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Posts posted by finkle.9513

  1. > @"Xar.6279" said:

    > > @"kasoki.5180" said:

    > > > @"Xar.6279" said:

    > > > WoW's pvp is so bad tbh. ALOT worse to watch than GW2 PvP.

    > >

    > >

    > > This is simply not true. You have to be an idiot to not understand what is going on in WoW. In guild wars 2 on the other hand you need to have actual solid experience to understand why and how someone died. Its not issue of what is old, boring or bad. But what can a new or potentially interested player process visually as information about the game and its mechanics/features. And GW2 with its flashy action oriented combat with mega particle effects and boon/condition oriented combat is a great mystery for uninitiated.

    > >

    > > I havent played WoW since the burning crusade, and I still sometimes watch WoW and am able to understand what is going on even if i dont know the name of skills for example. Its simply way to easier to process. "You press button. Button does X damage. Maaaybe it will do some additional effect. The end." Guild wars 2 is nowhere near that.




    > But I understand what's going on in WoW's pvp. Because I played it competitively for many years. I also understand whats happening in GW2.

    > Its not my point.


    > WoW' is just not designed as esport PvP game. Its more about PvE, which also affects PvP game mode in some way. While it shouldnt.

    > PvP is PvP. And PvE is PvE. Both should be completely separated. While WoW don't provide it. That's one of the reasons why I called WoW's pvp bad.

    > And in my opinion (while i get used to wow's pvp and gw2 pvp) its MUCH more fun to watch GW2 pvp, than WoW.

    > But I know both games. I am also pretty sure if you show WoW's pvp to some1 who didn't play it then this person won't understand what's happening there too. Same as in GW2. You have to play it to understand it. In both games.


    > Blizzard just hype and support PvP enough. And its main work they put into their PvP game mode. Hype. Not PvP itself (gameplay, balance, etc, etc).

    > Also that's why its less popular than LoL ;)

    > If ArenaNet would support their PvP same as Blizzard does it in WoW. With those money. Prizes. Tournaments. Etc, etc. Then imo it would be much better than in WoW. Because GW2 gameplay is much better.


    > Edit:


    > Also. Even Blizzard dont hide that, so...


    > /watch?v=SLLWpT_nsTE&t=57s


    You do know that in the early days gw2 pvp was heavily supported with live backed torments with prizes... Anet screwed up with poor balance patches and it all stopped..

  2. Is it so hard to go on twitch and look a what "terrible to watch games" terrible games in general have way more viewers then GW2. Just go Twitch > Browse, Two steps, If you truly cant be bothered yet insist on commenting here are some:

    Heathstone - Watching a card game !!!!!! 21k viewers

    Path of exile - old like gw2, and repetitive beyond belief - 12.4k views

    Tibia - 986 views - online game, yet has more views - bad game!

    Last night Diablo 3 had more viewers lol... and the peoples arguments here are screen mess with skills, and boring old content !!!



  3. I know from a few that I have followed that ANET does next to nothing to help, its extremely hard to get a official partnership... Anet offers very little incentive or anything really... Anet clearly have no regard to making GW2 look professional or appealing for new players via Twitch exposure. Anet burnt a lot of bridges with Twitch and creators with a failed competitive PVP structure...

  4. why do we get extra exp for each story parts, when we cant use it... I mean like im must be a high percent are maxed out on every new story... yet they insist on this "reward" all it does to me is annoy me that is wasted. Its the attention to detail that lets GW2 down in some cases.

    Then when we are allowed to unlock the mount due to time gate, then we have already taken most of the maps exp for unlocking trait lines... its just so poorly thought out how has this even been ticked off?

    Irritating game mechanics, the opposite of a immersive.

  5. Purchased from volitile magic vendor - once used you can not take it off and have too wait 12 mins... this makes it quiet useless as you can not on/ off to travel on mount.. or to use another tonic. It seems to be a bug as no others are like this.

    I used guild hall to cancel it... but then you have the problem of coming back into a full map :(

  6. I found the story too short, and seemed spanned out with the same old mechanics (go to 3 locations and press f) so uninspiring, I always hope for a new view, something fresh... It never happens

    The art, map is again as always top level, the achievements seem a little on the easy side, would rather some take time.. most are achieved from first play through..Sound acting is great, and cinematics also great..meta is fun, the map restart not so much when people are a inch from the last scale/ egg and boom a white line and all maps back at base...Just feel like logging off.

  7. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > The OP claims multi-mapping is a "loophole." No, it's not: you have to participate in each kill. The OP claims it's not fair that those with faster PCs (processor or load times) have more opportunities, except... even if it were, it's not new: richer people can buy more accounts, more character slots, and have always been able to map hop for kills.


    > I sympathize with the idea that everyone should have equal opportunity. I just don't agree that is something that ANet needs to be hypervigilant about. As long as the rules apply to everyone, as long as active participation is required, I'm happy for those who have the patience to multi-map.


    It doesnt matter about this or that... We are talking about this event... It is Factual that a fast computer allows for far better yield in multi mapping....

    I read that quote above from the Dev, and if I honest Im not so convinced they fully understood what was meant.. as there was quiet a debate after in the comments..

    But regardless what that Dev said multi map looting was not against TOS.

    Thats differant to saying its not a Loop hole, I think we are all quiet sure the ability to swap map instances where not designed to kill the same boss over and over due to time delays...


    Its not fair.. Its as simple as that.

  8. > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > - You have a huge advantage if you have a fast PC, that has fast load screen times... even a SSD gives a massive advantage... - IS THIS FAIR?

    > Yes. It. Is.


    > Why does it even matter what other people get?


    Because its not a fair, how rich people are allowed a better chance though a better rig due to poor game mechanics... that can easily be made to be fair.

  9. > @"Katastroff.1045" said:

    > Even if you can multi-map, you still gotta kill the boss, so reward is earned. I fail to see how my rig loading faster or slower has anything to do with killing a boss. If some people enjoy it, good. I do this event as a ''happening'' so the loot is pretty irrelevant to me. Just enjoy the event for what it is, an happy lively map chat, a lag fest and some crappy loot. If you want a loot fest, try Auric Basin.


    > B)


    fail to see?

    logging into different map instance in 3 seconds gets you on the boss to kill it.... logging in 20 seconds to miss the boss.... times that 5x on several bosses, you can see it is massively advantageous.

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