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Posts posted by Narcemus.1348

  1. I personally haven't played the story, but when the game came out there was a lot of speculation about it. To my knowledge, the story revolves around a future where your PC turns evil and conquers the world. The evil PC claims to have created the steam creatures, though this could just be a situation where you backstabbed Scarlet and stole them from her. The reference to the Battle of Divinity's Reach is likely a nod to one of the early game betas when as a finale event a group of inquest attacked Divinity's Reach and players had to try to defeat them.

  2. I also think Kralkatorrik would be a great opportunity for her to return. We would get to see her fight against and hopefully defeat the same dragon that killed her Mentor. That would be a chance of a major resolution in that area of the story.

  3. I have wanted to raid for a long time, they have some of the coolest content, and story. I do not have a group of friends big enough to play a raid and having no experience I have no interest in playing with a pug and letting them down, and haven't had any luck finding a raid guild accepting newbies.

  4. > @"Tamias.7059" said:

    > Well, we don't fully understand the mechanism around Elder Dragons falling into slumber and awakening, but one good guess is that their awakening is related to the levels of local ambient magic. So after enough years of radiating out magic, the magic levels are high enough in the area for them to wake up and start devouring until they are sated. Awakening Mordremoth with a hard kick of ley energy is consistent with that.


    > What I'm not clear on is how draining Primordus and Jormag reduced their energy signatures to pre-awakening levels.


    Well draining them through the machine is obviously what reduced their magic levels. It sucked out Primordus' magic and shot it at Jormag and vice versa. As for causing them to seemingly go back to sleep, it seems that a Dragon has to have a certain amount of magic to be able to awaken. Seeing as champions are seen attempting to build up their ED's magic to awaken them, through the Great Destroyer, Svanir, etc. This is just theoretical, though, but if this is the case, it is possible that if we kept all of the Mouths of Zhaitan dead, we could possibly have put Zhaitan back to sleep.

  5. Crazy thought, why don't we discuss Marjory and Kasmeer based on their character, character development, and involvement in the story instead of getting hung up on their romance. I don't don't see the point in complaining about the romances of the people around you in game. I could see complaint if they forced the PC into a relationship that we hated, but just leave the NPC's alone. They aren't real anyways.

  6. > @Yereton.8647 said:

    > Well, I guess you could consider the Son's of Svanir as a religious cult (or the norn equivalent), with the shamans being the preachers of Jormag.


    There are definitely a few times we see Sons trying to convert other Norn in the early story

  7. I think that the biggest reason that people have a problem with Balthazar going bad doesn't have as much to do with Balthazar (who at best was Bipolar) but when you boil it all down, it changes our perspective on the gods in general. It feels like an attack on what has been assumed, up to this point, to be a benevolent group of gods. There were evil ones, but up until this point none of the main pantheon (Balthazar, Grenth, Melandru, Dwayna, and Lyssa) have been shown fully in an evil light. Balthazar had done some mean stuff before, but never something like letting the world die so that he could prove himself the strongest (to our current knowledge).


    And now with Lyssa being speculated to have ulterior motives as well, it feels like the gods will now be villains, which is something that I could not support or stand behind.

  8. I love Cantha! That said, Tyria has been feeling really sparse and stretched out since the inclusion of Elona in the world map. I kind of want to instead fill out the current map with new maps before moving on to a different continent. Similarly, while I love Cantha, part of me worries that what we would get is sunken ruins/corrupted remains of the places we loved, and it would hurt to see that, though the Crystal Desert has given me hope that ArenaNet can bring things back into the game without always destroying it.

  9. > @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

    > > @nihavel.6592 said:

    > > Maybe he's aiming Orr...

    > > Anyway i love this elder.

    > > It's the real fist one who gave me a sense of danger.

    > > I hope Steve (And the other 2) will do the same.


    > Mordremoth was pretty dangerous too. He spread his tendrils across the entire map (from Dragon's Stand to the Iron Marches), destroyed forts, and obliterated the Pact Fleet. XD

    > But yes, i hope the Deep Sea Dragon (if we ever confront it) will prove to be dangerous as well. Kralkatorrik is doing fine so far.

    > Sadly, i don't have hope for Primordus and Jormag, after they were both simultaneously put back to sleep in such an inglorious way (two elder dragons pretty much removed from the story, without even a chance to fight, by a machine created by a teenager asura girl).


    In ArenaNet's defense, Taimi didn't create the machine, Omadd did. And she, herself, admitted that she didn't fully understand how it worked. She merely adjusted it to make it do what she desired.

  10. > @cNd.1096 said:

    > But Rytlock too was fighting with Balthazar's fire, his Forged army and the god himself, where was Sohothing power back then?


    It has been mentioned that when we grab should of Sohothin the skin changes so that the burning on the sword is much brighter and bigger. There is a theory that because of our training in Ancient Magics in the last living story, we have a greater capacity to wield it to full strength. That or the unbound magic that we have been collecting had something to do with that.

  11. > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > You know, we should be having portal events in the core zones now. Maybe as often as 4h-cycles. For 15 minutes portals appear with awakened, and if they're all closed within 15 minutes you get a bonus reward.

    > Pro: new people can participate and will be curious about what's happening, and will be pulled into buying PoF


    AKA Scarlet's portal events.

