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Posts posted by Bazsi.2734

  1. I think it's perfectly fine. Dragonhunter is clearly a class balanced to survive through blocks, damage mitigation and cleanses. The lack of mobility is offset by giving them a ranged option.

    i DoN'T sEe aNy pRoBLeM gIvING a SpEC lIkE tHaT sTeAlTh aNd MoBiLItY. So stop complaining and just... stop playing like I did. Haven't logged for a week and boy the balance feels way less problematic now.

  2. Just learn to appreciate getting killed by AI. After all the lack of balance patches clearly indicates that we reached perfection. Yet you still complain, nothing is ever good enough for you...

    Next time you get perma-immobilised by a druid and getting mowed down by pets and minions, just think about this comment and learn to be thankful. Everything is as it should be.

  3. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Multiclassing does make you a better player, but only to a certain point.


    > There actually is a bell curve here where continuing to multiclass at deeper levels of experience will actually make you a worse player.


    > In the beginning when people are less than 5000 games played, it is a good thing to multiclass and go at least 500 games on each class, to get a very well rounded idea of each of them. But past that point a player needs to choose a main to specialize in, or they'll never reach certain peak levels of experience & knowledge on a single class.


    > In other words, you multiclass only to the point that it allows you to firmly understand each class. Then dump the rest of your experience into one main class.


    Yes, please stop multiclassing or you'll never get good. Now just wait a tiny bit, we are changing our build here and there... no don't you reroll, you won't get good unless you spam your deadeye burst into our reflects, come on now!

  4. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > Don't drag staff elementalist down to the level of the average GW2 PvPer. The fact that a player can miss an attack on ele staff is evidence that it has a skill ceiling at all. It's quite rare in this game.


    I assume you are answering to this comment:

    > @"Zinzon.4081" said:

    > Also auto misses all the time despite de animation clearly hitting them. It just says "miss" as long as they move even in constant direction...


    A projectile missing even though it shouldn't is not a skill issue. It's most likely a desynch somewhere between the clients and the server, as you often clearly aim the right way, see your projectile tracking the right way, only to go poof at the end. No it's not blocked/dodged/sidestepped, it just misses for no evident reason. I'm pretty sure the server knows why, but I only know what my client tells me, and my client just showed me that I clearly connected that shot. So far the only fix I've found is to either fire these skills point blank, or play something else that does not heavily depend on projectiles... as RNG can literally make you lose a necro vs deadeye duel as the thief.

    The laggier the server, the worse this problem is btw.


  5. > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > > > @"John.8507" said:

    > > > > > Finally won a match after 5 losses, and got a measly 10 points? Whats the point:O

    > > > >

    > > > > Rating change is only based on who you've beat/lost to. The game paired you up with a team that was much weaker than you(at least based on their rating). Also if you really hit the wall around 1100, you do not want to climb just yet. If you were to be matched against 1600-1700-ish rated plat players, that would just be a curbstomp.

    > > > > Play against players on your own level, improve and you'll climb in the process.

    > > > > If you aren't climbing, thats because you're not improving.

    > > >

    > > > I wouldn't call this problem and solution . I can show you when I play weekend 10-15 loses in a row and this happens only weekends. Well we could argue if we/I too low in rank or them I can only call this kind of situation nightmarish .

    > >

    > > Takes 30 games for me to reach my rating on average. That is fast enough for me. If you take much much more than that, maybe you're overestimating your own skill in relation to the playerbase.

    > >

    > > > It is also unfair because it doesn't include the actually rank of the enemy team vs you in the point system.

    > >

    > > I don't know what you mean by this, it literally does.

    > No it doesn't it takes your point ratio in the matchup who you fighting is irrelevant as yourself said before. What other PvP games do is take the ranking of who you won/lost to and gives / takes from you according to it points + how you performed. This varies from game to game a bit but in general the good games do this this way.


    No I didn't say anything like that, actually READ what I've typed out. Here is a thread where the OP is full of links and explanation on how glicko-2 works:


    (If the OP of this thread is still reading, in the linked material is the exact math that answers your original question)


    Just think about it, if your own rating wouldn't be a factor in who you're playing against, what would be the point to having matchmaking at all?

    > >

    > > > On the other hand if you have enough lucky encounters with out you contributing much you can go up to the highest rank.

    > >

    > > And some people win the lottery. You're hearing about it all the time, yet in actual reality it never happens.

    > If you looking in this form you can find core eles in platin rank which tells you everything.



    Which tells me what exactly? That good players can carry less viable specs into "high" ratings? We have balance problems but its not THAT bad. I myself wouldn't play this game if choosing a spec would determine my rating.

    > True you can still have this luck with this other system but the probability is much lower because you can't feed on lower ranked this much and when you lose once against such a team you fall harder then in the current system. Naturally this works also in reverse. This also works against match up manipulation where people tries to snipe noobs to farm points/rank at certain times.


    Everything seems to have a different definition with you... match manipulation is where you have at least one mole in the enemy team, and that player throws the match so you can win. Playing at certain times and being matched up against noobs certainly does not qualify as manipulation by itself.




