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Posts posted by firedragon.8953

  1. I am in Japan and I always 'pay more' for imported items or international purchases with conversion fees, etc. It's a bit more, and yeah annoying, but I want that item and I justify paying that extra % on top so I can get it. Frankly, I think the value is worth it to me. That's the same for the next GW2 expansion. I am excited about it, and will most likely buy it! I may even buy a deluxe version or whatever. I do this because I want to play it and I like Guild Wars 2.


    So to the OP, this isn't so much a regional monetary thing as much as a value assessment. If you like Guild Wars 2 and want to play the expansion, you'll buy it. If not, you won't. As you said it isn't even a problem with your personal economic situation. Sure, it would be great if there was regional pricing, but honestly, it isn't a big deal. It isn't only in the gaming world, but with many products that are not available in your country. The world isn't 'fair' when it comes to such things, but the world is 'easier' when we stop caring about it so much.

  2. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"firedragon.8953" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > >But I know a lot of people don't care about the story and didn't find Season 1 all that interesting the first time around who would much prefer they keep working on other things instead.

    > > > :: raiseshand ::

    > > >

    > >

    > > But...we don't have to forfeit one for the other. "Other things" can be included with the permanent S1. New mechanics, farms, raid boss (probably not), world boss, even a map or two. New open world group content and mechanics can be introduced while connecting the end of the personal story to the beginning of S2. I mean what else do we expect Living World episodes to provide? We don't have to bring S1 "back", the devs just need to create S1, period. They may even put in a nice and integrated CC tutorial before new players head off to the jungle which is quite the jump in difficulty from core. ;p

    > >

    > > If it were me, I'd start releasing the LS1 episodes from November with the influx of new players that would be coming from Steam that showcases what Living World content is while letting them access it during the free login time and be immediately playable when they finish the core story.


    > I’m not against it, but ls1 needs starting from scratch. The old code is buried and broken, lacks any real story and is specifically designed to be short, brief open world content which is replaced ever episode. It can’t just be released


    > It would likely take them at least a solid year to get it to a reasonable state


    > But yeah a full revamp, new mechanics, a story, better production - I’m all aboard for that. Given the state of recent ls episodes, id prob have preferred ls1 redux


    Yes! I agree completely.


    Honestly, they could do many things to link the old story with new content. Below are multiple ways this could be done.


    **_Simplest and most likely cheapest (least likely to detract from 'new content'._**

    A type of repayable synopsis. Similar to what we saw in PoF with the "memory fragments" in the Domain of the Lost. This could just be made into a LWS1 single episode with it culminating with a reliving of the final battles with Scarlet. Everything is the same as the current band aid in the beginning, with us going to LA and talking to hear Ela Makkay's summary of Scarlet's War. After the cutscene, etc. we enter the new chapter where an instance point spawn on the nearby beach refugee camp. After entering the instance the commander is sitting down by the fire and falls asleep entering a *dream state* in which he is reintroduced to the main future cast members and the major events surrounding scarlets war. In the end scarlet reappears as a nightmarish end-boss and him and his dream friends kill her and he wakes up.


    When he returns to the beach (now daytime), his friends are there and basically ask, "What are you doing sleeping on the beach, boss?" The commander says he came to listen to Ela Makkay's historical retelling of Scarlet. He wanted to see how accurate it was. His friends ask, "How accurate was it?" and he make up something like his memory being foggy, as if he never really lived the experience and maybe it was a side effect from the blast that destroyed Lion's Arch. The conversation continues a little, but basically just ends with the idea that "Lion's Arch has been rebuilt and Scarlet is gone. Let's enjoy the peace while we have it." Characters exit beach.


    This is easy because it only needs one "dream environment" and already existing character models, but more importantly introduces the cast. It fits with the current recap and covers for any gaps in knowledge the commander may experience during dialog and references in following seasons due to "leyline dementia". lol


    **_Difficult, expensive but most complete (becomes new content)_**

    Basically create a new Living World season that is heavily instanced based for areas in Core Tyria to relive the big moments throughout the story. Add some map currencies to Southsun Cove. Even add a new map somewhere. Change the story enough to be different but still follow the general plot to fit into the world. This would present difficulty in dealing with continuity of LA design, etc. So honestly, not even sure if this undertaking would be better than the dream synopsis version.

