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Posts posted by ZeftheWicked.3076

  1. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > Mesmers give 0 warnings regarding what shatter they are using already. When i see buncha clones run at me i don't know if they'll burst me to 0 health in 0.5s (hi legendary chronomancer in spvp arena), give me confusion stacks, daze me or make you invulnerable for 4s or so.

    > >

    > Most people see clones run to them and dodge. Though you being a necro can simply kill them with your AoE's.


    > You wouldn't happen to be an alt Account for Badmed?


    Oh why didn't i think about this before? Oh wait...maybe because i'm a **necro**, the profession with worst amount of evades in whole game? Also cleaving? are you serious? If they run at me, no cleave will kill them before they get to me. And if i use it before they do, aren't I wasting precious skill on mesmer's clones?



  2. My necropinion on different shatters for different elites:


    **HELL NO**.


    Mesmers are difficult to deal with in pvp scenarios as is. Now among the sea of clones, phantasms, and blinks you expect me to take time figuring out which spec you are and which shatters to expect? When a necro uses shroud, you can see clear as day which spec he's running without any guesswork.


    Mesmers give 0 warnings regarding what shatter they are using already. When i see buncha clones run at me i don't know if they'll burst me to 0 health in 0.5s (hi legendary chronomancer in spvp arena), give me confusion stacks, daze me or make you invulnerable for 4s or so.


    If mesmers want more diversity, how about we start with it being clear and readable to their adversaries, before they're respawning at base.

  3. GW2 shouldn't be that worse for wear if lootboxes were to be banned. I for one would like to see Black Lion skins sold as separate items (like 100 gems per a weapon skin) instead of RNG.


    Though honestly i'd like it best if some of those (the more reasonable looking ones) were simply obtainable ingame via collections and achievements. I can't forget the glory of HoT and tons of cool stuff you unlocked via gameplay (auric weapons and backpack, tenebrous and shimmering weapons sets, guild armors, and so on..)

  4. Long story short: i cleared all the fractals lvl 99 and 100 included on my power reaper just fine. For super bad teams or siren's reef there's scourge and his crazy good support. I did not do lvl 100 and 99 CM, so can't talk there, but i imagine this is prolly also people blowing things outta proportion.


    Necro works in high end fractals, Period.

  5. Most of the horror story you wrote is just you. I do master tier fractals on my reaper/scourge just fine. He may be full legendary armor geared, but it's fully skinned to look tribal. No one knows what i'm actually using, and i never had ppl demand a gearcheck from me in fractals.


    He's my main and i do open world, fractals, spvp on him. I'm hugely offmeta and don't give a flying you-know-what about what people expect. Got a brain of my own and i do things (successfully) my way!


    The reason you're feeling your fun is sapped is because you're trying to be what they want you to be, instead of what you wanna be. I can't count how many fractals i've cleared beacuse i middle fingered meta builds and used crusader necro to provide my team with a ressing tank. If i was running pure zerk i'd be downed with rest of them.


    Or when i go swamp fractal slotting flesh wurm and spectral walk works wonders. Heck i can even get my necro to be chill immune, or at least vastly resistant to chills and cripples.


    The fun and experimentation are there. They are just waiting for your to use your own brain instead of constantly installin bs **you think** others expect you to.

    So stop being afraid, get to understand that this is **your** game, to be played **your way** and start being awesome!

  6. While there let's not forget the ample amount of blocks, invulnies, stealths and evades a profession can get while still building dps. There's a big difference between a 25k hp necro (who can't avoid jack) and 25k hp mesmer that can be untouchable for a very long time. If a profession happens to both have great healing with 0 healing power and such defenses this can be a problem...

  7. Since i see a ton of scourges and they are cacerous as always, i'd risk saying they are doing quite well in spvp. Not sure about the build they run, but pretty sure there's blood magic and some healing power in it.


    As for reapers they also do well, mostly as either side point fighters (if tanky) or burst dps with team if build for that.

  8. Well i'm a bit lower then you (g2-g3), but I am a ranked player as well and my build is used there. With that outta the way let's answer your questions:


    Reason i run blood is for defensive balance (health generation and being able to stay in base form longer) plus support for team (Unholy Martyr, Last Rites, and depending on mood and rune Vampiric Presence or Life from Death).


