Long story short, we have to try a lot harder to kill a mirage than a mirage has to kill us, or not to get killed at all. It's almost like chrono bunker from S1 but this time you get a lot more damage with it. It's the mirage that dictates the pace of a fight by default.

  4. > @Malafaia.8903 said:

    > > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

    > > I gave it a lot of thought recently and I think that, as much as some of you might say it is not true, I think that MMR is doing kind of fine. Even though I can't understand why it puts people on win streaks and loss streaks where only 1 every 10 or 15 matches feels balanced and on level, it appears to be doing better than in the past.

    > > The thing is that a lot of bad players get carried by flavor of the season classes and win streaks. Later on we get bad matchups as we see platinum level players whose knowledge of their class and map rotation is on the level of a casual PvE player (no offense).

    > > It's the people lads, this game just has too many unskilled players who get stacked one way or another, leading to one sided matches most of the time.

    > > So by the algorithm, MMR works fine, players are just dummies who farm for lege armour and don't care about learning to improve. This is why I would like for no pip gain for lost matches. No pain no gain.

    > > We have dungeons and fractals as not so challenging content for PvE players, so we have hotjoin and unranked for casuals. We have raids for hardcore players, let ranked be for hardcore players too. It would be even better if the best rewards were based on how many matches were won, distributed at the end of each season. So if casual players want PvP shiny stuff, they should improve. If not, then too bad.

    > > This is why GW2 should introduce a better tutorial and an easy access in-game to information such as: what is rotation, map awareness, focus etc...

    > >

    > > TL;DR

    > > Git gud


    > Isn't the role of matchmaking to put people who "have the knowledge of a casual pve player" to play togheter? The same way it should put people who "know what they're doing" to play togheter?

    > That's what we are asking here.


    > If there's people that "are just dummies who farm for lege armour and don't care about learning to improve" they should play togheter. That's not what's happening today. The saltiness of your words says by itself. I just don't understand how you think, after all that things you stated by yourself, that matchmaking is working fine.


    > People have to start from somewhere and who will be the one to say them: "ok, it's time to join ranked"? That's a personal judgement and the role of matchmaking, again, is to put these new people to play togheter.


    > Come on, is common knowledge that the pvp scene is smaller everyday. We need more people to help us get the attention from the devs to our favorite game mode. We need more people to join and enjoy this.


    Carefully read what I wrote, because you choosed only the part you wanted to understand.

    What I meant by my post is the REASON on why matchmaking seems so unfavourable to so many of us and WHAT should be done to improve it. Most of you just say how it is now, and this is what we know, so there is no need to paraphrasing each other's sentences or adding more of the same experiences. Now on the other note, you won't have bad players in top and high ranks in games such as CS:GO because they are pure skill based. You can buy AK-47 to pop headshots, but if you don't have the aim and reaction, you won't get high. I know I am capable of playing well, but my aim and knowledge of that game at this stage is bad so I cannot progress and I can't get carried if I drag my team down. Why? It does not forgive mistakes.


    In MMORPGS where some of the traits listed above are irrelevant but abilities and understanding of enemy's action are more important (I am talking about combat now), you can roll whatever is strong atm and farm bronze, silvers until high gold/low-medium plat. Those who are in gold and low-medium plat are players who more or less know how to fight or at least bite hard enough, but don't know how to fight in a team composition or don't know how to properly focus, rotate, kite or bait. It's this lack of knowledge that handicaps so many games later on.

    There are many factors that should be changed to make it work as it should, such as a great nerf (rework). In other games jack-of-all-trade classes are medium, but here they are quite strong thanks to amulets and lots of passive play. However, this is not a matter to discuss here now, it's too broad.

    Matchmaking is putting all those people based on its algorithm that works as inteded. Yes, when Anet stated "works as intended" I laughed and shaked my head, but this is no longer the case. There are sadly situations when we play with lower ranks, but this is because of queue times. I would gladly wait longer for a good match, but let's be realistic. You won't wait 30 minutes for every single match. The playerbase would eventually get bored of that and cry again, trust me. So now it's quantity over quality because GW2 is a PvE friendly game and PvE players want to farm shards for legendary armour.


    Some things need to be changed in my opinion (there is more I'd like to mention but now I can't quite recall all of it):

    1. Better class balance: less passive play or passive shenanigans (immunities, invulnerabilities), less jacks-of-all-trades. In short, more high risk/high reward so that mistakes are punished and people have to rely more on each other.