  3. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > >But I know a lot of people don't care about the story and didn't find Season 1 all that interesting the first time around who would much prefer they keep working on other things instead.

    > :: raiseshand ::



    But...we don't have to forfeit one for the other. "Other things" can be included with the permanent S1. New mechanics, farms, raid boss (probably not), world boss, even a map or two. New open world group content and mechanics can be introduced while connecting the end of the personal story to the beginning of S2. I mean what else do we expect Living World episodes to provide? We don't have to bring S1 "back", the devs just need to create S1, period. They may even put in a nice and integrated CC tutorial before new players head off to the jungle which is quite the jump in difficulty from core. ;p


    If it were me, I'd start releasing the LS1 episodes from November with the influx of new players that would be coming from Steam that showcases what Living World content is while letting them access it during the free login time and be immediately playable when they finish the core story.

  4. Although I think it may be too hard to populate open-world maps of multiple versions, I think it would be interesting if were possible to have one or two instances of city maps such as Lion's Arch. If a character has not completed the personal story they will appear in a pre-Scarlet instance of Lion's Arch for example. I even bet that fans of the old LA would make alts that never complete the Personal Story to enjoy some nostalgia. But I honestly I don't know if this could actually be done without being super buggy since a player may be thrown into a post-Scarlet overflow map suddenly while completing Personal Story which would probably even be worse for immersion. Not to mention, the approach to LA through open-world maps such as Gendarran Fields would also most likely need to have their own timeline appropriate instance and this may make a problem for map meta events with low population, etc.


    But honestly having multiple versions of the same maps depending on character story log progress would indeed make a re-playable "living world" more of a reality than it is now, where we basically travel through frozen moments in time and some that don't even align with the personal story content anymore, etc., etc. Future content wouldn't really need new maps, but could also recreate old maps, etc.


    I would like a seamless approach to this, but of course not everyone wants their alts to be pushed into the "story timeline" and would prefer to have alts see the 'newest' versions of maps even if they are only level 10 or whatever. This could easily be remedied by choosing a "Story" or "Open World" character at character creation. Such characters (and high level characters who completed the story content) could use the Scrying Pool (or Asuran time travel device, etc. etc.) to then travel to these earlier maps, like your suggestion.


    **Before all of that though**, we honestly need a Living World S1 remake. It doesn't even need to be the exact same story that actually happened, since it would be bizzaro world for some things like the new LA being destroyed and built again into....well the new LA. But there definitely needs to be a better introduction to the cast of characters and what scarlet was doing since we deal with some of that stuff in S2 and are adventuring with the cast for...well...THE REST OF THE GAME! This shouldn't be too hard, just do what Arenanet has always done--make a couple currency farming maps (or rather just add stuff like "leyline-infused passiflora" to Southsun Cove, etc. etc.) and throw in a bit of instanced S1 story. Old players who already experienced S1 will still play it and collect shinies for bigger shinies, and we can finally put an end to the disaster which is the gaping hole in the plot that people first realize after actually buying the expansions. I love this game, and admire the risk Anet took with S1, however, even with the all grief Arenanet gets from the community, I am still most surprised surprised at decisions to never refine the game to at least a coherent level and how the S1 debacle still has not been sorted out in any real creative or professional capacity. Come'on Anet!

  5. Yes and no.


    My main character, which I play and go through the story, feels as if I share a type of shared embodiment with. It is the same feeling I get when I read a novel that takes place primarily from one character's perspective, or when I watch a movie that focuses on the experiences of a character. I know they are not me, and I do not intend them to be me, but I share in their struggles, choices, and emotions even if I would not choose them for myself, if that makes sense. I play my own sex (male) because I feel that gives a sense of continuity and whenever I play an alt and they speak it seems kind of weird because I am used to my character's voice. I also play female alt characters, but somehow the story/plot seems tied to my "main". The choice of character sex was merely because I thought it fit the "backstory" that I wanted to imbue into my character at the time of creation. If I chose another race/profession I could have easily chose a female character if that is the starting story I wanted and it probably would have not ended up any different.


