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Posts posted by ZeftheWicked.3076

  1. "Best" can have many different meanings. As there are many different builds for necro, scourge included.


    But first thing I got to say here, is that scourge needs his vitality gear. With scourge's high, but fixed shade skill life force costs, upping the life force pool means more casts before you run outta juice. No point in super high damage build if you run outta gas halfway through fight. This is not so important for trash mob zergs, but when going 1v1 vs something bigger and badder it'll make all the difference.


    Also as scourge does have around 21% condi duration+15% boon duration if he traits for it (sand savant needed here), he can be more liberal with taking condi gear without expertise in it.


    All that being said as a scourge i'm definitely considering following gear stats for PvE:


    * Shaman - huge vitality, with decent condi damage and healing power - all 3 stats a scourge loves and needs - great life force pool, decent condi play and strong barriers.

    * Trailblazer - Pinch of vitality that viper lacks + pinch of toughness - scourge is not as tanky as core or reaper. He needs the extra defense.

    * Grieving - Strong set for someone who can bring his own condi duration to the table. But absolute lack of vitality can leave you really starving for life force and short on shade casts..

    * Seraph - this one is on the healy side with decent condi. But again 0 vitality, which is dangerous for scourge both in offense and defense.


    Me myself - i would go Trailblazer - for tankyness vs mobs that won't melt in 10 seconds. Scourge is not exactly the definition of "attrition class" so gotta bring some of that to the table with stats.

  2. > @Exciton.8942 said:

    > Everytime necro becomes strong. Players just flock to the class and you get too many of them in queues. Obviously this will make the class the target for nerf.


    It's the winrates that usually make the call. Sure tons can play necro but if they suck on it that's not a basis for nerf.

    Also might be some time before it gets nerf, because atm all new elites benefit from "we don't know counterplay yet" issue.

    As time passes and ppl learn to play vs scourges, spellbreakers and all the rest, then may be a good time for some real nerfbatting or buffing where appropriate.

  3. Let's be honest, if you played LoL you can name a shitton of serious issues gw2 spvp has.

    And i will. Right fucking now!


    * Mesmer portal - **ZERO** tells if the inactive portal you see belongs to your team's mesmer or not. Now camp close like an idiot near friendly portal fearing it's the enemy, or ignore it thinking it's yours while enemy mesmer gets a free decap...

    * Weapon sets - good luck guessing who's wielding what in 5v5 clusterfuck that is the first teamfight. Can't we have icons in the team info panel (the one accessed with "B") that show who's using what type of weapon?

    * Allied colors. You're red. Downed ally is Blue. WTH. Sure over few seasons i got used to it, but it's counter-intutive. Give option for subjective coloring - my team always blue, enemy always red, be they standing or downed.

    * Mini map player Icons - in a teamfight it's pretty hard to count how many enemies and allies are there via mini-map. Icons overlap eachother and we have 5 guys in one spot thinking it's one. That should not be.

    * Elite spec icons - while we're there - why can't we have specialization specific icons? If a necro is a reaper or scourge, i'd like to see that on the mini map. Because they may have 2 necros and for example i may fare well vs the scourge, but want to avoid the reaper.

    * Seeing enemy hp bars and buffs - provided they're in sight of me or my teammates I'd like that info to be accessible. My teammate is figthing on far. He's not doing too hot, but do I join? For all I know his enemy may be in even worse situation and will be killed soon, all this running and not helping other teammates wasted. If i could see enemy stats because my teammate is actively fighting them I could make an informed decision.



    I'm sure there are more of clarity issues to be pointed out, but for now that's the fast and ugly that comes through my mind. Feel free to add yours or your own view on the subject.



  4. > @Dralor.3701 said:

    > > @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    > > Being a necro i can't complain about the scourge - getting winstreak likes of which i never seen before. Though i am surprised there were so many of us in spvp before scourge. It's not exactly the easiest profession to win with in spvp - guess the love of the undead is strong in us all!


    > Reaper was always good.


    I usually played core necro so maybe that's why i felt different about it.

  5. Nerfbat incoming. The overall damage output of all professions is first and foremost tied to their defense. In PvE this might not matter but in pvp you can't have offense overshadow defense, else the game will die with everyone killing everyone in 2s.


    Since this xpac we received one new defense mechanic - the barrier, which is spread far and between new elites, the pvp output of professions can't go haywire. Much more likely a neft incoming then raising damage of core and HoT elites. Save power necro maybe. Hopefully. Hey a guy can dream, right?

  6. That's not exactly groundbreaking discovery - Razorclaw is a party play summon - you and 4 others get bleeds, If it's just you, nothing to scream about.

    Icerazor's Ire is a pure dps tool for you, yourself and thee. Obviously he'll rock on golem.


    Also one is condi other power, so depending on your build one may overperform and other be garbage.

  7. Being a necro i can't complain about the scourge - getting winstreak likes of which i never seen before. Though i am surprised there were so many of us in spvp before scourge. It's not exactly the easiest profession to win with in spvp - guess the love of the undead is strong in us all!

  8. My feedback:


    1. You don't need blood magic. Neither your weapons nor your skills (save one well of darkness) synergize. Meanwhile there are huge befefits to be reaped if you go spite with Signets of Suffering - 90 more power, 30 more healing power, 50% stronger signet of vampirism passive, shorter cooldown on plague sending and traits that matter for power builds (free mights, some vulni or improved axe skills).


    2. I would ditch terror and go path of corruption instead (unless it's a pve build that's for non PoF maps). Terror needs more traits and skills to really work. You don't have much of those in this build. Meanwhile corrupting 2 boons every 5s in aoe without side effects (like corrupt boon) is diamonds, if only for removing protecion off enemies. You get condi conversion and corrupt in one!


