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Posts posted by Narcemus.1348

  1. Hey, I was curious if anyone has created or designed classes or professions for D&D 5e that fit better in with the Guild Wars universe than the existing classes and races. I have been working for a few months researching taking notes, but I was curious if this has already been done. If not I might create another post to share what little I have made so far. I wasn't sure if this would be the correct place to ask this question, but I figured if anywhere it would be here.

  2. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > 1. Instrumental music isn't called a song. A song includes lyrics and singing. It is called a piece or a composition.

    > 2. Great idea (re: GW themed pen & paper RPG campaign)! :+1:

    > 3. No, other than the original soundtracks that used to be downloadable at DirectSong and now on [this website](https://www.discogs.com/artist/779522-Jeremy-Soule "this website"), there is no other source I know of. You could check on SoundCloud, but I think it also features only what we already know.


    > Edit: Since links still don't parse correctly, here is the above link again: https://www.discogs.com/artist/779522-Jeremy-Soule , also https://www.discogs.com/search/?q=Guild+Wars .


    1) Apologies for my misuse of 1 word, legitimate mistype. ?

    2) Thanks, it's a lot of work building my own races and classes and monsters, but it's been worth it so far!

    3) Yeah, I already have all of the tracks available from Direct Sound including the Battle Pack and Sorrow's Furnace. I found a YouTube video with a lot of pieces, but I guess I will just have to limit myself to what we see. I hate it when companies include a lot of musical pieces into games but then remove those pieces from the soundtrack! I want it all!!!

  3. This question may have been asked a dozen times, if so, I am sorry. But I was curious if there was any way that I could get access to the ambient music in the original Guild Wars game that was never added to the OST. I have all of the soundtracks from the original Guild wars as well as Guild Wars 2 and there are many songs missing, unless I am crazy. I am leading a group of friends through a Guild Wars themed D&D story experience taking place between the games, and I would love more ambient music to play in the background of regions so things don't get too repetitive. And to be honest, I would prefer to get them through legitimate channels.

  4. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"Narcemus.1348" said:

    > > Not story, but I have a friend who is dead certain that we will be having a spider mount that can use the Oakheart's Essense "spider man pull" and cling to the walls.


    > That was originally going to happen but dropped because it scared some people. Also the skyscale’s wall clinging is kind of that feature already so not likely


    Honestly, this baseless idea was long before the sky scale existed. And I feel like the spider would be a very different situation than the skyscale.

  5. Since mine is based on the Guild Wars 1 economy. I am using a system of copper being gold, because in the system 1000 copper equals 1 platinum. I then just converted the PHB equipment section information into platinum and moved on from there. I am trying to decide how I want to move forward. Part of me likes trying to continue to use the 5e system, and part of me wants to say enough with that and try to come up with my own system. But man that is a long process...

  6. In the end you just have to pick a model that works for you. When you get down to the nitty gritty it feels like there is some inconsistency for how big the world is. If you compare that 8 weeks from Lion's Arch to Black Citadel with the short 3-5 days travel from Ebonhawke to Ascalon City in Ghosts of Ascalon and the multiple time zones between Divinity's Reach and Lion's Arch also in Ghosts of Ascalon you start to have trouble being exact. I think that the day-grid that I went with ended up was a middle ground between it all. It's about 8 days from Ebonhawke to Ascalon City, and about 2.5 weeks in a straight line from Lion's Arch to Black Citadel. In the end, Rule of Fun is more important than exact detail, and for many groups hand waving long trips is preferable to dragging it out day by day, but it depends on who you are playing with. I know I set out on this journey starting to DM D&D for the first time by playing in a different universe than the game is set, with different mechanics, and I learned a lot in the process. I hope your game is enjoyable!

  7. I've honestly been personally going through and creating my own PHB for a Guild Wars D&D. My personal campaign that I have been playing with friends is about 40 years after Guild Wars 1. We had just been using base D&D, but decided I wanted to make a real Guild Wars feel. So far I have created a spreadsheet of equipment for the original Guild Wars currency, I have re-listed the D&D spells into the Guild Wars schools of magic, I created racial sheets for Asura, Norn, Tengu, Charr, Human, and Dwarves, including sub races for asuran colleges, spirits of the wild, charr legions, stone dwarves vs deldrimor, etc... I am in the process of starting professions. I am mostly using D&D rules for magic (though everyone uses a focus for magic rather than components).


    If this started taking off I might go crazy with more stuff, but if it was just me and my group of friends, D&D rules would suffice. Eventually I would hope to make a monster manual as well creating many different monsters from Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 and I would hope to create an option to easily adjust a monster's difficulty based on the circumstance (hatchling/recruit, veteran, champion, legendary, etc...)

  8. I very much liked all 3 books. I loved the lore and the life that it brought to the world of Tyria. I think I very well remember being enraptured by what each book brought to the table, and would recommend them to anyone that loves tyria.

  9. > @"Psientist.6437" said:

    > I had played other mmos before GW1 but never socialized, I am not social. There was something about GW1, perhaps it was the level of player agency available to everyone, that encouraged me to connect with people. Perhaps it was synchronized dancing. Perhaps the game was just fun enough. I met one of my dearest friends in GW1 and it is one of the reasons I still support the studio and GW2.


    This is why I loved Guild Wars 1. I am not social, but I made some of my best friends that I would never meet in real life playing this game.

  10. I very much remember having this exact conversation with some friends much earlier in this story. I wish there had been an instance where we kill Kralk's body with the whole of DE before we went inside to end it, but now it is over. There is now no point for Zojja, Eir, or Snaff showing up again. One of a few problems I had with this story. I found it a good story, but it could have been an amazing story.

