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Posts posted by Rodzynald.5897

  1. > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

    > I love all the denial people are expressing. Top 20 EU is pretty competitive (more than NA at least) and the rating is fairly high to hit in EU. He had no other choice but to solo queue in Ranked for the entirety, which is impressive.


    > A good Elementalist can carry with a tanky build like his. Think Druid.


    Quite true. EU has a higher skill threshold than NA for some reason, but it is not a shocking gap. For me the only reason why weaver is not higher in the meta is that it is not a cheese, and most top ranks like to run those.

    Nonetheless, ranked leaderboard is hardly an achievment due to a prominent coin toss element to it. ATs are more prestigeous if we want to talk about such achievments. You do not have any control over 4 people you might get in your team and they have to be at least carry-able. You won't carry players who explode on first impact every single instance they enter a fight. It would make more sense for 1v1 ranked but with our mentality, wintrading and druid/spellbreaker/scourge population would go over the roof.

    But I suppose that is sort of a good thing to be an efficient weaver (not to mention the laughable combat skills of his/her enemies) so good job.

  2. > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

    > guardian main since launch. recently finished flameseekers (first legendary)


    > ![](http://puu.sh/yngIR/d1953c3d01.jpg "")


    > ![](http://puu.sh/yngJG/d258f9338f.jpg "")


    > ![](http://puu.sh/yngK4/018bbd8202.jpg "")



    A nice and simple mix of colour and armor, good choice, my eyes are tired of all those meta flashy armours and weapons in LA or pretty much anywhere else :D


    Here is my dood, I main him since I started playing before HoT




  3. They said that they do not plan on adding new weapons which is a bummer. I am sure we would be happy to see a spear to fight with. With so many melee weapons it is hard for me to say that a spear would be melee, rather a thrown weapon up to 900 range, but that would be good too.

    However, an interesting idea would be to re-purpose those weapons that we can use right now. For example, with a new elite spec we would get a second set of skills to lock on a weapon that can be used with just core specs (but to use the new set you gotta equip the elite spec). That way we could have a staff as an offensive melee/ranged weapon or perhaps a long range hammer/greatsword,. There are many possibilities. But seriously, I would tap that dual shield tho.


    > @"IDKismyname.4520" said:

    > Warhorn. It fits the concept of supportive and defensive presence of what a Guardian is supposed to be. Offhand sword would be cool, too. Throw away the vigilant crusader image, and adopt the image of a fanatical zealot.


    Well... I dig that idea too, with sword. Just as for warriors we have berserkers, I'd love to see an indomitable, righteous zealot slashing at everything with unbreakable will. Let's say... dual wielding swords, a spec that farts out boons as long as it is in combat, a support/dps spec. Gives healing to himself and allies (percentage) based on damage done, boons to allies as long as such zealot keeps on dealing damage in a fight, doing combos. Isn't that nice? A hard power melee spec in a raid that gives alacrity if the dps combos are just right. I could get behind that, it sounds dope my dudes.

  4. > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

    > > > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > > Devs themselves won't do a thing. Players have to take care of players who deserve a punishment. A working report system would be a good thing to start with. Simple maths, about 10 reports on the same issue in 24 hours and a ban for a week on pvp matches, how about that? It has to be executed by the system, not by Anet employees.

    > > >

    > > > sure, cause uninvestigated reports that resolve in bans are not something that can be exploited super easily.....

    > >

    > > So how do you want to make it work out if nobody is willing to look into them? They are not doing it now so they are very unlikely to do it in the future. If so, then maybe let's raise it to 15 or 20 reports in a day. How do you want to exploit it? Find a dozen more people with alt accounts? It is possible but even so, unlikely. The most possible thing that would happen is a twitcher who calls out to his/her fans to mass report a player just to get rid of him/her even if nothing bad was done.

    > > What you propose is for some employees to look into reports to validate them, but this is what they should be doing right now with current report system, and it is not working as we can all see. Thus a harsh system is needed. However, if you have a good idea then throw it in so we can work out a better alternative.


    > (Un)fortunately there needs to be some sort of investigation by an un-biased party in order for any form of report-system to be fair. What you are asking for is mob-justice. People - in general - report others for the stupidest reasons imaginable already. Now imagine the end of a season for instance. How long do you think, it will take for the #1 player to get banned, if its up to the people? Heck, anybody on the leaderboards even?


