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Posts posted by Yasi.9065

  1. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > [...]T4s are something that can be completed in about 30 minutes on average if people who know what they are doing just group up and go do it. [...]

    Im guessing you mean 30min per fractal and not 30min per iteration. And here's the thing... with a 2 weaver, chrono, druid, spellbreaker setup you need around 30min for three t4 fractals. Can be less if the right fractals are daily and your chrono knows the more tricky portals.

    And thats just the thing. You dont take that comp because of raid. Thats a total misconception on your part. You take chrono for the portals and pulls, both utilities that speed up any run quite immensely, and you take chrono for quickness, alacrity and moa on bosses to increase dps of weavers by what was it... 50-60%? Something around that. You take druid because of cc pets and buffs. Spellbreaker for removing boons, cc and buffs.

    Now tell me another 5man group setup that can cover the amount of buffs, cc, utilities and dps that the above mentioned setup brings.

    There is none. Its the best optimized setup for 5 man content and fractals in particular, where you actually need all that utility to speed up runs.

    Sure, you can run without boonstrip, but it will take considerably longer. You can run without portals, again... takes longer. You can run without buffs and cc... just takes forever to complete bossfight and you risk wiping repeatedly, which prolongs that daily pleasure even more.


    > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > [...]There is no reason to tag an extra 10 -20 minute wait time to form a raid meta team. [...]

    For one thing, if I have to pug, Im picky with the group I join. So I always plan in that around 30min extra wait time and go do something else ig... like do my daily gathering route, daily crafting etc. Thank god for multi tasking. Also, I can fill any spot in a "meta" group, so usually I shorten that waittime quite a lot.

    And then here's the above mentioned thing. If I wait 20min for a group to do t4 fractals, and that group finishes then daily t4 fractals in 30min instead of your 90min, that means I still finished 40min faster than when I joined a random unorganized group.


    > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > [...] Groups full of raid DPSers who fail to pull a heal druid. They go in and are often unable to survive the random nature of fractal AI. It seems they fail to understand that having ultra high DPS means nothing if you can't stay alive long enough to use it. Frequently being in downstate is also a loss in DPS for the players who have to stop DPSing and go revive the downed player. [...]

    What you are basically saying here is, that they should wait for a druid. Which is true, to a point, a druid would sure make it easier. You can however run full dps and still survive quite a lot with only the potions, your dodges and maybe a dh throwing out aegis once in a while. Important thing to survive most bossfights in fractals is to cc anyway and then do full burst, while dodging / sidestepping / healing up / preparing cc in between. Theres really no need to adapt any fractals build, if you grasped that basic understanding.


    > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > [...]Overly elitist attitude for a casual game mode that simply does not require raid elitism within a party to succeed. [...]

    Theres a difference between succeeding, and a smooth and fast daily run.


    > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > [...]who have adapted custom builds that might sacrifice 15% to 20% top DPS for the ability to carry bad groups in fractals. [...]

    Fun fact... I can just rotate my attunements and autoattack on my staff weaver, sidestepping nearly all attacks, dodging only if necessary, and do more dps than just about every "custom build" you can come up with. Thereby carrying by phasing bosses faster/killing mob groups faster. Sorry, but thats just a lame excuse. You cant carry others with a healing signet on warrior or condiheal trait on necro, or more tanky gear. Most of those arent even enough to carry yourself. And thats the kind of "custom builds" I see 99% of the time when someone isnt running meta.


    > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > [...]The kind of builds that are capable of solo'ing CM MAMA or finishing CM Ensolyss cap phase by itself if it has to, avoiding a boss fight reset and saving everyone time. [...]

    Im not joining a group under the premiss that Ill have to solo the content.


    > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > ~ There you have it. Someone needed to say it.

    Yep, same.



  2. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > [...]Well, not just optimized play, but the idea that optimized play is the only acceptable way of play that should be tolerated in the game. [...]