    2. Automated account suspensions based on the frequency and ammount of reports for afk/wintrading/trolling and other behaviour that should be punished. A one day up to one month account suspensions are much worse than a perma ban. With the latter you can buy a new account or go f2p and do the same thing over and over again. With the first one, is it worth to buy a new acc or roll f2p, get to rank 20 and do the same just to get banned again after a while for the same thing?

    3. More in-game tutorials and database of information for easy access for players on how to fight and play in PvP mode.


    All of the above require a PvP team though. If we look at balance patches we get now, I kind of think such team doesn't even exist at the moment. Still, I am 99% sure that if those 3 conditions were met, we would definitely experience better matches more frequently.



    We all know we can't hear each other's tones and see our faces online, so anything that might be serious or an honest critique is now considered salt. Maybe excessive use of emotes might help? Either way, I am chill about all that. I just play ranked every once in a while to grab a few last pieces of ascended shards and transmutation charges.


    P.S. 2

    At least for me "the pvp scene is smaller everyday" is not a valid argument. You can still have milions of players and only a few thousands to be skilled at the game. You can still have a small community but filled with good players. Before HoT there were lots of players playing too, but you could still find many unskilled ones. The percentage is the same.



  5. Fighting mirage is not about how good you are, but when a mirage makes a mistake. If you can take advantage of it, it's good. But high-end mirage players won't leave you any openings, if they do, they will fill it with invulnerabilities or teleports/invisibility. The ammount of effort to kill a mirage is too much compared to how easy it is for them to pressure safely behind a wall of being invincible/untouchable. Is there any relevant downside to mirages to begin with?

    The only counter I found for them is a quick, well landed burst when they are rotating between points/caught off guard. For example a hammer guard burst will insta down them.



    I wish there was a % of damage going back at mesmers for every illusion that is destroyed before it is shattered :D

  6. I gave it a lot of thought recently and I think that, as much as some of you might say it is not true, I think that MMR is doing kind of fine. Even though I can't understand why it puts people on win streaks and loss streaks where only 1 every 10 or 15 matches feels balanced and on level, it appears to be doing better than in the past.

    The thing is that a lot of bad players get carried by flavor of the season classes and win streaks. Later on we get bad matchups as we see platinum level players whose knowledge of their class and map rotation is on the level of a casual PvE player (no offense).

    It's the people lads, this game just has too many unskilled players who get stacked one way or another, leading to one sided matches most of the time.

    So by the algorithm, MMR works fine, players are just dummies who farm for lege armour and don't care about learning to improve. This is why I would like for no pip gain for lost matches. No pain no gain.

    We have dungeons and fractals as not so challenging content for PvE players, so we have hotjoin and unranked for casuals. We have raids for hardcore players, let ranked be for hardcore players too. It would be even better if the best rewards were based on how many matches were won, distributed at the end of each season. So if casual players want PvP shiny stuff, they should improve. If not, then too bad.

    This is why GW2 should introduce a better tutorial and an easy access in-game to information such as: what is rotation, map awareness, focus etc...



    Git gud

  7. Okay so.... whenever I play gw2 on my dorm's internet or even back at home, it's all right and it's cool. The latency is just fine to play raids or whatever... but boy oh boy if I ever enter ranked matches.

    I even start with a few warm-up duels before ranked to see if the ping is alrighty. Time to queue up and WHOOP! 1k ping spikes at random. Game is smooth during a fight and BAM! 1-2k ping spike out of blue. To be honest, I haven't encountered such issues so many times in a row. There were single isntances of spikes in the past but it was like 3 or 4 during one pvp season and mostly because I share internet connection with my bro (and he likes to watch lots of YT videos while I play).

    But now? Heck, I queue up in the morning while everything is still fresh and the ping spikes still go crazy. I thought it must be on my side again, but I recall doing raids and fractals and I had none of such spikes while doing PvE content. Sooo.... what is up with those potato servers?

  8. > @Djinn.9245 said:

    > > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

    > > Well... I did it. I've sold all my mats and bought 4 licenses in which I got 2 good skins, one decent I would say, and one trash. I would gladly give all of them to someone else and get the one I want, because I didn't get it. I wish we could trade skins with other players (only skin exchange so that people have to buy them first). This whole RNG thing is utter trash, but it works. If I want that one particular skin I have to buy gems and because of that I have mixed feelings. If something like that happens again in the future I don't know if I'll still be willing to play this game.


    > I'm sorry that you gave in to the temptation and bought the gamble, but I'm more sorry that you didn't get what you wanted. Unfortunately that is exactly what these gamble boxes are designed to do. You wanted only 1 skin, but not only did you purchase 4, you didn't end up getting what you wanted. What developers are hoping is that you will be like some people and continue buying licenses until you get what you want. What would happen in most cases is you would spend more money than if you just purchased the entire 30 skin set for the discount price of 9600 gems. Its a scam no matter how you look at it.