    Well then in this case the best possible choice would be for someone to check into a player's account/database or whatever after receiving a considerable ammount of reports. So long story short, this is what they should be doing now, but they do not. It makes me wonder why, despite so many reports on certain players, I still see them playing a few hours later or overall throughout a season. It seems that devs are just inconsequential and we can't do anything about it. They have to man up and look into reports to throw severe punishments that will hurt and prove cheating/wintrading as unprofitable.


    It's hardly possible for a third party other than devs themselves to get into it to clean up this mess.

  5. > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > Devs themselves won't do a thing. Players have to take care of players who deserve a punishment. A working report system would be a good thing to start with. Simple maths, about 10 reports on the same issue in 24 hours and a ban for a week on pvp matches, how about that? It has to be executed by the system, not by Anet employees.


    > sure, cause uninvestigated reports that resolve in bans are not something that can be exploited super easily.....


    So how do you want to make it work out if nobody is willing to look into them? They are not doing it now so they are very unlikely to do it in the future. If so, then maybe let's raise it to 15 or 20 reports in a day. How do you want to exploit it? Find a dozen more people with alt accounts? It is possible but even so, unlikely. The most possible thing that would happen is a twitcher who calls out to his/her fans to mass report a player just to get rid of him/her even if nothing bad was done.

    What you propose is for some employees to look into reports to validate them, but this is what they should be doing right now with current report system, and it is not working as we can all see. Thus a harsh system is needed. However, if you have a good idea then throw it in so we can work out a better alternative.

  6. Devs themselves won't do a thing. Players have to take care of players who deserve a punishment. A working report system would be a good thing to start with. Simple maths, about 10 reports on the same issue in 24 hours and a ban for a week on pvp matches, how about that? It has to be executed by the system, not by Anet employees.

  7. Why is PvE taking care of PvP balance as well? This is how we got to this derelict state that we currently have in PvP mode in the first place. Many may not agree with me but it is the truth, that matchmaking works as it should, but it has to work with us, the people, and it cannot give us quality games if there are so little good players and so many silver/bronze and pseudo gold-platinum players (who are on silver level at best, but got carried by luck or strong builds).

    Even if the PvP team tries their best, which is of course very good, the major issues mentioned above cannot be looked upon by them. I can understand that part with toxic players, but PvP balance? That is most ridiculous. PvE has awesome class ideas that work in PvE but not in PvP.

  8. > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

    > Core specs still work well, even now.


    > Core Warrior is still fine.

    > Core Mesmer is still fine.

    > Core Guardian is still fine.

    > Core Engineer is still fine.

    > Core Ranger is still fine.

    > Core Elementalist is still fine.


    > HoT specs are still relevant too.


    > Dare Devil is still fine.

    > Tempest is still fine.

    > Chronomancer is still fine.

    > Scrapper is still fine.

    > Reaper is still fine.

    > Druid is still fine.

    > Herald is still fine.

    > Berserker is still fine.


    > -----------


    > I'd say build diversity is at an all time high, despite the perceived power creep. There was a time where there was one build. "Berserker or GTFO", was the old meta. The condition patch (which brought conditions in line with power) gave us more diversity, without taking away from the old power builds. HoT did the same thing, introducing more builds.


    > I'd say the only real exception are Dare Devil and Reaper. Core Necromancer and Core Thief pale in comparison to their HoT/PoF specs, something that should be fixed by revisiting the more useless core trees. But, I doubt that'll happen. (I can hooope though!)


    It is what you find on metabattle, but that is just on paper, isn't it? How many of those you really see in PvP? And even when you see them a few times, are they good enough to stand toe to toe with S tiers? Just because something is told somewhere, doesn't mean it is still relevant. You can use those builds, but it's just a handicap compared to what S tier offers. During ranked matches I have not met enough examples out of 8 of those builds, to take them as relevant statistic (there were like 1 or 2 players every few dozens of matches). Two of them are seldom (reaper, scrapper) and herald can be seen from time to time, as well as the one that you forgot, dragonhunter (mostly symbolic variant). Only druid and daredevil are the ones who are truly relevant out of all those you mentioned. So no, not every HoT spec is relevant.

  9. > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > Okay... whatever you say. So then what is the true reason in the decline of pvp community over all these pvp seasons? Is it something else then?


    > So lets get in straight

    > PPl whined in the past , but lets dismiss it because they are casuals

    > PPl whine now , lets create a Riot or Smoten by Maui

    > Ppl having their favoretime class outshined by other , blame the Company


    > Some whiners (20) leaving the game is no biggy :P


    Hmm... since when PvP streamers are whiners? A lot of them left and even if some of them still stream, like Sindrener, is there anyone else who stays as relevant as in the past? So you say that only the best players stay in the game now, right? By the way, those "whiners" made up a huge chunk of pvp community in the past. I highly doubt they were all scrubs.