    Theres more than enough non-meta lfg-searches up each hour of the day to proof you wrong on that one. So I really dont understand what you are so up in arms about. You got kicked for trying to force your wishes on a lfg group? Is that it? Sorry, but if you dont like the lfg description of a group, dont join it. Simple as that.


    Or is it really that you want to get into a speedrun but dont want to bring the build/profession/training needed for it? I noticed thats the problem of about 90% of all those raging against "meta" in whichever game or gamecontent. What you have to realize at that point though, is that nobody wants to carry someone else in speedruns. Be it because of lack of skill or lack of proper build. Thats just not the concept of speedruns.


    Or maybe you think its ludicrous how people that dont even know the basics of speedruns try to emulate them by just bringing the same elite speccs? Well, yeah. It is ludicrous. However, if they want to do that... then let them. I usually can spot them easy enough and if its not a real speedrun group, I just leave on first boss. Again, dont see the point of being so aggressive about it.

  3. Uhm, sorry to burst that bubble, but how can there be more than 100% boon uptime?


    The reason for fractal meta isnt raid builds. Actually quite a bit changes are made to the builds compared to raid, and you can always easily spot the one guy that hasnt really grasped the difference between raids and fractals.


    For example... usually its a harrier druid in raid, but because of attunement, you can drop concentration even further and go for more power (or condi). Personally, I always run with healtrap + trait because most t4 fractals have some form of condition spam. Then also I usually dont bother with warhorn regen and instead go for pet swap fury with 2 cc pets, freeing up my offhand for axe or gaining better weakness application (quickdraw on axe3 instead of warhorn) for longer fights.

    Chronos also can drop concentration for more dps. You can switch out berserker for a spellbreaker and free up chrono 3rd utility slot on most fractals.

    Powerdps are the best burst and especially shine on short phases. And they gain most from +dmg mechanics in fractals. Though what a lot of people dont realize... most lfg groups have at least 2 people simply not good enough... resulting in either slow cc, slow burst or < 100% boon uptime which ofc results in low dps... In that case its better to just go with a condidps setup for more easy playstyle and constant dps.


    And then theres the other reason for powerdps meta in fractals. The builds are limited. If you put up a lfg for that setup, you only have to search for a chrono, buffdruid, bannerbot and 2 dh/weaver. The builds themselves are (or at least should be) somewhat fixed and you dont have to finetune things anymore. You know which player is responsible for which part of the gamemechanic. Fixed setups make lfg easier.


    If you open up to everybody, you still need someone for removing boons, cc'ing, buffing, dps. But you would have to invest quite some time to make sure you have the needed roles filled for a smooth and fast run. And thats what daily t4 fractals are about. A smooth and fast run. Without time spent to tell players what they should bring to make that happen. Hence the kinda fixed powerdps meta.


    Of course, nobody forces anyone to adhere to that meta. You can just make your own lfg open for everybody and muddle through. Might get lucky there and actually be faster. Or not. Its up to everybody.


    But keep in mind. If you join someone else's lfg, YOU have to conform to the lfg. Joining a lfg group and wanting to enforce your wishes, then crying because you get kicked, thats really quite childish.


    The beauty of fractals (and dungeons btw), is that you can either do them casual... and need more time. Or you can speedrun them, for which you need good players and an optimized setup. The distinction is in the lfg description of the group you join or create. Speedrunning doesnt have anything to do with raids btw, otherwise we would see more mirages in fractals.

  4. Soooo... I went and logged on an account that didnt unlock the collection... and its not showing, on my main account that has it unlocked I can search for garden and find it. So yeah, its probably hidden, not just locked, until you buy the plot. Which actually makes sense, since you cant use the seed items without the plots anyway.

  5. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > There is some contradicting information out there right now. Questions are:


    > 1. What is the currently preferred stat prefix for a mix of healing/damage? So far, I have multiple sources saying it's either Harrier, Marshal or Zealot. I guess the real question is how much healing is TOO much .. is that even a thing to have too much in raids?