    That combined with Master of Corruption works. In extended fights (especially when after killing one enemy another one is already back from his base for more) i often end up getting low, and without Blood Bond i'd be an easy picking. But with blood bond i often leech health (blood bond) and life force (axe + focus set) off a downed enemy. The moment his buddy comes for veangeance i'm ready to take some punishment.


    Corrosive Poison Cloud isn't neccessairly a self defense skill. I often drop it on point, regardless if I myself will be sitting on it. Teammates contesting it will be safe from projectile abuse for a while, while enemies in it weakened (dumpsters on crit builds damage) and poisoned. So for me it's more of a party utility in most cases.

    I also had few cases of solo defending side node vs deadeye. CPC really made it a nightmare for them. They couldn't snipe me down when i had it on, when it wore off i would LoS them, but because CPC would be back up again soon, I could stay and defend the point, instead of making a full retreat and giving up the node.


    As for Unholy Martyr - yes it is risky. But it is a major condi cleanse for yourself and team. If you got firebrand or other support, you two will be killers at shutting down condi pressure. If you're alone it's still at least 3 condies off your mind and some free life force. Also it's another big skill to support my team.


    When you look at just what is the core necro's shroud skill 2, you'll understand why i don't bother with Path of Corruption.

    And Terror makes sense only with Fear of Death, which your build does run, but mine not.


    Reason i discarded Soul Reaping is because foot in the grave is overrated (get stab, get corrupted 1s later by enemy scourge) and it would basically end up being a shroud camp build, that has great lf generation, but next to nothing to keep base health in decent shape. Also Blood has lots of team support Soul Reaping lacks.

  9. Hi fellow necros, once again i bring you a new spvp core necro build of my design, being a core necro main in that mode and all ;)




    Pretty unusual for me to be running and advertising build like this, since i'm a very defensive player and prefer tank setups, but upon fusing knowledge of my power tank core, with recently successful condi tank core build, and some brutal encounters in torneys this is the result.


    #Pros of this build

    * solid direct & condi damage in one build

    * solid boon corrupt (5 sources of it, 3 of those aoe)

    * party condi cleansing with unholy Martyr

    * party anti-projectile field (corrosive poison cloud)

    * pretty solid sustain for such an offensive build (extra healing with blood bond, damage mitigation with spectral armor and CPC, flesh wurm for escapes, extra health from amulet)




    * no good at ressing downed allies

    * not too hot in melee machups

    * jack of almost all trades, master of none


    #General usage tips


    1. damage is awesome. It's really a game changer to have both strong condi and power damage - if condi is a no go vs given enemy, you can burst them with axe or harass with shroud. If power damage is not being effective, scepter + plaguelands can really murder them.

    2. Flesh Wurm is the make or break of this build - recent game i avoided death around 5 times because of porting outta heat to heal up.

    3. This build is ranged - with team you can sit on point and make enemies' lives miserable (plaguelands, boon corrupts, scepter), but this is not a point holder build - you're best staying bit away and focusing on axe and scepter abuse.

    4. Despite running blood magic this is not a ressbot build. You don't have a single ress trait save minor last rights and it is highly adviced to not try to ress allies if enemies can cleave you when doing so. Better you try to down/stomp an enemy rather then making yourself a free kill.

    5. Obviously avoid getting outnumbered, you're a great +1 or team fighter. Duels..not your specialty, though also you're not completely screwed if it comes to that.



    #Some plays:


    * Plaguelands + Fleshwurm - plaguelands is literally the only skill in your bar that needs you to run into melee. But once you drop it (especially on middle) enemies not only tend to dps and cc you as hard as they can, but also mass blind you, making your elite ticks miss. One cool play is to flesh wurm away right after dropping plaguelands if things are too crowded - if they can't blind you, they can't stop it from hitting them and eating more damage, And hey, you're supposed to stay at range anyway, so that's a bonus.


    * Scepter condi harass + axe burst. Axe has sigil of agility in it for quickness bossted #2 burst. it's a nice idea to harass them with condies, and then outta the blue axe surprise! Remember to get fury from your shroud before you go for the kill - extra 20% crit chance helps securing the kill!


    * Consume conditions + CPC + shroud flash at base. Long story short - free lifeforce for you from consuming self inflicted condies. Don't do it the first time though, since you have no lifeforce to enter shroud to consume those condies. Unless you're willing to sacrifice your early game flesh wurm for it, which i do not advice.


