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Posts posted by ZeftheWicked.3076

  1. Pros:

    * strike mission - very nice one

    * story - i enjoyed it




    * nerfing event exp to the ground

    * T3 boreals being still exotic (unless this is gonna be some norn s3 legendary going the exotic->exotic->asc precursor->legendary route) which i doubt

    * bugged Drakkar - anytime i wanted to do it, NPC (Javi?) would just freeze up before reaching the room with wolf shrine that that's that.

    * 3rd Saga realease - still no xpac level content, even not previous seasons level content (no new fractal, raid, gear stat set, game-wide mastery like beetle or skyscale)

  2. I did some Whisper of Jormag attempts y-day (failed) and some today (succeeded) and i must say it was fun! This is a fun, challenging content!

    That being said rewards are kinda generic - well nothing close to Price of the Boneskinner Skin that looks plain sick!


    So here's the idea:


    Why not make Strike mission specific set of cosmetics that are rewarded based on your performance?

    One skin for clearing the mission.

    Additional one (2nd part of set) for clearing it with silver grade

    Final one for clearing it with gold mark.


    If that's too harsh for not so hardcore players, you can have instead tokens drop after a mission, with higher graded completes dropping much more coins, but eventually letting every one get the full set, be it via perserverance, or focused effort on faster clears.


    I don't think many would take issue with amazing skins such as Price of the Boneskinner becoming permanent addition to Strike Missions and a motivation to replay them and improve.

  3. > @"KingJoko.1625" said:

    > > @"Geoff Fey.1035" said:

    > > In what way do they need to be remade?

    > > As in:

    > > 1. you need the Restored Boreal Weapon as a recipe component to create the Illuminated Boreal Weapon?

    > > 2. the achievement for Illuminated Boreal Weapons does not retroactively unlock even if you still have all of the Restored Boreal Weapons?

    > >


    > You need the actual tier2 weapons in physical form, not in achievement, which 99% of players salvaged..


    And ppl bi...complain about THAT? REALLY?


    Needing them in physical form should be obvious. If you want the skin you got T1 for that. I sure as heck won't blame a-net for that one, it was common logic to me.

  4. Asura. Ever been to Rata Sum prison? Where they imprison a guy cause he's too stupid? Well he wouldn't be there if he went ranger.

    Instead of those overcomplex and hackable golems you settle for ~~abusing~~ employing animals. They are immune to hacking, easy to repair and replace, and already come preprogrammed with enemy/ally and terrain recognition AI. Not to mention they can serve as emergency food rations. And given how large they are compared to our own size, that's a sizable food supply at the ready!


    Additionaly you come armed with asuran set of racial skills like technobabble which can be augmented by moment of clarity into 4.5s daze and a personalized golem summon if there ever is a suspicion you became a ranger cause you were too stupid to operate a golem and may need incarceration for indeterminate amount of time!


    Also radiation field doesn't do anything interesting with golems, irradiating wildlife on the other hand...

    Ofc i meant hostile lifeforms! Not my precious speci...pets!

  5. I play rev, so i'll speak on rev side of things:


    Hammer + mace shield combo screams bunker rev. Hammer and mace don't have too good synergy - hammer is a defensive power weapon, mace is a condi weapon. Shield is utility + defense so doesn't matter.


    That being said this can work in WvW. Mace + shield condi bunker herald can be tough as nails in melee while doing solid damage as long as you build for it (corruption spec + runes of tormenting). Hammer can provide the range for zerg combat (well more like for tagging if you have no power), but does provide the anti-projectile wall that moves with you, and can shield allies as well if you bunch up in one spot. As are the 100% leeching bolts with hammer auto through said wall.


    What you'd have is a condi roamer that can do fine vs camps, while in larger groups or when enemy has the advantage would attempt to just tag stuff with hammer and shield allies from projectile abuse while retreating.

  6. > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

    > Are the runes maybe aimed at peeps who don't do legendary armor but want to swap runes a lot? Still seems like a crappy deal, but then again, so does the armor.


    Lege armor is amazing. Only thing you want from armor is for it to have stats matching your build, and to not destroy your upgrades. Lege armor delivers on both ends, making it one set to rule them all, and next to legendary trinkets it is the most practical legendary equipment to have.


    As for lege runes they benefit greatly from portability and space saving. 6 runes that stack in one slot and replace any other rune in existance can be passed between characters via shared bank slot, saving tons of bag space and frustrations when you don't know which good rune set is on which character.

  7. Hello fellow Tyrians. Today i decided to stretch my javascript muscles and do something that interested me personally:


    Compare the full legendary runeset production cost to just buying all the runes you can instead (both cases full sets).

    After hopping to [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune) and doing some data crunching it turns out the total cost of buying all regular runesets on tp is around **923.83** gold. Do keep in mind some runes are only craftable or obtainable via dungeon vendors, so there's that on top of the TP price.


    Cost of crafting a full legendary rune set hovers around **2,596.35** gold at this moment. Also there seems to be total of 83 different runesets, so take that to account too (bag space).


