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Posts posted by finkle.9513

  1. A interesting comment i saw from one of the employees that lost their job was:

    - The ANET team increased by 30% after POF, and now 35% of the team has been layed off.

    So based on that a 5% loss on pre POF GW2 team... its not the end of the world, like everything it has to learn to be more efficient.


    But like someone said, should we not be looking at "WHY" these lay offs are being enforced, ultimately it must be some bad decision making about these "other" projects, for what ever reason these projects have been deemed not viable, if they where of value these employees would not have lost their jobs... so something has gone wrong, are ANET going to fix this? they cant carry on in this way, cant carry on throwing money at doomed projects,they need to learn and improve or in a few years is this same poor insight going to have father cuts?

  2. Im not playing atm, I have played since realise. But at the minute I have no goals, no motivation to play, I did log in and do dailies and harvest nodes and do fractal dailies..this was the only thing holding me for the last 3 months, then i got sick of this as it felt like a job.

  3. I just wish they would focus on tieing all the world in together, I dont even go back to 80% of the maps,... whats the point in world boss? all the focus is on meta gold farm, getting achievements done as fast as possible, with trains and portals so we can tick a box that its done.... I would like a shift in emphasis, and more on fun than ticking off a list of chores.... its been this same regurgitated content in different guises for years... I am ready for a change!

  4. I dont want new story, or a a expansion... its boring same wheel being reinvented... I would Like a change in direction and do a "Re work" change up all world bosses, make them current, tie in all the new parts of the world (season 3 is maps are redundant) whats the point in spending months of designing beautiful maps, for them to have a 3 month shelf life, this concept needs a shake up, sort out dungeons while your at it.. rework all the elements of the game that have become stagnant.. and tie in the whole world... this is what I want for 2019!

  5. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > > > Kinda forced into needing ledendaries as like said every 3 months there is a respec.

    > > >

    > > > This is just not true. You don't need to adjust your builds to work in the top 1% every game change ... unless you adhere to meta playstyle (which is your mistake in the first place)

    > >

    > > Your incorrect, How are you supposed to see how your build effects against these changes without trying the changes!!!


    > I don't even know how to respond to that because I don't see the connection to what I said. You don't need to adjust your builds to work in the top 1% every game change in order to see how your old build effects against these changes. You literally just use your old build if you want to see how it performs with the changes.


    > As I said, this affects you ONLY if you want to play meta, and since there are people dedicated to determining what that is for you, the cost to swap whatever gear you need to stay on top is minimized.


    What are you talking about?

    Why are you referring to the top 1%?


    If I have a skill that buffs my team, yet Anet has made changes to make this not worth using compared to another skill that may now have been given a buff... why are you telling me that only the top 1% need to make a change?


    If I have a skill that I use that effectively deals with a condi lets say bleeding... yet Anet have made this skill not quite as good... why can I not go on my necro respec and test... I need to be in the top 1% ohh I see... nothing effects me unless I am in the top 1%... thats a good safety net Anet have implemented!


    What are you going on about Meta for? I work out my own builds as stated above... maybe you should try it out and realise that in doing so you are required to respec a lot!

  6. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > Kinda forced into needing ledendaries as like said every 3 months there is a respec.


    > This is just not true. You don't need to adjust your builds to work in the top 1% every game change ... unless you adhere to meta playstyle (which is your mistake in the first place)


    Your incorrect, How are you supposed to see how your build effects against these changes without trying the changes!!!

  7. > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > > Why not just implement Ley-Energy Power on gear, and make the exclusive drops in raids. Then add new difficulty tiers, where the Ley Energy Power adds a damage bonus, which in turn drops gear with higher Ley-Energy power. And when a new Raid wing comes out, the cap for Ley-Energy Power is raised on the new gear drops, but you'll still need gear from the previous raid just to qualify to enter the new Raid. What could possibly go wrong?

    > >

    > > My suggestions mention or imply nothing about a gear treadmill. They were only suggestions for novel reward ideas. No need to assume new types or rewards will mean the end of the game.

    > >

    > > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > > I hate how stupidly complicated they make items... I am happy to wait 6 months a year to collect and farm etc... but the legendary auuroura is just ridiculous, do we really want to have our time abused in this manner? This is the answer to players asking for harder content... this is it, the designer must laugh when they see people with it and that they have jumped though their hoops.

    > >

    > > You know, now that I think about it, it is kind of funny. You say jumping through hoops to get a reward is abusing our time. However, you know what I think is abusing my time? Doing the same tasks EVERY SINGLE living story for the EXACT same type of rewards. Thats why I quite doing it. Thats the reason I haven't even completed the last living story episode even though I have thousands of hours of play time. Talk about hoops. Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini. Why the hell would I want to collect 100 minis? I can only equip one at a time. Same with cosmetics.

