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Posts posted by ZeftheWicked.3076

  1. > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:


    > **Necromancer**


    > * Terrifying Descent: This trait has been reworked. It has been renamed to "Insidious Disruption". It now causes control effects to inflict torment on foes.


    Define control effects please. Are we talking hard cc here, or both hard and soft cc?

    If just hard cc, then a single stack of 3s torment cannot compete with Plague Sending and it's ability to transfer any amount of stacks from up to two conditions. Not to mention Plague Sending has defensive uses, while Insidious Disruption is supposed to be purely offensive option.


    > * Signet of Undeath: Reduced recharge to 75 seconds in all game modes. Reduced cast time from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds. Reduced number of allies revived from 3 to 1. Added additional health cost of 50% of base health to this skill. Increased passive lifeforce gain by 100%.


    Liking this change! This will prolly make Reapers happy campers, giving them core necro level LF degen with Signets of Suffering + Signet of Undeath. Core necros...well yeah, they'll be really tanky, but Death Shroud is the worst shroud, and rarely a core necro has any reason to camp it other then soaking up damage.

    Death Shroud itself still needs addressinng, core necro has the worst damage of all professions and specs, completely unable to be competitive in end game PvE.

  2. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:


    > - Third, make a choice, the necromancer was supposed to rely more on it's utility skills to deal damage than it's weapon and special mechanism. Either they focus on that point and make utilities truly reliable dps wise or they rethink the utilities and their role for the necromancer while puting damage on the weapons but they shouldn't try to keep having every skills do everything.


    Oh hell no. Necro's utilities are the core of his survival in competitve. If you force damage into utilities you'll either have necros that die 5s into the fight, or necros that can sustain but little else because their damage is in utilities and they're using defensive ones (as they should) to stay alive.


    On a side note, I do approve and am very pleased with a-net placing a lot of necro's sustain in traitlines/core specs. This is a boon that does not arm twist me into specific weapon choices like shield for warriors just becuase i want to be alive (which on necro is #1 concern in competitive).

  3. Nerfing necro's boon corrupt ability is like trying to put out fire with gasoline. It'll only add to real problem which is boon overspam, by having only profession that can keep it in check in zerg setting removed from meta or at least crippled.


    The real issue here is that boons and corrupts are not designed for zerg pvp situations. New mechanics should be introduced, before messing with necro's boon corrupt potential. Because if you do you'll either have everyone in wvw running with maxed boons, and hardly any counter to it, or conversly you'll see necros overtaking wvw in order to copensate deficiencies in boon removal/corrupt on a necro with increasing overally number of necros in a group.

  4. You tend to struggle with necro in pvp because it's **an anti necro gamemode**. Look at amulets - all tanky stuff was killed, only think that vaguely resembles a tank amulet is paladin, and that thing receives it's defenses on it's **minor** stats, not major. This is a huge kick in the nuts for necro, since he's the most stat dependant profession of them all when it comes to defense. Every other profession has some block, evade frames, stealth, damage immunity or what not to counter enemy burst without having to invest into defensive stats. Necro's doesn't, and in this mode it has been denied to him.


    If that wasn't enough, some really good defensive runes have also been cut out, most likely for being too op on other professions while on necro they would be fair and balanced. Stuff like rune of tormenting, or rune of surging.


    The only way i see necro getting proper defenses without giving him some godmode defensive skill like all the rest, is pushing some major upgrades to free defensive stats he can get. Like vitality - which he can get barely 180 of from Soul Reaping - that's uncomparably lower value then toughness, which he can get 600 of from death magic, or healing power which he can stack anywhere from 150 - 630 from spite and blood magic combined.


    Speaking of which i think the new death's carapace is a bit too brutal in it's stacking. Less max stacks, more power per stack would be fairer. With old Corrupter's fervor, stacking max stacks wasn't a big issue as long as you weren't chain cc'd for ages. Now death's carapace is hard to cap even when you're completely free to attack and i'm talking condition core necro which should not have issues to stack that shit.

  5. **Flesh golem** is shit because of charge's cast time. What it should be is **zero** cast time for necro, some cast time for golem itself - kinda like scourge shades activation. That way you can activate it as a defensive measure when getting stomped yourself. An elite like this should provide that utility.


    **Plaguelands**- i can imagine this being a major lol skill in wvw. Though i would not blame it too much on skill itself, more on rest of the necro kit not having enough ability to cage an opponent in. Like spectral ring fearing enemies away from you instead away from it's border, so enemies on the inside would be feared back into the center of the ring. Well there's always a knockdown from golem...oh wait...that's an elite too...


    **Lich form** - forget WvW, this skill is shit almost any mode. First off one single stab stack ever 3s provides practically no protection vs getting chain cc'd in any competitive mode. Not to mention you become godzilla sized green spectre making yourself visible to the enemy even from space and announcing your readiness to get abused.

    Ok i'll give it some kudos for pvp mode. It does work well vs thieves, and if you pop it quickly enough in mid point zerg you can sustain quit a bit of pain with #5. But in WvW - oh boy, you'd be dead meat or just outranged/dodged if not straight up cc'd to death and killed.


    The damage is ok in competitive but in PvE - forget it. Plaguelands are way better on condi build then lich is on power build. You basically would just pop that thing to get the self destructing minions casted and quickly pop out to get lf and stop losing dps.


    Basically the whole core necro setup screams of "not enough hard cc to keep'em near, not enough anti cc, to keep myself up".

  6. Well that's you. The ppl that actually came there in person - the last moments of stream, where it showed footage of them leaving the room in dead silence - says it all.