  6. > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > @"John.8507" said:

    > > > Finally won a match after 5 losses, and got a measly 10 points? Whats the point:O

    > >

    > > Rating change is only based on who you've beat/lost to. The game paired you up with a team that was much weaker than you(at least based on their rating). Also if you really hit the wall around 1100, you do not want to climb just yet. If you were to be matched against 1600-1700-ish rated plat players, that would just be a curbstomp.

    > > Play against players on your own level, improve and you'll climb in the process.

    > > If you aren't climbing, thats because you're not improving.


    > I wouldn't call this problem and solution . I can show you when I play weekend 10-15 loses in a row and this happens only weekends. Well we could argue if we/I too low in rank or them I can only call this kind of situation nightmarish .


    Takes 30 games for me to reach my rating on average. That is fast enough for me. If you take much much more than that, maybe you're overestimating your own skill in relation to the playerbase.


    > It is also unfair because it doesn't include the actually rank of the enemy team vs you in the point system.


    I don't know what you mean by this, it literally does.


    > On the other hand if you have enough lucky encounters with out you contributing much you can go up to the highest rank.


    And some people win the lottery. You're hearing about it all the time, yet in actual reality it never happens.

  7. > @"John.8507" said:

    > Finally won a match after 5 losses, and got a measly 10 points? Whats the point:O


    Rating change is only based on who you've beat/lost to. The game paired you up with a team that was much weaker than you(at least based on their rating). Also if you really hit the wall around 1100, you do not want to climb just yet. If you were to be matched against 1600-1700-ish rated plat players, that would just be a curbstomp.

    Play against players on your own level, improve and you'll climb in the process.

    If you aren't climbing, thats because you're not improving.

  8. I think renegade needs more visual clutter. It would be ideal that after dropping 3 spirits at once, our screen would be just white noise. Also right now we only see the clutter if we are directly looking at the teamfight. I'd like it to be centered on my screen even when im dueling on another node, several thousands of units away. A-net get on it please!

  9. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    >> > Core necro is just flat out overtuned. Damage was nerfed, sustain wasn't,

    > Just ignore the facts already posted in this thread:

    > > spectral armor nerfed

    > > spectral walk nerfed

    > > signets nerfed

    > > unholy martyr nerfed

    > > carrapace nerfed

    > > unholy sanctuary nerfed

    > > foot in the grave replaced with an inferior gm trait (loss of a stunbreak and a stability source, both has a huge impact for necro)

    > Yeah absolutely no sustain nerfs.



    Damage was nerfed - we both know I meant the february patch. So what makes you think this list is what I'm talking about when I say sustain? What I'm talking about is the planned sustain nerfs that tone down healing and damage reduction radically across the board. Noone cares that Spectral Armor got a CD increase from 40 to 45 seconds.

    TECHNICALLY you're right though, necromancer sustain was tinkered with. Good job on noticing.


    > > infact you can even heal in shroud(you werent able for the first 6 years of this game).... if you ever feel like roleplaying as a raidboss, core necro is the perfect choice.

    > Great, you saw that meme video of a player sustaining a few noobs in wvw (incl. gear that is not available in pvp and an elite (snow leopard) that is not available in pvp). That guy could also have played ele, scrapper or bunkerbeast with the same outcome.


    I form these opinions based on how the class feels after I played them. But I appreciate the suggestion that I'm dumb enough to be influenced by a meme video. Good faith discussions are indeed boring.


    > Core necro is completely in line with other bunkers. It is number 1 in facetanking damage...

    What comes after the **but** will be irrelevant given how thats all you need to do in this current meta. Congrats on the contradiciton game speedrun.

    >...but has also the lowest mobility and the lowest stability access. People seem to have more of a problem with a class that soaks up damage instead of a class that is unkillable because of a mix of evading, blocking, healing, denying critical hits and kiting.


    Yes, why should a tryharding weaver or firebrand be as durable as a necro simply standing there?


    > > In general I would like to see the sustain of everything (not just necromancer) cut in half. There is not enough emphasis on avoiding damage in general, but necromancer in particular....

    > This argument does not make sense. Why focussing on necro if several things are problematic?


    Nice meme! Why focus on part of the problem when there are other parts too? HeY lOoK oVeR tHErE!

    If posting about necromancers in a thread about necromancers makes no sense to you... I'm so sorry!

    > I don't see a concept of overal sustain reworks in this thread.

    I just presented you one: Cut everything in half. Its unrefined, probably a terrible idea, but TECHNICALLY a concept of overall sustain rework.

    > I just see whining about a class with obvious counters to an extent that it is not viable in tournaments curently.

    Oh I can do this one aswell!

    " I just see irrational simping about a class with obvious problems to an extend that it is hard to take it seriously."

  10. Strenghts and weaknesses define a class. A reaper with berserker amulet, reapers onslaught and speed runes is not a "slow moving, hard hitting juggernaut", it's a thief without stealth. Also reaper does not have a viable build that fits the original design, but most of its kit still reflects it. And it's weird, how it is a mix of slow, heavy hitting attacks and rapidfire multi-hit combos boosted by quickness. What the **** is reaper even supposed to be at the moment?