    What's the conclusion? The conclusion is that you make your own conclusion! I just felt like providing myself, (and now you along the way) this data, and with it a rough idea how the legendary vs standard rune costs look like;)

  8. I think he's right there on the bench with necro. The underdog, who everyone thinks trash, but actually is the silent hero that can carry the whole squad.


    Both get that role for similar reason - they don't seem provide much on the surface, but in reality they save the whole squad when shit hits the fan.

    Necro's case is obvious - mass resses and his natural durability to be the last man standing and alive to ress others.


    Herald's case is how reliable his boon application is. Others may do more, but there are uptime issues and small area of effect issues. Both foreign concepts to Herald. 600 range, 10 target pulsing boons with 100% uptime for little investment are the real deal. Especially protection, which most likely is a secondary concern for alacrity and quickness focused supports, yet is that one boon that keeps your team alive. On top of that he can extend everyone's boon's duration, including alacrity and quickness.


    In short he fixes holes in the wall of meta supports. If he builds healing power he can provide nearly 1k/s regens, again for 10ppl in 600 range taking a lot of heat of primary healers. Should he himself be one (ventari) - well he'll be that much less stressed if his team has such powerful regen on them and protection 24/7 to boot.


    Will he be top dpser? No.

    Will he be best healer? No.

    Will be best tank? Who knows!


    But when he's in your squad you will feel the difference.



  9. Heart of Thorns maps. Just amazing. Complexity and verticality (+ glider!) struck home with me.


    Tangled Depths is a work of a great mind, and a gem of beauty in certain parts, which aren't that easy to find.

    Auric Basin is beautiful in it's lushness,

    Verdant Brink has the most fun meta for me in whole game (like doing the nighttime camp defense)

    Dragon's stand - love how the various masteries found good use there, though due to timer it's hard to fully admire it's beauty.

  10. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > The more the game gets toned down the less this idea holds any merit if any at all.

    > >

    > > Hence why I said many classes need to be toned down

    > >

    > > Escapes, damage evades CC might boon spam. But don't hold your breath, they may change nothing or the wrong thing on multiple classes and leave the ones already-dominant still dominant.


    > Then how about waiting until that happens before asking for power creep to this class?




    Been waiting oh i don't know...4 years now? I've waited enough i say...

  11. Well as the maker of the threat I'd like to make my point short and clear:


    1. Reaper has good access to stab, it works well and no one complains.

    2. Scourge can potentially have even better access then reaper (Feed from corruption), no one complains.

    3. Core has worse access to stab then both, borderline thief level.


    And no, core being "tanky" does not balance it out, because that is balanced by reaper shroud being vastly superior in combat both dps, and utility wise, and scourge's shades having huge party utility and ability to be casted even when cc'd down to the ground.


    If things were fine and balanced you'd see core necro addressing the cc chain spam with varied builds and traitline selections. Because there would be real tools to handle the problem there. Take ranger for example, who can build for stealth, evades, massive self healing, ranged combat with traps to deny enemy engages, prolonged immunity to direct damage not to mention the obvious stability. He has varied ways to not let himself get victimized. Necro? two dodges, then facetank time. If it's a hard cc or worse off yet - a cc chain, that face is gonna be in the ground with little means to escape or retalliate, unless he makes the "choice" of flesh wurm, spectral walk (or another stunbreak) and Foot in the grave...

  12. > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    > Like the trailer. Overall i'm personally pretty satisfied with the actual LS. Not a great Braham fan at all but he has gone trough quite some kind of charakter development, so it would be okayish for me if he got a leadspot in the storytelling.


    Yes, if it's LS we're talking about we're fine so far. Problem is this is a saga with supposed expansion level content. So far i see LS level content and even there not fully, as previous LS seasons did introduce some world-wide stays like legendary weapons, fractals, raid wings, two mounts (roller beetle and skyscale) and two new gear stat sets - Seraph and Plaguedoctor.


    I will give saga that their release cadence is on schedule and faster then LS - 2 months between episodes. But i would like to see it prove the big talk of saga being superior to Living Story season. This is gonna be 3rd episode, so i say it's about time a-net got done with warmups and landed a solid punch to make our jaws drop...

  13. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > important casts

    > Core does not have long casts besides shroud4 and wurm. One of them you can cover with fitg.


    Any minion summon (including healing skill Blood Fiend) - 1.5s.

    Any core healing skill that is not a Blood Fiend recast - 1s (Well of Blood) and above (everything else).

    Dagger life siphon - 1.75s

    Axe's Ghastly Claws - 1.75s.


    There's more then two long casts in necro kit.


    > The wurm cast should absolutely be interruptable. This may be the reason why we haven't seen fitg triggering on entering and exiting shroud yet. A stab covered 1200 range port cast right after exiting shroud is overpowered for such a durable class. Reapers can do that (fitg on entering for stab, infusing terror on exiting for wurm covering stab) because they have to play a glass build with very limited utility (e.g. spite + curses not possible at the same time) to be able to do this and to be a threat at 1200 range which opens counter strategies (=balanced).