  10. > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > >

    > > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

    > > > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > > Swagg is actually right. The majority of PvP playerbase that posts on forum are not very pleased and I don't remember the forum being so cluttered with complaints before HoT.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > You should be carefull with that selective memory :P

    > > > What if i started posting left and right :

    > > > ''Whoever have problems with Necros they should L2P and get a more defensive Spec or even change class .

    > > > You should learn to avoid the F5 + Ulti that does the majority of the damage ''

    > > >

    > > > And what you would normaly would say to counter my argument ?

    > > > ''I dont want to change my class

    > > > I dont want to play bunker , because theres problematic class that has extremly low Attack Animations

    > > > I dont want to change class , beacause.................

    > > > I dont want to change class, because the Blanace team do a sucky work

    > > > If the majority used Bunkers , then we will have aBunkers Wars again ?''

    > > >

    > > > These are so much 2013 casual respanses , i would say :P

    > >

    > > But I don't have problems with scourges.... what are you trying to say? Of course there were complaints before HoT, there always are, most of them were about cele ele. But compared to the issues then and the issues now, what was years ago is a piece of cake.


    > You mean thiefs 1-shots (or for the 4 months of 2013 , Heartseeker didnt have a restriction and could crit for 4,5k for whatever your % hp was ? Just ask Drybear that made a video and then wen to some other silly casual game:P )

    > Or 3300 crit spamm Dancing Dagger


    > Mesmer's Berseker Illution could crit for 8k , while them Mage-1 that apply comfusion could do 4k crit .

    > Mesmers that could stack 15 might , when when used F1 (almost 1-shot spec)


    > Bomb/Granade Condition with Rapid gear (sasha)


    > Trapper Condition Rangers ( the pet did 17-22% more dps , but they had 8k hp)


    > Stunlock mace+shield/Hammer warrios+ 50% increased damage to stuned targets Trait (september-octomber 2013)


    > The only properly risk vs rewards 1-shot specs , where the Ele with the Dragontooh combo and the septer+focus/Hammer Radiance specs .

    > But noooo , the thiefs where the ones mostly to whine thatRide of the Lighting was on 20 sec cd ...


    > This is only the 2012-2013 era , and ppl whined too .

    > Its not something new ... just ppl went from defending their class and labeling L2P to others , to be the ones left behind to whine about balance



    I wonder why I've never had any **significant** problems with any of those issues that you described. However, the thing I found challenging were necros and sometimes rangers, thieves could bite hard indeed, but they were amusingly squishy as well, mesmers too, of course they were able to smack down when I made a mistake or two, just as it should be, but when they made a bad choice, it was their turn to hit the ground, fast and simple, no gimmicks attached... at least not so many as nowadays. What you describe was indeed strong, but it could be countered reasonably, baited so that the enemy wastes their initial bursts, this is how I played back then.

  11. Mmm no... invulnerabilities should either make you incapable of stomping, ressing OR make it so that it reduces the overall power and condition damage by 80% and rename it to something else.

    It's not that invulnerability itself bugs me, it's alright I guess. What really rustles my jimmies is, oh how many times, just the moment I want to deliver a killing blow, a passive invuln procs, making the target 100% impervious to any damage (considering that condi was not applied before the proc). Sometimes changing the outcome of a fight.

    Many holos are like kamikaze, bursting in with all their might, fearing not of death to power damage. Only condi can smack'em well.

    At first I thought it is a L2P issue, but when I find myself in situations when this passive little bugger changes the outcome of a fight so frequently (not only versus me), it really makes me wonder if this is how it really should be.

    Now being invulnerable through resistances and endure pain is a whole new level. Perhaps invulnerabilities won't get changed the way I described it, but I would gladly go with more endure pain for warriors, but as a powered up protection buff. Cannot be corrupted, so let it be as it is now, but instead of 100% power immunity, a 70% power damage immunity perhaps.


    > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > Swagg is actually right. The majority of PvP playerbase that posts on forum are not very pleased and I don't remember the forum being so cluttered with complaints before HoT.



    > You should be carefull with that selective memory :P

    > What if i started posting left and right :

    > ''Whoever have problems with Necros they should L2P and get a more defensive Spec or even change class .

    > You should learn to avoid the F5 + Ulti that does the majority of the damage ''


    > And what you would normaly would say to counter my argument ?