    Core necro is just flat out overtuned. Damage was nerfed, sustain wasn't, infact you can even heal in shroud(you werent able for the first 6 years of this game).... if you ever feel like roleplaying as a raidboss, core necro is the perfect choice.


    Scourge is basicly a slightly less tanky core necro with team support. In theory scourge gave up a whole lot of sustain to achive this support capability... but with the lowered damage it just doesn't feel like it. It takes almost as much investment to kill a menders scourge as it takes to kill a core necromancer. Except whatever AoE cleave you do in the process is nullified by all the barriers and condiconversion.


    In general I would like to see the sustain of everything (not just necromancer) cut in half. There is not enough emphasis on avoiding damage in general, but necromancer in particular.... This used to be a class requiring you to be extremely aware of the battleground, shrould used to be a tool for defense, people kept saying "learning to kite? play necromancer". The current iteration of necromancer is a dumbed down spammy cluster****. You can make mistakes without consequences on no end.

  11. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > Imagine complaning about guard in late 2020 lol

    > > > >

    > > > > Anyways necs are pretty much the only class that can play all specializations (reaper scourge and core all viable) and not be a throw pick in this game that alone says a lot.

    > > >

    > > > -wrong-

    > > >

    > > > 'in the continuation of the best builds series I introduce to you what possibly the strongest yet burn firebrand'

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > The video has the word "PvE" in the title...


    > Have you tried it in PvP?


    There is no expertise amulet in PvP, not to mention all the trait and skill splits between the gamemodes. This build does not exist in PvP, there is nothing to try. Stop citing builds from other gamemodes, they are irrelevant here.

  12. > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > > > stealth should cancel upon any skill activation, whether it hits or not.

    > >

    > > WoW has infinite duration stealth, and that does not end upon skill activation. But the 3 second long GW2 stealth definitely should... the sound of reason is deafening.


    > I thought about what I said after I posted it. I take back what I said. I actually like the implementation of stealth a lot in GW2, and I like the difference between it and WoW. In WoW, you do have infinite out of combat stealth and very little access to stealth in combat. In GW2, there is a lot of access to stealth in combat. And I think that is honestly way more fun. So I retract my statement. I like stealth in this game. However, I don't like the broad spectrum of classes that have so much access to incombat stealth. So thieves having stealth is fine to me, cause that's how it should be. Thematically it makes perfect sense.


    > When the game was knew, I did arah path 3 and I saw this engineer use a smoke field and a bomb while we were out of combat and stacked, to give us stealth so we can run through the spider cave. and to be honest, it was one of the coolest things I remember when i first played this game. Seeing that combination to give everyone stealth. But Anet kinda abused it and stealth has gone off the rails.


    > For starters, Trap runes dont belong in PvP. And classes that are not thief that can perform stealth, shouldn't have instant access to it. It should require some kind of set up. Like blasting or leaping through a smoke field.


    What... did you just admit to being wrong and change your mind? THATS ILLEGAL!


    You even said things I agree with and can relate to, this is absolutely horrible. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


  13. > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

    > > the work to apply the change then is very minor **though we don't know how much testing it needs**.


    Evaluating how the change will ripple through different gamemodes(what possible balance changes would be needed etc.), making at least one coder familiarise him/herself with a decade old code written by someone else, and testing to find the unintended consequences resulting in further changes to the code...


    Yes if you ignore all the work needed and only focus on typing 2 lines of code, the process of typing/commenting out an if clause is indeed simple and fast. So we agree and everyone is happy.

  14. > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > Reveal upon casting an attack is already in the game (Death Judgement), but reveal upon block/evade needs new code,

    > >

    > > Would that actually require much new code?

    > > A hit connecting to a target without a defense already strips stealth.

    > > I think a hit connecting to an invincible target also strips stealth.

    > > I doubt it would be all that different to check whether the hit connected with a block or with an evade.


    > it is A LOT more likely (probably a million times), that upon a hit there is a sepific exception that says "if blocked/evaded, don't destealth" than that there is an extra code for each type of hit. so the whole change would be just the removal of a really small if clause, mabye 5-10 LOC, depending on how many factors are considered specifically in that part of the code (think of unblockables for example). the work to apply the change then is very minor though we don't know how much testing it needs.


    Thats 8+ year old spagetti code, wrote by people who moved on. If you think you can just go in, open it up and solve it right away, please apply for a job at A-net, they are in need of talent like you.

  15. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > Guys, this thread isn't turning off swapping BEFORE a match starts.

    > >

    > > It is about turning off character/class swapping AFTER the match starts.

    > >

    > > There is plenty of time for a player to choose what they are going to play before the match starts. They shouldn't be able to swap characters after it begins.


    > what about switching class right before the match starts, locking the other team into an unfavorable match up?


    One of the reasons I can't take GW2 tournaments seriously is because you can swap classes at all. You should be able to decide on what teambuild and what tactics you want to play before clicking the join button. It's not ranked where matchmaking can give you terrible comps, you are in control. Upon loading in and seeing what the enemy is running, your classes/skills/traits should already be locked.

    If your teambuild is totally hardcountered by what the enemy is running, though. Maybe don't use that comp next time?

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