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Posts posted by Trise.2865

  1. Here's the thing: You're being pulled out of the game regardless. Reading factual, meta-knowledge information about the game and its world fundamentally breaks immersion *on its own*. The mechanism that delivers it is irrelevant.

  2. Okay, but why? All you've said here is "I want it". How does this benefit them? How does this benefit me? How does this benefit you?


    Also, I don't think paid much attention to GW1. Literally everyone complained about how unnecessarily hard GWAMM was to get, or Obsidian armor, or Destroyer/Tormented weapons... that's why things are the way they are now.

  3. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > Another Greatsword spec for the sake of being a Greatsword spec?


    > I think I'm going to channel Deputy Mira for this one.

    > _"By the gods, there are so many of them!"_


    Okay, name another weapon the Revenant doesn't already have that fits this combat style. I'll wait...

  4. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > Not a sceptre/ritualist = I enjoy.


    > Having the third auto be a "prepare for enemy to hit, then counterattack" in sheated stance sounds pretty strange to me though.

    > In PvP it would have similiar problems to the old ranger GS evade, while in PvE it would just feel awkward to just stand there waiting for an enemy to attack/hit you.


    > I'm also not too fond of minion/pet classes. AI can be wonky. Especially if your damage relies on it (mimic mechanic).

    > Nonetheless it is an interesting take on a new specc.


    Two things:

    I deliberately templated the counter abilities after existing ripostes: You can wait for the counter, or pop it to attack "now". The slight counter delay does have hidden tech, allowing the player cancel into another attack Sheathed-version skills instead of waiting or cancel-attacking. Furthermore, I had envisioned this first two hits of the chain to cycle much faster than the typical 1 skill, both to compensate for the pause, and break up the "11111 spam" mentality (but this is the job of the balance teams, and not my place to say). I suppose it could be reworked as an effect of Chain 2 to enter Sheathed and Counter, and have Chain 3 be the "release attack", if that would be more clear...


    The sword spirit isn't a pet. It's a familiar; another weapon that your character is wielding. It's closer to a Gyro or Aura than a Pet or Minion, with functionality like Torment. I'll admit it was inspired by Ventari's Tablet, but is not at all the same thing.

  5. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Revenants call upon echoes of once living spirits/characters. Who would it be channelling in this concept? Your idea can stand with a sentient sword (Marjory has something similar with her sword imbued by her sister's spirit), but it needs to have an actual Legend it can call upon


    I was going to attribute it to Archemorus (who famously used a spear, so... not the best fit), but I decided to keep it deliberately vague for creativity reasons. Besides, who says the Legend you channel has to be an historical figure, just because all of them have been so far? or that the being had to have been alive? or that the being has to have died? Revenants channel *memories* and *consciousness* from The Mists, which has nothing to do with material being. If it's in The Mists, has consciousness, and has powers to draw, a Revenant could channel it.


    But, for the sake of argument, here's a few concepts:

    They could be channeling the unified spirit of thousands of ancient swordmasters into their weapon (a very literal Soul of the Sword), or a Guardian Spirit of the Sword. They could be channeling their past/future self (the Mists are eternal, time has no meaning) and *their own* legend.

    They could channel a specific sentient sword, like Magdaer, or sword master, like Talon Silverwing, or even War himself, Balthazar.

  6. If you think about it, the Revenant is fairly similar to a Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition Warlock with the ability to change Patrons for different boons and benefits. Using the Hexblade archetype as inspiration, I thought about what it might be like, having a semi-sentient weapon as your Legendary Spirit. Here's my take:


    The Revenant Soulblade masters hidden techniques of the Greatsword and channels the Legendary Sword Spirit to empower their attacks and disrupt their enemies.


    Greatsword: Using blade drawing techniques, the Soulblade's Greatsword is both an offensive and defensive weapon.

    * Drawn Stance / Sheathed Stance: The primary mechanic of this Greatsword, it will have skills that switch between offensive and defensive stances, and have mildly different effects depending on which one you were in. Combat will always begin in Drawn stance, though nearly every move will swap stances, so it's important to think about skill order.

    * Their primary attack chain has the least amount of difference between the stances. The first two hits would apply fairly standard Bleeding stacks, with the Third preparing a Counter Hit: either blocking an incoming attack and responding with big damage and Bleeding (entering Sheathed stance), or quickly Released for a PBAoE attack (and returning to Drawn stance).

    * Another move will be an attack I call Vacuum Cut. In Drawn Stance, it will create a big, horizontal slash that spreads out in front of the Soulblade in a wide arc (similar to Guardian Staff 1) and enter Sheathed Stance. If already in Sheathed Stance, it will instead release a line attack straight ahead at a longer range, and enter Drawn Stance.

    * A third skill is a defensive ability called Cut from the Air. In Drawn stance, this move will destroy projectiles and Knock Down nearby enemies. In Sheathed stance, this move will Reflect projectiles briefly, then Knock Back nearby enemies.

    * An important skill for this to work is the fast-activating Draw/Sheath. This allows the Soulblade to swap stances near-instantly (instead of using a move), and gain Protection (if Drawn swapping to Sheathed) or Might (if Sheathed swapping to Drawn). This move should also Break Stun, with Energy cost and/or Cooldown to compensate.

    * Though I have plenty of ideas for a fifth skill, I'll leave the last one intentionally blank, to see what they/you all come up with.