    * Locust swarm + shroud - locus swarm is your go to tool vs blinds when in melee with enemy. It'll ensure that aoe boon corrupt from spiteful spirit will land, as well as 2 condies get transferred of you with plague sending traited.


    * Easy healing with blood Bond - too lazy to inflict 4 stacks of bleeding on enemy to get healing from blood Bond? No worries the trait does not demand that the bleeds are yours, if you see a bleeding enemy, even if it's not your own doing, a nice whack with your auto will get the passive signet of vampirism going:>




    Possible changes:

    Build is flexible and few things can be changed.


    You can for example swap out CPC for Spectral Walk if you need extra condi cleanse and the escape tool. With Wurm this can allow for some really nice plays.

    Lingering Curse can be reaplaced with Weakening Shroud (vs guards or warriors mostly) for more safety when jumped and almost insta 3 boon corrupt when entering shroud (hello rampage)

    Rune is extremely...loose part of the build. You can stick just about anything in there and it'll work. If you go for Rune of the Lynx or Traveller (25% movement speed) you can ditch Banshee's Veil in Blood Magic and take vampiric Presence or Life from Death (though this build that not have much healing power to back it up).

    If watching allies get downed bothers you a lot, you can switch out Blood Bond for Ritual of Life, but be warned Blood Bond is a powerful trait for your own sustain, so take that risk knowing this beforehand.







  10. I think you have a build problem not a profession problem. For example power reaper may feel simplistic and bland and minion necro even more so. But that's what you chose to play. Minions are a minor minority of necro builds and there's a world of much more involved gameplay with condition builds and defensive/support builds.


    In PvE the meta is to just go ham which leads to bland "learn rotation and forget" builds. In PvP you gotta care for your defenses because players aren't mobs, they will hunt you down like a dog if they see you bieng squishy. PvP is generally reactive, while PvE is rotation based, so there's a major difference in how the two play.

  11. A power mesmer can delete an paladin amulet necro in one go with shatter from stealth. So yes, it's too high. And no, dodging is not the answer, because you have no way of knowing if he'll actually do it. He may well just try to bait dodges out before real thing, and you have no way to see what's up and counterplay that. A profession should not be able to solo delete a tanky amulet necro in under a second. Literally.

  12. >@"DonArkanio.6419" said:


    >That's why I wanted to talk about this. There are classes (rather Specs) which's mechanics are build around dodges and have to be the game changers for them. It's hard to compare a random trait of Core class to the mechanic of an entire Spec, right?


    >That's why I think this should be clearly stated, what do we expect from classes like DD and Mirage when they dodge. DD is easier to read due to its clear animations for all Condi/DMG/Dash so you know what to expect when you see it.

    >In my opinion, traits which create Well of Blood on dodge with 8s ICD are unpredictable for both players and opponents.


    >We can't compare these dodges as they are something totally different. That's why I think this mechanic should be cleaned-up. These lesser effects bring very little to the gameplay and yet do something from time to time. Problem is, they are very unreliable.


    >What do you think about it?


    Well in necro's case, core or elite specs, nothing changes about dodges. As for Well of Blood on dodge, gimmicky as hell but it has one great use - triggering passive signet of Vampirism from Blood Bond trait. Necromancer is the poster child for slow, extremely easy to interrupt/blind skillcasts, and it's not easy triggering that trait on demand without some insta-bleed surprise, one that's not connected to shroud might i add (will not heal when you're shrouded).


    Though i agree this is poorly designed trait that's getting niche use due to another good one. Core necro needs a proper redesign. For example anti-blind skill that gives poor nec actual window where he can use his slow skill casts and have enemies **work** to avoid them, instead of just popping blind #54 and chill while hammering away on nec. An extra source of player-controlled stab also would be nice.


    But due to this **abomination** that is the scourge (may it die in fire) that's not likely to happen, because what would fix core necro, would make that thing broken beyond belief. A-net needs to sit down, admit that mistakes were made and take the long, painful, but best route of buffing core, and nerfing elites so that at the very least necro has a servicable core spec like most other professions, while not having broken elites, just because core finally got fixed.


