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Posts posted by Narcemus.1348

  1. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @draxynnic.3719 said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > Charr attacking Orr and Kryta never made sense then, it doesn't make sense now.

    > >

    > > Actually, it always did.

    > >

    > > Partially because, let's be blunt, it was Abaddon calling the shots.

    > >

    > > Partially because hitting just Ascalon could have allowed the others to come to Ascalon's aid, or simply to remain a threat afterwards. Consider that Ebonhawke survived due to Krytan aid, and Ascalon City itself might have held out if Adelbern had accepted Salma's assistance.


    > Wait. This is not how it went. Adelbern is the one who recalled the Ebonvanguard from the Eye of the North who later formed the Ebonhawke after their king went insane and used the Foefire. Without a king, they have no choice but to ask for Kryta's assistance. I don't recall Salma ever extended assistance to Adelbern other than helping the Ascalonian refugees.



    In war in kryta, Salma sent Evennia to Ascalon asking for assistance against the White Mantle in return for military assistance against the Charr. According to some new information, it appears that Adlebern had her hanged.


    > > Now, imagine if Orr had survived - from what I recall, Adelbern had no irrational hatred of Orrians, so if Orr hadn't been destroyed, there's a good chance that Adelbern would have accepted Orrian assistance and retained control of Ascalon south of the Wall.


    > If I recall correctly, the Guild Wars is between Ascalon, Kryta, and Orr. This is why it didn't make sense for Charr to attack either Kryta or Orr, the enemy of my enemy kind of thing.



    Again though, the Titans were pulling the strings. Their gods said take Orr, so they went to Orr.


    > > And prior to GW2's announcement, there was no indication that Ascalon was once charr land, so why wouldn't they try to hit all three kingdoms if they could?


    > Ascalon is Charr land if you played GW1.



    There was never mention of it being in Charr land in GW1.


    > > Mind you, it does seem as if the attack on Kryta was the least serious - mostly to tie the Krytans up than a serious attempt at conquest, I think.


    > As I've already said, the human kingdoms are at each other's throat then the Charr launched a surprise attack on all three kingdoms. I understand the motivation against Ascalon, but against Kryta and Orr?


    Humans are a threat to the Charr, they took Ascalon from Orr in the first place according to new lore, so why would they trust humanity to not invade again?



  2. Drax does have a point when it comes to the mursaat. The GW 1 PC only ever killed Mursaat army, individuals attacking allies, or those defending the gate of Komalie (And that last part only under half truths given by the Vizier). And they only attacked the Mursaat when provoked by their attempted genocide of the Chosen. The genocide of the Mursaat was carried out by the Titans under the command of the Lich Lord. You could claim that it was the Pc's fault, but they were mislead By a villain and did what they could to right the wrong by the Titan quests. By the time we get to Guild Wars 2, Lazarus would have been a war criminal by any standards, and one that was incredibly dangerous if ever released.

  3. I would have to disagree. Albeit I am not done with all of the achievements, but I love playing the new maps. I especially love the griffon adventures but the bounty system is also fun when you have a good squad going. But no matter what you do, any zone will get old if you play it long enough. I think the only disappointment is that there aren't any large metas along the level of Heart of Thorns, but even those get old once played through too frequently. Still, i look forward to taking at least 2 more characters theough the content and I won't be bored on the playthrough.

  4. > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    > > @Westenev.5289 said:

    > > Isn't anyone going to question why Balthazaar opened a portal leading directly to the Pact Commander at their time of need, allowing Rytlock to pull off the big kitten heroes moment in HoT?


    > I distinctly remember dialogue from rytlock saying he hopped between places looking for someone competent until he stumbled on the commander or something to that effect. I however can't find that dialogue, maybe it was removed at some point? Or was it in the beta and then removed?


    > Why do I remember that?


    That sounds familiar to me as well...