    > ''I dont want to change my class

    > I dont want to play bunker , because theres problematic class that has extremly low Attack Animations

    > I dont want to change class , beacause.................

    > I dont want to change class, because the Blanace team do a sucky work

    > If the majority used Bunkers , then we will have aBunkers Wars again ?''


    > These are so much 2013 casual respanses , i would say :P


    But I don't have problems with scourges.... what are you trying to say? Of course there were complaints before HoT, there always are, most of them were about cele ele. But compared to the issues then and the issues now, what was years ago is a piece of cake.

  13. Swagg is actually right. The majority of PvP playerbase that posts on forum are not very pleased and I don't remember the forum being so cluttered with complaints before HoT. But what there is to expect if PvE balances PvP and only power creep is introduced? At least the condition change was a good step forward. If this is not enough, it is not hard to enter HoTM and talk with people there, almost everyone will say more or less the same, that pvp is in a derelict state.

  14. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Taltevus.3289" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Sharen Graves.1276" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > And now you see why it's GG for the game as a whole. They will never balance the core with HoT, and never balance HoT with PoF. Next Expack PoF will be knocked down a tier and core will be nothing but a myth. So they are right when they said that "GW2 dont have a gear treadmill." They just have a spec treadmill.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Some treadmill. Most of my characters had the new elite spec unlocked the moment they got into PoF, because I had enough points to unlock them....before even playing the expansion. Yes, new specs are better than core specs, but PoF specs aren't necessarily better than HoT specs. And they are mutually exclusive. You never have to learn druid to become a soul beast.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > It's a completely different situation.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Well...you don't need to unlock specs in PVP mode. I am not addressing PVE where you do have to unlock them. I skipped this expansion...and man I am glad I did but it's definitely enjoyable. PoF Specs from my observation are better than Core and HoT Specs. Just from watching what people are running. And what they are capable of doing. I am just saying I get it now why people were so upset with HoT and now here I am upset with PoF.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I don't know I still see plenty of HoT specs when I go into PvP, but honestly, this is the case for every MMO on the planet. You buy expansions to remain relevant. No one is going to give you a game you can play forever, without spending a penny because that's how games go out of business. You either like the game, pay for expansions (every two years is nothing for a game like this) or you don't. Other MMOs pretty much universally raise the level cap and introduce new tiers of gear. If anything this game is fairer for PvP than other MMOs.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > In other words, storm in a teacup.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Actually I don't see much of HoT specs, maybe that's because they melt most of the time once they start to fight with PoF specs.

    > > > > > > And I still cannot understand how people say that pvp may be "fairer for PvP than other MMOs". I am currently playing Tera and the pvp there is way better, I get the same feeling, the same good vibes coming from it as back at GW2 vanilla. Mostly just because I know that most classes are not capable of gimmicks and shenanigans or passive savings procs like in here. Once you screw up, you die, just how it should be. I really wish they made at least ONE weekend or week of turned off elite specs for pvp between seasons, so that we can roll with core on unranked and get crazy with creativity. See how that works out, it might be a good learning experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Oh look what I found, a link from the Tera forums. This guy would disagree with you:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > https://board.tera.gameforge.com/index.php/Thread/69738-PvP-and-Balance/

    > > > >

    > > > > You give me one thread with just a handful of players discussing on it? Sorry, an exception is not a status quo, besides, it smells like l2p issue. I would rather pick a heck strong class in one thing than something that has an access to multiple means of fighting at the same time. I've noticed what is happening, but at least I rest assured that what I fight won't suddenly go passively invulnerable the moment I am about to land a killing blow, or use some skill that gives you mobility, can't be hit while doing it and heals at the end-sort of thing. Also I don't mind 1 shots as long as they can be 1 shotted themselves.

    > > > > This would straighten things up a bit, to build classes around one specific thing and branch out around them, instead of slapping everything on it. As I've stated many times before, vanilla GW2 had more risk and reward to it. There was no rinse and repeat for eternity (except cele ele, that was a mistake).

    > > >

    > > > I gave you one thread out of the first 1 second I did a search on it. If you're denying that's the only thread, then I don't know what to tell you. It takes a minimum amount of effort on anyone's part to find complaints about balance in games of any kind.

    > > >

    > > > More to the point, with the whole 2 upvotes you've gotten in this thread it doesn't really look like you have wide scale community support for what you're actually saying. A couple of people agree with you. I wonder how this post would fair on reddit, or if downvotes were accepted.

