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Everything posted by Loboling.5293

  1. I gotta say, I don't encounter too many bots. I've seen maybe 1/15 games so far. But I wanted to comment how funny it is that some bots are making it to plat. That's hilarious, cause I was just responding to a guy wondering how to climb the brackets. It's funny all my advice seems pointless if a bot can do it by just playing a lot of games and getting lucky. Haha
  2. I played only silly joke builds last season and dropped to silver 3. This season I'm playing a bit more seriously (no matches with builds I've never tried, outside of game I misclick and select the wrong gear template to go the correct build template before a match) Now, I'm sitting about to enter plat, like when I try hard. I figure I can make it into plat again if I don't mess around too much. Moral of the story. Good players get to higher rating and bad players stay in lower rating. If you're not getting higher, it's cause you're not good enough to carry through the bad games of your bracket yet. There's a reason when I'm struggling up a bracket, at least 60% of my games are as close as 50 points by the end. Close games you barely wins, by pulling your team across the finish line is how you rank up. If your skills have gotten better as a solo player, now you need to get good enough to make up for the 50% bad players the MMR system puts you with the balance the match. You need to overcome that obstacle, like everyone in plat+. You could always team up, but I've never done it for a season and I've still made plat many time. Although usually plat 1-2 only. And there are players better than me. I'm sure with more time, you'll find some builds that you can use to either tilt the enemy team. (Far point trolls). Support your team through team fights (support). Or play a build that can allow you to quickly tear apart the enemy rotations. (Holo is best for that right now) You need to do more than play good to win at this game. You need to give your team an edge and put the enemy team on the backfoot, while staying alive and capturing points. If you're just running mid, and your team gets wiped and this repeats over and over until the end. You probably belong in your bracket. But if you find ways to reduce the loss one game, eventually you'll turn some very close games and that's how you shift the 50/50 ratio. To reach higher brackets. You have to barely win the games you were meant to lose. Good luck!
  3. Sadly, as I understand it, it's coming out the same day. It would've been great to have a week or more in my opinion.
  4. Only do the grind if you love PvP. I've heard that the other sources (raids, and even wvw) are faster than the PvP legendary armor. Having said that, I grinded legendary armor in PvP, since I don't raid and prefer it over wvw usually. I enjoyed it and started to work towards a second set, although it's been forever that I make any real progress on that. I mostly just PvP for fun and one day expect to get another set. Still if you love PvP, and grind hard, you can get it in about 3-4 seasons. Or you only play a game or two a day, it'll take more like 8 seasons I think. Obviously, it is possible to save up in a single season. But you'd have to never sleep and just PvP probably... Good luck!
  5. What passive cc btw? Are you talking about the casted skill shocking aura? It only lasts a few seconds. But I barely play ranger, if you want to make the skill have no counter play, give it a 60 second cooldown. Enjoy it, but I think most ranger mains would prefer the skill factor and lower cooldown.
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