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Posts posted by finkle.9513

  1. I dont get some of these threads... if there is negativity, then people are not happy... dont complain about negativity... fix the cause, listen to peoples issues... Anet is not great at listening and is very stubborn, they are now reaping that stubbornness ..

    I dont understand why other players have a issue with players not being happy.. there is obviously reasons!!

  2. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > "I watched two episodes of a series and it didn't deliver an entire season's worth of content. Waste of time!"


    > You can go now. No sense torturing yourself over something you decided not to like. See you when you get back!


    ye see you for the next 1 hours story game play.. back to Acheage

  3. It just sprung to mind

    That didnt GW2 use to be challenging, didnt we have to think about the mechanics.. there where mechanics on the final boss, but I just steam rolled it all I had to do was chase him then dps him down... same for the map events.... I remember needing partys to compleat bosses - what happened to co op gaming..

    I dont feel immersed, challenged or entertained


    I read a comment that Gw2 has become like WOW... I guess it really has.. and its so far off the GW model. GW1 was and still is hard..

  4. Personally I think a story that takes 20mins to complete, is far from ideal

    - I am so bored of the same format of game play:


    small story

    few events

    collection and achievement


    Its just the same over and over again for at least 2 years, just this time with saga's they are smaller


    There is absolutely no incentive for me to invent hours into completing collections, repeating events, unlocking achievements... Ive done it all on other maps, I just see it as a massive time sink a method of trying to to retain players in game, but the rewards for these come back to the fundamental issue of the game.. n The time> rewards are depressing, the rewards are useless(a mini) (a chest) pfft, I have no need to craft anything, I have no need for gold, I have no intention of the extremely poor drop chance of chests , I gave that up a long time ago having done Auric basin for 1 year x2 a day. It all boils down to at the end when you have gear you like, when you have done your crafting... what more is there.. its a pointless game after this.

  5. finished story in 20min

    I have no interest in time sink into useless collections and "achievements" that also equate to useless

    Why is the format always the same, but seriously convince me to stay in game and invest my time here... whats the point of it? some chests that have a 1% chance of a infusion? Im done with this pointless game play, I did Auric Basin for 1 year twice a day and only ever got mats, that I dont need so I get gold, that I also dont need.... there is no point to any of it...

  6. If the team is as small as 20 people and they all work 8 hour days, thats 160 hours per day.. what are they doing in the 160 hours a day, 800 hours invested into a 5 day week doing what? and for 2 months per sarga 6400 hours to create ? seems excessive, so what are they doing with their time?

  7. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"finkle.9513" said:

    > > its empty, have the mobs not turned up? its like the opposite of HOT map where you can move for mobs.. one extreme to the other , actually very underwhelming, very little content, Im bored of collections (same rinse and repeat for years) its a worst game mechanic than the old questing aka wow. I cant even be bothered to continue playing, every time there is new content I always hope there is something innovative.. its just sooo the same!

    > That's the difference between civilization (Grothmar) and wilderness (Heart of Maguuma).


    > What kind of innovation are you looking for, if none of the new events and activities interest you?


    I dont know that beyond my pay grade, All I know is nothing has changed over all these years, same recycled format and process. Just because I see a problem does not mean I have the answer, that my friend is for people who are trained, experienced get paid a lot more than me and are a hell of a lot smarter than me to come up with..

  8. its empty, have the mobs not turned up? its like the opposite of HOT map where you can move for mobs.. one extreme to the other , actually very underwhelming, very little content, Im bored of collections (same rinse and repeat for years) its a worst game mechanic than the old questing aka wow. I cant even be bothered to continue playing, every time there is new content I always hope there is something innovative.. its just sooo the same!

  9. > @"RiyazGuerra.9203" said:

    > I share your disappointment over the current state of Istan, but pre-nerf Istan would just resurrect the 24/7 Istan farms, which is what Anet does not want. Not only does it hurt the economy, but serves to draw the population away from the other maps and that is not good for the health of the game.


    > BUT, something needs to be done, meteor-farm Istan is a narrow utilization of the map.


    > I would argue for a limited buff for the map in order to make it a more attractive destination. By default, you will have access to one set of chests per day (Palawadan meta and Great Hall (GH). BUT, change it so there is a 'participation bar' (similar to that found in the Tangled Depths and Auric Basin metas) that gradually fills as the individual player participates in events throughout the map. Once this 'participation bar' fills, then the full array of chests are available to you for the Palawadan and GH metas. The number of events required to fill this participation bar should be carefully calibrated so that it is **not so low** as to practically enable a pc to loot the full array of chests every time the meta is available with minimal event farming. Let's call this newly restocked (chest-wise) meta resulting from participation a 'meta-reset'.


    > If possible, consider capping this 'meta reset' so that is occurs x number of times per day. Once or twice would be ideal, to discourage 24/7 farming.


    This is BS... Anet did want it, as they did want leather farm that was also nerfed... Anet introduced both as they introduced new items that people where not happy about ie "requires lots of leather" - lets make a leather farm - fixed, "Grifin Mount costs 200g" lets make a gold farm..... then people farm too much leather, and leather farm gets nerfed, people farmed too much gold - gold farm gets nerfed ... the problem is created by Anet, to mask another problem created by Anet... People wanting to farm is not the problem!

  10. It is failing

    To many decisions that favour short term profit, instead of long term player retention - long term money

    bad implementation of WVW mount - just for skin sales

    bad Implementation of skyscale mount - behind a stupid time gate - impact on them not selling skins - just a example of bad decisions being made!

    neglected PVP

    neglected wvw - some changed but very little in years

    Fractal - again very little

    In-fact the recurring theme is that the bare minimum seems to have been done....

    Story - become boring again short term content that is completed, then maps never again to be visited... its all just boring same old rinse and repeat content with unimaginative collections, achievements that seem pointless wastes of time inputted for the sake of creating a waste of time to try and keep players in game... added to that players now see the various different carrot dangling with loot box rewards being such a ridiculously low % that its a pointless use of time to be involved...


    There have been so many bad decisions, all that seem driven by short term gains... that we are now seeing the long term impact as we are further down the line.

    There needs to be some big business model changes by Anet, if they want to keep GW2 going.

  11. Just bored, every part of GW2 is dull... give me a reason to play... sick of short time scale content, with boring collections and worthless achievements with pointless rewards, sick of carrot being dangled with loot boxes for events being ridiculously low, that its pointless to grind for, Sick of no effort put into WvW or PVP and lack of knowledge at the changes made effecting the long run, have mounts in WvW been a success? or was it for short term profit? Are there more people in WvW now or less? just for a increase for 1 month... I am sick of the bare minimum being done, yet every decision is weighted toward draining money of customers oppose to improving the game for the long run.

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