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Noah Salazar.5430

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Posts posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. @"Ubi.4136"



    What combination to press to open that tab, and do you need press anythink in options to set it up?

    i had hard time to find nessesary information for that, most guides show only dps part of it


    edit: ty i found by brute force


    The skill tooltip states exactly how much the skill heals, healing cannot crit either so its easier to calculate than dps.

    Outgoing bonuses are also easy to add in, as they're all % based.


    i'm avare of heal mechanics

    Also I puted note to not judge is hps metter no needed,useless or etc


    i can use data to be useful to me, same as i'm avare of all limits that gw2 not show

    i have experience from other games, that not limit that much evrythink like here

    (yes i know how overheal work as well)


  2. As a healer how can i check how hight my heal is?

    Do i need lower my hp to 10% and check one skill by one, how much it do with gear/rune change evry time?

    Is ther any personal, or squad heal metter?


    And if not, how you propose to increst your performance as healer or experiment different settings?



    yeh i know that togheter with healing you need put boons and etc, same as i not ask toxic ppl that will judge is hps metter needed or not

  3. Another problem with Stealth is alot of the Professions that do utilize it have absurd mobility.


    If a Thief Stealths, it's basically a reset.

    And they can get back to yu way faster than yu can run/catchup to them plus their weapon cooldowns are already up because they essentially don't have any.


    Evry class have some kind of dash, or way to prevent it with imobilize


    Also if target run, you both end up alive


    Even if target have alot mobility, he need stay close to you to hit you risking his life

    The more he want kill you, the eazier is for you to kill him even with that much mobility


    Expections culd be Druid, Soulbeast,Deadaye,Holo/Scrapper

    With same reason why range skills have bit lower dmg then melee, or in Holo/Scrapper couse granades/Mortar have bit of travel time, and attacks are not binded to target


  4. I suggest you play heroes of the storm, play nova or zeratul.

    They both have stealth through which they can be seen, damage instantly reveals them, attacking or even missing reveals them.

    Their stealth is almost useless, and its for lore reasons more then anything. And I am talking of a game where everyone has 4 skills and most of them cant even target area to hit them yet the stealth is useless anyways, in a game like gw2 where every single class will have at LEAST 10 different ways to hit stealth target when they know EXACTLY where they are the entire concept is a bust.


    That is why i was not support "transaprency" and was against it


    " know EXACTLY where they are"

    No you can't, you can only try predict wher peson go while is on stealth

    You can hit 1-2 times by aoe attack, but the longer time pass, it's harder to track that person

    Also rember that tief have alot dashes or shadowsteap to prevent it


    Target get no Revealed if YOU hit him

    Target get Revealed only if he attacked you while his on stealth


    I add only "If Target miss his attack(while his on stealth), he geting Revealed same like it was with normal hit(miss while attacking you not air)"


    most of your "reworks" mostly turn stealth into useless garbage, in GW2 most abilities can be cast without target, this means that transparent target will be hit with most skills anyways, the only problem with stealth is how much its stacked by combo fields by thief or when used in a big setting, having entire team stealth/restealth for 20s+ is kitten


    Superspeed treatment schold prevent it, in same time not nerfing stealth, as you will just need use stealth skill at motion (mean you will need use them one by one, insted all at once for +20s)

  5. So basically make thief even more defenseless? No ty.


    You still will can almost perm stealth, but you will need to do all stuff at motion

    Don't forget that Deadeye have 2s stealth evry dodge also


    Extra 1000hp won't help


    it will do, as if you decide build some def stats, you will need spend less of them, and have more attacking one


    there's tons of methods how to reveal and even guards/sentries now reveal classes in stealth so.. what do you even want? It's been quite nerfed already. So how about give those free 1k HP and leave stealth as it is?


