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Noah Salazar.5430

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Posts posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. @"Dixa.6017"


    Hello i'm gladly able to help you


    Also from what i read you got bit problem with core engineer so here it is what i used while geting hp/leveling up


    Here is core engi:



    you schold have berrier most of time even if your not scrapper, same as 3 ways of pasive healing

    1 runes, 2 backpack regenerator, 3 big boomer


    Hope you will get fun


    here is also my open word build that do around 10-13k dps (solo) (scrapper)


    -> It's casual friendly as you only using hammer, and spam gyros whenever it's ready

    -> it's have hight sustain (even able to kill bounty solo)

    -> Perm 25might, perm fury, also perm quickness who alow you smash your 1 even faster

    -> You can face tank most thinks

    -> your got 3 ways to heal yourself



    -> your need get x2 ascended acessory + 1 earning that have diviner stats (rest can be exotic)

    -> runes can cost 2-3g per 1


    here is build for you









  2. try rifle holo + replace granades on turret

    you will do 3-4k dps less, but rotation is much easier to learn (you still will be one of top dps)

    As you overheat to 75, then you start with 3+4 ->kaboom

    them rifle 5+3

    then bombs

    then rifle 3, and your holo mode is ready

    then you spam 111, 3,4 and switch to bombs (until holo 3,4 is ready)

    and again 3,4

    rifle 5+3 etc

  3. superspeed removed from blasts on scrapper, but later thay added it to healing potion + f1 skill and went event better then before, i wored that i will lose superspeed and scrapper don't have much dashes, but change went ok

    i culd say it can be little decrested by 1-2s on f1 skill, as we also have superspeed on gyros

  4. Hello i started play 5-6 months ago (i got 6k ap) i also was checking alot forum posts and observed community for a bit and i have a bit of questions (i play on eu) i also not mean anythink bad asking that questions, and mostly want hear new fresh opinion


    1.Why so many ppl are not aware of trening raid/cm guilds, thay got problem to fiind one to start raiding with 0 experience kp or li? what in opion culd help ppl to join of that type of guilds?


    2.Why ppl do Woj+Boneskiner that rare? usualy taking 3-4 healers help clear that content much easier and faster, i'm sure much more ppl can try Woj/Boneskiner that way


    3.Why so small number of ppl ask other ppl did thay do well, or not ask about thay class more experienced players or at last try find mentor for guide?

    i also notice some ppl can get offened if you tell them some tips/feedback, are in this community thay are not welcome or maybe i'm to much formal and schold try sound more nice?


    I'm not sure did i post in good category but reaply is importend for me, and thank you if you share your opinion

    I'm also aware thers other similar topic, but thay not answer my questions fully so i created new post



  5. idk i personaly don't like public option


    i tried join public once, but then until i invite ppl, i not see how well thay boons are, or did i need take any skill to support team

    also it's much harder to spot position of ppl, so when you split or etc you not know did your team have truble or what event thay do

    same if one person die, it's hard to spot until you look up on mini map

    other problem i noticed was you culd not vote kick ppl that was afk or did strange thinks or hide out


    i first noticed that public option exist 1-2d ago, before i did dungeons,t1-t4,strikes even commanding drizwood meta using lfg, i was not even avare thers "public" option in the game

    i prob will try avoid it and form pre-made party insted (i play on EU)



  6. @"NorthernRedStar.3054" I think DRMs are a solid foundation for future content and, along with the suggested and more frequent changes, show some promise in the current dev team (see Teapot's recent vid).


    They pushed the quality up a notch this patch, and made the missions fairly enjoyable, actually. Snowden Drifts, in particular, actually reminds me of some of the GW1 missions - just, with better mechanics obviously.


    If they keep this up then GREAT.


    Yeh need back my words, after thay added new stuff, and bonus event, it's ok content right now, and much more ppl do it

  7. well i'm scrapper main using rifle+flamethrower rank 1400


    he hited you 21 times, while evry shot did avangarde 783dmg

    1 shot take 0,75s to cast, 0,50s if while quickness

    mean he needed spend 16s spaming auto on you, to hit you over 21 times


    look for egzemple how ranger attacks look like compare to it

    ![](https://imgur.com/Z88r8qQ.png "")


    Cuz of low dmg on rifle no one using it on highter ranks (until your forced to it), as holo do 4k dmg from his 1 auto

    Same as Scrapper Flamethrower 2-3k per his auto


    so like rifle auto is bit meme tho


    Also rifle can't shot tought walls/objectives

    it's count as projectile so can be reflected/blocked

    it's easly dodged/out of range


    Sorry to say that, but i asume your bronze-silver rank




  8. best solution is to ask friend for 1vs1, and geting better, you have rare chance spot any bot over 1200 rank

    Being constantly matched against 3, 4, 5 man pt while your team has in the best case scenario a duo is super frustrating

    Yeh it's unfair too, but you got that option as well

  9. Support insted of doing dmg, focus on boon your team, condi clease, and heal


    Schold you able to kill support 1vs1?

    -> Definitly not!, and if yes definitly you need put more effore

    Killing support count much more then killing dps, as killing support, enemy dps will do less dmg, you will do more dmg to him, and easly burn him with condi

  10. @"Obtena.7952" once you use Supply crate, it's spawn healing turret, and that pulse regen until you explode it, or mobs kill it


    Counting togheter you got 3 heal skills that will heal large ammount

    Supply crate, (Recounstruction field+Rocked chardge), Medic gyro


    As pasive heal : 66% for steel life (ascended food) on your 97% crit chance, boomer (mostly hammer 2), regen once you spawn supply crate


    For Barrier :

    15% of dmg to barrier

    2 hammer skill trigger blast shield trait

    Bulwark gyro






  11. i play scrapper healer with duo as cqfb/qchrono, scrapper have most stabile healing with 1 spam, and is much better in t4 wher ppl don't know how to dodge or strikes like woj/boneskineer to carry even harder then guardian


    Scrapper is easy to learn but don't have acess to team bariers/quciness/alac or any adional stats bonuses, thats why usualy his not seen in competetive play as ppl on that lv ppl no need that much healing, and scrapper is much defensive

  12. take condi clease scrapper healer as duo, you will make usualy enemy team abusing condi usless

    Problem is tho not so many players play support/healer in pvp

    So condi players do as thay want, cuz power players can't take inaf condi clease or thay will drop dmg too much

  13. @"Linken.6345"

    Thay will save you time that way

    i got 1 wvw guild. 2 raid/cm trening guild, 1 guild bank, 1 national language guild

    Also i first time hear about somethink like that (i play EU)

    Chosing good guild is also some kind of skill that your geting from experience

    @"Tuna Bandit.3786"


    I debout somone is intereset on what map you are


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