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Posts posted by Trise.2865

  1. > @"Friday.7864" said:

    > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > People seem to forget a major theme of Guild Wars 2 is "Discovery". Crafting, combat, skills, mechanics... all is meant to be figured out by the player to fuel their feelings of accomplishment (or looked up on the various community forums, thus driving community interaction). The game doesn't tell you everything it has to offer, but it does *frequently* show that it offers more than it's telling, and how to figure them out.


    > Even discovery should have limits. If it's important you should know about it from day one, no excuses.

    > Silly example: It took me a year to figure out the red bars below skills are range indicators. Would have been lovely if I was told about it immediately. A ton of people in guild also didn't pay attention to it and were surprised about it when I told them ._.


    But you DID figure it out, didn't you? and shared that discovery with your friends?


    Working as intended.

  2. People seem to forget a major theme of Guild Wars 2 is "Discovery". Crafting, combat, skills, mechanics... all is meant to be figured out by the player to fuel their feelings of accomplishment (or looked up on the various community forums, thus driving community interaction). The game doesn't tell you everything it has to offer, but it does *frequently* show that it offers more than it's telling, and how to figure them out.

  3. It's not an oversight. One Elite spec is available for experimentation during the trial period, after which you have to obtain Skill Points to unlock skills as per normal. Leveling up (the only thing granted by the Lv 80 Boost) provides enough Skill Points for every Core spec, and it always has. You get the same benefit using literally any other leveling method.


    PS: Skills and builds are not restricted in PvP. Try as much as you want there, especially in Edge of the Mists.

  4. All these complaint threads about process lag, and you want to add *more* particle effects?


    Sounds awesome! Consider my "yes" vote cast. I imagine it's more complex than I think it is, but they could tie it in to the Dynamic Events systems, which already does things like this.

  5. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > The Dragon you see staring into the camera is Kuunavang from GW1: Factions


    > And the voice (IMO) could be the Mother of Dragons, as mentioned by a dying Kralkatorrik?


    > > @"Ghost Bear.5280" said:

    > > Might be Albax talking to Kuunavang.


    > ...or that. ;)


    We know it's not Albax. We killed him in Guild Wars 1.


    I think the voice sounds suspiciously like Mhenlo, but that's another topic.

  6. I can agree with this. But it does put a hard limit on the amount of gambling players can do, which, in theory, limits maximum revenue. (Which isn't *strictly* true, because they will also see an increase in Gem to Gold purchases with more items available for Gold.)


    Retailers don't like aftermarket and post-market trading, because they have no real share in it. But they can sanction it, and find other ways to monetize it.

  7. > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > Obtaining *anything* in GW2 isn't all that fun. It's mostly [do this event 15-100 times for some achievement-related things] or some 40-item hide-and-seek collection, all designed to pad game time instead of *fun* time.


    > Gold itself is gradual, but easy. Not a huge problem, except for the super-rare items that cost out the nose to get due to low drop rates, while 'common' items are near worthless due to insufficient sinks. We're only just recently starting to see that get better in Drizzlewood and the annual Zephyrite trade-ins. ..not that cloth and leather ever got a consistent means of acquisition..


    You seem to have misunderstood. The fun part of the game is playing it. There is no other part.


    Ask yourself: what are you going to do with the thing you're hunting? Play more of the game. Why is that fun, but playing before having a thing not?

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