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Posts posted by ZeftheWicked.3076

  1. **NO. NO CANTHA**.


    I don't care how awesome it may have been in GW1. It's **old** and it'll bring with it **old tropes**.


    Place i enjoy most of all GW2 PvE content is Heart of Maguuma. Reason I enjoy it is because it **dared to innovate**. And that was possible because it flushed down the toilet the old, beaten to death trope of "Big city here, enemies on outskirts, big enemy fortress further down the road".


    So instead of same old i got:

    * vertical, much more chaotic in design and mazy jungle maps! (love it)

    * every square inch of maps is fun, because there are no human cities demanding their space to be flat, boring and predictable!

    * much better, more dramatic story telling (outposts) because in the jungle there is no safety and no rules!

    * Itzel - a breath of fresh air in terms of race lore and architecture!

    * Awesome hidden places and masteries to get there - again - it's in the wild, no safety regulations! ;)

    * Very varied and interesting adventures


    If this goes Cantha, we'll be bound by old Guild Wars confinements, be it to map design, story telling or lore. I care not for those.

    I care for ubritelled, daring innovation, that can only show it's true potential when unshackled from the past and moreso player expectations regarding such content!


  2. > @"trollpatsch.5249" said:

    > could you also rework chronomancer rune like the firebrand rune, just for alac? or do you intend to kill support renegade?


    ....Killing quickness necro with your suggestion. Trust me when i say, that we necros enjoy quickness of that rune far more then we would any alacrity.



    > @"Rym.1469" said:

    > As always, please be cautious when adding new boons to the table. It often throws the boon-corruption relations out of balance and we have all seen what disaster adding few boons here and there can release with launch of HoT and Season 1 of PvP. That event called for drastic boon corruption availability adjustements, moving boon corruption from main niche utility to main source of damage.


    Corruption stopped being niche and started being a desperate need the moment everyone started overspamming boons day one of HoT. Hi warriors, engies, guards, rangers, heralds, elementalists....


    Necros and their boon corruption were the only thing keeping this madness in check. Well now we get spellbreakers, but still, I welcome ability to corrupt alacrity, hell it's about time!


    Also it's about time alacrity was a subject to concentration stat. On one side we had chronos that could pump it out all day long and not give a flying you-know-what about concentration, on other revs that could only cry not being able to extend it, even when there were ready, willing and able to invest into concentration...



  3. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > ... I'm not asking for anything weird or impossible here.


    > I never assumed that, I'm asking for a better solution, for a different reason.


    Wait...what skins? Last time i checked trinkets don't have any visuals save infusions, aurora and some uber uber rare cases.

  4. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > I really don't get it. If you only have it for stat changing, it's much better to just have 2 or 3 accessories with the stat combinations you usually use. Who goes through the quests for aurora for stat changing? Stat switching using another accessory is even faster, only takes up 1 of your 160+ inventory slots.


    > That said, I would like to see trinkets added to the wardrobe. That way you could put another skin on your aurora and I could use the aurora skin on other characters.


    Because i'm a theory crafter that wants a nice quick stat-change option on the fly, without clogging up my inventory with 10 or more variants of same item for different stat combos, and without having to shell out gold every time I want to make a small adjustment to the gear i wear.


    Also asides experimentation, i'm also very fond and keen on my character's looks. I don't want them ruined every time i put a different piece of gear. With full legendary armor, my character looks always great, while i just choose the stats with no extra hustle.

    And pink-planetary aura is not part of the plan for my badass voodoo-warrior themed necro.


    And lastly this is a small option for the item. I'm not forcing anyone using it to shut down their aura. I'm just asking for option for ppl like me to be able to do so, as I don't like the effect but i do like the item's mechanic. Also any other legendary (backpack, armors, weapons) can be skinned to shut down their visuals, so I'm not asking for anything weird or impossible here.

  5. I know, it's been done to death. But knock until they open, like they say!


    So. Pretty please a-net, for those of us who just want a legendary accessory with no visual clutter, give it an option to disable the effect! That way no one loses out, and you'd get more players creating it (ergo having reason to play the game for a good while) if they know they won't be arm-twisted into pink aura...


  6. The guy who made this thread is my spirit animal!


    I play power core necro, and only thing worse for your winrate i can imagine is his choice (condi core).

    He may be angry, but for a good reason. A lot of what he says is the pure, unexaggerated truth.

    PoF specs often blow HoT ones (let alone core professions) out of the water, rather then being an alternative in spvp. Scourge being primary example.