    yes, with that change that skills will rather be used to pinpoint you insted to guess wher you are


    as it will be more profitalbe to you fight more often thx to shorter Reveled, same as you risk less with more hp


    you still can chose style of silent asasint to wait 17s for one burst combo, but now you will make more "noise" and it gona be bit harder for you but posible with bit of skill


    from skimrisher point of viev, if thief will no need stealth that much to kill (cuz more dmg cuz of shorter reviled), he will use steath rather for short duration just to change angle from wher his next attack came and boost dmg of that attack, or use stealth more rapidly just to buff dmg


    Whith more agresive thief gameplay, you will be also seen more often, and it will allow better to predict wher you gona go attack next


    **that is my concept**


    **buff skirmisher, nerf a stacking stealth assasin**

  6. Is this for WVW? (It doesn't seem to be since you listed scrapper,sb,alac,bs,cqfb which looks like for fractals since it's 5 man)

    If not, why are you running minstrel? Harrier would provide you more barrier from attacking.


    Keep in mind some heals aren't shared by Medical Dispersion Field if you are at full health, namely:


    Water Blast combo


    Soothing detonation (the trait you are looking at)

    Super Elixir (Elixir Gun 5)

    Elixir Shell (Mortar 5)

    That's on top of the supposed bug that stops Backpack Regenerator from sharing at all.



    yes fractal, not wvw/pvp


    i ignore bariers from attack, with 23579 hp and 3355armor + bulwark


    i not see point of harrier gear, while 63% boon duration inaf, and might is booned by alacran, while quicknes by qfb


    i'm aware of that list


    also replaced +10% boond duration for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Draining


    As it's work with trait, and have 3s cd to proc with shield skills


    Chosed backpack as only self 250hp heal per tick, as you not heal yourself with Med Blaster


    On fracs wher you don't need much stab you can take this build as alternative :



  7. Comp : scrapper,condi scourge/sb,alac,bs,cqfb


    Build : https://bit.ly/35gL0XJ


    I replaced superior rune of monk on superior rune of flock

    -> pasive 1763 to team while regeneration boon

    -> 1763 to yourself ( = 60% from Medical dispresion to team = 1128.32 heal

    1763+1057.8=2820.8heal evry 17s


    note: i not count % from food and superior sign of transference




    ->perm regen

    ->50-60% protection up time

    -> 2 skills to buff stab (3+3 both 20cd,25cd)

    -> vigor boon

    -> Superspeed

    -> 11-13 might (with random chance for +5 )


    x2 water combo field


    x3 blast finishers


    Uniqe Mechanic

    Bulwark gyro : When an ally with Watchful Eye takes damage, approximately 35% of the damage is transferred to the scrapper.



    Banadage self

    7280+1763+748=9791 self heal

    9791*60%=5874.6 heal to team

    5874.6+1057.8+516=7448.4 heal to team


    New trait : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soothing_Detonation

    748heal x 5=3740


    3740+2244=5984 evry 25-30s





  8. @"Leonidrex.5649"


    traited lasers edge is 22,5% bonus ( maximum )


    your right about it, but basic is 15% (for 100% cap amount), so if you nerf 15%->10%, max gona be 15% insted of 22,5% while traited


    and every time you dodge.

    i checked it, and yes your abousulty right, i asumed it have 15s cd cuz of online build editior

    right now that trait is broken, and schold have minimum 10s cd





  9. Definitly No


    ppl who vote for yes, don't know how it work or refuse to improve, or can't create team with tags "casual run" "friendly run"


    in the feb 2017 arenanet has granted 3rd party tools permission to collect and display combat stats via means previously not allowed.

    these are runtime modifications only, no changes are made to files on disk.

  10. Guys, i'm glad you try come up with your ideas


    But i wuld like that if you propose any change, it will be strictle to rework i proposed


    I think that cap on stealth solving it problem, same as don't hurt/nerf it too much (just make it hard to stack)

    And as compensation Thief hp is incresed 11,645->12,824 as he will be forced to fight more often

    As Revealed got decresed from 3s to 2s

    Thiefs will stealth->hit->stealth->hit

    What boost thay dmg evry time thay go to stealth what will cause thay will do more dmg then before

    But same as if thay will play more agresive, thay will be revealed more often as well


    your ideas nerf stealth to ground, what is not purpouse of that topic

    nerfing speed, or some kind of transparency are not nessesary with cap on stealth on, in my opinion

    As cd of stealth will be more readable, and with shorter time, you will can predict wher person go or is he used another stealth skill to stay stealthed for another 3-4s


    Direct damage should remove stealth, simple as that. No need for overcomplicated reworks.


