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Posts posted by finkle.9513

  1. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Well, the Devs previously said they could work on emote animations, or new other animations, but not both.

    > They have, since then, added a couple of new emotes.


    > Now, with most hands on deck for the new expansion, I'd guess any new animations will be coming with said expansion.


    > Good luck.


    I think they where not received well, due to the way they where implemented behind grindy completions.

  2. > @"zallesz.1650" said:

    > My 2 cents on this:

    > Whenever I go to a place in order to do an achievement, even when that place is not a daily Season map, or even if it's not a popular map or event, there are people. Wherever I go on the maps, there are always people that join in the activity with me. I never feel like the game is empty, as opposed to a lot of other MMO-s. So honestly, I have no idea why people keep saying the game is dead.


    In a bid to keep this on topic as it seems people are just reading last comments and replying to "bots"


    My comments regarding bot where in response to a comment stating: mmopopulation say gw2 has 600k active accounts - My reply was basically to say how many are real accounts and not bots?

  3. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > I could be bothered suggesting a band aid... how about getting rid of all the bots?

    > how? how to detect them? by report? but if people report just because they not like opposite player ?



    Well if thats the only way your right, lets just ignore the problem.

  4. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > I think you underestimate the issue.. go and play pvp and complete all the seasonal rewards.

    > this season I am was not active, only less than 100 games played. But all seasonal rewards completed.


    > > I find very hard to come across a party with zero bots

    > sometime better have bot in party than some players. They don't distrub me, and don;t make some imbalance for me.


    > >pvp is used to farm gold due to the reward system.

    > you suggest remove gold from reward and make mostly all reward is accbound ? for me it ok.

    > or what? or you suggest that some persons 24/7 have work and check who si bot and who not ? - no, it is magic. Ofc if someone millionaire want sponsorship this is can be real. But be realistic, have 10-50 ppl who monitoring that on air is not real in out capitalistic world.

    > But we can find some volunteers .. hmm ... may be .. But we can't ask deliver than permission, it is not trust-able ..

    > So we ask limit pvp win count .. no, aslo smell fail.


    > Suggest something ?


    I could be bothered suggesting a band aid... how about getting rid of all the bots?

  5. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > 600k and how many multi thousand accounts are bot farmers?

    > in normal mmo ? it depends. For 150-300 players 1500 bots is ok. In gw2 low bots values. .. less than 50% I am sure. So in mmo world this is called: no bots.




    I think you underestimate the issue.. go and play pvp and complete all the seasonal rewards. I find very hard to come across a party with zero bots some have x3.. pvp is used to farm gold due to the reward system.

  6. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"LilSpark.4567" said:

    > > also read those lies from mmopopulation that it has 600k + daily pick players ...

    > we calculate daily login's players and who can play only 1-4h per week? if yes - the number looks valid fort me. Aslo not small count player play only personal story in single instance and you never see them .. Many play in const party cm/raid content and you also never see them. ..


    > >I thought that here I will find out the truth to say so.

    > you need first understand terms of word. Be ready the many player play dead games, and they like it.


    > The one of true sign of any dead game: no be in cyber sport list. This is ok for me? YES. I like that very much. If someone want cyber sport future - guildwars2 is dead for him/her.



    600k and how many multi thousand accounts are bot farmers?

  7. Why am I being forced to do these strike missions.. I do pve for the story.. I feel I am being forced to play a game style I do not like or enjoy.. I dont like raids.. but thank god they are not implemented into the story also..


    This story was a big disappointment for me.. if you are going to force players to play a niche can we have a skip the crap button, and just see the story or dialog.. I would happily forfeit the terrible rewards ie exp and 1000 karma for 20mins of horrible repetitive content.. its just awful.


    I bet it look longer to produce the trailer than the content.

  8. > @"noiwk.2760" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > When did botting become so prevalent, I have been away from the game for a few months, got back in to grind out Asended via spvp... It is at least every other match I have a botter auto running to the far spot over and over.. sometimes they get stuck in the walls etc..

    > > I press report.. does it do anything?

    > > I have screen shots, but cant post them anywhere

    > >

    > > Is Anet doing anything about the rise of this?

    > > It makes playing and loosing due to inactive player on a team extremely frustrating, so much so I will not be play pvp after I have got what I want from it, as it is a terrible experience to date.


    > if you have 1 every other game you are very lucky.. try playing in the morning you will have 2-3 bots auto runing every single game

    > not just that im sure there have been more in your games but you are not here enough to notice them

    > some bots are less obvious like Scourge/mirage/guardian that run mid and spam all skills

    > the thing is while they still somewhat do damage.. its still a lose game because they will not work with team if other nodes need assist.. they will stay mid and just spam

    > the situation is indeed frustrating im a pvp/wvw player only and i have no interest in pve and i just consider to quit the game untill something is done.

    > there are basically more bots than players in ranked pvp and no.. reporting does nothing.. if you notice its always the same bots every day and they run for the entire day..

    > we have been reporting them countless of times.. and they still are on games.. im so disappointed in Anet at the moment..


    I am only going pvp to get some gold and asended for my alt, but it makes it even harder then these bots are there

  9. When did botting become so prevalent, I have been away from the game for a few months, got back in to grind out Asended via spvp... It is at least every other match I have a botter auto running to the far spot over and over.. sometimes they get stuck in the walls etc..

    I press report.. does it do anything?

    I have screen shots, but cant post them anywhere


    Is Anet doing anything about the rise of this?

    It makes playing and loosing due to inactive player on a team extremely frustrating, so much so I will not be play pvp after I have got what I want from it, as it is a terrible experience to date.