    > > >

    > > > To put it bluntly, I can't think of any MMO that doesn't add some power creep of some kind in an expansion and expansions never made a game pay to win. Pay to win has always referred to the cash shop, and micro transactions, not buying the next installment of a game. By that definition every single MMO would be pay to win, and the word itself would lose all meaning.

    > > >

    > > > Pay to win, as a term, exists to let people know what's a legit MMO and which MMO you can buy power in the cash shop. In BDO for example, the person with the most healing potion wins, which can be bought in the cash shop, making BDO a pay to win game. You have to keep paying to buy more pots. In Guild Wars 2, you have to buy an expansion to stay current, same with every MMO on the planet.

    > > >

    > > > People say I'm a white knight, but this post doesn't seem to have a lot of support behind it.

    > >

    > > I've just searched Tera discussion forum for more threads with "PvP" words in it. There are only 4 pages with about 3 or 4 threads directly complaining about something, only one or two of them are of any significance and that is... hardly convincing. I don't post as much as you so of course I won't get as many thumbs, but I don't care if I get them or if anyone else gets them, I'll speak my mind anyway, this is why forums exist.

    > >

    > > As much as HoT and PoF may appear to be p2w, as you stated, there is pretty much no good mmorpg without at least a tiny bit of p2w in it, but that is not the main point that I tried to explain, which was about jack of all trades (or more trades than they should) that are better with more power creep introduced into the game.

    > > But anyway, no matter what you say, you cannot change nor deny the fact of what this mode was and how it is now. The gradual decline in playerbase, it already happened and it happened due to powercreep as one of the main reasons. A simple comparison between different well known titles is enough to leave GW2 PvP somewhere in a dark corner. Maybe now it stays on a "stable" level, but it is just a shadow of what it once was.

    > >

    > > On the bright note, unranked pvp is quite enjoyable during pvp season. People don't tryhard so much and it's easier to goof around :D

    > >

    > > P.S.

    > > White knight is a term used to describe men who defend women online and expect some action in return.


    > Just commenting on your definition of White Knight, which I found online after looking it up. Here's the Webster dictionary definition (or one of them anyway)


    > "One that champions a cause."


    > When people use White Knight on a forum this is the usage that best fits. And while slang dictionaries do have value in certain cases, it's not the only definition of the word, and isn't the one that's generally meant. In context on a game forum, it usually means someone who champions the game or it's developers, blindly and without thought. Since I have my complaints, and don't reply to every negative thread, I would say my defense of certain aspects of the game are not blind.


    > I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post for fear of getting infracted. I'll stick to posting on reddit.



    Very well, that is one of the possible definitions that I didn't know. As for commenting, you may send an inbox message if I am not mistaken. If you wish to do so, I'd be glad to see what you want to tell, unless you think there is no need to further go into this topic, I am okay with that.

  15. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > @"Taltevus.3289" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Sharen Graves.1276" said:

    > > > > > > > > And now you see why it's GG for the game as a whole. They will never balance the core with HoT, and never balance HoT with PoF. Next Expack PoF will be knocked down a tier and core will be nothing but a myth. So they are right when they said that "GW2 dont have a gear treadmill." They just have a spec treadmill.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Some treadmill. Most of my characters had the new elite spec unlocked the moment they got into PoF, because I had enough points to unlock them....before even playing the expansion. Yes, new specs are better than core specs, but PoF specs aren't necessarily better than HoT specs. And they are mutually exclusive. You never have to learn druid to become a soul beast.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > It's a completely different situation.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Well...you don't need to unlock specs in PVP mode. I am not addressing PVE where you do have to unlock them. I skipped this expansion...and man I am glad I did but it's definitely enjoyable. PoF Specs from my observation are better than Core and HoT Specs. Just from watching what people are running. And what they are capable of doing. I am just saying I get it now why people were so upset with HoT and now here I am upset with PoF.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I don't know I still see plenty of HoT specs when I go into PvP, but honestly, this is the case for every MMO on the planet. You buy expansions to remain relevant. No one is going to give you a game you can play forever, without spending a penny because that's how games go out of business. You either like the game, pay for expansions (every two years is nothing for a game like this) or you don't. Other MMOs pretty much universally raise the level cap and introduce new tiers of gear. If anything this game is fairer for PvP than other MMOs.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In other words, storm in a teacup.

    > > > >

    > > > > Actually I don't see much of HoT specs, maybe that's because they melt most of the time once they start to fight with PoF specs.

