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Posts posted by Gundahar.2765

  1. I recommend A4Tech Bloody v7. Its so good it got me banned on CSGO. Not kidding. Comes with its own software, so customizable that you almost get aimbot. Its super comfortable, your palm doesn't sweat on it, looks great (the red light bloody hand is pusling), super heavy duty cable, has teflon metal mouse feet so they don't wear off and won't scratch the surface its on, doesn't need a mouse pad necesarily its very precise, water and dust proof sensor (yes it works on a watery surface), 3 interchangeable macro templates, very MMO friendly, comes with a cleaning cloth, 2 stickers, 1 extra pair of mouse feet (just in case) and its between 20-35 bucks. Theres other models aswell (check their official site), I have v7 since 2011 from amazon, still looks and works as new. Don't get caught in big brands names, not necesarily the best (razer deathadder for example, big fail).

  2. So I found this post on karma related reddit topic and I was wondering if the info is still viable?!

    > @"unknown reddit user" said:

    > you can exchange karma into gold by buying cloth gloves from a karma vendor in bloodtide coast, mystic forge the gloves and salvage the items you get back. Every 100k karma equals about 25 gold enough to buy some exotics. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bram_Dawnrazer the karma vendor


    Other karma to gold tips are welcomed :+1:

  3. Totally agree, wether its heavy greaves, heavy leggings, heavy legplate, all of em ar buttcapes or short skirts. So many transmog variations ruined by this particular issue. The only heavy ones that I found an are actual leg only: Heavy Plate, Studded Plate, Aetherblade... and maybe Primeval.

    Not against buttcapes, but the leg only need some love too. big time.

  4. 1. NEVER use Chrome, its kinda slow, heavy RAM usage, heavy ads friendly. I recommend Firefox, heavy customizable, same extension/plugin variety as Chrome, better security and credential safety, low RAM usage, cleaner and less instrusive.

    2. The best extensions for web surfing safety are these: uBlock Origin, Decentraleyes, HTTPS Everywhere.

    3. Use Avast Antivirus, its free, uses barely any resources, its great and it rarely bothers you with notifications. Has built-in internet security thats added to your browser, anti malware/spyware/ransomware, great firewall, fake website detector, antispam, antitracking, securevpn.

    4. Malwarebytes Anti Malware also a great software that keeps malware/spyware/ransomware away, run it when you need to scan, great combo with Avast.


    Stay safe.

  5. I encountered this bug today, he is at 3 hp and i can't break the shield with sun crystal. PLEASE FIX THIS!


    EDIT: I managed to kill him, the trick is to time the sun crystal between shield pulsing, that the moment to strike, it can be frustrating, it took me like 10 minutes to figure out the perfect timing, but its doable.

  6. The fact that the game itself doesn't need this its not the same with pledging for stuff like this, what you on about? I don't want to have a socio-political debate here, but its enough that society and media eroticises young girls, we don't need it here aswell. Its one thing to have armor that shows legs and cleavage, but schoolgirl outfit? Hasn't pr0nhub and hentai desensitized people enough? Who wants belle delphine experience, theres other mmo's out there. I am just defending the game, I didn't say what you should like, its your business, but I pay for this game and I cherish it, its my right to speak up. Who fails to see that schoolgirl outfit hints to underage-ism, clearly needs help. Theres nothing sexy about a schoolgirl, its just a young girl... dude what happened with people in the last decades? Geez...


    Theres alot of anime mmo's out there to choose from. We don't need sexualized revealing outfits, why? There already are sets that reveal moomoo's enough.

    Last thing this game needs is fappy hormone-driven people roleplaying in those outfits.... Just, no.

    If you want fetishes and things like this, you know where to find it.

    Schoolgirl outfit... kitten degenerates.

  8. Good guide.


    For mid/low-end these work better:

    Ambient Occlusion comes with a big fps impact and has a noticeable visual impact only if turned to Quality. Set it Off.

    All antialiasing options should be turned to Off for best performance.

    Threaded optimization on Auto is bad, resulting in jumpy fps, not recommended on any gpu! Keep it On.


  9. To be on point with OP, GW2 is not that "cool" game, like CoD, fortnite, pubg, rdr2, etc. MMO's in general are not viewed as cool even by alot of so-called gamers because it takes passion and its time consuming. People prefer alot of action, alot of meme content and funny encounters, or just a dose of fun right now without involvement of progression. Now, GW2 can offer all this, but not to the same degree and expectation as popular content.

    Influencers have alot to do with this, your friends, popular opinions... this is what most of the time determines a player's choice. "Follow the majority" is a human ideal since forever.

    At the end of the day, GW2 and MMO's in general is a gaming nieche that, even if its wide spread, its still nieche you know.

    So, GW2 is cool for the amateurs of the genre, edgy cool or just nerdy for the others. Its subjective, and this is the overall take on it.