  10. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > Its not so hard is it? just pick a squad with mid range numbers... ?


    > The problem is that the Labyrinth is an open map, people can join without being in a squad so a 1/2 full squad could still be on a full map. It's more likely they'll have space, but it's not guarenteed.


    guaranteed *


    So you work down the list.. its really a none problem tbh.

  11. > @"Cuks.8241" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > Comes down to time and reward, over a hour to get the same rewards that takes half the time at other meta eg Auric Basin... then ontop of that the general reward system is fundamentally rubbish, huge time sink for what? 99% chance of mats... mats we dont want and sell..you can only do this so many times until you ask yourself kitten am I doing this for?


    > Some of us play for fun not for shiny pixels. I still find DS the best meta in game and do it often especially if I'm trying a new build or profession. Never had any issues getting a group at reset. Map is usually full already 15 mins before start. Sometimes even 2 maps fill for the meta at prime times (EU).


    > Removing fixed time resets from DS would kill the map. Now everyone knows exactly when to join for DS, otherwise you would need to rely on commanders and guilds that are capable of getting more than 45 people on the field. And then you would also need to be in that guild or at least know where and when they advertise (which most don't). Now everything is on wiki.

    > One thing this community is bad at is patience to gather a pug group. It is the worst mmo I played in that regard. It is so casual that people just want everything now and are not willing to wait or communicate at all. Public strikes show that perfectly. They just don't work and it is only 10 players. People don't communicate and are not willing to wait even few minutes.


    I disagree that people repeat the same content daily every day of the year.. for fun.. people clearly are not repeating metas/ world bosses for "fun" You may do that, would image most dont do it for "fun".. You may have fun doing it.. that is different..

  12. Comes down to time and reward, over a hour to get the same rewards that takes half the time at other meta eg Auric Basin... then ontop of that the general reward system is fundamentally rubbish, huge time sink for what? 99% chance of mats... mats we dont want and sell..you can only do this so many times until you ask yourself wtf am I doing this for?

  13. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

    > > > No way of knowing really but the only evidence we have so far was that anet was looking for staff to join their team and preferred someone who worked on console games ... so maybe it's to do with a new project or they just needed someone with that experience (not sure why, I'm not a computer person)

    > > >

    > > > They have told us though that there will be LW releases every second month but have something in between to fill the gaps

    > > >

    > > > Yes it frustrates me too having spent idk a good 1k+ on this game between 2019 and 2020 but I guess if you enjoy the game and u want something worth your money then go for it

    > >

    > > Every second month? It was November the last one Its February next few days thats 3- 4 months...


    > Well they do have winter break so lets see when episode 3 is released.


    Oh well then, they do need a break as they have working endlessly on fixing WvW, PvP, .... On no sorry I meant designing shinny things for the gem store!

  14. > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

    > No way of knowing really but the only evidence we have so far was that anet was looking for staff to join their team and preferred someone who worked on console games ... so maybe it's to do with a new project or they just needed someone with that experience (not sure why, I'm not a computer person)


    > They have told us though that there will be LW releases every second month but have something in between to fill the gaps


    > Yes it frustrates me too having spent idk a good 1k+ on this game between 2019 and 2020 but I guess if you enjoy the game and u want something worth your money then go for it


    Every second month? It was November the last one Its February next few days thats 3- 4 months...

  15. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > > @"Greg.7086" said:

    > >

    > >

    > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > > > ANet please put up a different kind of invisible footwears in the Gemstore and I will buy them even if they cost 2k gems.

    > >

    > > Just why ??? They have to be the worst skin in the game. I mean seriously just take off your shoes, don't bother with them and get the same effect for free ;-)

    > >

    > > .....and people put them in TP for 2K+ G, lmfao. I wouldn't even pay 25G for such a kitten skin. My advice: Save your money and your time, choose a better skin ! (Like even Recruits Boots skins are better looking and like 0.001% of the price)

    > >

    > >


    > But by removing footwear you will lose some stats. Why i like baring my feet? I cannot explain but I guess it's the same reason why i always unchecked my gloves and shoulder pads? And also, if I can't find one i like, I rather not wear them. And for a change too. Besides, it matches well with my bare hands ^^


    Maybe put all legendaries and other items that take a lot of time investment and luck to acquire in the gem store, then we can just login and look nice and flash are credit cards about.

  16. > @"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:

    > ^ Absolutely.

    > What people need to keep in mind is that people complain not because they are haters and can't find something positive to say, it's because they like or even love the product and want it to continue on a healthy track for a long time. To paraphrase Doxa: "It's a good thing I love this game so much, because I love it a little less each time their short-sighted decisions set it back!"


    > When people complain about game-breaking bugs, aesthetic problems, getting ripped off on gemstore items, easily implemented QOL being ignored, and new features falling well short of expectations, they complain because these things should be done better and staying silent guarantees they won't even fix their mistakes let alone try to do better in the future.


    > You cannot expect a company whose first and only ambition is to make money to want to do better out of the goodness of their hearts. No doubt there are people on the team who care deeply about making a great game and feel hampered by deadlines, demands, and being told to cut corners and use less resources. There is no justice for those people if you keep telling corporate heads it's all fine and to stay the course of "lean" style production, which is basically do it cheap and fast and don't look back.


    Yes but I think behind closed doors they are fully aware of the numbers falling in game, as that has a direct coloration to money spent in Gem store.. They will never ever admit any of this, until its doomed, and some huge changes need to take place.

    But remember they know better than the player base and they will do what they see fit for the game.

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