    > 2. Is full zerker enough of a capable healing setup with a capable group? I suppose I could simply go in and test it, but I don't want to waste my groups time or my gold.


    Since your main job isnt actually healing, but rather keeping up might and fury nowadays, zerker is kinda dead. It was before because its been inferior to condi druid for ages, but now its just... full on dead ;)


    Just go with full harriers. If, for some reason, you dont have access to harriers yet, here's my non-pof druid ->


    Works only with nature magic, which makes this build more of a band-aid until you can get full harrier.


    @Regen build

    The usefulness of that build put aside, why would you even consider using minstrel? You get pretty much the same healing power with harrier/magi mix WITHOUT forcing chronotank to run high toughness. Sorry, but using minstrel on a druid has never been as useless as it is atm, and it usually is only needed by really bad players that cant survive without the extra defensive stats offered by magi/minstrel.

    And if you want to run regen build without having to use concentration sigil, harrier actually gets ahead in terms of healing power. Though tbh, healing power scaling is so bad, it just doesnt even matter how much of it you have on a healing druid, as long as its more than 1k for encounters like VG no greens.

  6. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > It is a royal PITA to have to go back to my Warrior just to ping stuff whenever I play one of my other characters....


    To be honest though, the source of the problem isnt missing titles, but rather that Anet didnt foresee the whole "killproof" thing as being necessary for pug raids. I honestly dont know how Anet envisioned how raiding would be done in GW2, probably they thought only guildgroups / friends would raid.


    Not toxic at all, that concept. /sarcasm off


    The problem also, is that the raid legendary armor looks like it... well looks. Im still surprised something THIS ugly and clunky and undye-able made it into GW2. But well, its not a gemshop outfit, so I guess Anet didnt put too much resources into it.


    Be glad we got at least a "killproof" title for 650 LI and exp on wing1-4. You only have to make 2 other full legendary sets for that, no matter that they are ugly as sin and badly animated to boot, with horrible dyes to top off the whole big fugly mess thats the legendary raid armor. Maybe in 3 years the sets get fixed to work without shaders and then you already have them.


    And after all, you can still transmute the legendary armor or just wear a gemshop outfit to hide it.


    Btw, Im working on getting the account bound mats for my last legendary set. So far the only armor pieces I did like, are the light shoulders. Thats pretty sad for 3 armor sets I put in so much effort, just for a title and to free up some bank space.

  7. Something I noticed, though its of no relevance in unranked... I get put in the same team with the same people quite a lot if I dont wait a bit with queueing to de-sync. At the same time, if I wait 3-5 min between queues, I get new players and still queuepop in 1-3 min, so its not because of small playerpool.



    No clue what my rating is, I havent played ranked in ages because of the shenanigans going on there with wannabes and ap hunters. I think it should be quite volatile still atm, and probably around silver to gold level. At least the players I get placed with arent very good, but not total noobs either. Just the usual gw2 players with basic understanding of conquest mode.

  8. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > Luck is just like the boosters and level tomes: for some, valuable, for others, junk. Those who are not maxed will still get value out of the luck drops.


    > Does anyone have any guesstimate on what percent of accounts have maxed luck? I think I hit 190% this week on my main.


    Boosters always have a value, same with tomes. Luck has absolutely no value when you are at cap. Its worse than junk, because you can sell junk.

  9. > @"Mikal Dynath.6195" said:

    > Yeah ... this is utter crap. Of course the majority of people upgraded to Pristines, they were the 'go to' currency before.


    > I get it, there's no way to change back Pristines now ... but that doesn't answer why the decision was made to screw over everyone with the exchange.


    Because it probably was easier to look at the amount of snowflakes already in the game and go from there to find a proper conversion rate, then the other way around.