    You clearly are lacking in either knowledge of profession or game knowledge in general. Wurm summon is 1.5s. Wurm recast is a stunbreak. Stability is not needed as the stunbreak will free you from cc anyway and port you to wurm. That being said it's 32s cd, needs placing it first and takes up a precious utility slow for nothing more then self-survival tool.


    > Competent core necro players are already a pain in the butt to fight when they use walk, wall and wurm as utilities. I can only see such a change, when core shroud degeneration is nerfed to 5% (like reaper shroud) as well.


    Yes. **Because they have no other choice in order to survive** Because of stab deficiency, core necros are often forced to build escape utilities, killing build diversity.

    You're annoyed with necro getting away? I as core necro am annoyed with having to get away. I would much rather stay and fight, but since i'm denied reasonable amounts of stab or other escape mechanics i know that would not be a fight, just once sided cc+ damage beatdown.



  14. **Facts:**


    1. Necro elites are straight up upgrades, not just alternatives to core necro.

    2. Both have better stab access and no one is complaining,

    3. They are considered balanced/slighly undertuned compared to rest of professions.


    So instead of trying to get my point across which we all know wil fail i will ask you Sobx:

    "What is your reason for so adamantely resisting the idea of core necro (and only core) getting better access to stab?"

  15. **Do you feel like ArenaNet is actively developing GW2 or just doing the bare minimum ?**


    ...like what? come again? are we speaking **english** here?

    You say A or B and give answers "yes", "no" ...??????


    Yes to what? A or B? No to what? A or B?...o_O


    That aside ... i dunno. It does not feel like maintance mode, but it does not feel like proper MMO development either (no xpac, "xpac features" so far just being talk little prove).

  16. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:


    > Imagine a Low health pool class and Light armoured class going melee range with warrior with two normal evades may aswell delete Weaver if that was the case, Necro isn't really that bad as what people say it is honestly, it's certaintly pretty amazing in WvW and it can still give amazing barrier support with full zerker armour, not many classes can give support buffs in full zerker like Scourge lol, PvP is w/e if they nerf the damage on all classes like they say they will then that's pretty good for Necros already and in PvE, Support scourge just falls with the same issue as many other classes that are not Firebrand or Renegade in which they don't offer offensive buffs, Reaper is pretty good but not really as good as DH or Mirage


    Low health class can easily fix it's low health issue with vitality gear. Even in PvP which is most restrictive with defensive stat combinations, amulets with high Vitality are not uncommon. Core necro can't fix his stab issue with gear.

  17. **Hell no.**


    If it's a joke, sure have fun. But in actual game that would be extremely annoying and extremely dangerous in competitive. Seeing enemy's weapon is crucial to realizing what he can throw at you and reacting to the threat approprietly.


    And i for one don't wanna be tortured with circus sounds of such weapon wielder/s when doing some group content.

  18. Death Magic will work well with high vit builds, as stats diminish the more you get of them. Better to have high vit + medium tougness, then super high thoughness but nearly no vit.


    I would say Plaguedoctor build would greatly benefit from death magic's carapace stacking. You already get high vitality and condition damage. On top of that you get some healing power and concentration, but lack toughness to reduce incoming punishment. Death Magic with corrupter's fervor can address that hole in the wall, giving you something on all defensive fronts (vitality, healing power, toughness).


    Another good stat set would be Carrion. It has high vit, high condi damage, and high power, but no tougness whatsoever. On anything but reaper it may suck - condi weapons do very weak power damage and having hybrid damage doesn't do much. But reaper with gs can be a condi user and still do respectable power damage. With addition of up to 300 extra power in Death Magic from carapace stacks...that build can too work. You get some extra psysical damage and toughness to soak up more damage.

  19. And let's not forget that our best stab (speaking of core) is attached to a specific grandmaster trait (Foot in the Grave). Try building a core necro without Soul Reaping and only stab you can get yourself is 1s from Well of Power:/


    One of main reasons i love necro so much is how balanced and non mandatory it's traitlines are. This is one very sad exception however. I think there should be another stab somewhere, so we're not armtwisted in Soul Reaping simply because of Foot in the Grave.

  20. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > > > Actually i must go bit easier on scourge. He does have kitten foot in the grave due to his shroud massive cooldown. Still core necro (who's supposed to be the tankiest of the bunch) should have better anti-cc options.

    > > > The tankiest should have the least stability access.

    > > >

    > > > Core has the most sustain of the necro specs. It has good ranged pressure and is very duarable. Its should not have equal amounts of anti cc defense like the elite specs.

    > >

    > > No. The tankiest should have the least damage and that's the case with core. I don't buy that scourge has less damage then core, sorry. Also tanky usually also includes being resiliant to cc. Who saw a tank that goes face down to ground from slightest fart? That's squish dpser's trait that has to use mobility and careful positioning to avoid cc. Low damage but tanky specs should be the last guys to be ragdolls.


    > You already have easy access to stab, you choose to use something else and now you want to add a free stab on top of "your desired build". That makes no sense.


    "Easy" he says. 1 stack for 3s on shroud entry. Yeah real ez pz vs cc chains and professions that get to pop 10 stacks of stab with their utilities. Oh right, there's the "other source" - well of power full 1 stack for 1 second. Op as hell..

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