    If it's not an xpac, then the reaveal needs to show the "xpac content" that was promised and would hype player base up. Instead other then free HoT for PoF owners (which is a good move) this felt like your lore junkies panel + living story episode trailer and not a big reveal.


    Words were thrown, like "saga", but substance (concrete content examples that are superior to simple LS episodes) was missing. So for a lot of us - a letdown.

  7. They said it'll not be a season but a saga, implying saga>season, but i haven't seen much details about what that "more" is. Props for mini raid bosses to get ppl started into raiding, but other then that it's a mystery.


    Also annoyed with all the charr artwork. Where have we seen an ingame charr that actually looked like the artwork (like that glowing fire grenades strapped across his chest) engi artwork? I haven't. In art we got badass savage near beasts, while ingame charr are generally bit ugly, but loveable bunch..

  8. > @"Locce.8405" said:

    > I am not a big fan of microtransactions, but for the most part I find the way the GW2 gemshop is implemented acceptable.

    > If you want to keep a game running with regular new content and stuff like that you have to get regular income from that game. Yes, sometimes it might compromise the artistic vision, but that's basically capitalism for you. However, there are a few things that don't look so good:


    > - GW2 with its plethora of skins for everything generally does a good job avoiding the "default guy" problem. A point to criticise in that regard are mount and glider skins: since they are so visible in the game there should be a less indirect way to get at least a couple of those through gameplay, maybe some sort of wardrobe unlock reward for story meta achievements or something like that.

    > - Keeping an eye on the gold to gems exchange rates can do wonders for your wallet if you regularly see something in the shop that tempts you. However, the pricing of mount skins does seem to be a bit high, especially with the lower price for random rolls potentially luring you into much larger spendings than anticipated, making them less affordable through gameplay means, at least if you only want a couple of skins from each pack.

    > - Black Lion Chests. Yes, you can get a "free" key every week and more if you regularly do map completions with new chars, but if you put desirable exclusive items in there that are only available for a limited amount of time that looks a bit shady and gambling-y. The fact that you can often buy these items for lion statues later doesn't help much when "later" means "roughly half a year later" and the only currency you can buy them with comes from partaking in this game of chance.

    > - The supply drops. Per se they are a neat idea, but the concept is tarnished by the fact that in two of two cases so far they came with access to mount skins not available by other means until a later date. It seems the only rational reason for that is to entice more people to buy the supply drop for early access to those mount skins. That's not a good look.


    > Mind you, compared to many other games GW2 still looks pretty good even with these flaws, but I think it's a good idea to keep an eye on these things.


    They would make heaps of money if the gems were not overpriced. League of Legends, a game that's certainly not the cheapest in terms of it's skins, got a fair amount of my real life money, because i found their offers far more acceptable. In GW2 it's always gold to gems for me, because price of gems irl money is just unacceptable for me.

  9. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > Just hold your horses, do kitten that needs to be done and be back when it's actually on.


    > lol, come on, say it with me....


    > tot......xxx!


    > Agree with some of the above, be excited for news but don't plan on it's the news you want and you might end up happier afterwards.


    Don't you guys have mobile phones? (i'm a dick i know :) )

  10. My theory: it's not about gemstore it's about not losing players.


    If one place is THE farm map, others will be ghosttowns. A new player or a casual player who's not into farming 24/7 goes to experience content and it's deader then core necro in PvE. Word spreads and false rumors emerge about game being dead, in decline, maintenance mode incoming etc. Needless to say, a self-fullfilling prophecy, sales can decline, playerbase shrink and the real death of game is sped up over totally trivial reason. A-net clearly wants us to rotate maps, be at multiple spots over time, rather then camp one place all the time.

  11. #0 - the meta.


    This is GW2, game that thrives on "Play your way" and real build diversity, especially at lvl 80 with xpacs. And it's huge fun for me. Yet often in raids it's "bring a specific build on a specific role or gtfo", not to mention "dps gestapo" apps. I wonder how often i would get kicked outta T4 fracs if my blood magic reaper was shown to have sub-optimal dps, never mind saving the group from wipes serveral times due to strong sustain and mass ressing.


    Until i can do raids playing how i really like instead of how I'm ordered to, that game mode can enjoy this message:



    "Dear Raids...

    (picture of my backside)"


    yours, Krytan Butcher.

  12. One think i would like to be touched upon are faces, especially human ones. Females look just plain ugly 90%, while males lack diversity and most of them also don't feel manly. I'd like to see like 10 badass manly faces, that are each manly for a different reason rather then slight variations of one good model.

  13. What keeps me around:


    1. **tons of builds** - useless and dead traits and runes are slowly but surely getting reworked. More and more stuff is becoming unique, impactful and fun.

    2. **xpac maps** - amazing stuff. Core is "ok" at best in comparison. Heart of Thorns really shines here, as well as it's living story maps (Ember Bay, Draconis Mons etc).

    3. Legendary gear - it doesn't get outdated and gives you complete freedom of builds. It's long and costly to make but well worth it.


    My advice to you:


    Get xpacs, well worth their price. If you gotta pick one, pick Heart of Thorns. You need the end game gear stats that it unlocks. Both the number of these sets and viability outshine Path of Fire. Imho it's also the better xpac with amazing vertical jungle maps, huge replay value and more fun elite specializations set.


    Path of Fire is the mounts xpac, you will love'em for the feel and sheer utility, also better suited to those who hated the maze like jungle maps of Heart of Thorns and want more of a "Core Tyria +" maps. It has it's own set of elite specializations (currently edging to be the bit stronger then HoT ones).



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