    3. If you need better sustain, ditch the staff and go dagger for some good old Life Siphon, great life force generation, and holding them inside your shade with dark path. Or grab an axe for some ranged power.


    4. You got burning after punishment skill use traited, but literally only one punishment skill, on top of it all being an elite with huge cooldown. Ditch the well of darkness and go for trail of anguish for badly needed stab + stunbreak + something that actually synergizes with your sadistic searing.

    Of if in dire need of on demand protection you can go for spectral armor.


    5. Ditch sant savant and go for demonic lore if it's not an spvp build. There's a lot of damage in there. Instead of sigil of bursting grab sigil of malice, it'll equalize the expertise loss from lack of sand savant. The extra burns and stronger torment should prove worth the sacrifice.




  9. I could compare it ranger shortbow, but that'd be like fighting a wounded defenseless man with an uzi.

    Not to mention that ranger is build around ranged fighting and has tons of tools to keep the fight in the range he prefers, as for rev....well there's shiro dodgeroll and yy...eee....yeah, there's shiro dodgeroll.

  10. You're more then ok vs moving targets. For spvp you got sand savant trait that makes one shade but with massively bigger area. It also causes your manifest shade to recharge faster (once every 10s), so you can reposition it sooner, In spvp that one is a must have - full or nearly full coverage of most capture points.

    Also don't forget that for all shade skills you yourself are also a shade - if the shades can't get the job done, you can walk into melee yourself and make sure they eat your shade skill.


    Another thing is that scourge is all about torment (and burning) - if they move, they might move outta your shade but will eat higher damage from torment for doing so.

    Also you're a necro - those cripples, chills and fears didn't go anywhere. One small and sweet trick is to cast desert shroud while enemy is passing though your shade to you, then follow up with garish pillar to have them walk right back into it.


    Lastly again..you're a necro! Asides maybe p/p thieves and longbow rangers most will try to jump you and kill off in melee. And that's when you'll have them, as with exception of your manifest shade (the skill that places them) all your shade skills have instant cast. You can be flat on the ground from cc and it still won't stop you from retalliating with your shade skills.

  11. Same story. More over i remember there being a white document on the ground, but it wasn't an object one can interact with. it acted more like just a texture or part of terrain. Yet i haven't seen it again when i kept on killing the lieutenants...


    PS. I'm hutning them at Chukeht Overlook. If that's the wrong spot let me know here please.

  12. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > > @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    > > > @Hexalot.8194 said:

    > > > The thing with power revenant is that to be honest it really shines more with Herald traits than with it does with Renegade. You've got your boon duration buff, The various offensive upkeep skills, etc... 300 ferocity from Kalla favor doesn't really replace all that.

    > >

    > > It's more then that. Renegade also offers 33% crit chance at full endurance. That means you can do the necro and go valkyrie's and rune of the wurm. That's a LOT more ferocity under your trunk.


    > Nope, not in PvE. You have no guarantee in a realistic raid scenario that the crit buffs will be on you 100% of the time, making zerker's still desirable as a result.


    > You really have no use for extra vitality on PvE anyways thanks to healer specs now existing in the game.


    In realistic raid scenario everyone has subpar damage vs golem scenario, that's not a crime. As for 100% crit rate, that's your call. Out of the box renegade + invocation can give you 77% crit chance + a lot of fury and some vigor to keep it that way. Wheather you will fill the missing 23% with upgrades and gear of your own, or leave it to your raid ranger and warrior is up to you. But it's definitely 33% crit chance and 20% crit damage more then what herald offers.

  13. Do what you did in PoF with mobs and make bossess apply slow!

    In PoF mobs do that and it works great!


    Now supposedly bosses in raids applied slow on more then few occasions (not saying 100% of the time but often enough).


    1. You get good reward/punishement mechanic - left untended can wipe a raid, cleansing on time prevents that disaster, while letting necro convert it to a boon pumps party quickness!

    2. Necro could become major quickness provider (as scourge), without leaving it's class thematic (condi manipulation).

    3. Don't want a necro still? Good condi cleansing + chrono still work. Nobody is getting their arm twisted.

    4. Easy to balance - not a damaging condi so there are no worries about boss damage going through the roof or being too weak.

    5. Chronobunker could finally get a rest. Rev for alacrity, scourge for main quickness provider...maybe we could finally have something that's not a mesmer do some tanking?


    The main issue of necro in raids is that they don't cater to necro's specific strenghts (condition manipulation) at all.

    Others bring all of their profession to raids and get results, necros have to deal with huge part of their kit being dead there, while at the same time being penalized for it with lower dps (becuase we can do so much already..).

  14. > @Hexalot.8194 said:

    > The thing with power revenant is that to be honest it really shines more with Herald traits than with it does with Renegade. You've got your boon duration buff, The various offensive upkeep skills, etc... 300 ferocity from Kalla favor doesn't really replace all that.


    It's more then that. Renegade also offers 33% crit chance at full endurance. That means you can do the necro and go valkyrie's and rune of the wurm. That's a LOT more ferocity under your trunk.

  15. Just did that mission and came to forums to post about it- it was fucking awesome!

    I had to trait blood magic to keep these guys alive but once i got hang of them it felt great!


    I **REALLY ENJOYED** the playstyle of my healer/support necro buffing and leading "his" undead army!

  16. Reaper has a leap.

    Soul beast dagger is slower.

    He has insta casts (shouts, spectrals, plague signet)

    No self healing? He's **the** life steal profession. He has tons of self healing.


    But yeah, unless you play real well or got a duo bunker/healer buddy to sustain or peel for you, it does feel bad (talking spvp here)

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