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Posts posted by ZeftheWicked.3076

  1. Boneskinner is simply bugged. I do whisper of jormag daily, usually without issues (if my team knows what they're doing) and that is a proper strike mission with pre-raid difficulty and a mini-raid boss feel.


    Boneskinner in it's current bugged state is a hardcore challenge, certainly not a "pre-raid" difficulty and not a part of growing difficulty curve that should place it above other sanctum strikes, but below or at most equal to Whisper of Jormag.

  2. > @"DavyMcB.1603" said:


    > Stating the obvious here. of course it counts shroud, which, by the way, is even more powerful than normal HP because it has innate damage reduction. Also, power corrupt core necro is a thing. Your surprise is a already a testimonial to the "OMEGALULZ CORE NECRO" players that I stomped in plat. Here's some basic education on the number of boon corrupts a core necro can dish: focus 3, spinal shiver 3, axe 2, shround tap 2, sorund#2 2, corrupt boon 3x2=6.. should I go on?


    focus 3 - boon rip not corrupt and slow cast time.

    spinal shivers - same without cast time though so that's good

    axe 2 -not only is cast time slow it has a huge tell (necro making big gesture before doing it)

    shroud enter - so far the only actuall instant boon corrupt here

    shroud's dark path - pretty sure that corrupts once it lands, so after a veeeery long time

    corrupt boon - has it's cast time though not as vicious as most other skills here. Still has a very distinct gesture and I find enemies dodging it surprisingly often.



  3. > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > > @"xDudisx.5914" said:

    > > The new strikes are getting too hard for the avg pug to do running public mode. I predict it will be dead after 1-2 months after everyone has gotten the achievements.


    > It's already near-dead. I can find maybe 1 group every 2 hours.


    I have reverse experience. Then again i do have commander tag. I tag up, go into squad room, open lfg and before i even manage to get cozy (expecting a wait) i literally got a group of 9 before i could even change lfg to "2 healers" or something like that...


    And we cleared it easy, while i was playing my herald condi support, so most certainly not 30k dmg, closer to 10. Public rooms can be hard yes. You need that commander to manage subgroups proper (like putting squishies with scourge in one group, or telling some ppl that we got too many/too few healers and balance how many ppl do what).


    Ascended gear is just a myth. I had clears that had like 3 minutes left to time out. If not more. 5% dps difference would not change the fact it would get cleared on time.

  4. The issue with raids is also their length - strike is one boss, in and out. Even when it goes sour it's a quick sortie and it's fine.

    In raid there's need to learn whole wing and new players (to a given raid, not to game in genereal) have an uphill battle as most teams want experienced players/full wing run and you got catch 22. Newbies need experiece, experienced want no newbies.

  5. > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

    > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > Incensed Responsed. You mean the one that's getting **removed** as well?


    > Are you sure? That wasn't in the notes, though it would be the most expected change if they update things.


    My bad, i mistook it earlier with Fierce Infusion. That's a huge relief, since without it herald may not have best time stacking personal might.

  6. > @"SPESHAL.9106" said:


    > If you can't see that no amulet is going to save a Necro from being focused more than ever now, I don't know what to tell you. Why wouldn't you focus the profession with the least stability..no mobility...40+ second cooldowns on key utilities...highest cast time abilities...no stealth..no 100% scaling defenses like blocks/evades/immunites...no vigor for more dodges...no life force to start the match which means tons of abilities/cc/talents aren't even available.


    About that...

    Notice that even here they kicked us in the balls. Deadshot and Wanderer, two very necro friendly amulets are getting removed...



  7. Devastation seems to have gotten some love, but corruption has me worried. On surface it looks all nice but:


    * passive (minor) 20% damage and duration on torment is gone, and parts of it are dismembered across several traits.

    * Venom enhancement is gone as well.

    * Changes to banish enchantment and precision strike aren't going to make Abyssal Chill good. This trait died the moment they changed Call to Anguish into single chill stack....


    Then again certain things sound nice but we must see their actual values:

    * poison in addition to fire on diabolic inferno. We need better values than current one, as current version is 8s cooldown, while new one 10s at best (legend swap)

    * Replenishing Despair finally does something worth slotting it. I can see builds based on it happening.

    * Fiendish tenacity can help rev get resistance when switching out of mallyx stance.


    That being said compared to necro, corruption rev still suffers in terms of "what do i do with self - applied torment??".

    **offesively** - transfer it into enemy - obvious choice (Permeating Pestilence)

    **defensively** - ??? it's just there and that's it. You don't covert it to a boon, you don't get stronger healing cause of it, recharge energy or w/e.

  8. > @"Axl.8924" said:


    > Everyone else took a nerf too and eles are freaking out about the nerfs quite a lot.


    > Come to think of it, I didn't see any threads of nerf for warrs or guardians. But still, we got buffs and some major buffs don't come without nerfs, and vice versa.


    > I knew necro wouldn't go unscathed actually, heck even mesmers got hit with nerfs. GS dmg was nerfed on zerker so they do something like 33% less dmg on second zerker clone instead of 19, that's a pretty big number if you ask me.


    > Sword GS Gun all the dmg modifiers were lessened, so maybe we will be ok I hope.


    They took nerfs to damage, we took nerfs to our primary weakness and our primary reason to exist in competitive (boon corrupts). This is literally killing core necro (lowest damage in end game PvE, now easier to shut down in spvp, and lacking in corrupts).


    Even if our "new" (due to damage nefs across the boards) durability will make us survive the abuse better, the nerfed boon corruption might be enough to make us nearly useless in spvp and any team asking the question: why is this necro here, instead of a valuable teammate?