    Temptation or not, I didn't plan not buy those skins. I would buy it anyway just for the flashy one. Sadly, Anet won't change it and I have to deal with it, so I'll farm the gold till I get it even if I have to pay more gold for gems than I would for the whole pack. This is my iron rule that I do not spend real money on a game besides expansion packs, so I will play the game and farm the gold until Fire Pinion is mine. It will feel grand at the end, but I've lost a lot of confidence in Anet for that. I absolutely approve the idea of buying gems and stuff like that, they have to keep the servers working and pay for other stuff, wages etc....

    But... there were some other options to make those skins obtainable. Just like Tekoneiric mentioned above, mount specific adoptions to buy. Higher cost in gems (700-800) but less chance that you will get some trashy skin from other mount instead of the one you want. Now I just feel betrayed, salty and whatever. I wish I could just exchange skins, like 5 of them for 1 skin that I want, but that's not gonna do, they won't change it now which rustles my jimmies even more. Just have to deal with it and farm that gold like a good and obedient customer that I am.

  9. Well... I did it. I've sold all my mats and bought 4 licenses in which I got 2 good skins, one decent I would say, and one trash. I would gladly give all of them to someone else and get the one I want, because I didn't get it. I wish we could trade skins with other players (only skin exchange so that people have to buy them first). This whole RNG thing is utter trash, but it works. If I want that one particular skin I have to buy gems and because of that I have mixed feelings. If something like that happens again in the future I don't know if I'll still be willing to play this game.

  10. > @pah.4931 said:

    > > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

    > > A few of my guild mates already got dope skins. Just now I heard that one of my guildies bought two licenses and got Fire Pinion and Crowned Ancient. I logged out and it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

    > > Truly an amazing decision, Anet.


    > My brother makes more money than me. Thanks a lot, God.


    I don't think that it's RNG in this case :D

    My issue is that I don't have time to farm nor money to buy gems (as a college student I like to have money for food and accommodation).

    If I manage to farm up gold for gems after a month or two, it's still a huge piece of RNG that I do not have any control over. I would gladly farm up more for 800 gems per skin, but let me choose.

  11. This is not how it works. I tend to do that and most of the time it even furthers my opinion that something may be stronger than it should. For example mirage, it has to be played well of course, but if you are remotely decent there are little to none openings to damage a mirage player while he/she dishes out constant damage. However, if you manage to pop it in the face, it will just run away with jaunt or go insta invisible (not to mention invulnerabilities).

    In the long run it is possible to beat, but it's mostly because mirage has to make a mistake and you have to take advantage of it. A good mirage won't let get him/herself killed at all.

  12. But this is what PvP is for in this game currently, it's causal friendly grind for PvE players :D

    If you want to feel competitive, play another game in which PvP is the main focus. GW2 is not for this kind of serious play, if those who take advantage and cheat are not punished. This game mode just lacks self respect.

  13. It was already stated that PvP is a background thing for this game. I got my pvp title so I don't care for the state of this mode as long as people go unpunished (if that changed I would play more). I'll just farm the remaining asc shards I need and be done with it.

  14. Firebrand has a very obvious weak spot. It's the mobility that is what it lacks the most. I would rather advise not to engage into fights with scourge and his pocket healer on point, let them bunker it. But if one of them rotates, then let the one dude bunker the point and hunt the other down if your team has mobility. If both of them rotate to other points, its good to engage them there because you don't have to stand and hug the point (which is what scourge wants). You can make a scourge pop their stuff and walk out of it. It is also good to focus down firebrand when he/she travels from point to point, especially if alone. Even if they survive and manage to get to a point, they might be out of cooldowns.

    In the long run I would prioritize the scourge first and later firebrand, but do not ignore the healer. It is unheard of but I think there will be a need for focus-dancing. By that I mean changing focus mid fight to interrupt the second top target be it either scourge or firebrand. It's hard to do with pugs, but I've managed to pull this off a few times. If you fight in a sustained manner with one target and then change all focus in one second to drop all the heaviest bursts, the other target might not have the time to even react and we all know that guardians don't have passive inulnerability procs like engie has, so a well executed power burst will melt a fb before they can pull out a healing tome.

    This is why I would recommend at least 2 power dps to keep a constant pressure on firebrand with ocassional crowd control (hard and soft) on the scourge so that it doesn't go crazy with conditions. All that I described above would be best to try in a situation if both teams are equally skilled.