  5. To my understanding it is a confusing subject. Because at the same time that we are told by Taimi that Mordremoth swallowed the death spectrum, we are also given a situation with the Icebrood Abomination in Bitterfrost where Plant and Death magic appear to be toxic to each other. It's also noted that death and plant are never combined in any of the new Destroyers. That said, it's also never outright stated that the combination of death and plant was what caused the abomination to be killed, nor is is 100% confirmed that Mordremoth couldn't house both magics and keep them separately contained for different uses, in fact obviously in the end of POF


    >! Kralkatorrik contains 4 different types of dragon magic, two of which are confirmed to be opposed to each other.


  6. > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

    > > @Narcemus.1348 said:

    > > I find it interesting that in all of these conversations about whether or not Joko is. Despot, no one brought up his alleged blatant genocide of the elonian centaurs. I understand it may not be 100% true, but to claim to have made your Bone Palace out of the bones of Centaurs you would have to at least killed a lot of them. And I would say that those are not the types of actions taken by a noble leader.


    > Yes, but is he bad towards his own people?


    Using that sort of logic is like saying you can't use the Holocaust to judge "A certain german leader who's name gets kittened" 's leadership, because he didn't view the Jews as his people.

  7. I find it interesting that in all of these conversations about whether or not Joko is. Despot, no one brought up his alleged blatant genocide of the elonian centaurs. I understand it may not be 100% true, but to claim to have made your Bone Palace out of the bones of Centaurs you would have to at least killed a lot of them. And I would say that those are not the types of actions taken by a noble leader.

  8. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Mickey Frogeater.1470" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > @Narcemus.1348 said:

    > > > > I just find it a strange idea that the great destroyer was in the chamber with a second sleeping dragon champion? It just seems weird.

    > > >

    > > > Especially since the Great Destroyer's role was to "prepare the way for Primordus" and wake it up.

    > >

    > > Never hurts to have a backup disguised as a Statue that creates Magic for Primordius. It also never hurts for the Great Destroyer to turn a Magic Statue of Glint(the guy interviewed never said what that thing was after all) into a new Champion upon death(Champions can serve as conduits to create new Champions should the Elder Dragon find it necessary as seen with Drakkar and the Nornbear). As seen with Scarlet Briar the Dragon Champions do use even uncorrupted tools to ensure their master's awakening including ones that work even when they themselves are dead.


    > That statue was 100% a living being, as we see it open its eyes at the end of **Heart of Thorns**. And some interviews did call the statue Primordus (not always by name). Besides which the statue did exactly what Elder Dragons were stated to do - practically bleed magic while asleep - and multiple interviews said the CTC was built next to an Elder Dragon, just like Arah was built atop of one.


    > Scarlet Briar - and all sylvari really - are unconventional dragon minions so using them as an example is more than not an inaccurate comparison.


    *Eye of the North

  9. One thought, there is a bit of a grudge between Joko and our good King Thorn. So perhaps it is a good idea for Amnoon to not celebrate Halloween in order to not antagonize the tyrant that they have been trying to avoid.

  10. > @Maethor.2810 said:

    > > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

    > > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > > > @Rognik.2579 said:

    > > > > I don't remember seeing Faren in the last instance, and I went around talking to everyone, from Dragon's Watch to the mount trainers. Maybe he only showed up for human players? I'm sure he wasn't there for my asura, despite talking to him in LA before leaving.

    > > >

    > > > I'm 85% certain he wasn't there for my asura either, and she walked around and talked to _everyone_ with a green star over their heads.

    > >

    > > It may also be a matter of who you chose to ally with at the start- the much maligned Sunspear/Joko/independent choice. I chose Sunspears and got Sunspear/Kormir characters, choosing Joko gets Awakened showing up... perhaps choosing independent brings Faren in to fill the blank?


    > I chose the Sunspears my first time through, and I saw Faren there at the end (on a Norn).


    Same here, chose sunspear and he was there on my Sylvari. I do want to note, though, that he didn't have a green star over him, to my memory. He was just there amongst the people. I could talk to him, though.

  11. As far as we can tell, the Gods aren't interesting to the Elder Dragons. Balthazar traveled right in front of Primordus, stopped to set up some barriers and set up his machine to start it, and then flipped the switch without ever having Primordus act against him. In his weakened state, Primordus could have munched down on a tasty magical treat if he had wanted, but he never did.

