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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. Well despend, i wuld like to have good weapon for new elite, as engineer have only 2 main wepons, pistols and rifle (not couting shield)
  2. Who buy mac btw, your saw at last opinion of thay repair serivce? once broke, mean you need buy new one, aslo thay make thay products that whay no one can fix them expect of themselfs :/
  3. @"mindcircus.1506" Sadly i can't record video as my pc starts lagging once i try here how it looks on arcdps my build and gear ![](https://imgur.com/faVzl3O.png "") meta build (full berserk, +5% dmg insygnia,+3%and+7%when stun) ![](https://imgur.com/jqc0DmK.png "") like you can see in my build, dmg is constantly dealed witchout breakes But i also want other ppl to test it, and rate (remeber it's for solo, mean all boons you can get only from yourself)
  4. @"weaponwh.9810" but insted of granades your taking rifle turret, so you have less confusment
  5. try this @"Cheshire King.6970" http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PewAwqplZwiYcsOGKO0L9vbA-zRRYmBxwGNczlRUJQgFgDziemRA-e In short : i moved bleed dmg to power you have hight power,precision,feriocity now you have fire condi as support with 90% up time Flamethrower insted of granades -> fire/power aoe dmg sigil buff you might (power+condi dmg same time) sigil full stacked mean your got 50% crit chance moved some def trait to ofensive, so you will just kill mob x3 faster not needing that much sustain tooked boomer trait that will heal you once you cause explosion Mistakes you did in your build : -> Super low dmg -> low number of power -> low number of condi dmg (my 40% of bleed duration is worth 100% of your bleed duratuion) -> low crit chance mean your not triggered bleed often -> not chosed food/utylity -> overtanked
  6. Good idea, but some ppl can get be constantly log off cuz not stabile net connection or anet server problems
  7. rifle holo 33-35k dps no need look on heat managment instef of granades your using turret your rotation is prty easy, bomb spam 1, holo mode 3,4 + 1 spam, rifle 3+5 then back bomb once you learn it you can replace turret with granades and add it to rotation so your gona do 37-38k dps insted medium armor medium hp so your bit tanky, also you have aed that save you from death most of time
  8. Well mostly cuz thers also ppl whos not casuals, and play more serios or have cuple of years in mmorpg or got more sharp personality In pve game is so ez that you only group up on hot maps to explore togheter (if) so all social thinks disapering Other think is ppl much often prefer to pug, when in other more skilled games 80% ppl do it with guilds and spend most time around it When i started this game i also culd not get used to it that ppl here are more goofy (i not mean to offend anyone)
  9. yep bosss shold walk insted of charge, then power dps wuld do fine as well
  10. yeh but when you press elixir u first, you cast stun 50% faster i'm ok with 1,1/4, that problem is solved if you take alchemy tree, but if you try take other you have not inaf time until you press overcharged shot first
  11. Nope, but you can click here to buy item for friend ![](https://imgur.com/C2Oaq6c.png "") Or buy Mystic coins, as 1 mistic coin is worth around 2 gold and send some to friend on mail Then your frind just will sell Mystic coins, and replace gold for gems (but be avare of tax and etc)
  12. So i tested it and 1,1/4s is fine to not stun myself, but 1s is too short, pls buff
  13. well i usualy taking scrapper healer duo with qfb 25% less dmg but you carry all that low skill players at t4 keeping them 100% hp as you just brr spam with 1 skill 100% of uptime and ress evry 25s ppl that not dodged one shot
  14. Scrapper heal much more then hfb in pve, in wvw it's despend as your in move most of time Scrapper have much easier rotation compare to hfb, and can spam 1 just to constantly healing in wvw scrapper can heal bit less to hfb as Elixir shell+Super elixir are stationary Problem of scrapper is also that he heal others with 1 not himself, so you need secoundary healer to keep you alive
  15. good tip, but still i think 1s is bit too short in my opinion to have other sorce of stab you need play scrapper, or flamethrower with jugaranaut trait
  16. but still 1s is bit meme tho, you have no other sorce of stability until you play scrapper
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