    Evry time thief attack you on stealth he geting Reveled, with my rework from now if he miss/or his attack will be blocked or eveded, his geting Reveled i think it's inaf

    Same as many class have acces to 5-6s Reveled skills

    class whos not have Reveled skills, usualy have stealth skills as well

    The only class whos culd get 5-6s Revled on one of skills culd be Elementalist


    But he have alot evedes and blocks, self-barrier skills, and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Shielding + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Earth%27s_Embrace when his hp drop to 50% so with that amount of def, i think it's not nessesary




  11. @"Seras.5702"

    I hightly recomend bomb scrapper

    i rate that class as SS tier



    At open word your one person army, able to take down any hero point, or group boss solo

    At pve (dung/strikes/fractals) your one pesron army that can fight many mobs solo, and first strike to take all mobs agro on you

    At live story, you can solo 1vs20 mobs

    At raid you switch to holo that using same gear (berserk), but scrapper is good too (but doing 6k less dmg as traid of for insane tanknes, scrapper 31k holo 36-38k)


    From op traits:

    ->15% dmg you do change to barier (so 50% of your hp is alwyas shielded with barrier)

    ->Big boomer : After you cause explosion (evry bomb skill or hammer 2/blast gyro) give you pasive heal

    ->Applied Force: +200 power when you have Quickness boon, also 3s free Quickness evry 10s wheny you have +x10might stacks

    With superior rune of chronomancer, you have 2s Quickness = 40-50% Quickness up time (12s with 20s cd)

    ->Hight caliber: free +15% crit at close range (300range)

    ->Hemotic focus: +10% crit on targets with bleed

    so 50%+15%+10%+20%(furry)=95% crit

    ->No scope: 50% up time Furry,+150 ferocity while you have furry


    if your tankness not inaf take

    Blast shield: 1500 barier evry explosion, also +10% power convering to vitality (insted 14k hp you gona have 16k)



    After that your utla tank with berserker gear


    Scrapper have

    Evade on skill 3

    block on skill 4 that do dmg as well


    x2 leap, and x1blast finisher that you can combine with medic gyro/restoration field to heal yourself for more

    (x2 leap = 2,600 heal, x1blast= 1,300 heal,)


    Also Scrapper is good dueler at pvp, can win most 1vs1, and tank for a bit 1vs3








  12. I think it makes sense to adjust stealth in one or both of the following ways:


    Stealth now reduces movement speed by anywhere from 15-25%. This is always 25% in pvp/wvw (Bonus movement speed granted by Meld in Shadows is reduced to 25%)

    Entering stealth now applies exhaustion for its duration


    with reworked stealth, you no need it


    ther will be 2 typs of stealths


    a) is short 3s stealth

    b) long 6s stealth (aoe) that also pulse and refresh that 6s on evry pulse but that type of skills usualy have over 60s cd


    with 3s cap max you can do is change your location, than you need use another skill to apply stealth again after 2-3s (cuz of time cap)


    so it's risk/reward, as if you change location, you need be ready to attack your opponent before your stealth fade, or move away inaf far from enemy to apply another stealth

    some stealth skills can be activated witchout attacking enemys, but remeber still you need time them or your stealth time gona be much shorter,(so your cd refresh much longer compare when you spam all 5 stealth skills at one go)


    all that forcing you to pay attention more to your skills and steal 50% of your focus (or you can lose stealth for 1s making you visable)

    Prob for veterans thiefs thats not big change, but less skilled ones will have harder time to preper abush/backstab to you


    same as it will make you time your dodge/block or other skill as you allways will know that stealth is for 3s so ennemy will attack in next 2-3s or if he not show up, you know he wasted another stealth, so you can preper your next dodge/block/evade


    **Remeber if enemy miss, he will get Reveled**


    I rather have perm stealth.. Only one ability and longer (30 sec) refresh


    thats what anet admins/game master do xd

    but nah it culd be too much unbalanced until you make 3m circle zone if enemy get too close he can see you

    pass on that


    First and foremost, Stealth needs to have more sources of being removed.