    Not to mention i would think a-net would want to end the cancerous Firebrand + necro setup by giving necro more self sufficiency, while less boon power to fb., so he can support but not hard carry, while necro would be allowed to exist without support on him 24/7...


  9. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > Ok ok before we freak out let's try and test these things out I know I already said uh what but maybe things will still work out in favor of the necro. They did nerf dmg as we all wanted.


    > Let's try to be optimistic and hope necromancer isn't completely kitten. It was pointed out that we should be able to survive a lot longer now, that's a plus, right?


    After this it'll be so kitten it's gonna star in whiskas commercials...

    Our primary weakness? cc. So what does a-net do:


    **destroys** our anti-cc measures while cc in general stays as was for all the professsions (less damage but same if not buffed duration).

    This isn't just about foot in the grave (which is painful enough). Our corrupts, which are our 2nd line of defense when someone is trying rush us are also getting hard nerfed. Imagine a warrior with 25 stacks of might, stab, fury, quickness...and now our corrupts not being good enough to get to that stab or might...


    Heck imagine you're a core necro and warr pops Rampage. And spoiler alert: it's cc did not get nerfed and damage coefficients were not reduced to 0.01 like most hard cc skills.

  10. The huge advantage of strikes vs raids (when it comes to getting attention of more casual players) is that it's just one boss. Raids can be long if not with a good group, and because of that not only can they be daunting to less determined players, but are very hostile to newcomers. Most squads want experienced raiders or gtfo. Classic catch 22.


    Meanwhile a strike is one boss. No annoying pre-sections, no other bossess you need to learn and clear before getting to it. And in some cases it can come pretty close to raid boss difficulty. This is great because the concept of a wipe is far less punitive here (you lost a fight, not progression on a whole wing and squad you were assembling for ages), and the concept of victory (beat a near raid-level boss in some cases) is very rewarding and helps players realize that raids are not impossible for them. With some training and proper gearing they can do it, if they can could clear the strike.


    Just the rewards for strike need to be better, so players are incetivised to return, replay and get better. That will push them into improvement mindset and make them crave more challenging content - the raids.

  11. Now let's not jump to conclusions here. The stunbreaks are buffed in PVE only, not in competitive. But damage got nerfed across the board. So now you're not cc'd for 5 seconds when enemy team dogpiles and kills your ass. You'll be cc'd for 7.


    Let's not forget the nerfs to our boon corrupts. Well fair point a lot fo boon application got gutted in terms of it's duration, but how hard - that remains to be seen. As a pvp core necro i'm loaded with boon corrupts and still find it barely sufficient to contain enemy threats, such as warrior going ham on a teammate...


    JUUUST KIDDING! Ofc i have no good team in spvp and the warrior is first and foremost on me, even when i'm in backline:)



  12. I just checked it and it's fucking disgusting. They straight up nerfed necro, killing the core.

    Doom has 0.65s cast time?? Stunbreaks on shorter cds but only in PVE??

    Foot in the Grave removed and we don't get any stab to compensate.


    All necro changes are "make our slowass skills more readable or straigh up nerf it". I can only see one cause - a-net devs don't play necro much, got recked by one and now are taking their revenge..

  13. No breakbar to manage? No mechanics? No DPS checks? Are we talking same strike mission. Because whisper of Jormag sure as heck has all 3. And ppl don't get downed cause reasons, only cause chains, too slow reaction to his snowstorm breakbar or standing on him in the last phase when his spamming his spheres.


    Also i did several tries of it, so can't say there were no ppl. Just enter the public room and see for yourself who's there.



  14. Asura ranger. Obviously logical.




    * superior scientific profession, as your "golem" (the pet) does not require programming, batteries, is not hackable and easy to maintain/replace. Tons of funds and time saved for real research!

    * pet is bigger then you! Great at drawing attention away from smaller you! Also can be used as emergency mount (reseach in progress!)

    * pet is bigger then you! If you're stranded and no food - BIG mobile food supply right there!

    * excellent subterfuge and saboutage - send in your pet to wreck enemy equipment/raid their laboratory. Just a wild animal attack, none will be the wiser..

    * SNAP! The favourite sound when some pests are trying to bug you in your laboratory. Noooo, I didn't lay that snare there...asura's don't use snare traps (*innocent eyes*)

    * technobabble the cretins for 3s stun. Shoot the inquest smartasses with your bow. Didn't invent tech for enemy arrows? Too bad!

    * Sharks with lasers. You know you want them, and as ranger you already have a shark!



    * Your lab may smell...a "little"

    * drooling maw of your "pet" is the last thing you want to see and smell when being ressurected

    * Necros can detonate their pets and resummon soon after....need to work on "pet enhancements"

    * Your clearly superior resourcefulness and adaptation skills are often not recognized by golem-obsessed imbecilic peers.

  15. Vampirism is heavily covered by Necromancer (mechanically). Lycanthrophy - norn and their werewolf form. And then there's the werebear, wereleopard, wereraven, not to mention some possessed/psycho warriors talking to themselves (they say it's spirits) and pretending they're dragons, centaurs, dwarves and even demons. Last case is not considered metal illness if they're tax collectors or lawyers - that's just declaration of self awareness.


    First diagnosed case: Rytlock Brimstone and numbers are growing. Could be a malicious infection affecting the nervous system, especially the brain. Or some unknown drug. Whatever it is, it got fair amount of Tyrians high as kite..

  16. Today is 3rd day i face this ugly mofo, but he seems bit ...different today.


    From what i see i think his Hp was nerfed but his attacks were buffed. Correct me if i'm wrong here, but i don't recall seeing him drop 2 green orbs at once before today, nor do i recall him doing double and i think even triple shards (the aoe circle that fully charged drops shards on you).

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