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Posts posted by Gundahar.2765

  1. So, what happened to Grenth's Outfit remake from Guild Wars 1? It looks so much better than GW2 version which resembles an assassin's creed goat with a dress.

    Just look how much more imposing and bold is the GW1 version, plus it has a mantle/cape thing going on.

    What do you guys think?


    GW1 version


    GW2 version




  2. Ok so, i was doing events today, was running and activated my mount, and i simply fell under the map. It happens in Divinity's Reach aswell, as soon as i enter in from Queensdale, if i mount up, i get half stuck in the ground, then fall under the map. Interestingly enough, in DR i fell in water, so i can explore the whole Tyria that way. I was looking for hidden models as in WoW, but found nothing so far.

    It happens randomly, but very often when i mount up i get stuck in the ground for a few seconds. Might be due to Player Model Limit - Low?


    Screenshot from Silverwastes

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/1DkLpfR.jpg "")

  3. > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > > @"Gundahar.2765" said:

    > > So what if there is a pandemic? People still work, some from home. I work in trade/retail industry, i must go to work no matter what. Like Bristingr.5034 said, there is no excuse for this.

    > > Please anet don't give us a Chronicles of Elyria punch in the muffin with this silence.


    > My main issue with Anet for this game is the slow release cycle, but in their defence, i am a dev, and yes i can work from home and we use teams, but collaborative design and development is hampered, even ignoring the network issues and disruption at home (keeping kids entertained for e.g can ruin concentration on a complicated problem) so i get it would impact.


    > However, going by their release track record its quite possible this is not the only factor, but we all have to be tolerant at the moment.


    Hey, i understand, complications, delays, mistakes, devteam shrink, i understand. Silence i do not. And i don't mean they did nothing, they did, however they did not adress issues here on forums with us. Let us know why they do something or not. Communication is key.

    Im actually happy i bought the game when it was NOT on sale, because i feel its well diserved. Despite most mmo's, GW2 is a work of passion and inclination towards the community. They must not lower the standard.

    I guess it bothers me the game is mostly unplayable with the new patch, mobs, npcs, mounts, attacks etc, the response delay is unbearable, unless you wanna trade and chat, those work.

  4. So what if there is a pandemic? People still work, some from home. I work in trade/retail industry, i must go to work no matter what. Like Bristingr.5034 said, there is no excuse for this.

    Please anet don't give us a Chronicles of Elyria punch in the muffin with this silence.

  5. Like seriously, i hit a mob, nothing happens, after 40 seconds im either dead or a cluster of things happen on my screen all at once (skills, opened tabs, basically every command i execute)

    FIX THIS PLEASE ASAP! This happens on EU servers, i don't know about NA

  6. Right, but then again it may vary depending on the hardware. For me it worked what i said above better than what you recommend. I looked up this topic for few hours straight a while ago, some people had slightly different results with the same settings. But its cool you added all this, it helps. Cheers.


    Driver FXAA is not supported for this app in some cases, such as mine, tho its available for most other games, so in this case SMAA low is the best way to go, unless ingame FXAA + image sharppening like you said. In my case, FXAA + img sharp caused more fps loss than SMAA low alone and the quality difference is unnoticeable for me atleast.

    The input lag i get with max frame rate + vsync is way too big for me, so vsync off doesn't cause tearing nor stutter, unless i set the game on high.

    While all this may not make sense to you, it is real for me.


    OP what i suggest is experiment with settings until you hit your hardware sweet spot.

  7. Here's some good settings that won't change much the quality but will improve performance:

    Animations : Medium

    Antialiasing : SMAA Low, looks better than FXAA and has super low performance impact, unless is set on High.

    Postprocessing : Off

    Best texture filtering : Off

    High-res character texture : optional, but honestly off helps in some cases, especially on mid-low spec PC.


    Before you do what i typed below, try setting the frame limited only from ingame settings, see how that works. Then try what i said below, see what works best for you.

    Ultimately set the frame limiter on your GPU driver (not ingame options) to match your monitor refresh rate.

    Example: 60hz monitor > frame limit 58

    Why 58? Because we want to avoid stuttering. If you want to know more about this you can google it.

    No need for vsync, neither ingame or driver.

  8. Without intention of advertising, i notice alot of similarities between Sylvari and Fae, salad people from the game Kingdoms of Amalur. If you are a Sylvari lover (or not really), look into Fae storyline (especially locations), its quite interesting and somehow feels like it could be an extension to Sylvari, the more imaginative you are, the more connections you will find.

  9. > @"Madchen.2539" said:

    > > @"Gundahar.2765" said:

    > > Would have cared to join, but i just realised this is NA, im on EU, mistakes have been made lol.

    > > The friendly description made me overlook details like region.


    > Hi Gundahar! Oh sorry about that, if someday you create an account in NA our Guild is always open to you! In the meantime hope you can find a friendly guild in EU servers . :3


    I'll keep that in mind, thank you kindly.

  10. Are you sure your monitor turns off, or its just blackscreen? Because sometimes i get crashes too, and it either shows an error or just black screen. A monitor to turn off like that after a crash is weird. So far you tried pretty much anything, with no result. If you have windows 10, maybe try disable game mode/bar.

    Ultimately, get WindowsFocusLogger, run it after you started the game and when the game will crash, check if theres any activity logged. It traces any background action executed, so it might direct you to a faulty driver or whatever the cause might be. Worth a shot at this point.

  11. For me Trahearne was fine, not a show-stealer, but quite a humble heart. His meekness was actually his strenght, and its an old saying; "when im weak, then i am strong". This is revealed in his fruitful progression from down south to top of the food chain. In every legend and heroic story, the last man standing is not a big ego, but quite the opposite. History speaks for itself, what comes to mind is WW2 heroes, that never boasted or demanded anything for their heroic acts. All we know of their deeds, is from people that held them in praise and respect for what they did. Such is with Trahearne, even after the big victory, he was not there to claim the laurels, but was sitting alone; we brought him out to the cheering crowd.


    The writing was on point, i wouldn't change a thing about the Trahearne's script, tho i wish we could have more backstory on our races. As a norn, would have appreciated alot more norse background. It matters alot for immersion, i love to sink in the story and character as much as possible.

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