    Exactly as he pointed out it's worse - it's not only killing core and reaper, but unlike them, it lacks build variety and it's the "same, same and more of same" to watch.

    Scourge is all about F1-F5 skills + trail of anguish....and occasionally rest of his kit, while reaper and core have some real build and choices. Or would have in spvp wasn't such a meta/scourge slaughterfest.


    Everything is indeed about insta casts, i-frames (which necros don't have), and overspam of condies/boons rather then making critical decisions when to apply a given condi or use a cleanse.


    And let's not forget how necros are shafted amulet-wise. Because everyone gets I-frames (but necro), bunker amulets are out, but that's exactly how necro is supposed to defend himself - with high defense stats, augumented by our skills (protection, shroud etc). We don't get a free pass outta enemy burst like others do.


    And let's not forget the most "overpowered" part of it all - as **the** profession with longest skill casts, it's only natural that we necros get 2nd worst access to stability to see our skills actually go through....


    /end rant.

  7. "Play ranked seriously" - riiiiiight. As long as you didn't play a proper pvp game (like a MOBA) you can live that fantasy.

    The rest of us won't treat it like anything else as reward grind/minigame as long as:


    * multiple profession stacking

    * no replay mechanic ingame

    * visual clusterfuck with 0 legitibility in team fights

    * complete blowout scenarios

    * god-tier-must-have-meta-builds running the show (especially elite spec ones)


    are a thing.


    Just play a few games of league of legends to see what a proper pvp rpg-themed experience feels like.


    With towers blocking early game blowouts and enemy team farming yours at your base after first team fight.

    With crystal clear visuals and 0 doubts of who did what just now.

    With no same champion stacking per match in ranked games.

    With frequent balance patches that actually achieve balance to much greater degree then here.

    With ingame accessible replays to analyze and improve your game.

    With pre-match arrangement between allies of who picks what, so you don't end up tankless or cc-less in your game.


  8. > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

    > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:


    > >Not to mention the very high price in rl money for gems.

    > > As things are on more then one occasion i chose to grind for ingame gold and exchange it for gems, rather then throw a few $ at you, because of the high prices and low real money:gem ratio...



    > Although I'm sure your knowledge of economic strategies is superb and you are a master of pricing, marketing, purchasing and selling of all varieties of virtual items and commodities, I would still question if you are in any way correct.

    > ANet probably have a whole department who have analysed at which price, how many people will buy what product and set the level appropriately to maximize profit. Of course some people think the price is too high, they are not the target audience.

    > With all due respect, gem prices are what they have always been and gem store items are 99% cosmetic changes ( excluding boosts and gathering tools). Therefore by definition, they are premium/luxury items, not affecting regular mechanics of the game.

    > If the price **seems** to high for you, don't buy it. As mentioned, not all items are marketed at all people.



    ....and then one who is not from USA (read: me) recalls how **price of gw2 did change depending on country sold** (cheaper in poorer countries).

    Also as i said b4 - this does not phase me - i'm good at making gold ingame and trading it for gems. It's a-net that sufferes because their "micro transactions" are hardly micro and a lot of ppl are walking away from the deal. Their loss not mine. I'm just letting them know.

  9. Unlike other classes almost our entire kit is dependant on encounter/teammates.


    Enemies got no boons? There goes huge chunk of you utility.

    Allies are good and not dying all the time? There goes your prime support as resser.

    A party buff that's always useful and unique to necro? None.

    A strong dps option if all above fail? None.

  10. > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

    > Is it unbalanced. I mean they charge 500 gems for premium gloves and people are fine with that. But 2000 for a premium mount and people just rage. The pricing is right on in my opinion. Don't forget you have the option to grind the gold or just simply outright buy it.


    and many, maaany others...


    Ofc i have the option to grind gold, and that's what i do if I really want it. I'm not mad about it.

    That's not my point. Hell i'm **better off** not wasting real money for these items and getting gems with gold instead.


    What I am doing is being nice, and taking my time and effort (as a real life economist and a player) to let A-net know there's a big market right under their noses they're not tapping into. The poorer/F2P players, that aren't ingrates and given a good deal would happily throw few $ at the game to keep it going and flowing.

    But few very big mistakes with gemstore policies prevent that from happening, costing A-net a lot of money it's clearly not aware of.


    A game can sure as hell run on whales that's true. But it'll run a lot better if everyone is happily willing to chip in a bit of their $, rather then going by "you gotta be thiiiiiiis tall (money wise) to pass that gate" policy.