  11. > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

    > After thinking on this for a while more, I'm inclined to agree that perhaps the "Mother" that Kralk was talking to was in fact Tyria itself. It would make sense. The dragons all represent a force of nature on Tyria. With the new "humanizing" concept that we saw with Kralk at the end, I'm leaning more towards perhaps Tyria is a sentient being, to an extent, that perhaps is dormant, and been dormant for millenia. Perhaps before it went dormant it created the Elder Dragons to watch over the various natural aspects of that world, Fire, Ice, Water, Crystal, Life, etc...


    > But after so long such power begins to overwhelm and corrupt them. Perhaps they were never meant to hold this power for so long. What I'm suggesting is perhaps Tyria was supposed to "wake up" at some point and never did, forcing the ED's to hold this power even longer than they were ever meant to. Add to that the constant misuse of the various elements by the mortal races, such as waging war, over reliance on magics, etc.. has driven the ED's insane to some extent as they tried to hold it all in check and balance. So eventually they all just kind of went insane and now are turning on their creator.


    > Perhaps that is what Kralk meant when he said that he hope Aurene never has to kill one she loves. Perhaps he was speaking of killing Tyria, who could be his "Mother" who he loved originally but has turned on with his torments.


    I was having a similar thought, only what if the Elder Dragon spheres were locks holding something imprisoned within Tyria. Which is why with sufficient elder dragons being taken out the world cracks and releases what is inside. I know it's a longshot, but an interesting thought.

  12. Anything can work for Humanity, most of the professions seems to have started with humanity, it would seem. I would focus more around perhaps which dirty your character is most aligned towards. Mesmers would make sense for Lyssa followers, Guardians perhaps followers of Balthazar or Dwayna, etc...

  13. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > If it's early in the morning a relatively short time can make a huge difference in the activity in a city. I used to leave for work at 7:15 in the morning, but sometimes I had to leave at 6:30 instead and just 45 minutes earlier the difference was very noticeable - there were far fewer cars on the street, almost no people walking and it was so much quieter I felt like I was disturbing everyone just walking down the street. (Especially when I had to wear my stupid smart shoes where the heels clicked when they hit the ground.)


    > I agree the position of the gates would also be a factor in the level of activity around them, but I think the way it's written - "the quiet energy of a city _awakening_" vs "the clamor of merchants and townspeople _at work_" also implies a time difference. Unless, as @"Narcemus.1348" said the people of Divinity's Reach are lazy and just awakening when Lion's Arch people are already hard at work. But it's hard to infer how much of a time difference that is, especially since I'm not sure how many people in DR would use clocks vs. simply seeing the sun coming over the wall and deciding it's time to get going.


    I would agree that the difference is likely no more than 1-2 hours over such a short distance, but like you said, 1-2 hours could make a big difference, plus you are talking about going from a city quarter to pretty much a seaport, which could make a big difference. I would assume most working sailors are up at the crack of dawn.

  14. The game itself doesn't make any mention of timezones that I know of, but in Ghosts of Ascalon (I'm fairly certain) the book mentions leaving Divinity's Reach via gate and arriving in Lion's Arch. And it describes Lion's Arch as a few hours ahead of Divinity's Reach. So if there's some change in that short of a distance, you can guess what Black Citadel to Rata Sum would be like.

  15. We have at least one example of a one on one fight between a charr and a human that lead to the human winning at the end of Ghosts of Ascalon. I cannot remember whether the charr was wounded or anything, though. Either way, humanity should have had a ton of disadvantage with the span of the Charr territory and numbers, but humanity still pushed them back. They had something, and it wasn't just Balthazar...

  16. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

    > > Beings such as Balthazar and presumably the Gods are capable of absorbing Elder Dragon magic with no adverse change to their personality or state of being (Balthazar was the same both in personality and appearance before and after absorbing energy from Primordus and Jormag) also which people in universe have again seemingly not referenced or clocked onto.


    > On the flip side, however, while Balthazar did take in magic from Primordus and Jormag, those two Elder Dragons were still alive. When the Elder Dragons get new domains, its because the "owners" of those domains are dead.


    > The question thus becomes: Had Balthazar killed an Elder Dragon in taking its power, would he have gained their domains?


    > > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

    > > Balthazar at least was under the impression that he could take all the magic of the Elder Dragons and all the magic of the rest of the Gods into himself.


    > Which I'm fairly doubtful is true. The implication from Kormir is that a god's power, while great, is ultimately marginally finite while the Elder Dragons' is seemingly not and that is why the Elder Dragons, though seemingly weaker than the gods off the bat (even with power boosts others, the most Primordus, Mordremoth, and Kralkatorrik (pre-Balthazar) did was still less than or on par to what Abaddon did during Nightfall while he was at ~3/8th power) are still stated to be "beyond the Six Gods".


    > This may even tie in to why Grenth couldn't kill Dhuum - if he couldn't fully take all of Dhuum's power, due to being born a demigod, then killing Dhuum would have devastating after effects like when we killed Abaddon or, perhaps more accurately for amount of power left, killed Balthazar.


    That is one idea, I also have another. We have learned that Dhuum loves to consume the souls of the dead to gain power. What if Grenth couldn't take all of Dhuum's power because his form of justice wouldn't allow him to consume Dhuum's I'll gained power. It's not a fully fleshed out thought. But something in me likes the idea that Grenth just couldn't stomach the idea of consuming magic gained by destroying the souls he felt called to Shepherd.

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