    Sorry, I dont see the problem. Since you cant convert to tiny back anymore, nobody got "screwed". If you still could do that AND the conversion rates would be like that, then yes. But thats not the case. You'd rather have had other conversion rates? The result would have been "3 tiny convert to 1 new", leaving you hanging if you have 2 left.


    No, this is fine as it is.

  10. At least the worthless dyes and minis I can sell on the trading post. That essence of luck is just such a low punch. Its only good for one thing: destroying. So what I basically got was the added effort to pull that offending piece out of my inventory and confirm that I want to destroy it. Again, thanks Anet. Not enough I have to constantly destroy these fucking essences when salvaging, now I have to do the same when opening black lion chests. Every time I get one of those, be it through salvaging or achievement rewards, it just makes me so much more angry.


    I didnt rush capping luck. I just played the game, and now I constantly get told by Anet: you are done. Finish line.

  11. Even if raid bosses had tons of boons on them, Id probably rather bring a chrono and spellbreaker for that.


    No, forcing boon corruption into PvE is not the solution. De-coupling utility and DPS for necro however is. But thats never gonna happen, since that would mean a complete rework of necro, reaper and scourge.


    Protection and regeneration need rework, thats true. But rather regeneration should stack by intensity instead of duration and protection needs to work against conditions as well. Pure immunity for a short duration thats offered by resistance wont work very well with the planned changes to burstiness of conditions.

  12. Hey :)


    Quite a few lfg-squads seem to fail at this, mainly because too many are focusing on it.


    If you for example, push at the same time with Wild Blow and druid lb4, it can happen that the golem gets stuck or, worse, doesnt get pushed at all -> wasted 2 push skills.


    Chrono veils being used after Golem was already pushed out, due to the "casttime".


    Random pushes out of group back to mid because wild blow/glyph was used at a bad angle.


    And so on.


    So... what Ive seen work quite well... is putting down marks in four corners of the platform (NE, NW, SE, SW) and then let the chrono pull towards the closest mark, with druid/power slb using lb4 on quickdraw 2 times to throw off the platform. Epidemic is kinda needed if you dont have a dedicated pusher, otherwise golem will just wander back. Power slb with 2x lb can kill the golem alone, if you want an alternative to running with scourge. Both works just as well.


    If your warrior ABSOLUTELY wants to push with wild blow, then let him push after chrono pull, with druid finishing off with lb4. But keep in mind, the more people push/pull, the higher the chance for golem getting stuck or pulled back or pushed randomly somewhere on the platform.



  13. > @Blaeys.3102 said:

    > And many players would say they deserve the experience of that story without changing the way they have played since the game came out.


    > This idea that only raiders deserve that experience is not only pure BS, it is belittling to the vast number of players who bought this game specifically to get away from that kind of elitist attitude. I rarely use the term elitist (I think it is overused and misused in most cases) - but here, where were talking about people believing they are owed a story experience or lore wrap up that others are not, it definitely applies.


    > And, I would expect backlash from players like the OP (and, of course, me, but I'm pretty much white noise to the devs at this point) if this is a trend they plan to continue. Let raids be about the fights/challenge (which is what most raiders seem to care about) and leave story to the rest of the game.


    Thing is, though, the way story was so far implemented, you could experience everything of it except the actual bossfight, with someone opening the instances for you just fine.


    OP wants a story mode, so basically he wants to remove the difficult raidbosses. But thats exactly the same? Only difference: not having to put up a lfg for someone to open instance.


    I could understand this whole topic if the raiding community was so toxic as to not open instances for others to explore the story. But thats definitely NOT the case.


    So, while it might not be accessible in a conventional way, the story IS already accessible.


    The actual boss fight, if seen as part of that story, should then of course be done on the approbriate challenge level. Otherwise I want a storymode for every worldboss and mapwide meta event also.

  14. Afaik theres no version check on arcdps logs, and some arcdps versions were... very much in favour of certain builds. So you could run an outdated arcdps and getting inflated numbers.