  12. The only thing that comes to mind is the idea that perhaps dragon corruption isn't a natural part of being an elder dragon, and that if an Elder Dragon could be cleansed, perhaps their personality might change as well. Sadly we have no information proving that the Elder Dragons may have been benevolent or at least neutral at a time before something changed them.

  13. > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > > > Corruption is a transformative virus that needs a hive mind to spread naturally, and magic to proliferate. The Elder Dragons were excellent vectors. Their brains could host the hive mind, and their bodies could consume magic. So they were infected.

    > >

    > > That's putting a fairly biological scientific approach to something that is anything but. There's no indication that the Elder Dragons are not the source of their corruption, nor that their minds had changed due to external influences at any point in time.

    > >

    > > An interesting notion, but I feel that as far in as we are now, we'd have gotten at least a subtle hint to the idea if it were so.


    > Perhaps that's why they couldn't cleanse Kralkatorrik.


    > They still aren't technically dragons any more than fern hounds are canines and Sylvari are human.


    I personally find the idea that they tried to cleanse Kralkatorrik weird. I mean the cleansing ritual is used to remove the outside influence from a creature and allow it to make it's own decisions, but as far as we can tell, the Elder Dragons have free will. There is no reason to think that Kralkatorrik needed to be freed from the influence of anything.

  14. > @Arden.7480 said:

    > > @Narcemus.1348 said:

    > > To be honest, I would like to see possibly some closure on what is going on in the Mists without the gods, especially with the Sanctum!

    > >

    > > >! I mean it felt wrong for my character to leave the Sanctum falling apart in order to return with the sunspear knowledge. Especially leaving our guide through The Domain of the Lost behind!>!

    > >

    > > Though I don't know what exactly we could do.


    > you can check this while doing Griffon quest. :)


    That's what I was talking about.


    >! As far as I could tell, my only options were to collect the knowledge and scram leaving all of the spirits behind to the mercy of the random (otherwise associated with the underworld) realm of torment demons.

  15. I highly doubt that this is even an option. The fact that Caudecus sent a letter to E giving him information about the last Confessor of the White Mantle makes it nigh on impossible for it to have been his daughter who had not even defected to the Order of Whispers yet.

  16. To be honest, I would like to see possibly some closure on what is going on in the Mists without the gods, especially with the Sanctum!


    >! I mean it felt wrong for my character to leave the Sanctum falling apart in order to return with the sunspear knowledge. Especially leaving our guide through The Domain of the Lost behind!>!


    Though I don't know what exactly we could do.

  17. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > If you say there is no evidence of these dragons being constructs, the reverse is also true.

    > >

    > > Except everyone and their dog knows about dragon corruption being a thing.

    > >

    > > As such, in the face of no evidence whatsoever that these simply aren't corrupted dragons, it is the far, faaaar more likely option.


    > "Everyone and their dog" should also know that the Elder Dragons are fully capable of corrupting the landscape and making minions out of that. Otherwise branded earth elementals, branded sparks, branded storm elementals, icebrood ice elementals, etc. wouldn't be a thing. If they couldn't, the destroyers and mordrem would be completely different.


    > "Everyone and their dog" should also know that dragons are not so common place, or even so rare, that they can be corrupted by the Elder Dragons willy nilly, enough to fill the skies above the Shiverpeaks or above Orr with them.


    > "Everyone and their dog" knows that Risen Abominations are made by stitching together parts of corpses, so there's no reason to believe that Tequatl etc. aren't done the same, when we see no living, non-corrupted dragons.


    > The strongest evidence for all or most of these dragon lieutenants to not be corrupted dragons is the total and utter lack of non-corrupted dragons.


    Not to say I disagree, but I somewhat hope that the Tequatl type dragon minions are indeed the corpses of real dragons and turn out to have been the remains of the types of dragons that we see in bone dragon form in the original guild wars. But again, it is a speculative, as we never see any of those dragons living either...

  18. > @Rognik.2579 said:

    > I don't remember seeing Faren in the last instance, and I went around talking to everyone, from Dragon's Watch to the mount trainers. Maybe he only showed up for human players? I'm sure he wasn't there for my asura, despite talking to him in LA before leaving.


    He was there for my Sylvari as well...

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