    So, I do not think I am my character, and he doesn't really represent me much beyond artistic and design choices, however I experience the story through him. He is just an avatar through which I experience Tyria and hold some control over but not all. I am mostly along for the ride.

  6. Yeah, going into Season 2 was super jarring. I also read the wiki and watched that 3 hour movie over a period of a week. It kind of helps a little, but is terrible from a game design and story telling perspective. I really wish the creative juices would flow a bit more to make a short Season 1 to fill us in on the cast we will play with for the next several hundred hours. Honestly they should have just had a whole new cast from S2 since they knew S1 would not be replayable.


    In the end, this is basically what I figure someone needs to know about the characters and is much shorter. Don't expect to feel emotionally invested with the Characters, even if they act like you are best friends. You all just happened to come together by chance through the various events revolving around Scarlet and all of you survived it together. Let the characters grow on you (or not) during S2 and onward.


    **Marjory** - A detective necromancer who got wrapped up in the events of LWS1 investigating some of the happenings with Scarlet. Her big claim is making an antitoxin to stop poison clouds made by Scarlet as well as discovering the plans to attack Lion's Arch. She has a mysterious contact known as E. Marjory is cool and mysterious, and has a thing for Kasmeer.


    **Kasmeer** - A noblesse mesmer who is super religious and loves the Six. Her family has a bit of tarnished name. She could be considered to have fallen on hard times. She has a thing with Marjory.


    **Braham** - A immature norn teen. Son of Eir Stegalkin, although their emotional relationship is quite rocky/distant. He asked Rytlock and the Charr for help to fight off Flame Legion and Dredge who were working with Scarlett and attacking his homestead. He was turned down, but Rox ended up helping him.


    **Rox** - A charr with no warband who wants to join Rytlock's warband. She tries to prove herself and becomes a good friend of Braham during the process.


    **Taimi** - A young asura who thinks Scarlet is super awesome. She eventually realizes Scarlet is crazy even if she is a genius. She also appointed Braham as her guardian, although he was reluctant (at first).


    **Canach** - A villain/criminal that has tried to reform his ways and believes to be doing good although committing what are deemed as crimes. He worked for the Consortium (Asuran mercantile corporation) and was eventually arrested by Ellen Kiel. Someone paid for his release.


    **Ellen Kiel** - A member of the Lionguard who became a member of the Captain's Council (ruling body of Lion's Arch). She investigated criminal activities happening in Southsun Cove (see "Canach")



  7. Increase speed in WvW.


    Also, make it the only obtainable mount for F2P since it is not tied to the PvE PoF mastery system and lore. Fixes two (maybe even three?) whine camps in one go!

  8. > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > I would like to see the end of PVER's coming to WvW to kill the veteran warg for their daily... so I agree with the OP, the daily's should be separated.


    I first came to WvW as a PvEer to get my Warclaw. Then I started to come back to do simple dailies like Land Claimer. Depending on which time I joined, I could pop in to the map and slowly learned more about WvW by joining a random blob or trying to take out a camp with another player since I was already there, I found out I like WvW and sometimes go just to have fun now. But basically the dailies were the extra nudge to make me come back and inadvertently learn more about WvW. I doubt I am the only player like this. I think this is good for WvW, since without PvEers caring a bit about WvW...well things will probably just keep going they have been for the last few years.


    Anyway, I like that we have more choices. More choices usually means more fun for more people. If you don't like PvEers coming to WvW to get the veteran, make their life harder then. You get fights, and they don't see it as an "easy" daily. lol

  9. The game world will still have dragons. No matter what, people will still be flying around on their skyscales. I also hope the lore still includes dragons since I doubt it will be something so easily forgotten. My interpretation of "The End of Dragons" is simply that the Elder Dragon threat is eliminated, either through killing all the dragons, balancing the dragon energies, etc. etc. Or, well, "Dragons" could just mean something completely different and referring to something like "The End of the Empire of the Dragon". So it is hard to say. I think the "2" in Guild Wars 2 (logo in the forum banner) will always be the same. The era of dragons may be coming to a close, but it will likely leave a permanent mark on the timeline of our characters. For new expansions/living worlds, there might be something new.