    Theres another, less conspirational solution to that mystery, however. The shorter a fight, the less mechanics, the more dps in arcdps log.


    And ofc another thing is, the more players upload logs for lets say Mirage, the more logs are available to average that top 1% from. Also skewes the numbers slightly when comparing between professions.


    Imo what gw2raidar is missing, is the possibility to look at the complete logs for top 1%, maybe even top 10%, anonymized for everybody not having an account with gw2raidar or choosing so in the options.


    That way even Anets balance team could look at what exactly produces such high numbers ;)


    Back to topic however:

    I think Clone Mirage needs a fix, not because its highest dps on some bosses or even on testarena golem, but because it just doesnt feel intended. Clones are squishy, they are there to be shattered and not to be turned into better dps than illusions by a single trait. The whole concept of clones outdpsing illusions just rubs me wrong. Thats why I think the best solution would be to change the trait to... hold your breath... give your clones LESSER ambush skills, with reduced dps/utility. That way the ambush mechanic itself stays untouched for the Mirage, while reducing dps from clones.

  15. > @Genesis.5169 said:

    > Raids not that challenging and the raiding community mindset here is far more elitist then wow and ff14 combined and the raiding content is far harder and far more traditional in those games. As a hardcore raider i'm against this our community doesn't not need to become anymore toxic then it is, we have 80% of the game afraid to raid because you guys can't stand a wipe or off meta stuff.



    Its because most (a few exceptions) non-meta builds simply mean more work for others to compensate. In addition, my experience is that someone that doesnt bother with meta builds for raids just isnt that interested in raids anyway or doesnt want to spend the time practising, reading up or gearing up either. Not talking about someone trying out a new build that he or she theorycrafted and tried on golem. No, I mean people that think their wvw/openworld build and playstyle is enough for raiding and they dont have to improve anything. The whole mindset is wrong in that case and promotes toxicity. Because I can tell you, that guy is gonna fail most mechanics on top of having the totally wrong build with useless traits and stats.


    While, yes, it is correct that you can kill every boss with pretty much every build and comp... you cant do that with unexperienced players.


    Also, you are missing the point. Not having a statistic is why people are so toxic towards each other, not the other way around. A simple statistic showing:

    * how often you killed a boss

    * your preferred profession on each boss

    * how often you were dead on a successful kill

    would make it so much easier for players to find other players on their own skill-level. Not only that, but it would promote repeating bosses more than once a week without effecting the economy. The current system discourages players to raid more than once a week, which in my opinion isnt enough for players to actually "get good". Personal stats would be a way to reward practising, and also a way for "elitists" to show off other than youtube videos.


    And you forget, those toxic elitists would have to have a spotless record themselves. Quite a few I met that thought they were oh so good, actually were pretty mediocre themselves, while really good players are usually quiet and/or looking for something to improve or do better next time.



  16. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > The need to ping KP is a problem coming from community, not from the game. There is nothing to be fix on game's side.


    Not everybody wants to spend hours before each clear weeding out unexperienced players from experienced ones just to get a few boss kills. You remove killproof, you remove pug raiding, its as simple as that. Without a way to at least guess at someones experience beforehand, the tolerance for unexperienced or even only unknown players will decrease even more.


    Other games have detailed statistics you can view on each player, not just how many times someone killed a boss, but also avg dps, amount of deaths etc. And I mean, PvP statistic shows that its possible for anet to do something similar and then use either api or some kind of ingame statistics viewer for showing it.


    Simple truth is, Anet just doesnt care enough to funnel resources into developing something like that.


    And why should they? Less space in your bank tabs means you are more inclined to buy additional ones.

    Take me for example. I have nearly 1 stack of each guildhall ornament + 3 stacks of LI sitting in my bank. Thats 16 bank slots I cant use for anything else. And its just gonna keep growing. Next wing, its gonna be 19-20 bankslots permanent in use. Its a win-win situation for Anet.

