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Posts posted by Alabastrum.9361

  1. Here is the thing though. If we arent talking about the upper end if player skill, where geardiff and foodbuff actually start to matter. Then we arent talking about class balance yet.


    I used exotic gear till 2018 and when I finally upgraded to asceded. Oh boy did it matter. I cant even count how many times I hot away with less than 1k Hp (There is no use in prettending I had lived with exo)

    Also every time your opponent lives with under 5% Hp he could have been dead.


    Because there are dmg modifiers for example Bonus dmg bellow 50%,ä.

    A dmg inrease of 10% can be the difference of a 13k and a 8k combo.

    (example used lvl 3 Eviscerate to swap Arcing slice)


    And lets not pretend there was class blance back in 2015, shall we.

    Take your time to learn and beat whats new, if your an experienced pvp player this should be easy enough no matter the current imbalance of the game.

    You called yourself an ex top 50 after all.


    Like I said there were a alot of changes.

    (Example for ranger you could Gs5 resets Gs2 so you could cc to Gs2 (wait for stunbreak/roll) Gs5 to (mixup wait for roll) Gs2 again. For about 10k dmg(could be higher depending on vuln from core ranger, sicc em, might, merge from sb)

    LB 4 to LB2 with sicem and quickening zephire still eats ppl in 2020 as well.


    No hard feelings if you dont its not for everyone.

    If you are looking for 1v1s

    There are custom PvP server made by players for this purpose an these 1v1 arenas are by far the best place for fair fights. (On weekends or on Evenings ofc)

    (EU server)


    If you want free for all there is always the arena in heart of the mist. In WvW you would need to have great patience to find 1v1 at the usual.

  2. You seem to play WvW. So you should be aware that with exotic gear you have significantly less stats. idk the exact number(for dmg weapon is the most important like 10%more dmg with ascended). Furtrmore WvW allows food of any kinfd. Ascended food gives a lot of stats. The food with %dmg reduction is especially broken as it calculates in way too many stats, just like the boon protection.


    Having noticed that you dont do the same dmg anymore, you should read tje prob most important Patchnotes of tje lasr 5 years (mostly the ones from feb 25th 2020)

    Its not just ranger all dmg got nerfed.


    You might need to adjust your gameplan and you cant rely on your old habbits necessarily.


    Ir consider actually playing sPvP with is considerably more balanced.(stat equality, as well as cd readjustments)

  3. Acid bomb needs a tooltip update, so the damage dealt by the skill is more clear (like on other AoE skills like wells ex. 3450(5x)). Currently it only displays the dmg of one hit.


    Furthermore it does lack a range indicator (red circle) for opponents to see.

    Currently there is no red circle and only a weak visual effect that easily camouflages with the ground. (that said a red circle would be good enough.)


    It most certainly does more damage than it should as well (regarding its cd and utility), but that is another topic.


    Such a fix would be greatly appreciated and could also prevent newer players from dying while rezzing a down on an almost invisible AoE.

  4. Aside from nades and the free might stacks on high heat there is sth I want to mention that is quite disgusting.


    Corona Burst hits twice and so it quite often happens that you interrpt or stun the holo inbetween the hits. That doesnt interrupt the second hit and furthermore this second hit can proc EE for aboit 2.5k dmg. So Holosmith gets to hit me for arround 4 k dmg from disatvantage which is equal to a tier 2 axe burst from warrior.

  5. > @"kmark.8519" said:

    > I just returned to play after 2 years and after a few weeks, what can I say, I can't recognize my beloved class. There are no words how nerfed and weak this class became in pvp. I don't know what happened, I won't read 2 years of patch notes, but I don't think this class was in a worse state - compared to the other classes - before (i'm talking about pvp, not playing other game modes atm).


    1. For the mist important changes simply read the patch notes from February 25th.

    2. War isnt the strongest 1v1 class anymore, shit happens.

    3. With solid fundamentals and knowledge/muscle memory of war mechanics you should still be fine and in a good spot.

    4. The main Difference is that we play with mending instead of Heal Signet. You may need to learn when to use it.(it is one of the strongest Heals in the game now)

    5. In 2 years there were quite some skill reworks (mostly on other classes) and we all know the quote from the art of war I assume. Knowing what your enemy can do is arguabky more important in this game in the first place. (examples Explosive Entrance and the stability on weavers)

    6. There is always the iption to betray your beloved war and ride the flavour-of-the-balance-patch-builds (aka the OP builds). But that is just messed up.

  6. I would be glad to back up my claims with duells. I mostly play on weekends in the evening. I also have the pass to armistice bastion. Or there is always pvp. In wvw its even easier to fight condi thanks to signet of cleansing( up to3condi clear per 10sec) and rune of durability(1sec Resistance every 20sec).


    Like I said I play core defense. My build has an exreme amount of condi clears. You can still die to condi but as long as you play it right. You can even resustain against condi builds in 1v1 =)


    About the simiar skilllevel thing. If you want to succesfully solo roam you need to have more skill than the players you could be facing. After all its not like everyone runs arround alone.

    If you want to fight ppl on similar skillevel ranked pvp is a better place to go.

    (althoug conquest is in its essence more about nodes and points rather than fights)


    Write me ingame if you want to take me up on my offer. I will probably not be online till friday afternoon/evening.


    See you on the battelfield

  7. Disclaimer

    Im playing a core defense war and also play core tactics occasionly (EU). I think Spb has alot less problems because it has boon removal and more defense while running Berserker stats. Althoug I much prefer somone that plays spellbreaker to speak up and give intel on its state.


    The only class or rather builds war has very little chance or stalemates with are.

    1. bunker ele (bunker condi)

    its hard to lock them down because they

    have a lot of stunbreaks heal and


    if your not running tactics or berserkers

    power its a stalemate pretty much

    2. Power Ranger LB/GS

    It is very hard to pressure them an

    without Objects to hide behind its a

    nigtmare to fight.

    3. Power scourge. Although this one could

    be simply on me. I do not really know

    how to fight really good scourge players.


    Hard machups would prob be.

    Holo, thief maybe guardian(especially Symbolbrand with Axe)


    Even enough.

    Power Rev, condi Ranger, Mesmer(any build), Elementalist, Engineer( not Holo and no acid bomb abuse), Reaper, core Guardian



    Easy matchups

    core necro, condi rev (althoug can be stalemate depending on your build.


    Btw. you said war was a joke the last year. Before February patch warrior was arguably one of the best Duellist. Stalemate with Ranger and bunker ele, aside from that all very doable and favourable matchups.

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