  10. Personally I like the current system. I can complete the daily by mixing-and-matching. For example, 2 WvW and 1 PvE. Some days one or two of the activities in a reward track are not very appealing.


    Also, I think 6 gold per day from dailies is quite a lot, no? Maybe add an achievement (Daily Doer, etc.) with gives an additional 3 gold for completing ALL daily activities beyond the current daily 3 activity system, making it possible for a max of 5 gold per day from "dailies". It probably wouldn't be very popular because people don't like all of the game modes, but it may incentivize people to dabble in other modes. It also isn't a huge money making thing, you could just as likely make 3 gold doing something else, so it doesn't give a huge disadvantage to players that hate PvP, PvE or whatever.

  11. I finished my last dungeon story instance today (yay!) and did almost all the dungeons within the past week using the LFG tool. Honestly, as a somewhat new player I was apprehensive to use the tool, but eventually started checking it while I was out doing other missions to see if anyone was actually doing story dungeon runs, to which there were groups (usually evenings US time). I thought it was really convenient because I could just continue playing where I was while the group formed up. Same thing when I made my own LFG, which was ready to go in about 20 min. I personally think this system is better than making a "grouping lobby" of sorts where everyone has to be in the same space (if that's what you mean).


    Honestly I thought story mode Dungeons were completely dead content, but was pleasantly surprised on how doable they were once you pierce the comfortable anti-social bubble and how many new (and some old) players wanted to run them even if they aren't the most popular content anymore. Also for me it has been a great way to meet other players outside of guilds. I just wished I knew more about how the tool really worked much earlier and not so apprehensive about creating my own group as an inexperienced new player and feeling 'responsible' for a group.

  12. I use the glider all the time, and I also have the Griffon flying mount.


    I'm still waiting for one to be released that I like enough to buy. So I do hope they still make them.


    I don't like back pieces because I like just carrying my great sword, and it just get's too messy. So, I am waiting for the day that Anet makes DYABLE dragon wings that look similar to the Crystalline Dragon Wings ( size, shape and semi transparent look) without a back piece and a cool "materialization" affect when deployed, without the flapping while gliding animation but with the nice wind turbulence animation like the Crystalline Dragon Wings.


    **Spirit Dragon Wings**, that is what I am waiting for.

  13. This isn't just an issue with EU servers. It is bad on NA as well. I play from Japan so I am used to high ping and that kind of lag. I finally made it to Sandswept Isles, and the skill lag is hilarious. It happens to quite a few on the map since everyone in map chat starts yelling about it around the same time. This is not PC performance lag related, and I think it is more widespread than some may think.


    Honestly, since this is paid content (purchase PoF and maybe even the LW seasons) I think players have full rights to make a million posts all over the forums until it is fixed.

  14. > @"Danikat.8537" said:


    > Another potential drawback, at least on EU servers, is that a lot of players will automatically read and pronounce those characters differently because that's how they're read in languages which use them, so if you use voice chat you might find your character name keeps getting mispronounced.


    Yeah, this is a thing and a good thing to consider as well. But, even the languages that use these marks pronounce the characters differently between them. But alas, this is the game of names. Even names written in the standard “English alphabet” are pronounced differently/wrongly by native English speakers due to abnormal readings and obscure spellings. Fantasy names definitely bring about some of the worst offenses of mispronunciation.




  15. I like them. I like that I can choose a combination of 3 events from any game type, for example 1 WvW and 2 PvE things, etc. If I can't play much, I usually can still log in for 30 minutes or less and get my dailies. The low effort of some dailies is what keeps me interacting with GW2 throughout the week to accomplish a bit of something when I normally wouldn't log in because I don't really have play time to do much of anything else. I also like how some dailies, Dragon Stand, Triple Trouble, etc. help ensure that these big world boss meta events remain active. It really helps me hit those up during a daily if I never had luck doing them before since there seems to be more people doing it.

  16. > @"Lethion.8745" said:

    > The name I want to use is taken and I want to know if I might be able to take it if I change server.


    The game allows accented and diacritic characters so you could try the name replacing a character (e.g., e) with something like é, è, ë, etc. etc.

    The drawback (positive?) of this is that it is difficult for players to randomly whisper you without seeing your name in chat or adding you to their friend list, etc.

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