  10. > @"WDBoldstar.7649" said:

    > > @"Adry.7512" said:

    > > > @"WDBoldstar.7649" said:

    > > > No. Designing something for a well-off monetized game like GW2 should be a paid job, not a way to extract free work from fans.

    > >

    > > Nobody said it would be free, smh.


    > To elaborate, then, I'm saying artists who design things for a profitable video game company should be paid a fair market rate. Something like a handful of gems or an armor or weapon skin, even a unique one, wouldn't really meet the definition, In my book.


    > Especially since, in these contests, most people don't win anything, but the rules make them de-facto sign over the rights to their design to the company anyway.


    Thats what they did in CS:GO, marketed the community skins that won and the creators still get percent from sales even to this day.



    Alot of skins are pog imo, like who thought keepsake skin for example was a good idea? Theres more than a few cases, so fan made stuff pls

  11. If the ticket hasn't been solved yet, request it to be redirected to a higher up.

    I feel that some that send support tickets choose the wrong category, you must be very careful and precise with that, otherwise will result in a denial or delay.

    It might also have to do with hours and queue.

    I never had an issue of any kind with support, I got an answer in max 8 hours, wether it was about my account, rewards, lag and performance issues, the support has been quite decent considering the amount of tickets lately.

    Thumbs up from me.

  12. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > What is to keep non-RP players from jumping into a RP instanced map and doing the very things that they are doing now to disrupt RP players?


    Exactly. Having RP instances or servers would make things worse, encouraging the trolls to troll more. Unless theres going to be rules and suspension punishment for those that will get reported for disrupting activities. But even then people can make new accounts just to troll. Maybe add a lvl 80 only req, that will keep many trolls away, but will not remove them completly.

    I think all this is a bad idea and things should be as they are now, just find a convenient location to RP and thats it. This situation is common in all online games, nothing you can do about it.

  13. Full armor set bundle with the ability to buy any armor part, instead of just having parts in the shop. Expand the gem store listing so we won't have to wait so much time for a specific rotation. Even tho having a said item on a rotation gives that item more prestige ingame, that prestige will fade once you obtained it. So the good part about my request is that having more items available at a time equals more money into the gem store.


    I am looking for the following skins for a while:

    * [Raven Mantle](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raven_Mantle)

    * [Kurzick Dual Axe Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kurzick_Dual_Axe_Skin)

    * [braham's Mace Skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham%27s_Mace_Skin)

    * [Menzies's Agony](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Menzies%27s_Agony)

    * [Primeval Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primeval_armor)

    * [Krytan Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krytan_armor)

    * [braham's Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham%27s_armor)


    I know its a small nieche, but me and others like me would be grateful if there would be more norn/viking related items to choose from.

    Thank you.

  14. Yes but we already have home instances and thats enough for me. What fits more to the game is more emphasis on guildhall customization, make it more reliable and give players more reasons to be there, maybe even have a personal instance there aswell. After all this is what the game lore is about, guild wars. Guild mission are great, I like that touch, but the more the better.

  15. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


    > IIRC, the kodan were born out of random concept art of a polar norn bear form by Kekai Kotaki and random iceberg ship concept art by Daniel Dociu. They don't hold any mythological inspiration.


    > And while the names for jotun and norn originate from norse, beyond naming conventions and a couple aesthetics, there's nothing else relating to nordic folklore - norn culture is comparatively closer to Native American, particularly the Spirits of the Wild (hence the Boneskinner which was inspired by the Wendigo).


    Actually, in norse folklore there is a nieche of shamanism that ties to spirits animals, or spirits of the wild if you wish. They are called fylgja and they are guiding/guardian spirits that protect or embody the person giving him the perks or wisdom of that said animal. Stags, bears, wolves and raven were often the fylgjur. Sometimes these spirits can be human, either a diety or a dís, a female spirit that brings bad or good fortune to a person. The dísir, valkyries, norns are multi-referenced on the same matter, depends on the belief of every norse tribe and land.

    So, totemism is not a stranger to the norse, its been in almost every old culture, more or less. Native American culture was mainly tied to totemism, more than any other, hence they are referenced the most.

  16. > @"Dustfinger.9510" said:


    > Agreed. I'm hestitant to consider any to be related without confirmation or at least a-net leaning more heavily into the fallible evidence. But, tbf: Jotun have about as much in common with Kodan as Norn do. The same evidence of fallible in universe, one sided oral traditionsupports both theories. That oral tradition is either basically correct or incorrect.


    In norse mythology, jotunn are reffered to higher beings (not spirits) aswell, due to Odin himself being a descendant from jotnars.

    Norns were actually female dieties that ruled destiny of men, much like all other pagan cultures had theirs. It was also a north germanic dialect that we know little of, since it dissapeared rather quickly.

    I don't know about kodan and where the devs had the inspiration from, all I know is kodan was a style of literature, and the connection I made is this: kodan is japannese, japan has a thing for bears, can't put a panda (WoW has it already) in the norse mythology so its going to be a polar. Connections :)


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