    > > > > And I still cannot understand how people say that pvp may be "fairer for PvP than other MMOs". I am currently playing Tera and the pvp there is way better, I get the same feeling, the same good vibes coming from it as back at GW2 vanilla. Mostly just because I know that most classes are not capable of gimmicks and shenanigans or passive savings procs like in here. Once you screw up, you die, just how it should be. I really wish they made at least ONE weekend or week of turned off elite specs for pvp between seasons, so that we can roll with core on unranked and get crazy with creativity. See how that works out, it might be a good learning experience.

    > > >

    > > > Oh look what I found, a link from the Tera forums. This guy would disagree with you:

    > > >

    > > > https://board.tera.gameforge.com/index.php/Thread/69738-PvP-and-Balance/

    > >

    > > You give me one thread with just a handful of players discussing on it? Sorry, an exception is not a status quo, besides, it smells like l2p issue. I would rather pick a heck strong class in one thing than something that has an access to multiple means of fighting at the same time. I've noticed what is happening, but at least I rest assured that what I fight won't suddenly go passively invulnerable the moment I am about to land a killing blow, or use some skill that gives you mobility, can't be hit while doing it and heals at the end-sort of thing. Also I don't mind 1 shots as long as they can be 1 shotted themselves.

    > > This would straighten things up a bit, to build classes around one specific thing and branch out around them, instead of slapping everything on it. As I've stated many times before, vanilla GW2 had more risk and reward to it. There was no rinse and repeat for eternity (except cele ele, that was a mistake).


    > I gave you one thread out of the first 1 second I did a search on it. If you're denying that's the only thread, then I don't know what to tell you. It takes a minimum amount of effort on anyone's part to find complaints about balance in games of any kind.


    > More to the point, with the whole 2 upvotes you've gotten in this thread it doesn't really look like you have wide scale community support for what you're actually saying. A couple of people agree with you. I wonder how this post would fair on reddit, or if downvotes were accepted.


    > To put it bluntly, I can't think of any MMO that doesn't add some power creep of some kind in an expansion and expansions never made a game pay to win. Pay to win has always referred to the cash shop, and micro transactions, not buying the next installment of a game. By that definition every single MMO would be pay to win, and the word itself would lose all meaning.


    > Pay to win, as a term, exists to let people know what's a legit MMO and which MMO you can buy power in the cash shop. In BDO for example, the person with the most healing potion wins, which can be bought in the cash shop, making BDO a pay to win game. You have to keep paying to buy more pots. In Guild Wars 2, you have to buy an expansion to stay current, same with every MMO on the planet.


    > People say I'm a white knight, but this post doesn't seem to have a lot of support behind it.


    I've just searched Tera discussion forum for more threads with "PvP" words in it. There are only 4 pages with about 3 or 4 threads directly complaining about something, only one or two of them are of any significance and that is... hardly convincing. I don't post as much as you so of course I won't get as many thumbs, but I don't care if I get them or if anyone else gets them, I'll speak my mind anyway, this is why forums exist.


    As much as HoT and PoF may appear to be p2w, as you stated, there is pretty much no good mmorpg without at least a tiny bit of p2w in it, but that is not the main point that I tried to explain, which was about jack of all trades (or more trades than they should) that are better with more power creep introduced into the game.

    But anyway, no matter what you say, you cannot change nor deny the fact of what this mode was and how it is now. The gradual decline in playerbase, it already happened and it happened due to powercreep as one of the main reasons. A simple comparison between different well known titles is enough to leave GW2 PvP somewhere in a dark corner. Maybe now it stays on a "stable" level, but it is just a shadow of what it once was.


    On the bright note, unranked pvp is quite enjoyable during pvp season. People don't tryhard so much and it's easier to goof around :D



    White knight is a term used to describe men who defend women online and expect some action in return.

  16. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

    > > While players from different divisions can be matched together, they are usually split into two even teams according to Anet. From what I've seen in my matches, this is generally true, though there are some that will swear up and down that they are being set up with impossible matches.

    > >

    > > Anet stated they plan on showing player mmr's after the match in the future, so that will really help people see what is going on. You also have to consider that team comps and the players' coordination with each other can cause blowouts in what should have been a balanced match.


    > "Even" teams. Thing is it's matching the average MMR of the teams. But a guy with 1800 MMR if he's actually good enough might have the experience to beat 2-3 guys with 1350 MMR, that leaves 4 guys with 1200 MMR to fight 2-3 guys with 1350 MMR.

    > Because those are the numbers we're potentially looking at:

    > 1800+4x1200 = 6600/5 = 1320


    > So yeah, imagine that "Legendary" is playing a Scourge, Bunker FB, or some other more potentially game deciding class and you'll see how well that turns out.