  11. > It doesn't matter that you are buying it for the skin, they are still selli g it for convenience on top of that. I find some things too much to spend on a game, but others don't, and I don't wish to take that money from ANet. If you don't want to pay the price, move on.


    Which is what i just did - rougly ~ 12 euros spent on LoL skin about half an hour ago, cause i had that amount to blow and wanted something fun. Had gem store more tame prices on tools (as i already have full set and am not desperate) i would toss that cash at a-net, but the better deal imho got my "fun fund" money today.


    Just saying there are guys like me who would join in and chip in for the game, had the deals been better. If they're not, it's not that i won't spend at all. I'll just spend it elsewhere...

  12. Last time I checked low prices that are relevant to content you get for them lead to massive profits and company growth. Just ask Riot Games and League of Legends - these guys are running full F2P non P2W business model. Money is made by selling skins, but these have "tiers" and you can be sure that when you pay more, you get more.


    For 12.5 euros you can get a really great skin that asides new look sports completely new voiceover, special interactions with other champions, skill effects, recall animation and even dance. Compare that to one single animation and sound effect of a pickaxe ...


    ..or to the fact that you get a lot more bang for your buck from Total Makeover Kit that at least lets you completely redefine your character's looks (as sounds are not possible) vs again one single mining animation...

  13. Example:


    **PoF xpac** - 30 euros. Pretty darn good deal for a good price. No complaints there.


    **Total Makeover kit** - change any aspect of your character's looks save race. around 5 euros. Great deal for great price, customization is major part of GW2.


    **Perma harvesting tool** - 12.5 EUROS (vinil record screech) - **what**? Better yet - what if you already have another perma tool of given type and the convinience part is out of the equasion? Then you're asked to shell out 25 euros for just a minor animation...

    Similar story with musical instruments...


    If you want sales up, and player's happy, you should rebalance the prices of stuff in there. Not to mention the very high price in rl money for gems.

    As things are on more then one occasion i chose to grind for ingame gold and exchange it for gems, rather then throw a few $ at you, because of the high prices and low real money:gem ratio...


  14. If you're building condi you will need scourge or reaper, scourge preferred. Scepter is the most masochistic weapon out there, stacking these condies on one single enemy takes ages, and staff comes up....short when it comes to applying condies fast. Only with shades do you get a respectable condi stacking vs groups.

  15. > @"Zero.3871" said:

    > > @"narcx.3570" said:

    > > I've been seeing more reapers since this patch... Unfortunately they've all been on my team. :anguished:


    > my guildy today tried full berzerker reaper and fought 1 vs 1 against a weaver. he spiked everything he had to weaver and hit the weaver hard, but weaver never come under 90% life...2 mins later after the fight he got one shotted by daredevil who came out of invis... reaper is still trash...


    If he went full berserker then he was asking for it. Necro doesn't have invulnerability type defenses like most ergo defense-wise **he is most stat dependant profession of them all**. You gotta feed him some of that vitality/tougness, especially if you're a reaper. If you neglect defensive stats as necro you're basicallly asking to be a free kill.


    Power's necro first choice is paladin amulet. If you're dead set on more damage then marauder or destroyer, but do so at your own risk.

  16. > @"Zero.3871" said:

    > @rhyse, okay yes^^


    > @zeftthewicked, interesting... if scourge wouldnt exist, what would be better for core and reaper?


    > there are still deadeyes and mesm one shotting you while so fast that they can easily escape after you dodged good and try again, and again and again until you are dead. you will not have any chance to win.


    > same for spellbreaker which easily reape core and reaper...


    A fix for cancerous spec is a nerfbat, not forcing a choice of another cancerous one so you have a chance.

    But what you said just adds more validity to what i said. Path of Fire introduced some really cancerous specs, that outshine others and kill build/spec diversity in competitive.


    The way it should work is that all 3 of them (core, reaper, scourge) are viable choices and existence of one does not practically erase the existence of the other two.



  17. I didn't wanna be a PS warr, chronobunker or druid. I wanted to play my necro (or rev). Moment legendary armors became available in spvp and wvw i nope'd the fk outta raids and never came back. No elitist jerks, no pugs with all their lovely issues, no getting chained down by meta.


    As excruciantigly nerve - wracking and exhausing grinding for legendaries for my necro was in spvp and wvw (before i deleted all chars) it was still the lesser evil then putting up with a raidguild or raid pug BS.

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