    > @"Snellibee.2761" said:


    > Necros have big kitten damage while thiefs don't so I wouldn't compare how many times a thief can dodge vs how many times a necro can dodge though, they're two different classes with different uses.


    Lol, the very reason i invented my own spvp core necro tank build was to deal with thieves and their "small damage". It was impossible for me to play necro and not get killed by stray thief in moments otherwise. And i had to pack just about every measure of defense available to finally start giving thieves hard time.


    > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > The reason why necro can't dodge as much because they have the highest health pool in the game vs thief who has the lowest. Not going to mention mirage, since its busted.


    I don't take issue with thief having lotsa dodges. I take it however with stealth on dodge. I already had my taste of deadeyes sniping my ass then dodging for stealth, then sniping my ass and stealth again with no real room for counterplay. Not to mention that disgusting shadow meld while we're there.

  13. If you got a ranger and guard then warr will not feel unique. Let's be honest, this is a no bells and whistles profession for getting the job done the simple way. So yeah, for some (myself included) boring.


    As for the rev and necro, I like both though i don't like their PoF elites. Personal feelings aside I can say few bits about scourge as a necro main:


    1. Necro in fractals (scourge) is a very valuable team member (as support). No one comes close to his ressing potential, party barriers are diamonds in fractals with Fraility instability (lower max hp for players), and also good for challenge motes that decrease healing down to 20% (barriers are not affected by it). On top of that being a necro he has easy access to good boonrip (there's a lot of protection to rip off enemies in high tier fracs), and if you slot rune of antitoxin, you'll also have badass condi cleansing with your barriers (assuming you took Abrasive Gift trait). Also as mentioned - he is a necro, it's not that easy to down him and as result he's a reliable healer.


    2. In WvW scourge is on the both ends of the stick - solo roaming - suicide. Necro sucks vs longbow rangers and deadeyes (your typical solo roamers). Conversly scourges are the stable of WvW zergs, in groups you're in very high demand.


    3. As for fun and uniqueness...well necro is definitely unique. Profession that is focused around soaking up damage rather then avoiding it, and posessing very powerful condition manipulation capabilities. There's a well of depth to a condi necro. Power necro is also defo more fun then you standard power warrior. As for fun - for me - not so much. Necro itself is a mountain of fun for me, i don't main it for no reason. But scourge ....bleh. It feels like shades, shades, and more shades with a necro tacked on them. For that reason i love core (in spvp), i love reaper (in open world), but scourge i roll out only if really needed (like support in fractals). It's practical but to me boring.

  14. I think dodge traits are fine, but do need some balancing. Compare necro's dodge trait (well of blood with 8s icd) to broken stuff like mirage's (stunbreak+condi cleansed). Not to mention there is a **huge** gap in how often can a given profession dodge (hello thieves, mesmers vs necros again).

  15. I on the other hand like it. It is challenging. I cleared it y-day with great difficulty as support scourge. That being said, i know my build is far from optimal and i could've done tons of damage more while providing similar support if i put my back to it.


    Also meta (which i hate) doesn't emphase reflects which are a Godsent in this fractal. Since rarely anyone uses those (or other projectile hate fields) ppl get their assess kicked. Fair game.


    Reason i enjoy fractals is because the fractals and instabilities often reward taking a proper approach (build) to each instead of just running same shit all day every day. Ofc static groups may get away with it, but i imagine if siren's reef had a revenant support with huge uptime on ventari's dome and large boon duration for party resist from mallyx it would certainly had a smoother clear then your average "meta" group.

  16. Core condi is the more active playstyle. Stack condies with scepter, use blood is power, then transfer those self bleeds into a mob for more damage. Pull them in with spectral grasp along with their friends, then drop your aoe condies (staff, corrosive poison cloud, maybe plaguelands). That's just a a very simple and rough example.


    There are things to play with like might stacking as a condi necro by reversing condies into boons (traited blood is power + well of power), or terror builds (fear of death trait + terror trait), epidemic mass wipeout builds, maybe bit of healer on the side builds (transfusion + vampiric presence and ritual of life).


    There's a lot of fun to be had on condi core necro, before you get to 80. Do keep in mind that after that things will explode fun wise. necro has some very fun runes and gear sets he can use that aren't available pre 80 (and without xpacs). But with those a ton of new build possibilities will unlock. If you can brave it till he's max level, it'll be well worth it.

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