    Any attack should strip stealth, not only successful ones.

    Damage should also break stealth.



    Disagree, that will nerf stealth spells too much


    with 3-6 stealth cap you will can use your brain more often to predict wher enemy will want go, and that will be part of that mechanic


    Also when you hiting stealth target you see that you casued dmg to "target" that way you can also tell that enemy is in front of you


    Making reveled on evry attack culd be too strong



  13. I propose to stealth not stack duration, only refresh like it is with superspeed


    As compensation skills that pulses stealth will get 5-6s stealth, pulses refresh duration

    Revealed descrest from 3s to 2s

    Revealed skills descrest from 6s to 5s

    Your geting Reveled even if your attack get dodged/missed/blocked/eveded


    All that changes gona apply to pve,pvp,wvw (for pvp/wvw durations can be diferent)


    +That way you gona use stealth more offten, but more for changing position/fight pause

    +Using multiple stealth skills at same time punishes you as you geting less stealth

    +Perm stealth still will be posible but you need put more effor to it, same as you can't just run free with 18s stealth close to enemy as you got more chance to hit someone accidentally while you try refresh stealth



    Basic hp of Guardian, Thief, Elementalist 11,645->12,824

    Incresting health will allow that classes avoid Dead zone (many spells sometimes hit for 12-13k in pve as well)

    ->thief as new stealth gonna effect his fight style

    ->fb as his mantras suck now at pvp/wvw

    ->Elementalist but Glyph of Elemental harmony 6,614->5,214

    That changes gona effect pve,pvp,wvw thats why i puted it more as overall discussion




  14. Jesus those options... do people still wonder why I so predictably complain about polls? Yeah. Look at this.


    Either way, as has been stated over and over and over and over again, there are still some very specific overperforming builds and interactions with some very specific runes. We all know which. I bet even the OP knows. Yet here it is again, a poll throwing out the word condi like its candy.


    Or what, we need to nerf the horribly broken overpowered meta condi warrior that everyone is running now?



    i not said that condi are op, i asked only for small nerf or adional runes that help build against condi on smaller scale fights, wher you don't have person to clean condi for you


    also that if you chose to build against condi you geting too much punishment for that


    Are you even readed topic?


  15. I know that in groups you can have dedicated role to managing condi clease for you, but on smaller scale in my opinion you have not so much options to build against condi

    Most condi builds can spam with protection boon, build toughness, same as take runes with toughness and condi dmg/duration in same time


    As power user, you can't build with stats against condi(expect of, runes that have some condi time reduction,have condi dmg or toughness stats witchout power) what is too much punishment to take, also the more condi clease you take, less dmg you do, same as condi spells are much harder to dodge compare to power spells that looks more impactful and are eazier to dodge

    same as resistence boon are more rare compare to protection boon


    The only option are maruder gear + superior rune of holo/vampirism



    so here is my question? schold condi got bit nerfed by 15% dmg, or some duration time cut?


    as alternative thay culd add that rune to game to help power users that are despending on team less https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110453/superior-rune-of-menzies#latest

  16. well i proposed rune that help a bit vs condi some time ago but it was for pve/wvw



    i agree that condis are bit overturned as you need pay too much for def against them, resulting doing too smal dmg (as power user)


    to counter it you need have pocket full condi clease scrapper with you, as if you take too many condi clease, or chose rune that decrest condi duration you ending doing 0 dmg, as other side have 3k armor and perm protection boon


    other solution culd be give some resistance boon for some skills (same as common protection is)


    maybe nerf Restance boon from 100%->35% but give it to more skills and increst duration from 1-2 to 3-4


    you can see how common protection is https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Protection


    and how rare resistance is https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Resistance

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