  15. > @shadowpass.4236 said:

    > > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > > > @ShadowDragoonFTW.3418 said:

    > > > To be fair Omar... if they really are eliminating the ability to queue as a team, that would make PvP... well, it would kill a lot of the organizing and strategic elements. If you can only solo-queue (which is what it sounds like OP says is going on, first i'm hearing of it myself), then you get stuck with a team of completely random people (probably still rank-based, but nobody you know), and you have to HOPE that the people you're playing with are going to take the match as seriously as you. Which you can't guarantee if you don't know Teammate A from a hole in the ground.

    > >

    > > Blame the population at the top of the leaderboards who cheated their way there via match manipulation. This is in direct response to those players and their actions? Is it the best solution? No. But it is a solution. If people who played PvP in this game weren't such huge cheaters then this wouldn't have happened.


    > They did it because people were complaining that coordinated 5 mans were too hard to fight against if you were solo quing. (lol no kitten)


    > But anyways, almost everyone at the top of the leaderboards got their legitimately. If you really think it was that easy to get there using match manipulation, try actually fighting anyone in the top 10 and see if you can beat them.


    > The players at the top are there for a reason, and its not because we cheat.


    Actually, I had a pleasure of fighting against one god of pvp lately. He was tough to beat, but sometimes it's the matter of build you play, so I might have just countered what he had. But this is how PvP is meant to be played, to take advantage of opponent's weaknesses. In the long run I wouldn't say that they are amazingly awesome, there are plenty of platinum players on the same level if it comes to combat prowess. Besides, pretty much every top player plays something that has a gimmick attached to it, be it invisibility, strong passive procs or loads and loads of mobility - all that gives more control on the battlefield. Anyway, from twitch streams and other videos I can tell that they gain so much mostly because there is a huge community of unskilled players who let themselves get tanked or just killed on sight. Top players know how to cooperate and that is the strongest fact. By cooperation I mean both duo, team comps and queue with a bunch of lads on discord to boost personal win rate. You won't tell me otherwise because I've already witnessed at least 2 cases and heard about such a few times more. With my own eyes I saw how some dude from top 10 had some player in the other team to throw the game for his bud's team (lucky me, I was in that team as well). That thrower didn't even hide it and admitted it, saying that a vast majority, if not every top player, does something that is close to match manipulation. However he was not afk, he either camped close or ran around the spawn point.

    I don't think this change will bring much, smurfs will pop into queue without party, discord/ts is enough. What we need is an automatized system of account suspension based on ammount of reports sent in a given time limit.

  16. Not in the current state. There are too many builds that have a way too forgiving gameplay. Nowadays classes such as ranger, warrior, guardian, mesmer, engie (pretty much everyone be it better or worse) are capable of doing multiple things at the same time, which is dealing decent damage along with easy access to mobility with sustain on top of that, not to mention crowd control capabilities some classes bring.

    Some classes are cheese by default, but that is not the real problem. The thing is that 1v1 could work, but not if so many classes give you this: you screw up badly and should be defeated, however, some passive stuff procs or you press one button that allows you to go invisible, run away, go invincible, burst heal every bunch of seconds. It's not a matter of skill then, but of a build you are running. We would just see lots of bunker builds again, long duels and stuff like that.

  17. You just have to accumulate adrenaline and pop one skill, how hard can it be? Yes, it is the fault of the player who, as mentioned above, mindlessly attacks. That's the hardest way to learn. What I also meant by saying that is the fact that it still stays a mindless skill on the level of pressing one button that can change the outcome of a fight even against good players. For example, I know how to not get hit by it, It also has a very distinctive sound too. However, as a radiant hammer, a witty SB waits to use FC while I am doing mighty blow, I can't cancel the animation by any other means than weap swap, which is hard to do after weap swap when I am chaining a combo. This proves that SB is a skillful one, I agree. But it's a one skill that can bring so much destruction that it gives too much for just one button press every 8 seconds.


    Besides, if we focus just on the skill, one the easiest part of Full Counter is how frequent it is. It should be punishing as it is now, but with just two significant changes. Don't make it damage others, only the one who triggered it if the one who did it is in the radius, or spread the damage evenly among players who are hurt. Now it makes SB both a flawless 1v1 brawler and a teamfighter.

    The second thing is that FC should see a longer cooldown. Perhaps 14 seconds. Let it copy conditions, give resistance and stab, heck maybe even more damage, I don't care about that part. Just make it so that SB has to be witty to use it too, so that FC doesn't feel like a free candy button every few seconds.

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