    > >

    > > A individual could spend a lot of time going for something like aurora. However, a person could also spend the exact same amount of time collecting minis, cosmetics, or achievements. This is in no way an argument between casuals and non casuals. This is an argument between people who think collections are fun and people who do not think collections are fun, and a collection doesn't need to be an achievement in the collections category to be a collection. If you are collecting minis, collecting cosmetics, collecting dyes, collecting achievments etc. you are still doing your own collections. What about the people who don't like collections? For example, the episode "A Star to Guide Us" contained 9 new minis. Who wants to jump through those hoops? Who on gods green Earth wants to collect another 9 new minis when they can only equip ONE. You're telling me they couldn't have dropped one of those minis and added something new? What, the mini collectors are going to freak out if there are only 8 new minis in the next episode? You are telling me someone who enjoys spending 8 hours obtaining a really difficult item is jumping through hoops while a person who enjoys spending 8 hours fulfilling achievements and collecting inconsequential, repetitive items isn't? Why not introduce rewards for both? The problem is, practically every single living world episode since HoT has showed a very stark bias for group two over group one.

    > > Keep collecting away at those achievement points, minis, and cosmetics buddy. I'm sure there is no way the devs are copying the same old content ideas just to hush you over till the next episode. Don't worry, your path is hoop free.

    > >


    > You are right I have played since realise and I like to play though content. But I have not completed any living story achievements, I refuse to do tedious tasks in game to gain a tick. There are plenty of meaningless tasks to complete in the real world.

    There is no other bigger turn off than having to google, wiki, dulfy - doing research to play a game... I just had to have a word with myself, as it resembles research job and not having fun in a game.


    > This game has actually made me become casual, as the competitionist in me has given up.. its far to tedious in gw2... I just enjoy other elements than feeling "I must finish it"



  8. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > Why not just implement Ley-Energy Power on gear, and make the exclusive drops in raids. Then add new difficulty tiers, where the Ley Energy Power adds a damage bonus, which in turn drops gear with higher Ley-Energy power. And when a new Raid wing comes out, the cap for Ley-Energy Power is raised on the new gear drops, but you'll still need gear from the previous raid just to qualify to enter the new Raid. What could possibly go wrong?


    > My suggestions mention or imply nothing about a gear treadmill. They were only suggestions for novel reward ideas. No need to assume new types or rewards will mean the end of the game.


    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > I hate how stupidly complicated they make items... I am happy to wait 6 months a year to collect and farm etc... but the legendary auuroura is just ridiculous, do we really want to have our time abused in this manner? This is the answer to players asking for harder content... this is it, the designer must laugh when they see people with it and that they have jumped though their hoops.


    > You know, now that I think about it, it is kind of funny. You say jumping through hoops to get a reward is abusing our time. However, you know what I think is abusing my time? Doing the same tasks EVERY SINGLE living story for the EXACT same type of rewards. Thats why I quite doing it. Thats the reason I haven't even completed the last living story episode even though I have thousands of hours of play time. Talk about hoops. Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini. Why the hell would I want to collect 100 minis? I can only equip one at a time. Same with cosmetics.


    > A individual could spend a lot of time going for something like aurora. However, a person could also spend the exact same amount of time collecting minis, cosmetics, or achievements. This is in no way an argument between casuals and non casuals. This is an argument between people who think collections are fun and people who do not think collections are fun, and a collection doesn't need to be an achievement in the collections category to be a collection. If you are collecting minis, collecting cosmetics, collecting dyes, collecting achievments etc. you are still doing your own collections. What about the people who don't like collections? For example, the episode "A Star to Guide Us" contained 9 new minis. Who wants to jump through those hoops? Who on gods green Earth wants to collect another 9 new minis when they can only equip ONE. You're telling me they couldn't have dropped one of those minis and added something new? What, the mini collectors are going to freak out if there are only 8 new minis in the next episode? You are telling me someone who enjoys spending 8 hours obtaining a really difficult item is jumping through hoops while a person who enjoys spending 8 hours fulfilling achievements and collecting inconsequential, repetitive items isn't? Why not introduce rewards for both? The problem is, practically every single living world episode since HoT has showed a very stark bias for group two over group one.

    > Keep collecting away at those achievement points, minis, and cosmetics buddy. I'm sure there is no way the devs are copying the same old content ideas just to hush you over till the next episode. Don't worry, your path is hoop free.



    You are right I have played since realise and I like to play though content. But I have not completed any living story achievements, I refuse to do tedious tasks in game to gain a tick. There are plenty of meaningless tasks to complete in the real world.


    This game has actually made me become casual, as the competitionist in me has given up.. its far to tedious in gw2... I just enjoy other elements than feeling "I must finish it"

  9. I hate how stupidly complicated they make items... I am happy to wait 6 months a year to collect and farm etc... but the legendary auuroura is just ridiculous, do we really want to have our time abused in this manner? This is the answer to players asking for harder content... this is it, the designer must laugh when they see people with it and that they have jumped though their hoops.

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