    > Sadly there's hardly much Anet can do to reverse this, because it's a matter of population, not numbers.


    But what if there was no class capable of carrying? Like thief, mirage, FB, Scourge or SB, perhaps druid. I believe if none of those were as strong as they currently are, there would be no 1 man armies running around being all high and mighty.

  17. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Taltevus.3289" said:

    > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > @"Sharen Graves.1276" said:

    > > > > > > And now you see why it's GG for the game as a whole. They will never balance the core with HoT, and never balance HoT with PoF. Next Expack PoF will be knocked down a tier and core will be nothing but a myth. So they are right when they said that "GW2 dont have a gear treadmill." They just have a spec treadmill.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Some treadmill. Most of my characters had the new elite spec unlocked the moment they got into PoF, because I had enough points to unlock them....before even playing the expansion. Yes, new specs are better than core specs, but PoF specs aren't necessarily better than HoT specs. And they are mutually exclusive. You never have to learn druid to become a soul beast.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It's a completely different situation.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well...you don't need to unlock specs in PVP mode. I am not addressing PVE where you do have to unlock them. I skipped this expansion...and man I am glad I did but it's definitely enjoyable. PoF Specs from my observation are better than Core and HoT Specs. Just from watching what people are running. And what they are capable of doing. I am just saying I get it now why people were so upset with HoT and now here I am upset with PoF.

    > > >

    > > > I don't know I still see plenty of HoT specs when I go into PvP, but honestly, this is the case for every MMO on the planet. You buy expansions to remain relevant. No one is going to give you a game you can play forever, without spending a penny because that's how games go out of business. You either like the game, pay for expansions (every two years is nothing for a game like this) or you don't. Other MMOs pretty much universally raise the level cap and introduce new tiers of gear. If anything this game is fairer for PvP than other MMOs.

    > > >

    > > > In other words, storm in a teacup.

    > >

    > > Actually I don't see much of HoT specs, maybe that's because they melt most of the time once they start to fight with PoF specs.

    > > And I still cannot understand how people say that pvp may be "fairer for PvP than other MMOs". I am currently playing Tera and the pvp there is way better, I get the same feeling, the same good vibes coming from it as back at GW2 vanilla. Mostly just because I know that most classes are not capable of gimmicks and shenanigans or passive savings procs like in here. Once you screw up, you die, just how it should be. I really wish they made at least ONE weekend or week of turned off elite specs for pvp between seasons, so that we can roll with core on unranked and get crazy with creativity. See how that works out, it might be a good learning experience.


    > Oh look what I found, a link from the Tera forums. This guy would disagree with you:


    > https://board.tera.gameforge.com/index.php/Thread/69738-PvP-and-Balance/


    You give me one thread with just a handful of players discussing on it? Sorry, an exception is not a status quo, besides, it smells like l2p issue. I would rather pick a heck strong class in one thing than something that has an access to multiple means of fighting at the same time. I've noticed what is happening, but at least I rest assured that what I fight won't suddenly go passively invulnerable the moment I am about to land a killing blow, or use some skill that gives you mobility, can't be hit while doing it and heals at the end-sort of thing. Also I don't mind 1 shots as long as they can be 1 shotted themselves.

    This would straighten things up a bit, to build classes around one specific thing and branch out around them, instead of slapping everything on it. As I've stated many times before, vanilla GW2 had more risk and reward to it. There was no rinse and repeat for eternity (except cele ele, that was a mistake).

  18. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Taltevus.3289" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Sharen Graves.1276" said:

    > > > > And now you see why it's GG for the game as a whole. They will never balance the core with HoT, and never balance HoT with PoF. Next Expack PoF will be knocked down a tier and core will be nothing but a myth. So they are right when they said that "GW2 dont have a gear treadmill." They just have a spec treadmill.

    > > >

    > > > Some treadmill. Most of my characters had the new elite spec unlocked the moment they got into PoF, because I had enough points to unlock them....before even playing the expansion. Yes, new specs are better than core specs, but PoF specs aren't necessarily better than HoT specs. And they are mutually exclusive. You never have to learn druid to become a soul beast.

    > > >

    > > > It's a completely different situation.

    > >

    > > Well...you don't need to unlock specs in PVP mode. I am not addressing PVE where you do have to unlock them. I skipped this expansion...and man I am glad I did but it's definitely enjoyable. PoF Specs from my observation are better than Core and HoT Specs. Just from watching what people are running. And what they are capable of doing. I am just saying I get it now why people were so upset with HoT and now here I am upset with PoF.