  12. > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > Make sure you aren't getting too far away from their original diving goggles location before jumping, there's some diving goggle locations where the spot that looks like the best place to jump from is too far from the diving goggles so they get removed from you.


    I finally got it. I guess I was running too far from the diving point. Interesting to know now. Probably okay to close this topic then.

  13. I looked and didn't see any mention of this, so I felt that I would bring it up. I have been attempting to get the diving goggles at the Ancient Docks for probably 15 minutes now before deciding that it must be bugged. My character is putting on the diving goggles and then the instant that I go to jump off of the ledge I get swapped out of the diving goggles and into regular armor again. I checked whether it was walking off of the ledge vs jumping. Putting on the goggles while mounted vs unmounted. Having been attacked or in combat vs out of combat. Nothing is making a difference. Can anybody tell me if I am wrong?

  14. I'm not saying that they couldn't have gotten to Divinity's Reach through any of those gates. I just find it interesting that there appears to be a distinct lack heading adjacent to DR. It feels like it is one of those small things that ArenaNet adds into the game for foreshadowing not knowing if anyone would even pick up on it. Small enough that it could be nothing, but having the appearance of being intentional.

  15. > @Orimidu.9604 said:

    > The six asura gates in the royal chamber were programmed for:


    > -Metrica Province

    > -Diessa Plateau

    > -Snowden Drifts

    > -Mount Maelstrom

    > -Gendarran Fields

    > -Caledon Forest


    > Discovered via interacting with the terminals near the gates.


    I was just read this and made an interesting observation. Each and every one of those is right next to a main game capital except for one. They sent forces right outside of Rata Sum, The Grove, Lion's Arch, Fort Trinity, Hoelbrak and the Black Citadel. But they did not place forces right outside of Divinity's Reach. Now, you could claim that they just sent forces for both to Gendarran, but they sent individual forces to both Metrica and Caledon even though they are in such close proximity. I have to feel like they did this on purpose for someone to catch. It is a conspiracy people!


  16. > @Ronin.7381 said:

    > > @Narcemus.1348 said:

    > > I feel like if ArenaNet want us to finally kill him, they will likely take us through his origins in order to help us understand him better, and find a way to defeat him.


    > I really hope they don't. Granted, I expect that will be the eventual outcome but man did I hate what they did to Lazarus. I'd much prefer persistent threats or questionable adversaries. That's what made Joko so awesome in Nightfall, listening to him taunt Zhed and the two go back and forth.


    The way things are going, I find it highly unlikely that Joko will be allowed to stay. With this newest story, he had made a pretty big jump to becoming too dangerous to let live.

  17. > @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

    > > @Narcemus.1348 said:

    > > I would join in with what Drax said. When Abbadon fell and the Desolation was created, the world was still rather empty of magic. The Gods had sealed up much of the world's magic back into the Bloodstones so even though his fall and the release of his magic which created the Desolation likely caused a spike of magic, perhaps it still wasn't enough to draw the Elder Dragon's attention. But after him being imprisoned we saw the Searing, which likely drew magic away from Kralkatorrik while he slept and reintroduced it to the world. Then you have the Cataclysm, which is an unknown. We can't be sure if it released magic into the world or utilized magic from the world, but you have Dwayna's blessing that was given to Cantha yearly which may also have added magic to the world, plus since Guild Wars 2 we have learned that the Bloodstones magic is no longer the prevalent magic in the world because of the Elder Dragon's passive release of magic. So perhaps by the time of Nightfall, with all of these factors occurring, it would make sense that Abaddon's death could trigger the Dragon's desire to start awakening.


    > If Scarlet could use a surge of magic to wake Mordremoth, Cataclysm and Searing should have worked on Zhaitan/Kralkatorrik.


    She used a surge of magic from a world so full of magic that it had already awakened 5 other Elder Dragons, plus with the death of Zhaitan, maybe even more magic than that had been introduced into the world.


    We are talking about two completely different states of Tyria. Modern day Tyria is almost to the point of overflowing with magic, whereas back in Guild Wars 1, magic was much more controlled and regulated because of the Bloodstones. The fight between the gods likely happening in a world that was practically magically deprived.


    And one thing that we haven't yet argued about, we are comparing an event like the Searing and the Cataclysm, which devastated single nations, and the death of Abbadon. According to the dialogue we were given, his magic was powerful enough to transform the entire known world into his nightmarish realm. We are talking a massive difference in magical output. His death compared to the searing would be like a nuke next to a grenade. No comparison.

  18. > @Tamias.7059 said:

    > > @Maethor.2810 said:

    > > Not recalling any reference in GW but...

    > >

    > > Ipos is a demon. Earl and Prince of Hell in demonology (one of the 72 demons in the Ars Goetia and one of the 69 in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum) with many legions under his command. If I remember correctly, he had the ability to reveal the past, present, and future.

    > >

    > >


    > References to real-world mythology in a character's name? [Where have we seen that before...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abaddon)


    I said it first!

  19. > @DarcShriek.5829 said:

    > Why can't the gods bless 5 individuals like they did with Kormir so that they can absorb the dragon's magic. 1 from each race plus Aurene should do the trick.


    The God's blessing had to do with divine magic. We have no way of knowing that this would work at all with dragon Magic.

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