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Posts posted by finkle.9513

  1. Im actually getting numb to the gem store, i think the lack of creative cooling looking items that fit with the original genera is really turning me off, actually when i look at the current crop of daft/ cartoony stuff, it makes me sad and i tend to not look much in the gem store these days.

  2. Before i start these comment i will add that i have based my judgement of actively making a hell of a lot of Gold up to 100g a day, and purchasing loads of gem items from the store.


    I find it un fair and elitist,

    -Unless you have the LS and opened the map you cant join this lucrative farm.

    -Only open to AOE class, as single targeting is pointless.

    -Gliding skills also needed, or your left behind on the hill - requires HOT

    - Requires auto loot


    This Farm is by far the most lucrative means of making gold, yet its only available to the selective few. This for me is extremely bias and unfair, its quiet a disguising and poorly thought out method for introducing leather into the market place. Im rich as fck from it, but its a legal wrong in this game!!

  3. Personally I think its not really comparable to HOT, as the content in POF seems to have less repeatable content... so once you have your masteries what is there to do, you can do all the bounties in a few days then all the content is basically done. Where as HOT i was going back there constantly for all the meta events. So yes POF feels to fast but only because now im left with nothing to do in POF, so I am left thinking what could have been better.

  4. So im ashummmig lots of people will be wanting to take their alts to POF after doing most of the stuff the first time around.... couldnt Anet have added a TP item? I really am forced to waste a hour to learn how to use a raptor quest, and all the story dialog ... just to get to the POF maps..

  5. > @Boysenberry.1869 said:

    > The collection process did seem a bit easy to go through...but then again everything seems easy with a Dulfy guide. I have no problem with the 250 gold price-tag though. The Griffon is purely a fluff item that is not needed for any content. If someone wants it then they need to work for it and buy it. People nowadays have an odd sense of entitlement that just because someone else has something that they also **must** have it. If they leave over that then I hope they find a game they enjoy.


    And i presume you haven't max the masteries?

    if not go youtube and type "gw2 griffon fast?"

    - Sense of entitlement - what are you taking about? did you read anything or just get triggered from a few words you skimmed?

    - I said make the process harder - what has this got to do with sense of entitlement?

    - It may well be fine for you and me, and loads of other people that have been farming GW2 while we where waiting on content. But those who have been enticed back from the dark days of HOT release, i have compassion for. Why would you want them to leave?

    Fluffy pfft!!

  6. Would have liked the acquisition to be be longer, and it could have spanned the entire world not just POF. I would much rather it be a lengthier process than a gold sink, as i do think this is a little unfair. You see players return, they see people with griffons and want one, yet unless they have 250 gold they cant get one ... and no doubt people will leave as may feel a sense of unfairness. I think they are justified.

  7. I dont think its the game tbh ... im playing on a laptop i bought 6 months before GW2 first launched... and im still playing fine. However i have cleaned inside out a few times over the years, paying particular attention to the inlet for the graphics card cooling fan, i also sit it on a cooling pad( a holder that has 3 fans in to powered via the usb socket, i have also cleaned the heat paste off the cpu and gpu and reapplied better thermal paste, in a more uniformed fashion.

    - Also to add, if using Nvidia graphic on a laptop.. dont just use the latest driver. Google "best driver for Gw2" the newest often are made to work with brand new fps games and 3d oculus rift nonsense ... not the best for gw2.

    - Sort out for power settings, and nvidia settings outside of the game "max performance"

    - Laptop setting on power mode, reduce from 100% to 99% - stops laptop overheating and throttling.

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