    Special Mechanic: The Soulblade gains Energy slower than a base Revenant, but is able to maintain a Spiritual Weapon attached to you that attacks when you attack, and can mimic skills similar or complimentary to yours, regardless of what weapon you wield or Legend the Revenant is channeling! But, equipping the Legendary Sword Spirit gives additional options.


    Legendary Sword Spirit: Call upon the Soul of the Blade to defend yourself, or buff yourself and allies. (No, there is no bonus for owning an actual Legendary Sword/Greatsword... but it would look *amazing*.)

    * Blade Infusion: Activate Legendary Sword stance again to cause your Spiritual Weapon to merge with your existing weapon(s) for a short time. It's attacks will be disabled, but grant you Might stacks and Quickness while active.

    * Gift of Blades: You send your Spiritual Weapon to guard a specific Target Area, dealing damage as normal, but to the target area instead of your target. Up to 1 ally inside the target area will also trigger your Spiritual Weapon damage when they attack. The Spiritual Weapon returns to you at the end of its duration or if you use another Legendary Sword skill.

    * Flying Sword: Fling your Spiritual Weapon in a straight line, dealing damage and briefly setting up a Gift of Blades area at the line's end or the first enemy it hits.

    * Dancing Defender: While you Channel this ability, your Spiritual Weapon stops attacking and Blocks incoming attacks instead. If used while Gift of Blades is active, it does not end the field, and instead enemies are prevented from entering the Gift of Blades for as long as you channel Dancing Defender (or the remaining duration, which ever is sooner).

    * Thirsting Blade (Heal): Whenever your Spiritual Weapon attacks (regardless of where it is), you heal a small amount. Allies (including yourself) inside a Gift of Blades also heal that amount.

    * Storm of Swords (Elite): Stack two Gift of Blades Areas at the same target area (or around yourself) and activate Blade Infusion on yourself. These Storms of Swords deal damage as a normal Gift of Blades, and each reading different allies.

  7. Should there be more options for customizing your personal play habits? Absolutely.

    Does that mean there must be a virtual dollhouse to play in? No.


    There's no fault in MMO games being "unfocused", but there are limits to how far that focus can widen before it loses itself; loses sight of its goals and identity.

  8. You don't win with stats in this game. A character geared in the free Exotics from level-up is just as capable as someone in full Ascended/Legendary. Try experimenting with your skill order, timing, and combinations, your positioning and tactics, enemy movements and weaknesses, other players, etc., etc.. Military types call these "force multipliers". In other words: "play".


    You'd be amazed at the kinds of things you can do that the game doesn't force you to learn (or re-learn).

  9. That's neat in theory, but Tonics are a superior option for any transform-related concept (that isn't situation-specific, like a Mount or Glider, or complex costuming, like Outfits). They can be used with any skill and trait combination, and use all pre-existing animations.


    If anything, a mechanical Transformation would be *detrimental* to gameplay, because Transforms are mutually exclusive. Equipping this would prevent you from Mounting up, or using a different tonic, or eating certain foods, or participating in certain Events...

  10. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > Guild Wars 2 is about doing more than just swinging a sword. The result is lots of mini-games in Fractals and ‘F’ pressing everywhere. Lots of circle on the ground mechanics, too. Do you like this design?


    > I, personally, do not like gw2 imitating platformers and other games that it is not. I just want to kill bad guys. But I’m sure some people are happy doing something other than killing mobs.


    The two aren't mutually exclusive, as you can plainly see.


    > Which boat are you in?


    The bay tour boat in Labyrinthine Cliffs. It's a lovely ride, if a bit quiet without a proper guide.

  11. > @"Undertaker.4368" said:

    > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > Did you file reports or just write an angry letter?

    > > Did you wait for them to process your report, or expect an insta-ban? (and do you have any idea how abusable that would be?)


    > As i wrote i play since season 5 alomost 3 years. Reports worked but now isn't even if multum players report same person.


    Did you consider the people "multiple players" were reporting might not be bots? and that they're just that much better than you?

  12. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > > Adding this feature would change nothing for you (keep it enabled if you want), and would greatly help people like me who find it annoying.

    > >

    > > I agree. It'll be absolutely hilarious for me when you forget you turned it off and plummet to your death repeatedly, all because you couldn't be bothered to change your button timing.


    > I dont see the point of this suggestion either especially with how the OP worded it, but having gliders be keybindable would be nice. Also, the common "This wont affect me, but because its not a problem for me i want you to not have it, and im gonna take shots at you and how you play" argument is just..old.


    > More options for keybinds and allowing the player to customize their play experience is never a bad thing.


    You seem to have misread. I think this should be an option *because* it won't affect me.


    I also find it amusing people refuse to learn how to play or improve themselves are so willing to learn a completely new system. Surely even you can appreciate the irony in that.

  13. > @"jgeezz.7832" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"jgeezz.7832" said:

    > > > Man you people, I was kneel and my range is 1500 the same as rangers range yet i could not hit him. If you are on a wall in the SMC a ranger can hit you from the inner wall, if you view it as if it were level ground i should be able to him him as well but i am not able GO TEST IT. It was not a barrage shot it was rapid fire shot.

    > >

    > > There is a good reason for that your range is a straight line his is a bowed arc so it hits further if they are above you.


    > That's bull kitten they magical bow cause a bow will never beat a gun if this was true we would still be using them why? LOL


    It's called "ballistic trajectory". A bow doesn't need a straight line to its target. A gun does. It's the same principle that guides Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBM.

    Rifled weapons simply can't match that kind of range.

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