    > I don't know I still see plenty of HoT specs when I go into PvP, but honestly, this is the case for every MMO on the planet. You buy expansions to remain relevant. No one is going to give you a game you can play forever, without spending a penny because that's how games go out of business. You either like the game, pay for expansions (every two years is nothing for a game like this) or you don't. Other MMOs pretty much universally raise the level cap and introduce new tiers of gear. If anything this game is fairer for PvP than other MMOs.


    > In other words, storm in a teacup.


    Actually I don't see much of HoT specs, maybe that's because they melt most of the time once they start to fight with PoF specs.

    And I still cannot understand how people say that pvp may be "fairer for PvP than other MMOs". I am currently playing Tera and the pvp there is way better, I get the same feeling, the same good vibes coming from it as back at GW2 vanilla. Mostly just because I know that most classes are not capable of gimmicks and shenanigans or passive savings procs like in here. Once you screw up, you die, just how it should be. I really wish they made at least ONE weekend or week of turned off elite specs for pvp between seasons, so that we can roll with core on unranked and get crazy with creativity. See how that works out, it might be a good learning experience.

  19. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > > > > I'm glad the season is over and would be quite happy to never see another season or AT. It's been ugly and painful.

    > > >

    > > > So true. The seasons are awful. Same with ATs.

    > >

    > > Actually in AT's you play premades so you are as good as your team is and your team is as good as you are, simple logic. You know what you can face there.

    > > However, it's ranked that is lege armour farm for pve casuals.

    > The thing is the skill difference between the average team and the 2-3 top teams left in the game is so large that you can never hope to catch up to win a mAT. Even a daily AT is hard to win for average teams unless they play in during morning hours or night.


    Ahh... yes. So how should we counter that? Considering the possibility that PvP in that matter won't get better, then those who wish to win should closely inspect the way they play (those top teams), they surely twitch their games.

    On the other hand, how to understand this situation? Are they just too good, or is the rest of the players too bad? Either way if you put it that way then there is little to no prestige if the AT's keep on circulating between 2-3 teams because the rest is too weak. Where is the fun in snowballing other teams? :D

  20. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > > I'm glad the season is over and would be quite happy to never see another season or AT. It's been ugly and painful.


    > So true. The seasons are awful. Same with ATs.


    Actually in AT's you play premades so you are as good as your team is and your team is as good as you are, simple logic. You know what you can face there.

    However, it's ranked that is lege armour farm for pve casuals.

  21. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > Vanilla Wars 2 was more bursty then now. I have no idea what past your trying to look back on, power shatter mesmers, ghost thieves, Hammer warriors knock down into 9b etc etc.


    The current condition of pvp compared to how it was back in the day proves your statement to not be entirely true (not entirely because the rest is just your opinion).

    I enjoyed it A LOT and I didn't even play meta. Back then mistakes were punished and executed asap without any strong passive play to aid that.

  22. > @"Felipe.1807" said:

    > > @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

    > > Well... if you can't duo up and discord-queue'ing is not worth anymore, what else do they have to do? If we could at least come back to the state from vanilla GW2 pvp. Just smack out all those elite specs for at least one season and see how it goes. It's not the matchmaking, it's the people that the matchmaking has to work with.

    > >

    > Removing elites wouldnt work since even some core specs got buffed to match the elite specs...would still be huge inbalance between professions and this would still be enough to keep some players away. I believe we would have to go all the way back to pre-HoT, back when was 70trait points and not 3 full trait lines.



    That is why I said to go back to vanilla state, not to just remove elites becuase this is how it looks like, just as you mentioned. Core traitlines are dependant of elites, they work around those specs.

    I didn't play with old trait system, I bought HoT and played vanilla for as long as I could but I enjoyed it A LOT! It was way better than after HoT and PoF, because when people made mistakes, they died. Now you can make mistakes and die later, when you should be dead sooner, or be neigh unkillable if you run any gimmicks or classes that have 3 to 4 strong traits such as sustained damage/burst damage, healing, mobility, CC and defense (for example spellbreaker).

    This is why, I believe, so many twitchers became famous, because classes became strong as nails, allowed to be shenanigan-powered which was a good fertilizer for such players to show up - they always do when stuff gets buffed to the levels of one man army.

    I've seen none of them pre-HoT.



    Besides those who complain on forums, there are those who actually hold some worth to the game-mode and try to see to improve it. The rest can stay in game and have their casual fun.

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