  17. Thing is, I was in quite a few squads that tried support renegade, without warriors using FGJ... or even with warriors using FGJ, but chronos either having not enough boon duration (I think mostly due to firebrand runes) or failing their rotation, which led to fury dropping below 50% on bosses like gorseval or xera.


    And Ive seen healtempest getting more and more popular especially on matthias, but then squads failing at cc and burn/rain phases taking forever because dps is crappy due to lack of boons.


    Ive also been in squads with one healdruid as only healer, which works on semi to good players, but just doesnt work on beginners or casual squads.


    And yes, you can finish any boss with pretty much any comp, as long as people dont fail mechanics or rotations. But Im talking about pug raids here. I always expect people to not dodge hadoukens in pug raids. And theres always some not dodging.


    I just wanted to point out some obvious raid comp mistakes Ive seen people make, sensitize towards the issue with fury, EA, spotter and cc and offer some solutions / guidelines. ;)

  18. Hey :)


    After I had to suffer through some really strange ideas on reset raids today with lfg squads (no, 30% fury uptime is not enough ;) ), here are some raid comps Ive been in that worked.


    **LFG evergreen:**

    Group 1:

    - Chrono(tank)

    - Healdruid (as much boonduration as possible), with warhorn and 2 cc pets

    - 3x DPS*

    Group 2:

    - DPS Chrono

    - Condi/Healdruid, with tiger pet or warhorn (depending on if axe pull is needed) and cc pet(s)

    - CondiDPS Berserker with both banners and shattering blow (wild blow for samarog, matthias or if cc is low)

    - 2x DPS*


    **Revenant variant:**

    Group 1:

    - Chrono(tank)

    - Support Revenant

    - 3x DPS*

    Group 2:

    - DPS Chrono

    - Condi/Healdruid, with tiger pet / warhorn and at least 1 cc pet

    - CondiDPS Berserker with both banners + shattering or wild blow

    - 2x DPS*



    Group 1:

    - Chrono(tank)

    - Healdruid (> 80% boonduration), warhorn, 2 cc pets

    - 3x DPS*

    Group 2:

    - Chrono(tank)

    - HealTempest

    - CPS with 2 banners and FGJ (Phalanx Strength Gear + Trait)

    - 2x DPS*


    Regarding DPS: There are some combinations that just work better than others. For example, a holosmith and a condi renegade buff each others dps with their unique buffs and if you put them to the CondiWarrior/CPS for EA, holosmith does even more dmg.

    In general should power dps be in group with spotter and EA, but if you have for example 1x holosmith, 2x weaver, 1x renegade, 1x scourge, its best to put both weavers with CondiWarrior (and druid if possible), and holosmith with renegade and scourge.

    It always surprises me how much passive dps is lost in LFG squads, because commander doesnt sort the DPS correctly. And with the current balance patch, it got even more important imo.


    Above listed raid compositions all work. All have pros and cons, for example, the variant with healtempest has most continuous healing, but at the cost of DPS and CC.


    These raid comps ofc arent suited for speedclearing. The amount of healing and boons and boonduration is too much. But on LFG squads things go wrong. You usually have at least one guy that doesnt dodge mechanics, kills others with mechanics, or you simply miss dps and cant phase the boss fast enough.. So you need more healing, more boonsources and longer boonduration to make up for those times you have to rezz a lot or you cant wait that one second more for quickdraw procc without risking wipe and so on.


    There are other raid comps that probably work, I dont know all, but things like the 8-1-1 comp with only 1 chrono and 1 druid just dont work on LFG.

  19. Tempest brings the least in terms of buffs to a raid squad and even though tempest has much healing, that nice healing doesnt really matter because

    a) its locally bound (people have to either stay near you... or with the staff variant Ive been seeing, standing inside the waterfield you put down for them) and

    b) theres only 2 bosses where you have remotely a chance to use all that healing potential to carry to a kill.

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